Chapter 122

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At this moment, the players in the hall were also facing a crisis.

Initially, the other researchers were shocked by the truth. But soon after, they became pale and expressionless, as if they had lost their consciousness and could only follow orders.

Director Fiona took out some dangerous-looking potions and handed them to a nearby researcher to give to the players.

"I think you've already seen what happened to your companions. It would be best if you drink these potions... Of course, they won't kill you, but rather enable you to communicate better with these non-human creatures."

Director Fiona's tone was surprisingly gentle as she spoke, but it sent chills down the players' spines.

The players could have resisted. If they couldn't handle ghosts, couldn't they at least deal with controlled humans? But the vivid memory of Gu Wuji's tragic death for resisting Director Fiona, coupled with Falcon's advice to follow Fiona's instructions to progress, made everyone reluctantly hold the potions in their hands.

Even if there was something wrong with the potion, they could deal with it once they left this game...

The group had barely made up their minds when suddenly, the ground shook violently, causing one person to stumble and crash into a researcher.

Astonishingly, the person went right through the researcher's body and fell to the ground, while the researcher showed a pained expression before his body slowly dissolved into foam under everyone's watchful eyes.

The player was completely stunned. He had merely touched the other person and hadn't done anything else!

Fiona's expression subtly changed, "Is there not enough time?" She then looked at the group, "Forget it, just follow me down now."

The group sighed in relief, thinking it was certainly good that they didn't have to drink the potion. However, the image of the NPC dissolving into foam remained vivid in their minds, prompting deep reflection.

A group of people exited the hall, following Director Fiona towards the deepest part of the underground.

Upon leaving the hall, they immediately felt a strong discomfort, as if they were submerged in water. Although there was no liquid in sight, everyone felt the suffocating sensation of being underwater, and even moving felt as difficult as navigating through deep water.

"What the hell is going on..."

"Is the hallucination getting stronger? At this rate, we'll all drown here!"

Many of the players had already encountered the so-called hallucinations of the game, but they believed these were not mere illusions. Instead, a force was pulling them into some bizarre space.

Director Fiona's expression was tense as she quickly pressed the elevator button, feeling something was amiss.

"Logically, there should still be some time before he wakes up. How could such a change happen so suddenly... Who influenced him? Or is it because of a high resonance of mental power that caused him to awaken prematurely?"


Just as Gu Wuji felt he was about to drown, the golden scales on his body suddenly emitted a bright light, almost blinding him. However, in this situation, he suddenly found he could breathe... not because he could breathe underwater, but as if his body had detached from this space and didn't even need to breathe anymore.

Even at this moment, when he touched his clothes, they were dry.

"Could this be the effect of the scales?" The effect seemed too powerful.

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