True Love

By Coralie56

56.7K 1.8K 664

Avi was in his music room, absently chiming out a few notes on his guitar. His thoughts were wandering in a r... More

Prelude: evenings
1. Shopping
2. Long story
3. Discovery
4. A date
5. A night
6. PTX
7. Together
8. The Crew
9. Caring
10. First times
11. Voices and song
12. Between Grammys and Touring
13. I Will Find A Thousand Ways...
14. Tour (1)
15. Tour (2)
16. Anna
17. Promises
18. Asia
19. ACA
20. Summer
21. The time has come
22. Family (1)
23. Family (2)
24. Avi's plans
25. Will you?
26. Pristine lake
27. Coming out
28. Shades
30. Suspended time
31. Ellen
32. Memories
33. Mitch
34. Hey Brother
35. Scott
36. Bridge Over Troubled Waters
37. Meeting
38. True Love (Epilogue)

29. Decisions

906 35 6
By Coralie56

Avi woke up first. He gazed at Mitch still sleeping peacefully in his arms. He wavered between waking him or letting him sleep a little more. Finnally, he got up carefully and went into the main room. Kirstie was curled up in a couch, her little frame fitting in the small place it provided. The house was silent, Kevin and Scott seemed to be still in the second bedroom. Avi boiled some water, poured it in a cup, added a tea bag, grabbed a pack of cereal and got out.

About ten minutes later, Mitch joined him, a cup of instant coffee in his hand.

- Hello Mitchie. Already awake?

- It felt cold without you.

Avi smiled. Mitch sat down against him and turned his face towards him. Avi kissed him softly.

- You don't drink instant coffee.

- I didn't want to wake up Kirst. Never mind.

He reached into the pack of cereal that Avi was holding.

- I think I'm going for a walk again.

Mitch stiffened, then peered at him.

- It's up to you, little angel, but I would love you to come with me today. It's just... I'm not sure if I want to talk yet.

Mitch smiled, relieved.

- I don't need to talk if you don't want to.

They left their empty cups in the porch and stood up. Arm in arm, they went away. Avi led them along the path around the lake, walking slowly. He was taking deep breaths from time to time. Mitch was walking at the same pace as him, silently.

They reached the old tree. But instead of sitting on it, Avi sat down on the ground, leaned back on the trunk, and pulled Mitch on his lap, as they did on the beach during winter. Mitch curled up in his arms, intertwined their fingers on his lap, nested his head in Avi's shoulder and didn't move anymore.

Avi's breath was getting deep and calm. He raised his free hand to run his fingers in Mitch's hair, lightly, almost absently. Mitch closed his eyes. After maybe a quarter of an hour, Avi started to hum their song. Mitch didn't really move, he just snuggled even closer in Avi's arms. Avi hummed the whole song.

After a short silence:

- I love you Mitch. This won't change, never. I'm just discovering the hard way what you guys must endure day after day. I think I didn't imagine it clearly. I knew it, but now I know how it feels.

Mitch raised his head and gazed at Avi, who was still staring ahead of him.

- I would accept it, if it wasn't for the Band. We've worked so hard, we are releasing our new album and it's a very important one. It could be a pivotal time in our career. Maybe I've been selfish.

- Avi...

Avi peered down at him.

- You were not selfish. Or I was too. I wished to make it public, as much as you did. I was just waiting for you to be ready. Scott and I have never been ashamed of who we are, and it didn't harm PTX reputation. There have been bad words at the beginning on YouTube, remember? But they disappeared. People are just more surprised because it's you, but I'm sure we can overcome it.

- You seem so confident!

- As long as you're by my side, Avriel. Yes I am.

Avi was silent once again, but he didn't take his eyes off him.

- Yes, we're gonna fight, little angel. In our own way. And not only for us. I've never found it fair, that the LGBTcommunity has to confess who they are, as if it was a sin. But now that I'm concerned, I can speak. I know what I'm talking about. We need to find a TV show that will accept to receive us. I have an idea of what I would like to say. To tell my thoughts while make it clear that it doesn't change anything for PTX.

A bright smile blossomed slowly on Mitch's lips.

- My dragon rider fighting injustice.

Avi chuckled.

- So, you found me a nickname after all?

- Not sure it will suit all the situations, though. I'm not a dragon myself, answered Mitch very seriously.

Avi burst out laughing, joined by Mitch who was suddenly blushing.

When Avi's laughter subsided, he whispered lovingly:

- I love you so much...

And he leaned down to pull him in a deep long kiss.


When they came back to the cabin, Kirstie was cooking, Kevin was setting the table, and Scott was scrolling on his phone. They all raised their heads in unison, and the same smile lit up their faces when they saw Mitch and Avi's peaceful expressions.

Knowing Avi, Scott decided to give him time to speak when he would feel ready. He gave them the latest news.

- Things are changing a bit on the net. First, the Pentaholics are wonderful. They won't yield one inch. They track all the haters and answer kindly but firmly. The LGBT community has showed up by our side too, of course, but not only. People saying they're not gay or whatever else are claiming how upset they are. Because... There have been more articles, and even two comments in TV shows.

- On TV?!

- Yes. Not national channels, but still.

Avi sat down in the couch in front of Scott, Mitch by his side, holding his hand. Kevin and Kirstie joined them, bringing drinks for everyone and setting them on the little coffee table. Kevin sat down beside Scott, Kirstie on the armrest beside Mitch.

Avi repeated what he had already told Mitch. Scott gazed at him.

- That would be great. Avi my friend... you're brave. I'm going to call Jake, he will find us the good show.

- Us?

- We will have to be around. We are together on this one. Because PTX could be threatened, that's true, but most of all because we've always be united, no matter what. And Mitch and I are concerned too, anyway, he added with a friendly wink.


After lunch, Scott called Jake. Avi called Esther. When all had been clearly explained, they were told by Jonathan to stay where they were for now. Some journalists were still wandering around their homes. At least Scott's and Avi's. Alex and Jeremy were asking if they could come over.

- I'm asking Avi.

- Of course! Why do you even ask? They can't stay amongst all this crazyness. And what about your other roommates?

- They go to friends for a few days.

Avi shook his head.

- This is insane... We're going to run out of beds, though.

- Alex brings a tent. And Jeremy a mattress for Kevin, answered Scott with a wink.

Kevin giggled.

- Do you have news from Soraya?

- Yes, she's fine. Nobody showed up at home, but she went at her parents, she didn't want to stay alone.

Avi opened his mouth, but Kevin cut him off, raising a threatening forefinger.

- Homie, if you say once more that you're sorry... She's fine, and we're all in the same boat!

- Are you gonna fight? asked Scott, pretending to be worried.

- I would prefer to go swimming, giggled Kevin. All this water calls me!

- Wonderful idea! Who comes?

Alex and Jeremy found them all playing childishly in the lake.


Three days later, Jonathan called them. Scott put the speaker on his phone.

- Guys, here are the news. Almost no more new hate articles, a few comments on TV here and there, not so bad. No more paparazzi around your homes. People are wondering where you are, of course, and how you will overcome this. You have to come back soon. The very good news is that... Ellen will receive you for a special show in three days. I've talked to her, she will need to see you a little before to settle the last details, but we already agree on the essential points.

- Great! Thank you so much Jonathan! And I've seen that the pre-orders for the album go quite well?

- Yes Scott, it seems we didn't lose a single Pentaholic.

They could all hear the smile in the manager's voice.

- I'm happy but not surprised, answered Scott. They were the first to say they are our family. They proved it in the most beautiful way. I've tweeted a few times from our official account, about the new album, and we've had so many nice and heartwarming comments!

- We'll be back tomorrow, said Kevin. But I was wondering... Avi, would you like to stay here one more day? We've invaded your shelter, maybe you need to find some peace before coming back in L.A.

Avi sighed gratefully.

- If you think it's okay, I would love to, yes. Thank you Kevin.

- Of course he can! exclaimed Jonathan. I want you at your best in three days Avi! Bye, guys! See you soon!

- And me? asked Mitch with a playful but yet tiny voice.

Avi squeezed his arm around Mitch's shoulders and was about to answer, but Kevin forestalled him.

- Sorry Mitch, you're so right! We talked to Avi and about him, but you're both involved. Of course I was thinking of you both. I can't even imagine Avi letting you go without him! I'm really sorry Mitch.

Mitch smiled at Kevin gratefully, waving his hands in denial.

- Oh! No! It's okay!

- No, it wasn't Mitchie, answered Kevin softly yet firmly.

- Thank you Kevin, whispered Avi.

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