Hourglass: Invisible || NOMIN...

By byJianLucas

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"I'm fooled by your voice." - Jaemin. First season. Started: January 09, 2022. Completed: April 14, 2024. |NC... More

The Protagonists
Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1: A New Start
Chapter 2: Mysterious Subject
Chapter 3: Questions In The Air
Chapter 4: Challenges & Inquiries
Chapter 5: The Newest Ally
Chapter 6: Odd Intentions
Chapter 7: New Goals
Chapter 8: Beyond The Case
Chapter 9: Side Effects
Chapter 10: Not Official
Chapter 11: Unheard Stories
Chapter 12: Shutting You Out
Chapter 13: Wicked Attraction
Chapter 14: Acting With Heart
Chapter 15: Subtle Changes
Chapter 16: Still Unsure
Chapter 17: Be Your Shield
Chapter 18: More Than A Feeling
Chapter 19: Resolved Inquiries
Chapter 20: Not Alone
Chapter 21: Realization
Chapter 22: Booming Danger
Chapter 24: Reviving Traumas
Chapter 25: Misleading Image
Chapter 26: The Last Dispute
Chapter 27: Can't Fool Me
Chapter 28: Inconsistent Inkling
Chapter 29: Stand By; Investigation On Hold

Chapter 23: Saftey Warnings

15 1 0
By byJianLucas


Boston, Massachusetts.


The latest explosion was unexpected—a risky move from Professor Larsen or Henry Tanner. One or both wanted a distraction, a showstopping moment for something specific. Nobody would blow up a building twice for nothing.

            Fortunately, Jaemin's stress reduced after leaving the campus; however, mine didn't disperse as well as his. Regardless of being in his condo, I remain uncertain about Jaemin's safety. I was still worried sick for him and didn't want to leave him alone, knowing the current circumstances.

"Jeno, why do you look so earnest? Is there something you want to say?" Jaemin asked from the living area's couch. His words immediately captured my attention and made my trance fade.

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to disturb you," I admitted while looking out the window, overviewing the streets and today's weather.

"You didn't. But come here; don't keep standing alone," Jaemin opened his arms while watching me with a warm smile. Inevitably, I beamed and followed his order.

"Yes, love," I answered and approached his side. Jaemin embraced me and cuddled against my shoulder—. "Is this better?"

Jaemin nodded—. "I needed it."

"Yeah, me too," I sighed before kissing Jaemin's head, looking at him, bewildered—. "Jaemin, let's go to my place."

"Why?" He looked at me, confused.

"It's not safe here," I said while caressing Jaemin's hair.

"It's not safe in your flat either. You heard Layne; Professor Larsen or Henry Tanner know we are behind the investigation," Jaemin stated.

"Yes, I remember what he said. But I would feel so much better if we were together," I admitted, causing Jaemin's eyes to widen at my words.

"You truthfully are worried, aren't you?" Jaemin questioned in disbelief.

"Worried is an understatement. I'm terrified," Unhesitant, I revealed my current state with Jaemin. And again. It took him by surprise, but soon, a subtle smile formed on his lips.

"I have experience with dangerous situations, Jeno. Wasting your energy and thoughts on things that haven't occurred is nonsensical," Jaemin appeared to take my concerns lightly. It made me feel pissed, but I still tried to get my message through him.

"My concerns grew upon the explosion at the apartment, but now it happened again on college grounds. Can't you see, Jaemin? This situation is complex and—could be deadly."

Jaemin averted his glance momentarily; he appeared thoughtful and perhaps was considering my words. Gradually, his attention returned with a sigh—.

"I'll give you that. I've also never experienced something so dangerous before," Jaemin admitted.

"Then, what do you think about my proposition?" I questioned, intrigued.

Jaemin sat correctly on the couch and looked at me earnestly—. "Jeno, I know it isn't the proper time to ask. But I want to know what our relationship is."

His words caught me off guard; however, I was grateful he cared to know about us in complicated situations like this one.

"I like you."

Jaemin rolled his eyes—. "I know that already, man! What I want to know is whether we are together?"

He blushed and made me chuckle at his cuteness—. "You want the question?"

"No! Could you not ask me 'that' question? You already know the answer," Jaemin bashfully protested.

"Then, let me make a suggestion," I answered before moving closer, softly talking beside his ear—. "Na Jaemin, let's date."

Jaemin immediately looked down while a content grin appeared on his face. Then, he hummed and nodded—. "That's all I wanted to hear. Thank you."

"As always, you are very deprecating," I sighed before looking at the hour on my watch. It'll get late soon.

"My training made me captious and detail-oriented," Jaemin proudly said while watching my actions—. "Do you want to go now?"

"Uh. Yes," I worriedly said.

"How long do I have to stay with you?" Jaemin asked.

"I'll feel better if you stay with me until the case closes."

"Alright. Let me pack my bags, and we'll leave," Jaemin said, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him against me. I hugged him tightly and closed my eyes while feeling my heartbeat accelerating—. "Jeno?"

"Let me hold you for a while," I murmured. Jaemin only hummed and stroked my back, allowing me to stay close and calm myself down.

We departed from Jaemin's condo and went to mine. I welcomed him openly and arranged his bedroom for the upcoming days. Jaemin settled in quietly while I texted Haechan to check the team's safety.

"Put down your tablet; I want cuddles," Jaemin cynically said, making me laugh at his sudden attitude.

I lifted my arms while holding the tablet and allowed Jaemin to hug me. He held onto me as he said, and still, I continued reading Haechan's messages and let Jaemin do whatever he wanted.

"What are you watching? Is it important?" Jaemin curiously asked while eyeing the tablet screen.

I hummed—. "Haechan is telling me what happened after the explosions."

"Seriously?!" Jaemin immediately grabbed the tablet and sat on my lap. He read the conversation while looking amazed by Haechan's discoveries—. "I suspected the same thing you did."

"What? About Larsen and Tanner?" I asked.

"Yes," Jaemin nodded and looked at me—. "I also thought Professor Larsen or Henry Tanner wanted to eliminate traces of their illicit deeds."

"Perhaps it was Larsen. The explosion occurred in the professors' classroom," I thoughtfully suggested.

"Good guess," Jaemin said before taking a deep breath.

"Are you worried?" I asked.

"I am. The principal might already know we contributed in the case," Jaemin disclosed before placing the tablet away. I moved gently and got more comfortable by surrounding Jaemin's waist with my arms.

"I'll take the blame; don't worry," I assured Jaemin.

"No—no, I'll talk for both of us. After all, I was the first to dig into Professor Larsen's business," Jaemin genuinely said. Somehow, his words comforted me; I usually protect Jaemin and stand by him; thus, knowing he has my back was reassuring.

Jaemin caressed my hair while we stayed glued together; however, knocks on the door made us look at each other, confused. Immediately, we stood up and approached the entrance; I held Jaemin's hand while standing before him.

"Who is it?" I earnestly questioned.

"Dude, it's me! Layne!"

"Shit! You could've called me!" I protested before letting go of Jaemin's hand. Then, I opened the door for Layne—. "Why are you here? What happened with the case?"

"Good to see you too," Layne cynically said—. "Hi, Jaemin."

"Oh, hey! Is everything alright?" Jaemin questioned.

"Yes. I came to inform you what happened on school grounds after both left," Layne said before we sat in the living area. Jeno was beside me while looking at his friend, somber.

"What is it? I don't like that look," I pointed out.

Layne sighed—. "My father has the case in his control already; hence, it was easy to deduce what occurred at the institute. The investigation you did allow my father to discover that the explosion perhaps happened to obtain Jaemin's attention."

"Jaemin's attention? Not mine?" I questioned, confused.


Layne nodded—. "Indeed. My father believes that Professor Larsen or Henry Tanner suspect that Jaemin is the person behind their tracks; thus, they caused a distraction to abduct Jaemin," he thoroughly explained, and still, I got a few words stuck in my head. I realized Jeno was right; I haven't lived everything—I don't have experience with cases like this one.

"Didn't our suspects blow up the building because they had evidence in the professors' classroom?" Jeno earnestly asked and eventually moved his hand beside mine. He held it tightly, making me realize he was stressed.

"You know the answer already, Jeno," Layne sighed before giving Jeno a paper—. "My dad asked me to inform you that you'll be the lawyer in charge of the case. Study hard, boss."

Jeno scanned the paper while holding it with his free hand. It was an acceptance letter from the police department; he was officially part of the legitimate investigation for our institute.

"Wait. What do you mean by 'Jeno already knows the answer,' Layne?" I asked, confused.

"We deduced Larsen or Tanner wanted to destroy evidence. Didn't we? Now, Layne confirms one of them wanted to take you; thus, the explosion was a distraction and a desperate measure to erase their tracks simultaneously," Jeno explained before pressing my hand slightly. We looked at each other before Layne hummed, capturing our attention again.

"Precisely. But it doesn't matter what Tanner or Larsen attempted to do; you must go to the institute, Jaemin. If you miss your classes, they'll confirm their suspicions," Layne pointed out, looking directly at me.

I nodded—. "Count on that."

"I'll watch over him," Jeno assured Layne before looking back at me. I subtly smiled at him before caressing his hand with my thumb.

Eventually, I looked at Jeno's acceptance letter and remembered something essential for the investigation—. "Jeno, the gadget."

"Gadget?" Jeno frowned.

"The bomb."

"Ah! Yes, of course," Jeno nodded, left my side, and went for the bomb gadget.

"Gadget?" Layne questioned.

"We retrieved a hardware from the bomb at the office we visited. And after further analysis, we realized it matched with a gadget Henry Tanner has," I explained before Jeno returned with the preserved evidence and our notes regarding its importance with the case.

"Was this the bomb that blew up before you?" Layne asked, amazed.

"Yes. Jaemin took the remaining parts of the bomb from the debris. And with Haechan and Renjun's help, we located a similar gadget in the 'System and Control' room," Jeno disclosed while Layne analyzed the evidence.

"You do a great pair. Honestly, this helps my dad more than you think," Layne was impressed and looked relieved. After his compliment, Jeno and I glanced at each other and imperceptibly smiled.

"It was the least we could do," I answered as Layne saved the evidence in his backpack and stood up.

"I'll give this evidence to my dad as soon as feasible," Layne assured Jeno before he stood up, too.

"Thank you for your help, Layne," Jeno sincerely said.

"Anything for you, bud," Layne smiled.

"Here. I'll take you to the entrance."

"Thanks. Great to see you, Jaemin," Layne attentively said.

"Likewise, Layne," I grinned before Jeno accompanied him to the entrance. In the meantime, I stared at Jeno's acceptance letter and immediately became worried. It was the investigation's final stage. The authentic case will begin; it'll be my first time witnessing Jeno in action. It scares me.

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