A crowd of evil spirits line...

By kipziart

4.7K 321 56

novel updates pickup. I'll add all the chapters don't worry. Since childhood, Gu Wuji regularly encountered g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137

Chapter 113

105 8 4
By kipziart

For most, the mere thought of encountering a female ghost and capturing her is a significant challenge.

However, for Gu Wuji, the dilemma lies elsewhere... With so many people around, is it really appropriate to engage in such activities at this time? And what if the female ghost has no intention of appearing before others?

Bystanders gathered around, not treating Gu Wuji as some renowned expert they had invited.

After all, others carried the aura of a master, even those brought by Xia Xi exuded a mysterious and eerie vibe. However, Gu Wuji, having disguised himself, appeared utterly ordinary, leading everyone to assume he was merely Xia Yangshuo's male companion.

People also found it puzzling why Xia Yangshuo seemed to stand out at this moment, bringing along a 'male companion'. Could it be that he no longer cared for the Xia family's inheritance?

At this point, the elder continued, "Of course, I understand that fulfilling this request might be difficult. Therefore, as long as you can obtain the safe's combination from her and allow me to open that box, you would have completed my task."

This revelation stunned the few around him; the task had evidently become even more daunting! To actually inquire about a safe's combination from a ghost was exceedingly challenging!

Gu Wuji sensed something amiss. Considering the elder Xia's wealth, it seemed improbable that he hadn't been able to open a safe over the years. Furthermore, his previous request seemed as if...

It was as though the ghost didn't exist, and his actions were merely to prove its presence around him. The contents of the safe might not be crucial; what mattered most was his desire to prove something.

"Indeed, the complex emotions within these wealthy family disputes are beyond my comprehension," Gu Wuji concluded, shaking his head.

Suddenly, a piercing scream from outside drew everyone's attention.

"What's happening?"

Under normal circumstances, they would assume an accident had occurred outside, but the scream seemed unprovoked, causing widespread concern and fear of a more terrifying incident unfolding.

Then, a servant, drenched in cold sweat, rushed over, "There's, there's a body outside!"

"What? How could there be a body?" The crowd was taken aback, never expecting such an event, especially since they were merely attending a banquet and witnessing the selection of an heir.

The servant, seemingly out of his wits, explained in a flustered manner, "I don't know, there was nothing before, but suddenly, right in the middle of the road, it appeared!"

"Regardless, call the police immediately!"

"Someone's committing murder at such a time; is this some kind of movie imitation?"

"There are cameras everywhere outside; surely, the culprit will be caught soon, so there's no need to worry."

"Wait, suddenly there's no signal, can't make any calls."

The bystanders were astonished, feeling a chill down their spines. Although rumors about this place had circulated, could it truly be haunted, causing the sudden loss of signal?

Then, the lights in the hall flickered a few times before going out completely, plunging the room into darkness, with only the glow from people's phone screens remaining.

This, coupled with the sudden appearance of a body, created an eerie atmosphere.

Panic ensued, and the hall descended into chaos. If not for the presence of reputable individuals, who managed to maintain their composure despite the situation, a stampede might have occurred.

Several people went to check the situation and planned to drive to an area with a signal to call for help. However, upon opening the door, there was no sound or sign of a car starting, heightening the sense of unease.

The other masters were visibly concerned.

"It's surprising that the female ghost in this house has become so bold... to take such actions in front of so many people, she must be a malevolent spirit."

"Today's situation seems challenging to resolve, but thankfully, we have strength in numbers. If we set up a few formations, she probably wouldn't dare approach recklessly."

"The concern is whether the female ghost might blend in with the crowd, making it impossible to defend against her." One master frowned, "After all, if she possesses someone, we might not detect any abnormalities immediately."

Xia Yangshuo, extremely fearful and traumatized, clutched the talisman in his hand and hurriedly moved closer to Gu Wuji, feeling safe only by his side.

As for Ning Yang, he paid no attention to Xia Wu and approached Gu Wuji, saying, "Master Gu, don't worry, I will protect you."

Gu Wuji fell silent, then thought this might reveal how Ning Yang deals with ghosts, potentially uncovering some clues, and nodded in agreement.

Ning Yang was thrilled to receive such a response from Gu Wuji, his face flushed with excitement, wishing the haunting in the house would last longer.

Xia Yangshuo, observing Ning Yang's unreliable demeanor, couldn't help but remain silent. The question of who was protecting whom remained unclear.

Despite Ning Yang's appearance as a playboy, giving off an unreliable vibe, if it weren't for Xia Yangshuo having witnessed Ning Yang's abilities firsthand, he might have doubted Ning Yang's intentions were purely to aid Master Gu amidst the chaos.

While the masters were engaged in serious discussion, Gu Wuji was deep in thought, "Something doesn't quite add up here. It feels like a haunting, but the absence of a strong malevolent presence and sense of danger suggests otherwise."

It seemed more like a charade, possibly orchestrated by someone taking advantage of the chaos. "Could it be that someone is plotting something?" Gu Wuji suddenly realized, his gaze shifting towards where Elder Xia was. Despite the critical situation and the visible fear and concern of the people around the elder, Gu Wuji noted this and was somewhat surprised, thinking the elder must have been a decent person for others to be so protective of him in such a crucial moment.

But unlike the others, the elder himself appeared thrilled, almost jubilant, as if something he had long awaited was finally happening.

"The elder seems quite happy," Gu Wuji thought with mixed feelings. "It seems he's eager to meet that female ghost, not even caring if it could cost him his life."

This was a significant departure from the information Gu Wuji had received from Xia Yangshuo. Without that background knowledge, Gu Wuji might have believed the elder and his original partner shared a genuine love.

"Let's send the Shadow Ghost to investigate."

The Shadow Ghost had only recently awakened from its slumber, with some increase in strength but not to a significant degree. Its speed and stealth had improved, likely a subconscious adaptation to survival instincts stirred by recent events.

Using it for reconnaissance or to intimidate seemed convenient enough.

Gu Wuji discreetly instructed the Shadow Ghost to scout the villa and ascertain what was happening.

"Don't let anyone see you, to avoid frightening them. If you can assist someone in danger, do so; if not, flee. Your safety is paramount," Gu Wuji advised the Shadow Ghost.

The Shadow Ghost nodded, eager to demonstrate its capabilities to Gu Wuji, and quickly departed.

"Hopefully, nothing serious occurs."


Meanwhile, Xia Xi, observing the chaos among the crowd, couldn't help but smile, though his smile sent chills down the spines of those around him. His presence had been notably low-key since the incident began, almost as if he had vanished into thin air.

The masked individual behind him remained silent throughout, like a puppet devoid of its own will.

"It seems I won't need to intervene directly; someone has already walked right into the trap. In gratitude for their unwitting assistance, I'll fulfill their wish for a haunting... of course, at the cost of their life," Xia Xi murmured, producing a simple-looking cloth doll. Whispering incantations, blood began to trickle from the doll's eyes, creating an eerie spectacle.

"Go," Xia Xi whispered with a hint of pleasure in his voice, akin to a demonic chant, "fulfill your desire for vengeance; the time has come."

As he spoke, the doll vanished from his grasp, disappearing to an unknown destination.

In that instant, the atmosphere turned chillingly cold.

The crowd shivered, feeling an abrupt drop in temperature, "What's happening? The power's out, but is the air conditioning still running?"

"It shouldn't be this cold, even with the AC on."

Gu Wuji's expression darkened, murmuring, "Something's not right."

Xia Yangshuo, beside him, stiffened, "Master Gu, what's wrong? Did you sense something?"

"This time, it's a real ghost," Gu Wuji muttered, "I sense that impending danger, but it doesn't seem to originate from this villa. Instead, it's as if something suddenly appeared... Something's amiss; there must be an issue here."


At that moment, two figures stood on the second floor, a middle-aged man and a timid young man, both related to the Xia family. The middle-aged man, lacking talent, had settled for a minor role in the main branch of the family, essentially freeloading.

He believed that after years of "service," he was entitled to a portion of the Xia fortune, hence his current scheme.

The young man, his son, equally inept, was part of the plan to disguise as the female ghost, attributing all credit to him. They had even hired an actor for the role, waiting for the right moment to perform.

Despite the middle-aged man's lack of prowess, his decades of residence had earned him some connections, confident in his ability to deceive.

As for the existence of ghosts, he was a skeptic, having lived there without encountering any paranormal activity.

Suddenly, a pale figure appeared behind them, its whiteness stark against the darkness of the second floor, becoming increasingly conspicuous. The figure gently tapped the middle-aged man on the shoulder. Turning around, the man, assuming it was the actor they had hired to play the ghost, showed a mix of impatience and irritation on his face, "Why are you here? Weren't you supposed to wait on the first floor? If you get spotted here, what then?"

The pale figure didn't respond, its silence adding to the eerie atmosphere.

The son, standing closer, began to realize something was amiss. The figure's appearance was far too authentic for an actor; its form was semi-transparent, and through it, one could faintly see the wall behind.

"Could it be that...?" The son wondered in awe if the quality of actors playing ghosts had advanced to such a degree, marveling at what he perceived as a leap in technological achievement in special effects.

"This plan must not fail; any mishap and you'll be accountable for the loss!" the middle-aged man continued to scold the silent figure, mistaking it for the hired actor, "Get back to your position."

At that moment, a figure appeared hanging upside down outside the glass windows above the hall, causing a dull thud against the glass.

Those below screamed in terror at the sight, with some attempting to flee, only to find the doors immovable as if welded shut.

"What in the world is happening?!"

"Let me out, I don't want to stay here any longer—"

"How did a body end up there, and it moved! This is a ghost, ahh!"

The continuous shocks pushed many to the brink of collapse, unable to believe they were living out a scene straight from a horror movie.

The masters, whom the Xia family had invited, suddenly became the center of hope for everyone. People crowded around them, seeking protection, afraid to stray too far lest they encounter any danger.

Upstairs, the son, witnessing the chaos, exclaimed to his father, "Dad, did you also arrange for this actor? They're incredibly committed; how much did this cost? They're really going all out."

However, upon hearing his son's words, the middle-aged man's face turned pale with confusion, "What are you talking about? I didn't arrange for this. Are you saying you did?"

As they exchanged bewildered looks, the hanging body outside the window began to move eerily, its head slowly turning to face them. Its eyes, cold and lifeless, locked onto the father and son, its rotted face forming a grotesque smile.

The sight was too much for the middle-aged man and his son, their legs giving way beneath them from sheer terror. But more horrifying than the ghastly spectacle outside was the realization that the pale figure beside them was no actor...


Screams echoed from the second floor, sending shivers down the spines of those below. "What now? Who else is in danger?"

The servants and butlers of the villa, typically unseen and unheard, were now visibly distressed, recognizing the voice of the middle-aged man among the screams. It seemed even he wasn't safe from the unfolding horror.

"Stay calm, everyone. The police will be here soon, and we'll be safe," the head butler tried to reassure the panicked crowd.

Though momentarily calmed, the unease was palpable among the guests, aware that the most haunted part seemed to be outside, where the initial few had rushed to call for help, possibly now victims themselves.

Gu Wuji stood pondering his next move amidst the chaos when a system notification rang clear in his ear.

[A random event has been triggered in the real world. Someone has used a ghost and an object as mediums to summon an entity that should not exist in this villa, disturbing its peace.]

[This action violates system rules. Your task is to find the medium and restore normalcy to this place. Failure to act swiftly may result in an increase in ghostly activity, and the medium ghost could become stronger.]

[Successful completion of the task will grant you a substantial reward.]

Gu Wuji, piecing together the system's cryptic message, realized, "The disturbances are due to someone using an object as a medium? Could there be another player hidden here, possibly a high-level player? Can I handle them if it comes to a confrontation?"

He considered the possibility that others might be using system-prohibited objects in reality, facing consequences they deemed manageable.

"Judging by the methods employed, the incident at the bar might also be the work of this individual... What exactly are they planning?"

Gu Wuji was less concerned about potential future repercussions. Having already made an enemy of the Ning family, he felt adding another adversary to the list was of little consequence.

Moreover, he wasn't overwhelmed by a sense of imminent danger.

And rather than worrying about future retribution, wasn't this the perfect opportunity to confront this mysterious player and uncover their motives?

With a hint of excitement, Gu Wuji considered, "The medium being used is a ghost...

The most prominent ghost presence in this villa is tied to that painting..." Gu Wuji's gaze drifted towards a large portrait hanging on the wall, which had previously radiated a ghostly aura. Now, it seemed devoid of any spiritual essence, resembling a soulless piece of art.

"It's likely that the medium is the spirit attached to that portrait," Gu Wuji surmised. "According to the system, I need to locate the spirit's whereabouts to resolve this issue."

Considering the general rule in horror narratives that spirits linger where they died, Gu Wuji pondered whether he should head to the location where the lady of the house had taken her life.

Just then, another round of screams erupted from the crowd.

"What is that?!"

Everyone's gaze shot upwards to the second-floor landing, right above the portrait, where a white figure had materialized.

"It's the lady of the house..." the butler muttered, recognizing the apparition, "It's her!"

"She's here for revenge!" another servant cried out in terror, "She won't spare any of us!"

The guests, having heard rumors of the Xia family's tragic history, were petrified. They had no ties to the Xia family or its matriarch, and now regretted their decision to attend, wishing they had never set foot in the villa.

The atmosphere grew tense as the masters, initially brought in for their expertise, now appeared uncertain. Instinctively, they gravitated towards Gu Wuji, perhaps sensing a greater safety in his presence. The rest of the guests followed suit, clustering around the masters and Gu Wuji, desperate for any protection they could find.

Approaching the apparition was out of the question for them; no one dared risk an encounter with the ghost, fearing the worst.

Before long, almost everyone had unconsciously gathered around Gu Wuji. The dim lighting and the prevailing panic meant that few realized this shift, but those aware looked to Gu Wuji with a mix of hope and desperation, expecting some form of salvation from this "outsider."

Xia Xi, mingling within the crowd, watched the unfolding drama with a sense of satisfaction. "Quite entertaining, though lacking in intensity. These people hardly pose a challenge..."

Gu Wuji, unbothered by the crowd's expectations, turned to Xia Yangshuo to brief him before making his way towards the staircase. The area had cleared out as everyone else had retreated in fear, allowing Gu Wuji to approach the stairs unimpeded.

"Master Gu, what are you planning to do?!" Ning Yang called out anxiously, "Wait for me; I'm coming with you!"

The crowd was mystified, not just by Gu Wuji's bold move, which seemed akin to courting death, but also by Ning Yang's subsequent pursuit, adding layers to their confusion.

Their actions, reminiscent of a dramatic quarrel between lovers, seemed out of place, especially since neither appeared to be the formidable masters everyone had expected. It was as if they were using their lives to stage a dispute, altering the mood of the entire venue.

Those who had seen Gu Wuji in action previously were secretly thrilled, anticipating a display of his capabilities, almost wishing they could cheer him on from below.

Gu Wuji reached the base of the staircase without hesitation and began ascending, his movements swift as if he feared the ghost might vanish. This scene bewildered the onlookers, challenging their perceptions and leaving them questioning their own sanity in the face of such an incongruous reaction.

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