Chapter 8

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Gu Wuji wrapped himself tightly and even wore sunglasses to ensure that no one around could see his face before boarding the bus.

Indeed, due to financial issues, Gu Wuji had become someone who needed to save money in every possible way. Of course, taking a taxi back home was out of the question. Taking the bus was just fine.

Gu Wuji found a seat and started playing with his phone. Later, feeling a bit drowsy, he ended up dozing off while staring at the text on his phone screen.

He was then awoken by the sound of his phone ringing.

Gu Wuji glanced down and saw that it was Xu Mingjun calling him.

They had exchanged numbers out of politeness when they first met, but they had never actually called each other. Why was Xu Mingjun suddenly calling now?

Still groggy from sleep, he instinctively answered the call without much thought. However, there was just a long silence on the other end, accompanied by an uncomfortable scratching noise.

Gu Wuji quickly hung up the phone, wondering if it had something to do with today's shoot.

In reality, Gu Wuji couldn't care less about their problems. After all, as the victim of an ambush, reminding them was already more than enough. Did he really need to act like a saint and rush to their rescue? He could have played five rounds of ranked games in that time.

But when he looked around, everything was pitch black, with no sign of light. Even the bus itself was creaking and swaying, and to his horror, he realized he was the only person left on the entire bus!

And the driver up front seemed strangely eerie, not having moved a muscle since the beginning, like an inanimate object.

Gu Wuji stood up and pressed the bell to alert the driver, but unsurprisingly, there was no response from the driver. He sighed, realizing that this was going to be troublesome.

—If it gets too late, and there's no bus later, he'd have to spend who knows how much on a taxi!

So Gu Wuji walked towards the front and tapped the driver's shoulder. The driver turned around, revealing a grotesque face, with dark lips oozing fresh blood.

Most people, after experiencing the buildup of tension, would surely be filled with suppressed fear. Then, upon seeing the driver's face, they would probably scream on the spot, their psychological defenses completely collapsing, and ultimately be scared to death by their own terror...

The driver also had a feeling of what was about to happen next.

But Gu Wuji remained calm and composed. "Excuse me, I need to get off. Can you stop, please?"

For a moment, the driver's grotesque face seemed puzzled. Then, he angrily made an even more ferocious expression, getting closer to Gu Wuji, making sure Gu Wuji could see the corpse spots on his face and his blood-stained mouth.

Gu Wuji looked at the driver with a puzzled expression, hesitated for a moment, then reached out and patted his shoulder, taking a deep breath before speaking, "Actually, even if you're a bit ugly, it doesn't matter too much. As long as you have a skill, you can find your own worth. You're the most steady night driver I've ever seen. Keep it up."

The bus came to a halt directly on a pitch-black road.

Gu Wuji naturally got off the bus, while the ghostly driver behind him began to ponder whether his face had lost its scare factor, caught up in the young man's indifference.

After getting off, Gu Wuji looked around and found himself surrounded by darkness, as if in the middle of nowhere. It was clear to him that he was not in any normal world right now and needed to find a way to leave.

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