Chapter 1

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Before five o'clock, the sky had already turned pitch black, with ominous clouds hanging low, threatening the onset of night.

The sound of hail-laden heavy rain was pounding against the apartment windows, causing the interior lights to flicker intermittently. Meanwhile, the apartment owner, Gu Wujì, a handsome young man in his early twenties, was busying himself in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

However, his awkward movements revealed his lack of culinary skills; he seemed clueless about how to handle even the simplest tasks, struggling with the process of slaughtering a chicken, blood splattering all over him. Yet, he appeared completely oblivious to his terrible cooking skills, enthusiastically rolling up his sleeves, ready to showcase his nonexistent expertise.

At that moment, the already unstable ceiling lights went out completely, plunging the room into darkness, creating a suffocating sensation akin to having a soul lamp extinguished.

The thunderstorm outside grew increasingly frenzied, and the lightning penetrating the room gradually coalesced into a vague figure, extending its hands towards Gu Wujì...

"Could you pass me the soy sauce, please? Thanks," Gu Wujì's cheerful voice rang out, oblivious to the eerie atmosphere.

The shadow suddenly froze in place, as if unsure how to react to the statement. In the next moment, it seemed to erupt in fury, even though nobody touched the soy sauce placed on the counter. It viciously toppled onto the table in front of Gu Wujì, rolling and tumbling across the surface.

Gu Wujì politely thanked the shadow and casually picked up the soy sauce bottle, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the air around him had turned colder.

"Thanks a lot. With the power outage, there's no air conditioning, and I was starting to feel a bit hot," Gu Wujì said sincerely. However, in the blink of an eye, everything went dark before him. When he opened his eyes again, the surroundings had completely changed, no longer resembling his cramped apartment.

Gu Wujì: ???


Gu Wujì was a third-rate actor who frequently encountered ghosts, weirdos, and various murders and accidents. Despite this, due to his nonchalant attitude, these encounters, which would have driven ordinary people to madness, didn't seem to affect him psychologically.

Rather than feeling inconvenienced, he actually found it quite convenient. After all, this way, he could save money by not needing to hire help. However, it seemed like things never unfolded as he expected, but no matter how tumultuous the journey, everything always seemed to resolve itself in the end.

At this moment, Gu Wujì stared in bewilderment at the looming mansion shrouded in mist, resembling some sort of colossal beast. The dilapidated walls of the mansion were covered in climbing vines, and the overgrown vegetation added to its eerie charm, yet even in its current state, one could still sense the former grandeur of the abandoned building.

Why was he just cooking in the kitchen a moment ago? Where even was this place?

In the next instant, a voice echoed in Gu Wujì's mind.

"You, as a journalist, came here to investigate a supposedly haunted mansion in search of a big scoop."

Gu Wujì: "???"

"However, you didn't anticipate that this place would actually be quite dangerous, and once you entered, you couldn't leave. A sense of unease fills your heart. Perhaps, you can only leave by uncovering the secrets hidden within..."

"Wait, my chicken..." Free-range black-bone chicken, worth 400 bucks!

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