Kuro Ookami : Project Ookami...

By DuskJS1

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This is the story of how Kuro Ookami came to be. We meet the Hellhound-Ookami Hybrid and his adventures. Kuro... More

Energy types Reveal
1) My name is Kuro Ookami
2. Down in a Helluva-verse (X Helluva Boss)
3. Cafe Fued
4. Welcome to I.M.P
5. Tall and Blue feathered
6. Similar Species
7. Darkness Arises
8. Loo Loo Land
9) I can turn human!?
10) Memories and Pacts
11) Training Part 1
12) Training Part 2
Upcoming Prequel
14) Harvest Moon Festival, the enemy revealed
15) Unveil The Reversal Technique and One Secret
16)Truth Seekers with a settlement Part 1
Truth Seekers With a Settlement Part 2
New Prequel

13) I'll Help You Out

139 3 1
By DuskJS1

We meet the gang in the office, The Cherubs appear on a small, old-fashioned TV which zooms out onto the . blasts the TV with his flintlock pistol, and it explodes.

Millie: Nice one, B!

Blitzo: Gimme another, .

[Moxxie nervously sweeps away the flaming debris and puts another old-fashioned TV onto the stand. He turns it on with a scared look on his face. The logo appears. Blitzo pours gunpowder into his flintlock.]

Blitzo: Eh, nah. Not feelin' it. Next!

[Moxxie switches the channel. A demonically dressed Betty Boop appears in black and white, dancing erotically with prominent, bouncing breasts, holding a pitchfork. Moxxie flinches in anticipation. Blitzo and Millie look bored.]

Blitzo: Uh-huh. Keep going, keep goin', keep goin'...

Kuro *walks in*: What's going on here?

Millie: Just shootin' some TVs.

Kuro: Why?

Blitzo: Dunno, Uh-huh. Yeah keep going, keep goin', keep goin'...

[Moxxie switches the channel again. appears on the screen dressed in white with a black top hat, holding a cane.]

Wally Wackford: I say, I say, are you lookin' to get work making crazy contraptions and goofy gadgets?

[Wally whacks his cane on the wall at either side of him, producing the graphics for "CRAZY CONTRAPTIONS" and "GOOFY GADGETS" as he speaks.]

Wally Wackford: WELL, call me at Wacky Wally Wackford's Wacky Idea Factory,

[The Wacky Wally Wackford's Wacky Idea "Factory" ™ title appears against a similar circular background of classic old cartoons. The panel with the title then falls over forwards, landing with a ]

Wally: where you make the things and I make the money!

[Wally moves close to the screen with a pleading look.]

Wally: Please! I'm very desperate!

Blitzo: Bingo!

[Blitzo shoots and explodes the TV again, scattering debris.]

Millie: WOO! You're on a roll, sir!

[The camera pans over to , who snores and drools while sleeping in a chair. She has one foot up on the table that twitches in her sleep. A plastic cup with her name written on it and filled with water sits on the table next to her foot. She is awoken by a rumbling which also knocks her cup over, spilling its contents.]

Loona: Guys... do you feel that?

Blitzo: Oh, shit! Is that a hellshake?

Kuro: At least it's not me causing it.

Moxxie: That's possible?

Millie: Alright! Don't panic, Moxxie!

[Moxxie's tail stiffens from being startled by Millie's sudden outburst. She then grabs his arms in an attempt to "calm" him.]

Moxxie: I'm not *holds up finger quotes* "panicking," because hellquakes don't happen.

[Loona roughly grabs hold of Moxxie and shakes him.]


[Loona slaps Moxxie in the face, sending him flying against the wall and slightly dazing him. He is then knocked down further by what appears to be a wrecking ball made of black tubes Part of the wall crumbles on top of Moxxie, crushing him. As the dust clears, the wrecking ball untangles into multiple robotic tentacles and a uses two of them to hoist himself into the room through the hole, covering himself with his cape. Loona growls while on all fours.]

Loopty Goopty: Do not be afraid!

[The man grins and extends his robotic tentacles.]

Blitzo: Please tell me you got that insurance thing.

Kuro: No need, I can fix it up myself.

[Millie takes out her black axe.]

Millie: Who are you, and what do you want?!

[Loopty Goopty extends a tentacle into a loop-de-loop and slides along it to the other side of the room.]

Loopty: I am Loopty Goopty! (singsong voice) Dastardly inventor of all things loopy and loopiiiiiish!

Loona: Coulda just used the door, dude. Doesn't need to be this whole thing.

Loopty: I am eccentric and must therefore do eccentric SHIT!

[Loopty Goopty does a wavy dance. Blitzo sniffs him and flinches.]

Blitzo: Ugh! This old fuck reeks of the living world. Did you just die?

Loopty: YEEEEES! Moments ago, in fact! Which is what brought me HEEEERE!

[Loona taps on her phone.]

Loona: Just sayin'... the front door would've gotten you here fine.

Loopty: Shut up, dear furry!

[Loona growls in anger.]

Kuro: What's a furry?

[Loopty Goopty appears in front of Loona and turns to Blitzo.]

Loopy: (singsong voice) This is the I'm gonna need you to kiiiill!

[He holds up an old photo of an old bald man in a bed. Blitzo takes the photo from him.]

Blitzo: Not even a shit's length of time in Hell and already plotting revenge. I can respect a man with that sort of passion! I'm Blitzo, the "O" is silent.

[Loona walks away as Blitzo walks over to Loopty and shakes his hand.]

Loopty: (confused) What "o"?

Blitzo: Aww, thank you. *shakes hips* Now, what's the tea, sis?

Loopty: (even more confused) The TEAAAA?!

Kuro: Love to have one in fact. *sip*

[Moxxie's arm appears as he struggles under the weight of the debris.]

Moxxie: (pained) Guys, help!

Blitzo: Yeah, why are we killin' this guy? [elbows Loopty] I mean, what did he do to you?

[Moxxie's arm inches back and he squeals in pain.]

Moxxie: (under his breath) LOSING... OX--!

Kuro punches the debris off and grabs Moxxie by the jacket hanging him in the air.

Moxxie: Thanks

Loopty: He was... my business partner! You see, I was not always an old man!

[An old film montage in brown shades depict Loopty's early life.]

Loopty: My partner Lyle and I ran Lyle-Loopty Robotics, a technological empire!

[Lyle and Loopty pose with capes and spiral glasses on top of a tall building labeled "Lyle-Loopty Robotics". The building is surrounded by factories and columns spewing smoke. A line of text fades into view at the bottom of the screen reads "very dramatic re-enactment from earlier that day", with a question mark at the end joining it seconds after.]

Loopty Goopty: Earlier today, we were testing a new machine intended to stop, or reverse, the aging process!

[The clips show Loopty putting wires together and Lyle tightening a bolt with a wrench. The two stand by a large white machine labeled "De-age-ifier." Loopty is briefly seen slapping Lyle on the ass.]

Loopty: It could've saved all three trillionaires!

[Cuts to the interior of the De-age-ifier machine. The handle twists and the door swings open. Cuts back to Lyle and Loopty. Lyle puts on his goggles and the two step into the machine.]

Loopty: Unfortunately, we neglected to test the machine on the poor, like we usually do. We were too sure of our own genius! But the machine was accidentally set FORWARD!

[The two men stroll into the chamber and close the metal door. A lever next to the door labeled "YOUNG" and "OLD" is set to "OLD" at the bottom.]

Loopty: By the time we managed to get out... it was too late! At least... for me!

[The two men struggle to open the door, pounding on it. Both of them rapidly shrivel up and age. Loopty stares in horror at his shriveling hands. Lyle grows old and fat and slides to the floor. Loopty clutches at his chest as he suffers a heart attack, then falls dead to the ground, his leg twitching. A man opens the door, sees the two men, and motions for doctors to come in. They put a stethoscope over Loopty's heart, and they shake their heads somberly. A woman puts an oxygen mask over Lyle's nose and mouth. Loopty's body is zipped shut in a body bag.]

Loopty: Now, that evil son of a bitch is going to take over the empire WE BUILT TOGETHER! Without me to share it with, he'll make all the goddamn money in the world and become the fourth trillionaire... and get ALL the credit!

[Scene cuts to Lyle laughing evilly as piles of money rain down on him.]

[Back to I.M.P. office.]

Blitzo: Ehhh, that's not really evil.

Loopty: It's evil towards meeee!

Loopty: Now, get your crimson asses up above and send that heartless, no-good son of a bitch to Hell, where he belongs!

Blitzo: Eh, y- y- y- You do know, Poopty--

Loopty: *seethes* Looooptyyyy!

Blitzo: [holds hands up defensively] Of course! Of course... If we do kill him, though, and he ends up down here... y'know, you will be stuck with him. Forever.

Loopty: Oh, trust me...

[Loopty summons an array of weapons from his back on a series of mechanical armatures: a pistol, a rifle, a missile launcher, and a circular saw blade.]

Loopty: I'm counting on it.

Moxxie: *strained, gives a thumbs up* That's kinda hot!

[Everyone glances at Moxxie.]

Blitzo, Millie and Moxxie get ready and put on their disguises ready to hunt down the target. Loona opens a portal with the grimoire.

Blitzo: Wanna tag along Kuro?

Kuro daydreams


Kuro: Oh, sorry, what were you saying?

Blitzo: Just asking if you wanna come kill the target with us.

Kuro: Considering that the mission seems easy, mmm, I think you got it.

Blitzo: Ok but *grabs Kuro by the jacket*, Since you're staying with Loona here you better not try any moves.

Kuro: Blitz, come on you know I don't work like that. You were fine on that other day.

Blitzo: *lets go* Ok, fair enough. But you better not.

Kuro: Aight Blitz.

Blitzo and the two go into the portal to the overworld leaving Loona and Kuro behind in the office.

Kuro: Does Blitz get protective around you

Loona: All the time, haven't you seen what he's like already?

Kuro: ummm, maybe a few times. Well since I'm here, I might get some stuff from the store down town.

Loona: Can I tag along?

Kuro: hmm? I was about to ask, yeah you can tag along. Maybe we get to know each other better.

Loona: *flustered* oh *coughs* yea, that's totally cool.

 Walking downtown to the store, the 2 went walked side by side on the pavement. Loona looked at Kuro with his concentrated looks. 

Kuro: "Something wrong?"

Loona: "No, no", *thinking*, "Now seeing him more, I think I'm starting to understand him a little bit better, his presence although is a little frightening but calm in...someway".

Kuro: "So what are we gonna buy?"

Loona: "uh, you're one suggesting to buy something from the store in the first place, how come you don't know what to buy?"

Kuro: "Well I was gonna by some stuff for my own but now thinking about, maybe Blitz wants something too"

Loona: "Oh, yeah he did say something about being up to you Kuro, I mean you are the chef in our apartment for the time being"

Kuro: "Yeah, true, but have you tried cooking?"

Loona: "I haven't really been taught any life skills"

Kuro: "Why not"

Loona: "I didn't really grew up having a real father and mother they abandoned me when I was still a pup"

Kuro: "Oh, right..."

Loona: "Well, at least Blitz was there on the other half of my life, but he still didn't teach me a lot other than killing targets"

Kuro: "But...If you think about it, he is a great father after all"

Loona *blushes*: "Yeah...I guess he is"

Kuro: "Ha, I knew you were a softie"

Loona: "Shut up"

Kuro: "I'll tell you what, I can be your teacher for cooking"

Loona: "Oh, you don't have to put up more hard work to help me, i think you'd be a better cook than me"

Kuro: "I won't stay here for long remember..."

both stop

loona looks at kuro 

"I'll probaby be found and be taken back to my reality soon, so I'll might as well help around here and make the most out of my time here, right?"

Loona gets reminded of that and is a little saddened from it: "Yeah... i guess... "

Kuro looks at her with concern.

Kuro: "Come on, I'll get some ingredients for a classic marinated pork and I'll be teaching you when we get back to the apartment".

Loona: "Sounds like a plan, but the others may be back soon"

Kuro looks at the sky: "I think we'll have some time".

Both arrive at the store they go in each aisle Kuro showing each ingredient he would use.

"It's nothing too complicated, just put the right amount of ingredients into a bowl an that's it."

Loona: "Sounds like there's more to it than that."

They get the ingredients and just about when they're paying

Both: "I'll pay for it".

Kuro: "Come on..."

Loona: "No.."

Kuro: "I feel like I should"

"You're helping out too much Kuro"

"It's fine Loona, I mean it's not like I'm gonna buy much in hell" *pays*

They walk out of the store.

Loona: "You could at least save up"

Kuro: "My new hell-sim and food are the important things with me right now, I don't need as much, oh yeah my headphones also".

Loona: "What do you listen to?"

"British-Pop, J-Pop, Hip-Hop"

"That's one combo"

"Maybe a bit of rock"

"Oh yeah, what band?"

"Hmm, I don't really have a preference, well..."

"Your own band doesn't count"

"I wasn't gonna say my own band"


"I just don't have a preference, Loona"

"Ok, I won't go further"

"I do like Eve"

"Never heard"

"He's a famous J-Pop artist back home, me and him should collab someday..."

"Kuro, since we're on the same topic, what was that new music title about"

"Which one?"

"Don't Choose Me?"

Kuro stood still with Loona continuing to walk, he stood there and remembered the reason why he titled that song.

Loona: "Kuro?" *looks back*

Kuro had no response

Loona: "Kuro!"

Kuro: "Oh um, yeah, it's just a title on a specific topic"

Loona looks at Kuro confused.

"It's fine, come on, let's go Loona, we better get started before  others come back "

A drunken hellhound and an imp passes by and bumps Kuro, Loona looks at both of the drunks in disgust. 

...: "Yeah...party!!!"

Kuro: "Ugh, even drunks still exist here, why am I even surprised, what time is it even people already drunk at this hour?"

...: "Hey...you *burps* you talkinnn... shiii about meeee!!!!"

Kuro *turns over*: "You need to go home!!"

the hellhound approached Kuro

..:"YOU...GO HOME!!!" *points pathetically*

Kuro: "Uhh, wish I could"

He grabs Kuro by the uniform, "The f*ck you....say... p-punk, friggin spiky hair *burps*"

Kuro: "*grunts* the hell are you doing?"

The IMP goes after Loona

Loona: "Ugh, Get away you creep"

...: "Who is that?.... you're las?"

Kuro looks confused.

Kuro: "That's none of your concern, just head off already won't you"

...:"HUUHHHH!? DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!" *throws a punch*

Kuro catches the punch by the wrist and starts to tighten the grip

...: "H-Hey let go!!"

Kuro gives him a second and gives him a deadly stare. A lot bang is sounded and the drunken IMP flies across the street.

Kuro lets go and the drunken hellhound and IMP run away. He turns around to see Loona with her fist clenched and rounded, he looks at her in awe.

Kuro: "Woah"

Loona: "*sighs* I'm not just a receptionist, I can fight too."

Kuro: "That's was amazing"

Loona: "Really, t-thanks, learned it from Blitz, and a few videos from sisntergram"

Kuro: "I guess we're both strong in our own way *looks at the runaways* I doubt they would come back"

Loona: "Let's go, you still need to teach me to cook remember"

They arrived at the apartment

Kuro: "Yosh, time to get started"

Loona: "uh-huh"

Kuro puts an apron on, Loona chuckles a bit

Kuro: "What?"

Loona: "*chuckles* You look kinda silly with that"

Kuro: "*grunts * I'm protecting the only good clothes I have with me"

"I have other clothes as well, some of them are unisex, hmmm"

Kuro: "What was that, other clothes?" *unpacks shopping*

Loona: "Y-yeah! I have some other clothes for you to wear if you want"

Kuro: "I guess I can't reject that, now, time for you to get your apron on"

"huh, oh, yeah"

Kuro teaches Loona how to marinate pork, a sprinkle of paprika, salt and pepper, and a spoon of oil. Massaging the pork.

Loona: "Like this?"

Kuro looks over: "Yeah like that"

"Is this enough?"

Kuro:"That should be enough, let's put it into to the fridge for a few hours. I'll clean-"

Loona:"Don't worry, I'll clean up"

Kuro: "You sure?"

Loona: "You worked too hard today"

Kuro: "So did you"

Loona: "Yeah, well...no! I'll clean up, just sit down and rest on the couch or something"

Kuro: "Ok"

Loona cleans up, Kuro lays on the couch / sofa being tired. Kuro drifts off to sleep.

Loona: *walks over*"Hey Kuro we should-"

Kuro sleeps, Loona walks over to Kuro's side watching him as he sleeps

Loona: "He seems so tense, a defence strat of some sort? No way he does it while sleeping"

Loona admired Kuro sleeping. 

"Hmm, I wonder how long he's gonna sleep for?  He better wake up in an hour"

She stayed hesitant.

"I should... no... I'll go in my room, ugh, what difference does that make? We both sleep in the same room anyway. But I don't wanna be that type of person."

She hesitated

"Just this once..."

Loona sat down on the floor by Kuro's side, "no matter Kuro, I'll help you out, even if it means I don't know a lot about hellhounds but I just want you to feel safe here for now and be comfortable with the rest if I can" *strokes Kuro's hair* "It's so soft, I wonder what shampoo he uses" *backs her hand away* "no, c'mon Loona."

Kuro: "*slightly awake* It's fine... I comfortable already. So is it really that soft".

Loona gets jumped to see Kuro half awake, sighs, smiles and turns her head to the tv seeing the reflection of them both.

Kuro: "So what's up with you, do you feel comfortable here?"

Loona: "I didn't have a lot of friends growing up because of my defensive behaviour, some think I'm pretty weird and some are afraid of me by stuff like that punch I did back then".

Kuro: "You're not the only one with that problem, I was bullied for being the only hellhound back home, didn't seem to have any friends but.... *sighs*, it made me angry,  I even managed to knock 3 students out because of that."

Loona: "Ohh, I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say"

Kuro: "Its fine but thankfully, my band helped me make a better image of myself, I also thank my brothers for sticking up for me."

Loona: "That's true, you are really popular now"

Kuro: "Still, those comments about me being the odd one out still hurts, I sometimes cry about it when I sleep"

Loona caress Kuro on the cheek, Kuro turns and looks at Loona in awe seeing the action, Kuro didn't mind the caring action Loona gave him

Loona: "It's ok, It happens to the best of us"

Kuro: "heh, I guess, I'm not the only one teaching here"

Loona sits back on Kuro's side,  both of them go to sleep next to each other

An hour has passed, Kuro wakes up seeing Loona's head right next to him. Kuro gets up.

Kuro turns his head to Loona: "Thanks...Loona, yosh *stretches*, time to get up. I wonder if you're gonna wake up"

Kuro gets up grabs his coat but then-

Loona:"*groans* You're going now?"

Kuro: "Seems like you were waiting for me to get up and go"

Loona: "No,  you woke me up"

Kuro: "*sigh* I'm heading back to the office, you might as well come"

Loona: *groans*

Kuro: "I'll take that as an ok". 

They arrive at the office, luckily it was just them in the office, the gang hasn't arrive yet.

Kuro: "Odd, they should be back by now, what's taking them so long"

Loona sat there with her phone: "Dunno, usually it's a quick one" 

*Loona's phone rings*

Loona: "yuh"

Blitzo: "WE NEED KURO NOW!!!"

Loona: "Huh?"

Blitzo: "Open a portal get Kuro in"

Loona: "You're up Kuro"

Kuro: "Yosha!! Time for some action"

Loona opens a portal to a stage in the over world

Kuro gets in: "Woah, what do we have here?"

Blitzo *struggling*: "A little help would be nice" 

Kuro: "Yep got it"

[Intense opera music plays as the fight scene begins. Keenie and Millie roll over in a cat fight. Cletus and Collin shoot golden arrows at Blitzo and Moxxie who run away, drawing their guns in the process. Millie and Keenie roll off the catwalk. Moxxie sees them and jumps off of the catwalk, grabbing and swinging on a rope. He aims his pistol at Keenie, who is still fighting with Millie as they fall. Millie and Keenie exchange punches to the face. Moxxie aims up and fires at a rope which releases a sandbag. The sandbag slams into Keenie, separating her and Millie, and Moxxie swings over and catches Millie as Cletus and Collin chase them down, firing their crossbows. Millie grabs Moxxie's face and they stare into each other's eyes with lustful grins. They make out as they swing above the stage, Millie pulling two machine guns out of Moxxie's coat and firing as they spin rapidly. Blitzo climbs onto a catwalk and spots Millie's bra and Moxxie's bow tie fly past him. The bullets hit and kill various audience members in the first two rows, but they all miss Lyle.]

Kuro: We 're dealing with angels now?

Cletus: Who are you?

Kuro: "That's not important" *dodges the arrows* "Love arrows? A bit forceful don't you think" *deflects the arrowsa and hits Cletus*

Lyle: It's all starting to make sense now! Life is worth living because we only get one! We must cherish it! If creatures far beyond this living world are going through these lengths over my life, then certainly it's worth living! Killing myself is not the answer! Plus... I'm still rich! I can just buy all the things! [pulls out two wads of cash in triumph] I NO LONGER CRAVE DEATH!

Kuro: Is that the target?

Moxxie: yes

[The audience claps happily for Lyle. Millie and Moxxie, spinning while firing their guns and being chased by Collin and Keenie, accidentally shoot a woman in the audience in the eye, killing her instantly, Kuro charges to Lyle but the cherubs pushed him over.]

[Blitzo runs along the metal scaffolding with his flintlock pistol. He jumps onto a bit of scaffolding holding some spotlights attached to the ceiling with a rope. He and Cletus point their weapons at each other, Kuro closes in.

Kuro: "I'll let you do the honours"

 Blitzo attempts to fire but finds his gun empty, looking at it in shock. With a wide-eyed glance at Cletus, Blitzo throws the flintlock into Cletus' face.

Cletus: Oof! You fucker!

Kuro: How did you even manage to do that?

[Momentarily blinded, Cletus recklessly fires an arrow, severing the rope holding up the scaffolding Blitzo is standing on and that Moxxie and Millie are swinging from. The three Imps all fall with the metal scaffolding as is smashes onto the floor of the stage, narrowly missing the pianist and cartoonishly bending a board so it holds up the piano at an angle.]

[The pianist is startled and stops playing, then straightens his bow tie, drops his stool down onto the stage, and uses it to drop down from the bent floorboard. The board then sends the piano flying through the air, breaking in the process. Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, Cletus, Collin, and Keenie follow the piano with their eyes as it falls. Lyle turns to see the piano flying straight towards him, screaming like a girl and scrambling out of his bed into a seat. Unfortunately for him, the piano suddenly shifts to his new location and crushes both him and a few corpses haphazardly shot and killed by Moxxie and Millie.]

[Moxxie grins as he sits tied up to Millie. Blitzo and the couple grin smugly.]

Moxxie: Well, well. Would'ya looook at that? You... did our job... for us. Heh!

[Millie smirks and gives the cherubs two middle fingers.]

[Cuts to the cherubs staring at Lyle's unfortunate death in utter shock. Collin gasps in horror.]

Collin: Ohhhh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my Gooood!

[Keenie grabs Collin by the shirt and slaps him across the face a few times.]

Keenie: Get a hold of yourself, Collin! And do NOT use the Lord's name in VAIN!

Cletus: (angrily) THIS... ISN'T OVER!

[Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie smirk as Keenie creates a portal to Heaven and the cherubs fly through, only to be mysteriously repelled back.]

Cletus: WHAT THE?!

[A group of cherubs descends, composed of two bees, two sheep and , the leader. The deer conjures up reading glasses and a clipboard.]

Deerie: Mmm, yeah, no, sorry, Cletus, but I'm afraid your actions resulted in the death of a human. I'm afraid you can't re-enter Heaven. Yeaaaah, noooo...

Cletus, Collin, & Keenie: WHAT?!?!

Deerie: (condescendingly) Yeaaaah, mmmmm, sorry! Yeaaaah, no...

Collin: Is there... anything we can do?!

[Deerie files her hoof. Kuro hints to the gang to get back to the underworld]

Deerie: Yeaaaah, nooo! (chuckles) Noooo, no, no.

[Deerie says "no" while pointing her hooves at Collin, Cletus and Keenie.]

Keenie: Bu- But, we didn't mean to! We'd never! It was all--

[Keenie points to the spot where I.M.P. was, only to find them gone. All three cherubs stare wide-eyed, Keenie's pointing hand trembling, whist the sound of a horrified woman screaming plays in the background.]

Deerie: Anyway, sorry, guys. But those are the rules! Yeaaaaah. Byyyye!

[Deerie does a happy wave before she and the group vanish through the portal.]

Cletus: Wait! But--

[Cletus flies toward the portal but it closes. Cletus breaks down into tears and cries.]

[Blitzo claps his hands together, transitioning back to the I.M.P. office.]

Blitzo: Welp, the old man wanted to live again and we didn't kill him, so we failed. Thanks to those fuckin' cherubs, he's probably up in Heaven now, so... It's a shame. All our client wanted was eternal revenge on his business partner. And now the two are forever separated, and now we gotta face the fire of fuckin' up.

Kuro: Maybe not

Moxxie: Why do you think Mr. I think the mission will be easy?

Kuro: This guy's an inventor, he'd test on a lot of subjects.

Moxxie: *sighs* Sir... when are you going to tell the client?

Blitzo: [holds up and points at phone] Oh, I already sent him a text, and... we're in good hands, 'cause texts don't make people angry.

[On Blitzo's phone it shows that Loopty Goopty is called "Lupis" in his contacts. The text from Loopty reads "U fail, U die.", followed with Blitzo replying "sorry" surrounded by emojis, with "saxophone emoji" typed a line below. Moxxie looks worriedly to the wall behind him. He quickly scurries out of the way as a metal escalator proceeds to crash into the office.]

Loopty: *descending the escalator* BLIIIIIITZO!

Blitzo: (worried) Loofaaaaa! We can explain everything. I was--...

[Another metal escalator crashes through the wall and squashes Moxxie as Lyle, now a mechanical demon with piano keys for teeth and a rolling ball in place of legs, arrives with a grin. Moxxie twitches stiffly in pain.]

Blitzo &Millie: (confused) Lyle Lipton?!

Millie: I don't understand. We thought you went to Heaven.

Lyle: Heaven?! You don't make millions in technological advances in robotics by NOT experimenting on the poor! [laughs]

Kuro: "Called it!"

Loopty: Oh, you no-good, HEARTLESS son of a BITCH! *turns to Blitzo* Thank you for reuniting me with my best friend!

Lyle: The only question now is what do two old genius robotic inventors do now that we're in Hell?

[Wally Wackford crashes through the ceiling.]

Wally: Did someone say, I say, inventors?! Name's Wally Wackford, and I am lookin' for creative new people to exploit! [realizes what he said and twirls his mustache] I mean, employyyyy~

Blitzo: Everyone, STOP FUCKIN' UP MY WALLS! Moxxie's gonna have to fix all this shit!

[Moxxie is shown trapped, frothing at the mouth and groaning in agony.]

Blitzo: Oh, chill out, Moxxie. If you kiss my ass any harder, you'll go right inside me. Satan's balls! First we deal with Heaven's table-scraps, now this?

Wally: I guess... you can say, you say, you have a... holey operation here, Blitzo! [pronounced as spelled]

[Wally slaps his knee and laughs. Loopty scratches his neck awkwardly.]

Blitzo: (unamused) Get out.

[Wally continues laughing, doubling over onto the floor. Lyle and Loopty glance at each other awkwardly.]

Wally: Oh! I say, oh!

Blitzo: No, I'm serious. Get the FUCK OUT!

[Loopty, Lyle, Millie, and Wally all look at Blitzo, shocked and surprised by his sudden rage.]

A hours passed and the office is still wrecked.

Kuro: "Is that the only target today"

Blitzo: "I guess so, the f*cker didn't even both-"

*kuro mend the wall and windows*

Kuro: "Have you forgotten?"

Blitzo: "Oh, nevermind, well it's best to get home now, I'll see you tomorrow gang."

Moxxie: Leaving me almost to die.

M and M left the office to their apartment. Blitzo, Loona and Kuro started to head to the van. 

Blitzo: "Takeaw- no, you got anything for us Kuro."

Kuro: "A classic pork meal"

Blitzo: "Mmm sounds tasty"

Arrives at the apartment

Kuro: "I think Loona should do dinner tonight"

Blitzo: "Loona?"

Kuro: "Yeah, she marinated a pork all by herself today and is ready to cook"

Loona was suprised to hear that: "Uh y-yeah, I prepared dinner, just need to cook it in the oven."

Blitzo: "Oh I'm so proud of you looney *kisses and cups her facecheeks*"

Loona: "Ugh, stop"

Blitzo lets go and freshens himself up a bit in the bathroom, Kuro laughs.

Loona: "Don't you start, you're the one who helped me doing this like most of the time"

Kuro: "Really? Because I saw you done quite a lot to prepare dinner, be proud of that"

Loona: "ahem, yeah, *kindly* thanks Kuro"

Kuro: "Anytime and thanks Loona"

Loona: "For what?"

Kuro: "Just being there for me".

Loona: *blushes* "Hm, anytime".

-end of part-

-side story-

Loona: Ok, here's dinner

Kuro and Blitzo look at the plate and take a bite

Loona: "Umm, so?"

Blitzo and Kuro: So Delicious!!!!

Loona: "tch, yeah I know it is"

Kuro raises an eyebrow

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