A Friend of Another Friend

By bb2410

33.3K 1.4K 483

Misty Louise Paul has lived most of her childhood immersed in her studies and her favorite pass time...puzzle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Eight

413 20 7
By bb2410

-Jayden's P.O.V.-

I wasn't so excited about going to Lazaro's pool party but since everyone seemed happy about going I didn't want to rain on their little happiness. But could you blame my mood if you saw a guy basically eyeing your girl the way Larz was? I personally think any boyfriend would be happy either. But here I was in the car with everyone heading for the party anyway because everyone else was going.

Misty tried explaining to me that everything was fine between her and Lazaro, and that he just wanted to hang out with her but I had my doubts. When he left to go "be famous" or whatever I thought I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore but here he was again with his ridiculous posse of friends that were making Tess, Alex, and Chrishell swoon.

"I can't wait to part-ayyy!!" Tess cheered in her seat hands snapping in a circular motion above her.

Alex just smiled bopping her head to the music coming from the radio. Chrishell was idle texting on her phone and Misty had her head stuck out a window looking at the beautiful landscape that we were whipping by.

I seemed to be the only one who's mood was below average and I tried my best to conceal it, but it was hard when the only thing I wanted to do was go back to my hotel room. I tapped my foot in the car in anticipation to when we were going to arrive to the party.

"How far is this thing?" I asked Chase who was driving.

He turned his head back a bit, "Not too far...just about 2 minuets or so." He replied.

"It's really pretty around this area." Alex said commented her eyes glancing at the view.

Misty stuck her head back in the car sitting correctly in her seat. "The air is cool." She commented.

"Well its a good thing we brought some sweaters." Chrishell spoke up.

"You sure you just don't want to stay in your bikini?" He winked at her.

She flipped him off, "Only you would ask a girl to freeze her ass of to look at her body." She said flipping one of the curls in her hair out of her face.

"And you know it!" Chase agreed.

"You better not be agreeing with Ron, Chase." Tess warned him.

He cleared his throat. "Of course not, babe." He said.

"BABE?" I asked.

Everyone turned as well to Tess and Chase cheesing really hard.

"What?" She fanned herself and looked away but you could tell she was blushing really hard. Misty nudged her.

"How about that." She commented.

"We're here." Ron announced.

We all looked up and our mouth's dropped to the floor when we saw this "villa".

It had to be at least an acre full of house, with a gigantic pool with flashing lights. We all descended from the car looking at the house in awe. I looked over at Misty and she along with everyone seemed impressed I crossed my arms over my chest and pursed my lips. Just who was Larz trying to impress. His friends or Misty?

Misty was the first one to take a step towards the house and everyone followed. We headed to the front door and she rang the doorbell. We could hear inside music blasting and the sound of people chattering in the distance.

The door opened and we were immediately greeted by Brendan smiling widely all his charm aimed mostly at the girls who again swooned as soon as he spoke.

"Ladies fancy seeing you here again tonight." He waved us all in.

We all walked into the stunning house, it dark ebony hard wood floors, everything in here looked expensive. There was people everywhere in the living room, to the kitchen, all the way outside to the pool. Thats where mostly everyone was.

"Lazaro is over by the infinity pool, if you're wondering." He nudged Misty when he said that. Misty looked over at me and I didn't seem to have an amused stare but she smirked lightly and shrugged.

"Thanks." She said.

"Wait...there's an infinity pool?" Tess was on her way to taking off her t-shirt.

"Of course how about I take you ladies there." He ushered Chrishell, Tess, and Alex to the back of the house. Ron, Wes, and Chase frowned at all the attention Brendan was receiving and quickly followed behind him as he took their girls over to the back. Misty didn't seem like she was ready to go out so she just walked over to the kitchen and I followed her.

She grabbed a drink for herself and one for me and whipped around so quickly I'm pretty sure she smacked me in the face with her hair.

"You're not feeling uncomfortable, right?" She handed me the drink and I took it.

"Because if you are." She cracked her can open and took a long swig before she spoke again. "We can go home." She said.

I gave her a look. "Misty, even if I did want to go we'd be ditching and that would be rude." I stated.

I knew that she knew that I did not want to be here but she decided to leave it alone and take a tour of the house with me instead. She took my hand as we walked around taking the amazing glass windows and furniture passing by dancing, and people enjoying their time here at the party.

"I wonder who those people are to Larz." Misty whispered to me.

I shrugged unsure as well.

Eventually we wanted some fresh air from being inside and we headed towards the back where the huge infinity pool was waiting. It was huge thats all I had to say. Inside the pool a screaming and laughing Tess and Chrishell were splashing and kicking water at Chase and Ron. Alex and Wes were by the pool kicking by the water and speaking intimately to each other. We looked around we saw that girl Red smoking not too far from the a lounging chair, Brad the other twin was beside her, speaking to her he didn't seem as annoyed as he was when we met him earlier but he still seemed "tense". I didn't see Larz anywhere.

"You want to take a swim, Mist?" I asked her.

She looked at the pool and nodded. "Let me just throw this off real quick." She let go of my hand and shimmied out of her bottie shorts and crop top revealing her red bold bikini. I heard her a few guys behind us make a few comments and I turned around and glared at them and I watched as they scurried away before Misty could look up and notice.

"Do you like?" She smiled twirling around give me a nice few of that-

"MISTY GET IN THIS POOL!!!!" Chrishell yelled over to her.

She stopped twirling and walked over to the pool leaving her clothes by the side and leaned in towards the pool at her friend.

"Why should I?" She teased.

Chrishell chirped and swam over to her lifting her hand up. "Help me up girl." She said.

Misty pulled out her hand to help her but at the last second Chrishell grabbed her and she fell into the pool.

"Sike!" She called out.

Alex and Wes looked over and laughed when they noticed what happened.

"Fuck you, Chris." Misty whispered.

Chrishell laughed but pulled her over to where Ron, Tess, and Chase were. Misty cut a look back at me and motioned for me to come in. I did ripping off my shirt quickly and taking a dive in, swimming effortlessly to everyone else.

"Nice swimsuit." Tess complimented Misty.

"Thanks." She said posing a bit in the water.

Chase nudged me. "Man you got some hot stuff on you, handle with extreme care." he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "I get it bro, you do the same." I said pointing over to Tess who was splashing Chrishell and Misty with a crazy amount of water.

"It's all in my nose!!!" Misty pinched her nose as she attempted to splash it back at her.

Chase chuckled and nodded. "I will, isn't this place great?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I guess if this villa wasn't owned by a guy that seems to be hitting on my girlfriend I'd be impressed." I said.

He quirked his eyebrow in confusion. "Lazaro seems pretty cool, but I never fully met the guy so I really don't know about any of that." He said.

He turned back to the girls for a second before he spoke again. " By the way whats up with that guy Kurt anyway?" He asked.

I didn't want to get into detail with Misty's life so I tried my best not to reveal too much to Chase, he was my bro but I respected my girl's privacy as well.

"He was a really bad ex, Misty doesn't really want to talk about it." I said.
Chase shook his head like he understood. "I've had tons of those before...not cool." he added.

I shook my head this time. "No...he's really bad news." I said.

He quirked up his eyebrows again in confusion this time but said nothing else because the girls began splashing us down with water and our conversation got washed out. No pun intended.

At least I was enjoying a good time with my friends and that was all that mattered for the time being. So for now everything was good.

-Misty's P.O.V.-

The pool party was great and all but I still personally needed to find Larz so I could speak to him in private. I just felt what happened at the hiking trail was kind of awkward and he was sort of avoiding me in a way. So even as I played around with the guys and stuff my eyes scanned all over the backyard for Lazaro and finally when my eyes spotted him I quietly swam away over to my clothes while no one was paying attention, grabbed my things and fast-walked over to where he was talking to a few guys, drink in his hand, laughing.

For a moment there he almost seemed like a stranger to me and I wish I hadn't saw him like that but it was true. I just hope he didn't change on me, which is why I needed to talk to him now.

I slowly approached him from behind and tapped on his shoulder. I was shorter than him, that was a known fact so when he felt me touch him his eyes locked down to where I was standing dripping wet, holding my clothes.

His eyes widened for a moment like he didn't expect me to be here, than they warmed up and my heart fluttered because that was the gaze I was use to Lazaro giving me back in those early days at that coffee shop. But it was only for a split second because it came back to unreadable glance, but he smiled so that was always good.

"Misty." he turned to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

He was definitely warmer than me but that was because I just emerged from the pool.

His friends who he was talking to, looked me over an than did a double take when they saw me.

"Damnn." One of his friends muttered.

I licked my lips a bit and turned back to Larz. "Can we talk?" I asked him.
His eyes turned over to the infinity pool, which I presumed he was looking for Jayden but when he saw no sign of him turned back to me and nodded.

"Guys, I'll be back in a few." He said to his friends.

Larz grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the house, he waved over to his friends as he walked up the spiral staircase with me. I suddenly did not know at what part of the house I was at anymore because it was so big and Larz did a series of turns and went through a couple of doors before we were faced with a quiet bedroom.

It was huge with a king-sized bed, with very unique furnishings decorating the place. There was a large flat screen mounted on the wall hanging above a burning fireplace. Larz shut the door erasing all the last lingering noises coming from the party downstairs and plopped onto the bed and waited for me to speak.

"So whats up?" he asked.

I squirmed a little because his gaze was right at me, looking at me and I felt uncomfortable but happy he was staring-

Oh my God what was I saying?

I cleared my throat. "I wanted to talk about what happened earlier today...at the hiking trail." I said refreshing his memory.

His face remained unchanged and he waited for me to continue. "What about it?" he asked.

My eyes shifted away from him for a second and I hated how shy I was acting it was like I was 13 all over again and whenever my crush at the time even bothered looking into my direction. I'd just squirm and look away like I was doing now.

"You said that you loved me and you meant it." I stated.

He didn't say anything.

I shivered.

"Are you cold?" He asked glancing over at me in my bathing suit dripping.

I shook my head and he sighed. He got up quickly and went over to a closet where he brought out a towel, then he came over to me and patted my hair dry for me. The words that I wanted to say to him were lost at sea and I was all caught up at how intense and gray his eyes were, it was almost like looking up into a storm watching as tiny flecks of blue danced in his eyes like waves.

"Misty." He whispered. "When did you start getting so uncomfortable around me?" he asked.

I held my breath hoping then he wouldn't realize how much heavy panting I was doing, but now as the silence filled the air I was pretty sure he could hear the incredibly rapid beating of my heart.

I swallowed hard feeling the lump in my throat and as much as I wanted to sound confident and sure of what I was saying I could hear the crack of my voice as I spoke.

"When I heard that song I was a bit shocked...I didn't think...I didn't realize how strongly you felt about me, but its hard because I'm with Jayden now and..." I just kept rambling and rambling to him and he stood there and listened through the whole thing.

"Misty." He finally cut me off.

"Yea?" I asked him.

"Just because you're with Jayden doesn't change the way I feel about you, you're different from any girl I've met, you listen and you didn't change a bit since I left you, personality wise." he said looking down at my swimsuit again.

I blushed.

"Is the swimsuit distracting?" I asked him.

He smirked, "A bit." he stated.

I quickly pulled on my bottie shorts and slipped on my crop top before he could say another word. I felt 10x more warmer than I was before and a lot more comfortable with my clothes completely on.

"Like I was saying...being with Jayden doesn't change what I feel for you, I'll wait if thats what it takes for you to love me back...it hurts seeing you with another guy but I'll wait Misty if thats what it takes." He took my hands into his and I felt the warm and sincere feel about them that again made my heart flutter. This was crazy, why was my body reacting this way whenever Lazaro did something like this?

He was serious his eyes burned with the same intensity and ambition, just like when I first met him at the coffee shop. He had such a dream to become successful and here he was now but again his eyes lacked something I couldn't quite understand. He was missing his own puzzle piece and he was searching high and low for it.

"I'm so happy for you, Larz you know that right?" I asked him. "This is your dream." I added. His gaze never left mine and now as I was looking at the Larz I knew, I felt comfortable again staring directly at him.

"Yea...its great, but if I had you It would better." he said.

My face blushed again and I just wished I could turn it off or something but it was useless. God, what would Jayden think?

"I feel like you know everything about me, but I barley know a thing about you." I said to him.

He held my hands tightly. "Then get to know me better, talk to me." He said.

"Larz." I pleaded with him. "You're famous now, and you don't have time and you're in Cali." I said giving him multiple reasons.

"I'll make time..." He said.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "And how are you going to do that?" I asked him.

"How about we start with phone calls first?" He suggested.
I smiled. "I'd like that...you know its hard when we don't see each other often." I said.

He smiled.

I came up to him. "Until then, I guess." I tip-toed to him and gave a quick kiss on the cheek before I waved and headed back down to the party, I was lost but I followed the noise and eventually I found myself back in the kitchen where Red was standing, holding a cigarette to her mouth as she held onto a beer in her hand.

As she saw me descending from the stairs she ushered for me to come over to her. I came to her watching her closely with my eyes. She was definitely something. She had multiple piercings but they didn't look terrible on her, and she seemed to have a thing for red although she wasn't wearing a red bathing suit, her's was black and she had a leather jacket over her and on her feet she wore flip flops.

"Misty right?" She asked me.

"Yea." I said leaning against the granite counter tops beside her.
She nodded and it was silent for a moment.

"Larz usually lets us know who his songs are about and stuff...but the song he made recently he didn't want to tell us who it was about...I know its you." She puffed out a large amount of smoke.

I didn't fancy the smell but I remained contained and listened to her.

"How'd you know?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "I see how he looks at you, he's in love, he doesn't look at anybody like that...even when he's surrounded by tons of hot girls everyday." She said.

She continued to speak. "When he sings that song its like his eyes twinkle with something I can't explain, its different and its the same look he gives when he looks at you, and you know it." She said inhaling another breath of smoke.

I watched her carefully, "So what....do you like him or something?" I asked her.

She smirked and I watched as she took the cigarette from her mouth for a bit.

"Misty...I'm not what you call....I don't really...swing that way if you catch my drift." She explained to me.

My eyes widened the tiniest bit but I understood all to well.

"As much of a handsome man Lazaro is my preferences lay in other places. We're just good friends." She stated.

I nodded. "How did you guys meet?" I asked her.

She put the cigarette back in her mouth and she spoke. "I write songs for the company he's signed to, and we met one day during a meeting...we worked on a few songs together and I'm working with him for his album so we got pretty tight, you feel me?" She asked.

I nodded.

She tapped my shoulder. "He's a great guy...I know you're together with some other guy but you might take into consideration what you're missing out on, hon." She told me.

I tensed.

At that moment my friends appeared from the back of the yard all looking for me, they seemed ready to bounce and when I looked at the clock it was nearing 1 in the morning.

"There you are, Misty...lets go." Tess called for me.

I went to head for them before Red stopped me.

"Think about it Misty...I know we'll be seeing each other again." She winked and then she disappeared out the back door. I left with everyone but I knew in the back of my head.

She was right I was going to be back whether I wanted to or not.

We'd be seeing each other, for sure.

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