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Gu Wuji didn't know how to solve it, so he let the ghost stay on him for the time being, as similar situations had often occurred in previous instances.

"It's so late, I don't even know where the rooms are. I'll just sleep here in the hall. Please keep an eye out for me."

With a bewildered look in the ghost's eyes, Gu Wuji lay down on the sofa and surprisingly fell asleep quickly.

The ghost was shocked. What kind of person could sleep so calmly in this environment? But it could only nervously guard by the side, feeling that this might be another test from this human.


Gu Wuji had already prepared himself for what he might dream about, but this time he surprisingly slept dreamlessly until dawn. When he woke up, he felt quite confused.

The ghost had already hidden away. Other players had also returned to the hall in twos and threes. When they saw Gu Wuji, their eyes were filled with surprise, probably wondering how he was still alive.

However, their gazes only lingered on Gu Wuji for a moment, as yesterday's events were too much, making them indifferent to a role like him. Only the player Lao Tan looked at Gu Wuji a few more times, already thinking about how to make him a cannon fodder.

Rong Qingman was holding Gu Wuji's hand, extremely excited. He had been worried all night and hadn't searched much for the token in the building. When he came out and saw Gu Wuji lying in the hall, he was almost moved to tears.

Then, his gaze turned to the figure walking over, and Gu Wuji saw Felicia approaching. Thinking that their relationship wasn't quite normal, he immediately pushed Rong Qingman away slightly and said lightly, "I'm fine."

Rong Qingman wasn't a fool; he immediately sensed that something was wrong. He looked towards Felicia walking over and began to have a terrifying suspicion. Could it be that this person, who might be the instance boss, had taken a liking to Gu Wuji?

The frequency at which Gu Wuji was being eyed by bosses seemed to have reached one hundred percent.

Regardless, after Rong Qingman had this suspicion, he naturally kept a bit of distance from Gu Wuji on the surface. He didn't want to be targeted by the boss just because of such a relationship.

And everyone had gathered around the dining table. It could be seen that there were two or three fewer people, but no one raised any objections, as if this was a very natural thing.

Gu Wuji noticed that everyone's faces were slightly tired, except for the player known as the Snake, who seemed somewhat excited. After all, except for Gu Wuji, who slept in the hall as if nothing had happened, almost everyone else had not slept all night.

"How was everyone's rest yesterday?" Felicia asked casually, as if knowingly asking.

Everyone remained silent, with no one saying anything.

"No matter what you did, there is one thing that is not allowed here," Felicia said. "You must not destroy anything in this building. Someone triggered this rule yesterday..."

Everyone's eyes involuntarily looked at the empty spot, probably already knowing what their fate was.

"Alright, now everyone must be hungry, let's have breakfast," Felicia clapped his hands, and the steward beside him instructed the servants to bring the food.

With the experience from yesterday, everyone was mentally prepared before uncovering the dishes today. However, the food that appeared in front of them was a very nutritious and delicious breakfast.

"It seems that even this instance won't force us to eat that kind of food every day," many sighed in relief, as they probably couldn't stomach raw meat every day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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