Chapter 120

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"What?" Gu Wuji actually didn't find this development particularly shocking. If others could be the villain boss, wouldn't they naturally have this kind of strength? Still, he maintained a surprised expression out of politeness.

"Anyone who enters this research institute is divided into two types: those who can hear the mermaid's voice and those who cannot. There's no pattern to it. The first to hear that voice was Fiona."

Hearing the brown-haired woman mention Fiona, Gu Wuji couldn't help but pay closer attention.

The brown-haired woman said, "At first, those who could hear the voice were naturally thrilled, believing they were the chosen ones, able to communicate with this legendary creature. Their status in the institute also improved... and I was no exception."

"I see." Gu Wuji roughly understood why those who were merely suspected of not hearing the voice were so looked down upon, even considered expendable enough to be fed to something without any fuss.

"But as time went on, the voices in our minds became increasingly chaotic and eerie, making it hard to sleep and often causing hallucinations," the brown-haired woman explained. "Just doing nothing while being influenced by the voices in your head to the brink of madness, it's like having countless people talking right next to your ear..."

"This condition is utterly beyond relief, and the situation only deepens over time. Even leaving this place only intensifies the symptoms. Those who left were all found dead en route, with a serene smile on their faces."

The brown-haired woman spoke faster, "Those who experience hallucinations are like they've been cursed by him, and there's no way to counter it. It's almost as if dying in the hallucinations is our release."

"But even so, this might all be his revenge," Gu Wuji said, voicing his biggest confusion, "After all, he was captured by humans and brought here, it couldn't have been intentional."

"No, if he wanted, he could kill all of us here in an instant and leave. His power is beyond human comprehension. From the beginning, he came here to find someone." The brown-haired woman's face turned pale, her voice trembling, "The reason you all came here is because of this. If he is the monster, then you are the chosen sacrifices."

"Looking for someone?"

Just as Gu Wuji asked, footsteps sounded from outside, as if someone was about to enter.

The brown-haired woman's expression turned extremely grim. She put down her glass, leaned in close to Gu Wuji's ear, and whispered urgently, "If you want to leave, take the opportunity tomorrow. Someone will come through another place to deliver some supplies, and you can escape with them."

"Why are you helping me like this?" Even if Gu Wuji believed in genuine human kindness, the information shared by the other party was overwhelmingly sudden.

"I just don't want him to make a mistake again."

As her words fell, the brown-haired woman turned and hurriedly left through another door.

"Wait—" Gu Wuji followed, but upon opening the door, he saw nothing.

It was just a storage room with no other exits.

Turning back, Gu Wuji noticed that the glass on the table had also vanished, as if it had never been there. He fell into silence, understanding from his years of encountering ghosts, that the brown-haired woman he met was probably a ghost from the beginning.

"Who is the 'he' she mentioned at the end?"

No matter how he thought about it, Gu Wuji felt it wasn't the mermaid being referred to.

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