A Friend of Another Friend

De bb2410

33.3K 1.4K 483

Misty Louise Paul has lived most of her childhood immersed in her studies and her favorite pass time...puzzle... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Seventeen

594 25 15
De bb2410

-Jenna's P.O.V.-

My face felt sore for three days straight, and there was a bruise the size of Texas on my left cheek, so I had to cover it up with makeup. After that little "encounter" with the Zeta Theta Nu girls I've been on edge. I demanded and commanded anything and everything to my Alpha Chi girls. I was the president so I could do whatever the hell I wanted with them, and that meant forcing the girls to go to the Zeta house and trash it. I knew that there welcoming/initiation ceremony was going to happen and I thought "what better way to congratulate them on being an official sorority than party crashing?"

So yeah I got my girls to rip, tear, and break anything on sight, I smiled and watched all their hard work go to shit. It wasn't a surprise that I was bursting with happiness and energy the rest of the day because I felt like I was on fucking cloud nine. It was all good until they showed up on my front door and that man stealing whore Alexandra smacked me. I couldn't lie I was surprised she did it. I was expecting Ms.Queen Ratchetness Chrishell to do something but Alex beat her to it.
She got strong last time I saw her.

She wasn't the little innocent freshman that walked through the doors of Cambridge high. My mind flashed back to her sitting at a tree with tons of girls crowding around her, admiring her, telling her she was so beautiful, and lucky to be so wealthy. I remember watching her toss her sheer, silky, golden blonde hair across her shoulders and laugh. Anytime she laughed everyone else laughed with her. I remember getting so angry at myself for not even amounting to the beauty she had that I stormed off, tears welling in my eyes running down the halls blindly just wanting to get away from there. I remember tripping onto myself and landing into the arms of guy. I looked up and was met by a pair of warm, concerned, brown eyes. He had his arm around me a reflex to stop us both from crashing onto the floor.

He frowned when he saw my tears.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.
I was so stunned at who I was looking at. It was Liam Payne, star quarterback of the football team. Everyone and anyone knew that he was the most popular guy in school. Plus he was a Senior.
My first thoughts had to be: I looked like a mess.

I pulled myself together hoping to God I didn't look half as bad as I felt right now. I quickly fixed my hair and wiped my runny eyes to the best of my abilities.

"Yea I'm fine." I lied smiling to show him that I was okay.

He didn't look convinced instead he quirked his eyebrows in doubt.

"Are you sure, you were crying." He stated.

I flashed him my best "I'm okay" smile and flipped my hair. "It's nothing my contacts were getting in the way again." I lied.

He nodded and decided it was best to let it go.
He was about to turn walk and turn away from me but he stopped mid-way and spoke.

"I haven't seen you around here...whats your name?" He asked me.
OH MY GOD! Liam Payne wanted to know my name.

Don't fuck up Jenna! My thoughts screamed.

"That's cause I'm a freshman...my name is Jennifer Lively...my friends call me Jenna." I said. He quickly flashed a smirk and nodded.

"Liam." He said. He began to turn around. "Alright then Jenna I'll see you around, and no more crying pretty girls like you shouldn't have tears on their faces." He said and then he was gone.

I was filled with so much happiness that day I don't even remember what I was crying about in the first place.

I came running home that day, I ran into Alexandra's room where she was sitting on doing her homework like an obedient child. That was another thing that bothered me about her, the fact that she was so smart.My father always praised her when she brought home exceptional test papers and when I did he'd only nod and pat me on the head and with his arms crossed over his chest he'd walk away and say:

"You could always do a little better."
I brushed those heavy thoughts away and jumped on the bed. Alexandra looked up a smile came up to her face. "Hey, Jenna whats up?" She asked me.
Out on her bed she had Science textbooks, Math workbooks, and tons of notes sprawled over her sheets. They were all open and I wondered how in hell was she reading all of those things at the same time.
I brightly smiled at her and she set a book in her lap down. "Why are you so happy?" She asked me curiously.
I cocked my head to the side. "Liam Payne just talked to me today." I said happily.

Alex smiled but she looked confused. "Who's that?" She asked.
I shook my head and frowned. My sister was always so clueless when it came to important people. So it wasn't a big surprise that she had no clue who Liam was. I took her hands into mine and she looked at me seriously.

"You don't know who Liam is?" I asked her.
She shook her head. "Is he a freshman?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "He's a Senior." I stated. She cringed a little, something I wondered still to this day why she did.
She shook her head and smiled. "So what did he say to you?" she asked me.
I instantly went back to smiling and began telling her how he asked for my name and such and she listened intently to everything I said. She was always the one who listened to me the most.

"Do you think he likes me?" I asked her.

She nodded eagerly. "Maybe you'll see him tomorrow or something."

Tomorrow came of course and it was lunch time. I sat with Alex because we were close and wherever she was I was. We had girls and guys surrounded around us at our lunch table. I always use to tell Alex when we became Seniors we'd be the most popular people in the school. She'd just laugh but I knew it would be true. Everyone liked Alex and that was mainly because she was a sweet girl. She was nice to everyone regardless, it was because she was so nice it was easy to break her.
During our lunch time Liam and his football friends passed this table and his eyes flashed over to me. I could feel a heavy blush rise up to my cheeks and he winked at me. I nudged Alex and pointed to Liam when I knew he had sat down and wasn't looking this way and I watched her nod in approval. It wasn't until I was walking to class together that Liam stopped me. He had the most perfect smile and the way he brushed away his chestnut hair back just did things to me.

"Jenna!" he called out.

I turned around and faced him. "Hey, Liam." I said.
"Hey." he said

I waited for him to speak.
"I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out sometime?" He asked me.
My eyes widened. Was I hearing this? Was I dreaming?

Liam laughed at my reaction. He grabbed my hands and smiled. "Will you?" He asked me. I was frozen in shock and paralyzed by the fact that he was touching me that I just nodded words weren't able to come out of my mouth.

He smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before jogging down the hallway.

We spent lots of time together after that, we went to the movies, to the pool, I hung out with his friends and they liked me a lot. It was all great and because of all the hanging out I did with him my popularity raised incredibly. People who I didn't even know knew me. I was being asked to sit at the Senior's table with Liam and I was loving every minuet of it. Occasionally I'd see Alex turn to look over at me and then turn back to her friends. Oh, I was feeling great.

One day Liam came over to my house and we decided to hang out and stuff. Alex was in the kitchen making herself a snack and I had to introduce her to him.
"Alex!" I called to her. She looked up from making her sandwich and her eyes switched over to Liam who was smiling at her.
I grabbed Liam and pulled him closer to me. "Alex, this is Liam." I introduced him to her.
Alex smiled and held her hand out. "Hi, Liam I'm Alexandra." She said.
Liam took his hand and shook her's. "Nice to meet you, Alexandra." He said.
She nodded, took her food and went missing in her room.

Liam visited almost all the time after that. Whenever we were in the movie room he'd invite Alex over to hang with us, which was cool because I could gush how cute he was with her and she'd see for herself. He even invited her to sit over at the Senior table with us. I looked over at him quizzing. "Babe, why are you asking her over?" I asked him.
He looked at me weirdly. "Why not? You guys are great together." He said.
As soon as he said that a smile reached my face and I instantly disregarded it. Alex sat next to me and again I watched as everyone took a liking to her. They laughed when she laughed, watched her flick her hair from her face, complimented on everything she had.

I slowly lost my smile after that.

A couple more days of that passed and Alex came running up towards me with a huge grin plastered on her face. She shook my crazily.
"Whats wrong?" I asked her.
She shook her head. "Jenna I got a great idea!" She said.
I looked at her and waited.
She took her breath and began speaking. "We should make a Sorority!!" She yelled.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Aren't those for colleges and stuff?" I asked her.
She shook her head. "It can be like a club and stuff...then we can put it together for college and stuff." She said.
I was uncertain at the time. Alex always was coming up with craziest of things to do. But either way I accepted and let her do her thing. We named the sorority Zeta Theta Nu. As soon as Alex's friends heard about the "club" they immediately joined. We threw parties and get-together at the house Alex so kindly asked our father to get for us. He accepted almost immediately when she asked. This boosted Alex's popularity even more now, when we threw parties everyone was there even Seniors. Liam came when he heard about the parties too, which was great because at least I had him to keep.

"THIS PARTY IS AMAZING, ALEX!" I heard him yell over my shoulder.
I turned and Alex was behind me holding a can of soda. "THANKS!" She yelled back and I watched as Liam watched her walk over to some guys and dance with them. I watched as his smile slithered into a scowl.
Over time I could tell that Liam was getting distant with me and closer with Alex. It even got to the point when he'd come over to my house he'd ask for Alex.
"Oh hey, babe you came to see me?" I teased him.
He blushed embarrassingly and scratched his head awkwardly. "Actually I came to talk to Alex." he said.
I furrowed my brow. "About what?" I asked him.

"School things..she's helping me with Pre-Calc." He said.
I knew he was lying when I could hear him laughing on the other side of the wall with Alex.

Every single time he would do this. People didn't care about me after a while when they saw Liam with Alex, everyone would always talk about them and how much of a cute couple they were together when I was his girlfriend and I was sitting right there.
I decided I was going to talk to Alex about this. I walked into her room and there she was again doing home work like the goody-two-shoes she was. I slumped on her bed. She looked up. She noticed I wasn't happy and immediately sat up.

"Whats the matter?" She asked me. Her eyes looked genuinely concerned for me like she really cared what was going on in my life.
I shifted on the bed.

"I don't know I feel Liam is getting a little...distant with me." I told her. She immediately perked up. "Do you want me to talk to him?" "I'll tell him that if you want." She went on and on about how'll she'd talk to him and make him hang out with me more. I hated how innocent she sounded when she tried to piece my relationship back together for me.

I stopped her talking. "No." I said.
She looked up. "Huh?" She asked me.
"You don't need to do that." I said.
She cocked her head to the side. "Then what do you want me to do?" She asked.
I looked straight in to her ocean blue gaze the one that drove boys over the edge when she glanced at them.

"Can you just stop talking to Liam?" I asked her.

She frowned. "You want me to stop talking to him?" She asked me.

I nodded. "Can you do it for me?" I pouted grabbing her hands in mine.
I watched as her little blonde self couldn't say no.

"Anything for you, Jenna." She said.
She did exactly what I asked her to do. Stop talking to Liam. She didn't even sit with us at the Senior table anymore. I watched as she sat back with her friends and kept the entertained not even glancing once over at this table.

It was perfect until I noticed that Liam kept asking for her, and when I told him that she didn't want to sit here anymore he kept looking back at her table constantly.

I watched as lunch time finished and Liam went over to her at the table and spoke to her. Alex glanced over at me said something to Liam and then left. I've never seen someone who's looked so defeated in my life.
Why didn't he look like that with me?

Dinner time came with my father and I took the opportunity to invite him over to meet my father. It was nice from the start Alex didn't speak to Liam just talked to my mother and father and sometimes to me, but not Liam. At one point my father spoke up to her.

"Dara, why aren't you sitting next to your boyfriend, Liam?" He asked.
Alex flinched as she heard that and my mouth almost dropped to the floor.

"Dad, Liam's my boyfriend." I said.

My father didn't seem particularly embarrassed that he got confused he just shrugged and said. "Oh."

Alex sent me an apologizing glance which I disregarded and continued the rest of my meal in silence. I was getting really sick and tired of all that bullshit that I took it out on Alex. I screamed and yelled at her, and she constantly tried to make it up to me. One day after I came back from school and I heard talking coming from Alex's bedroom so I peeped over to see who it was. My mouth dropped when I saw Liam in her room.
Alex was standing far away from him, as she spoke to him.

"Liam, you need to pay more attention to Jenna okay...she's your girlfriend not me." She said to him.

I watched as hurt flashed across his face. He walked up to her and took her hands.

"But I want to be." He said.

My heart broke as I heard this. Alex ripped her hands away from his.
"No...Jenna is your girlfriend...be with her." She said slowly backing away from him.

He just followed her and when she couldn't move any further away from him, he closed the distance between them and he kissed her. I was frozen. My mind couldn't muster up any command to my body. But as I watched him kiss her in a way that he never kissed me in anger began to rise through my body. Alex tried pushing away but he was stronger than her.
I busted through the doors and Liam looked over at me and his face had "caught" written all over it. He immediately pushed himself off Alex who had tears in her eyes, her hands were covering her mouth as she looked at my pained face.
"Jenna, its not what it looks like." He said in defense mode.

I hated when guys said that.

"What does it look like then Liam?" I asked him curiously.
He couldn't come up with anything so I smacked him. Then I went over to Alex and slapped her too. For being so fucking pretty, for having everything I didn't have. She was so shocked she stopped her sobbing and looked at me fearfully.

"Jenna-." She started.

"Save it!" I said and went into my room, slamming my door on the way.
The next day I broke up with Liam. Alex constantly came to my room pleading her cause, but I didn't want to hear it. I was so mad at myself for letting it get to this point, to be humiliated to be chosen over someone else. I stopped sitting at the Senior's table and ignored Alex and Liam's pleas whenever they saw me.

Eventually Liam gave up, and very slowly I watched as Alex did as well. She went back to laughing it up with her friends like nothing ever happened. Everyone seemed to like her even after all of this and I hated her because of that. So you know what I did? I stopped being a fucking cry baby and I did what I should have done from the beginning. I made Alexandra's life miserable.

It started off small, spreading rumors around the school. Then I umped it telling her close friends that she was talking shit behind their backs and they believed me, they started talking shit behind her back. I watched as they soon began to shun her.

Her groups of friends diminished before her eyes and before she knew it she was sitting at a table all by herself. I took advantage of her vulnerable state and started spreading more meaner rumors that she gave blow jobs in the bathroom for a dollar. So in class guys would hand over dollars and tell her what time to be in there and I watched her mortified gaze stare at the laughing classmates. I watched her eyes fill up with tears, and I watched as she ran out of the room in shame.

If I wasn't going to be happy. She didn't deserve to be happy as well.
Slowly I watched her break. She wasn't the same anymore. She had no friends, she was constantly laughed at, made fun of, and ridiculed because she deserved it. I remember looking her in the eyes and calling her a slut, and she deserved all of this because she kissed my man. I made the whole school believe that she was the one who made Liam stray from me. I kept saying it so much that I believed it myself.
She was a man-stealer in my eyes.
The door busted in my room and it shook me out of my trance. I looked up, it was one of my Alpha Chi girls named Trina calling from me.

"What?" I barked at her.
She moved back a little. "The new girls are moving in now." She said.

I snarled. Did she honestly think I gave a fuck about the new girls or any of them for the matter? God, I trusted no bitch in this house but myself because you never knew if one of their pretty little sweet faces would be the same one kissing your man.
I gave her a big smile.

"I'll be right there."

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