A Friend of Another Friend

Bởi bb2410

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Misty Louise Paul has lived most of her childhood immersed in her studies and her favorite pass time...puzzle... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Thirteen

846 31 1
Bởi bb2410

-Tessly's P.O.V.-

The morning felt beautiful now being in the Zeta Theta Nu house. It was also different because Chrishell and I were now sharing a room but it was cool because we were that close. I looked over to my side and Chrishell was still soundly sleeping on her bed not facing me so I couldn't see her snoring self. I hopped out of bed and headed towards the kitchen because I knew my stomach would be growling at any moment.

In the kitchen I got started on the breakfast, the fridge was fully stocked surprisingly I guess Alex thought ahead since she was amazing like that. But here is where my talents shone because I was the best cook out of all these girls. I began cracking eggs and seasoning it for an omelette just as Misty appeared with a sleepy gaze taking a seat on one of the counter tables.

"Morning." She yawned.

"Morning, how was your sleep?" I asked her.

She smiled. "Good, yours?" She asked me.

I began mixing the eggs. "Not good as yours." I replied.

She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?" She asked me.

I smirked. "I bet that little kiss you and Jayden were sharing yesterday gave you sweet dreams, huh?" I joked.

She smirked. "Shut up, If I had some food I'd throw it at you." Her stomach growled in agreement. She patted it and began to head towards the living room where I knew she would turn on the music. We always did this every morning turning on music to get us pumped and ready for the day but since it was Saturday we were a lot more relaxed about the upcoming hours. A couple minuets passed as I cooked and the quiet house began to fill with Ariana Grande's voice with the song BABY I, She knew it was my jam.

I sang along as I cooked the sausage and sliced the fruit as I was cooking.

Misty came back into the room bopping her head to the song as well bringing a magazine for her to look at as she waited for the food.

A couple more minuets passed and Alex came down singing the next song You'll Never Know which was Misty's official jam. She was singing quietly along but we all knew she had a huge beautiful voice. It was when we were back at the old apartment and Alex, Chrishell, and I were in the living room and Misty was in her room doing homework I guess, and she had that song playing in her room but it wasn't Ariana's voice we were hearing we heard another louder voice and when we all peeked into the room and we realized it was her singing. Oh, she was jamming out too dancing on the bed and everything. The story ends with her realizing we caught her and Misty crawling into a little hole dying of embarrassment, but there was nothing to be embarrassed about she had a perfect set of vocal chords and I honestly need to know where she got them from.

"Morning, Love bugs." Alex said blowing kisses to us as she headed to the fridge for some orange juice.

"Morning." We both replied.

"Mist, can you help me take out the dishes?" I asked her.

She stopped flipping through the magazines and came over and help set the table. She grabbed dishes and brought them over to the cute little kitchen table for all of us to sit at and eat together. Alex brought the napkins, knives, forks, and spoons for us. Chrishell was the last of us to get up because she always preferred sleeping in and that was because she was such a night owl when it came up to researching dance moves on the internet all night long. So it wasn't a surprise to see her waltzing down the stairs, twirling, spinning, and choreographing her way to the kitchen table.

"Whats up playa haters." She said sliding into her seat at the table.

Misty shook her head and Alex threw her head back in laughter.

"You say the weirdest things in the morning." I commented.

She smiled. "It's the hunger talking really." She said.

Misty came back to the table with glasses, some more orange juice and cranberry for her since she was so particular on her eating habits. I headed over to the table with the freshly made sausage, omelettes, and mini biscuits. After I was done giving everyone their proportion we chowed down quietly for a couple minuets because we were too hungry to talk. Misty looked up first. "What are we doing today?" She asked.

We all shrugged and I thought I kind of didn't want to go out today.

"Maybe we should go see a movie." Chrishell suggested.

"Is there anything good?" Alex asked with a mouthful of food.

Misty shook her head. "I was checking it out last night...nothing you guys want to see." She said taking a big gulp of her juice.

"Too bad...how about we hang with Jayden." I pipped in.

Misty almost choked on her juice. We all died laughing as she was trying to regain her composure as well as trying not to die. When she could finally breathe again she frowned. "You guys are never going to get over this are you?" she asked.

"I just wish I was there to see if for myself." Chrishell commented.

Misty flipped her off.

"Aren't Jenna and Jayden still together or something?" I asked curiously.

Misty put her drink down and popped some fruit into her mouth. "He broke up with her." Misty replied. Alex looked up and arched her eyebrow. "Really?" she said.

Misty nodded. "Thats what he told me." She said.

Chrishell sighed happily. "Finally, I think these guys are seeing the light." She commented.

"I agree." I said grabbing a bite of sausage.

"This food is banging by the way, Tess." Misty complimented.

"The master chef." Alex added.

I smiled at my friends compliments. "Thanks, it takes dedication to become as good as me." I said really cocky like.

"Sure." Chrishell said sarcastically. She sighed heavily. "I just feel this is going to be a lazy Saturday I don't want to do anything." Chrishell said.

"So I'm not the only one, I'm just not feeling it." Tessly said.

Misty shrugged. "I got work this morning all the way till the afternoon so..." She said.

"You're the only one out of all of us that has a job, I feel like an underachiever." Alex said. Misty smiled and took another drink of her juice.

"Got to pay them bills somehow." She smirked.

"What bills?" Chrishell asked.

"It takes money to look this beautiful, woman." Misty flipped her long black hair.

"I agree." Alex pipped in.

We all laughed. It was times like this when I enjoyed behind together with the girls.


In my bedroom I was sitting idle waiting for Chrishell to get out the shower so I could take mine when I received a text from Chase.

What's up? He texted.

Nothing much you? I responded.

I liked Chase, I mean we knew each other ever since grade school and all but he wasn't the best of characters back then. I was a little what people would call "off" and I attracted creepy friends back then and I still kind of do now and because of that I use to get teased by Chase a lot. By then he had his little "posse" of friends like Wes, Jayden, and Rondall and I use to hate him with a burning passion but as we grew up he got more mature and switched off to the player lifestyle. A different girl a different night kind of thing. I wasn't about that lifestyle and I grew up, headed to college and did my own thing. So I was a lot different here than I was back as a kid. I didn't have those crazy pig tails anymore my hair was out, straight, and flowing down my back, I didn't wear my nerdy glasses anymore I mean I still wore glasses but I had contacts now. My style has completely changed as well my little overalls were gone and replaced with tight-fitted jeans and crop tops. I was a new person and I could tell Chase noticed as well, why else would he still be talking to me. He saw me as another conquest, but he won't be finding me to play with.

The guys and I are going to go roller skating later you guys wanna come? He asked.

I plopped down into my bed watching the preposition on my phone, my blank text waiting for me to answer. I didn't want to accept yet knowing if my girls were going to be available. I knew we weren't busy but I wasn't the immediate judge for that.

I don't know, we might be busy. I texted back after what seemed like forever. I didn't want to seem anxious to him or anything like that.

He replied back so quickly when my phone vibrated my hands slipped and it fell on my face.Ow.

You guys have to come it will be fun:) He texted.

What's the winky face for? I asked.

He took a minuet to respond.

Because I'd be winking in real life. He replied.

You're silly. I texted.

So whats it going to be? He asked.

I hopped out of bed and shouted at the girls.

"HEY!! DO YOU GIRLS WANT TO GO ROLLERSKATING WITH THE GUYS LATER?" I shouted. Alex looked up at me standing up on the balcony.

"Sure." She said.

"I'll go." I heard Chrishell say from the shower.

Misty looked up and shifted her weight on the couch. "I don't kn-." I cut her off.

"But Jayden will be there." I said.

"I can probably make some time." She responded. I laughed she was love crazy on that boy she just didn't know it yet.

I went back to my phone.

Alright we're in.


Later that day we were at Indiana's Roller Dance Rink with the boys. I couldn't lie it was fun hanging out with them, everyone was paired off with each other which was something I noticed we did a lot when we were all out. Alex paired off with Wes, Ron with Chrishell, Jayden with Misty, and Chase and I. We got inside to the place and it was bopping with music and florescent lights it was like a disco. Chase pulled me closer to him and looked down at me.

He smirked. "You ready to skate?" he asked me.

I laughed. "Why do you think I came here for...you?" I said jokingly.

He fake frowned. "Touche." he said.

We headed towards the desk to get our skates and we were on our way to the rink. Chase grabbed me and pulled me right into the rink with all the skating and dancing people. It was fun circling around and dancing to all the good music they were playing.

Poetic Justice started playing and I could hear Chrishell cheering behind us and singing along. Chase and I laughed and I quickly glanced behind me to "Check" on Misty and Jayden. They were holding hands and skating slower than everyone but thats cause they were too busy paying attention to each other to speed up the pace.

Overall it was a great time for all of us, I secretly didn't want this time to end.

-Misty's P.O.V.-

I DID NOT KNOW HOW TO ROLLER SKATE. I've never been to places like this and I was silently freaking out and everything. Before we even entered the rink Jayden was looking over at me curiously.

"Are you scared?" He asked me.

I turned to him and pointed to my skates. "I don't know how to roller skate and will probably bust my ass trying." I said.

He threw his head back and laughed and it was so contagious that I started laughing as well. When we finished laughing he grabbed onto my hand.

"Just hold onto me you won't fall, I promise." He whispered the last part into my ear.

I had a major blush moment and let him take me into the rink. The music was killer in here so I had no problem relaxing and enjoying the other part of me was trying not to fall.

Jayden noticed and he smiled. "Just look at me you'll be fine." he said.

My eyes found his crystal green perfect ones, my nerves were suddenly receding and I could totally focus on him. He smiled and my smile caught on as well. As were spinning around and listening to the music all you hear is Chrishell singing loudly.

I turned around to look at her. "SHUT UP CHRISHELL WE WANT TO HERE KENDRICK NOT YOU!!" I yelled.

Ron and Chrishell turned around and smiled. "You know you two like my amazing voice." Chrishell joked.

Jayden and I gave her an uncertain face. "I'm not sure." Jayden replied.

She flipped us both off and continued on her singing spree with Ron. Those two were secretly meant for each other. We were skating for about an hour pretty much enjoying ourselves and Jayden squeezed my hand softly. I looked up at him.

"Hungry?" He asked.

I nodded and then he pulled me toward a booth and we slipped off our roller skates and slipped on our regular shoes. After he was done he looked up at me. "Do you want anything in particular?" he asked.

I made a thinking face. "I'll have the entire menu and a soda." I said.

He made a shocked face and I laughed. "Surprise me." I said.

He smirked. "Sure will." he said and he gave me one more look before he disappeared off to the food court. As I sat and waited I saw Alex and Wes walking over searching for us and I waved them over. They took the seat opposite us in the booth looking a bit tired from the skating.

"You guys had fun?" I asked.

Wes nodded.

"Yea pretty cool, I'm starving though." Alex said.

"I'll get you something." Wes said already out of his seat and heading towards the food court. Alex watched him walk away.

"Do you like Wes?" I asked her.

She looked at me uncertainly. "It's not like I don't, it just that I'm not ready for another relationship right now." She said.

I gave her a sincere look. "Past boy troubles?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Same here." I agreed.

As we talked about our terrible experiences I heard a voice call out to me and I looked up almost automatically.

"Hey, Misty." It was a guy's voice.

It was Larzaro and beside him a girl with brunette hair and muddy brown eyes stared back at us with a snarl. Alex and I confusingly looked at the girl.

"Hey, Larz whats up?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Nothing much just hanging out..." He looked back and forth to us looking at the girl. "Oh this is Valareia by the way." He mentioned.

Is it? She seemed familiar. Or maybe her snarl was just reminding me of someone I paticularly did not like.

"You guys here with someone?" He asked us.

We both nodded. "Yeah, we were with the guys." Alex said.

He nodded. "Do you guys want to hang with us?" Alex asked.

Larzo smiled. "Sure."

I sent Alex a look she gave me one back. I knew Larz was my friend and all, but the girl wrapped around his arm not really. She kept shooting me glares or something and it was annoying me.

"Is that alright with you, Misty." Larz asked curiously.

I turned to him and smiled.

"Yep, all fine with me." I replied.

And there goes my gut with the jumping bad feeling.

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