The Dragon's Legacy

_Savren_ tarafından

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What if Maegor the cruel had a son? A raven haired prince. Born to carry the legacy of his father and grandmo... Daha Fazla

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen - M
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six - M
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three

Chapter Forty-Nine

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_Savren_ tarafından

Empress Amethyst watched the throne room as she is seated upon the Golden Throne.

Daemion stood by Sly and Zhea away from the Golden Throne, by a pillar. The soldiers wore crimson armors and stood silent as they all awaited God-Empress Amethyst's order.

"Bring them to God-Empress." Daemion spoke loud.

Two soldier nodded, bowed before Empress Amethyst and ran toward the golden doors of the throne room.

Minutes later, Former Empress Feng and her only daughter, Princess Emeera, were brought and thrown in front of the Golden Throne.

"Sister. Stepmother." Amethyst spoke as she crossed her legs. "It is quite lovely to see you after ten long years."

"Fuck you." Emeera spat angrily as she looked at Amethyst with her light brown eyes, filled with hatred.

Amethyst looked at her younger sister. "Emeera... You've grown, sister." Amethyst spoke. "Though you still have not mature."

"I should have killed you when your whore of a mother slept with the Emperor. I should have had her slaughtered like the pig she was and cut you out from her womb and give you to the dogs to feast upon you." Former Empress Feng spat as she cut Amethyst off.

God-Empress's grip of Golden Throne tightened. Daemion reached for Dark Sister on his waist, and soldiers pressed their teeth together to not kill the former without the order of the Empress.

"Mistress..." Sly spoke loudly in common tongue but then he switched to broken Yi-Tish. "Allow me to... crush... her skull."

Mummers and voices of agreement rose from the soldiers who were present.

Amethyst raised her hand in refusal. Sly bowed and took a step back and stood by Daemion's side.

Daemion leaned down to reach Sly's ear and whisepred. "I don't remember you ever mentioning that you had learned Yi-Tish, old friend." Daemion whispered

"Well commander, you learn a thing or two when you gamble with the soldiers." Sly whispered back.

Amethyst spoke loud, which made everyone present in the hall and Throne room to give her their undivided attention.

"I've had years to think of what I would do when I sat on the Golden Throne. Would I kill you, torture you, or simply lock you in the cells underneath the palace... But I have chosen a different approach." Amethyst spoke and looked at Emeera.

"Emeera, you shall be sent to to the temple of Lion of Night, as a priestess of Maiden-Made-of-Light, which is known for its strictness. You need more experience in life. You have been spoiled long enough. It is time for you to live and have a purpose in your life." Amethyst ordered.

"You CAN'T!" Emeera screamed. "You can't do this you bitch! You filthy usurper bitch! I hope you die! I hope all of you die!"

"I can and I will. You will obey or you shall be hanged." Amethyst spoke coldly as she gave Emeera a deadly look. "And dare yourself to call me anything but Empress, Emeera and I shall have your eyes, tongue and ear taken from you." And with that Emeera looked down as angry tears fell from her eyes.

Amethyst turned her head toward, her once stepmother, former Empress Feng.

"But as for you, former Empress. Your crimes against my father, Emperor Lohan, and my brother, Emperor BuGai–" Amethyst was cut off by former Empress Feng.

"You killed BuGai! You will not dare to spea–" Amethyst cut Feng off coldly and raised her voice.

"If anyone is at fault of BuGai's death, is you and Jumong. You for going against his orders, against the orders of the God- Emperor at the time, and Jumong for running away rather than staying by his Emperor's side to fight for him. If it were not for the assassin you sent without Emperor BuGai's knowledge, he possibly was still alive. You killed him by sending that assassin to my castle! His blood is on your hands! Not on mine!" Amethyst spoke loud. "Jumong is not here to face the consequences of his many crimes, but you are. I, Empress Amethyst, order and sentence you to be executed here and now." Amethyst spoke coldly.

"An Empire which its first order is blood, shall end in blood, girl." Empress Feng spoke coldly.

"My Empire will see blood, because it was made through blood. Blood of my mother, father, brother and thousands of friends and soldiers I lost and those who I nearly lost." Amethyst spoke as she looked at Daemion for a brief second. "This Empire will last, for blood of too many have hardened its foundations. Your blood is a more fortunate one, because I will willingly spill your blood, stepmother."

"The Empire–" Former Empress Feng tried to speak, but was cut off.

"The future of the Empire is no longer your concern, stepmother. I assure you, your death will do more good for Yi-Ti than the thirty-five years that you served as her Empress." God-Empress Amethyst spoke.

"Then how will you have me killed, harlot?" Feng asked coldly, as she looked at Amethyst with a stare that only spoke hatred.

"I considered having you to die by Lingchi. A thousand cuts, until you die... Just like how you wounded me and the memory of my mother thousands of times over the years..." Amethyst spoke coldly. "...But yet I will settle for your head and head alone. For you are not worth the precious time of the excursioner nor mine."

Former Empress Fang spat on the ground with no further words.

"Daemion. See to it Emeera is put inside of the carriage and sent away." Amethyst spoke coldly as her eyes still pierce Empress Feng. "And Sly... Bring me her head."

Daemion walked toward Emeera and grabbed her chains and picked her up easily as Emeera screamed "MOTHER!"

Daemion began to carry her away from the throne room as the soldiers opened his way so he could leave, and it was then when Sly walked forward, toward former Empress Feng.

"May I?" Zhea whispered with contempt and anger. Amethyst heard her words and nodded.

Zhea walked toward former Empress Feng and bent her over the board, pushing her hair out of the way to expose her neck for Sly.

"This is for my family... and years of exile." Zhea whispered bitterly as her voice shook with rage, but she kept her composer and walked back to Amethyst's side.

As Sly drew his curvy sword, Empress Feng yelled loudly and her voice echoed through the halls of the God-Empress's palace.

"You and your bastard lap dog will die... Alone and far from home... I promise you. Jumong will see to that. He will avenge us! We will be avenged!"

And Sly's sword came down... And Empress Feng's head rolled on the ground.

Smiles and shouts of joy was heard across the throne room. Zhea smiled at the decapitated head, and Sly smirked at the blood that we the ground... But Amethyst...

Empress Amethyst did not smile. She did not even looked at the body. She could not even hear the sounds of joy. Her ears only whistled, and looked at the door as Daemion walked inside the throne room alone.

Daemion looked at Amethyst and nodded, and Amethyst closed her eyes and forced a smile on her face as she looked at her army.


"The crown Prince Aegon and his sister-wife, Princess Rhaena!"

Rhaena opened her eyes and saw the gates of Oldtown, surrounded by massive, thick, high stone walls.

"I thought you were gonna stay asleep forever." Aegon spoke coldly as he watched the mighty gates of Oldtown open, and their carriage began to move inside of the ancient city.

"If you don't have anything of value to say, Aegon, then do not open your mouth." Rhaena returned coldly. "At least do not let Oldtown to see you for the degenerate that you are."

"And you try to keep your legs closed to the next Hightower with black hair you see." Aegon spoke coldly. "At least do not let Oldtown to see you for the disgraceful whore that you are, sister."

And Rhaena's fist found its way toward Aegon's nose.

"I dare you to open your mouth to even refer to me... nay, breath in my presence. Do not try me, Aegon." Rhaena spoke coldly in high Valyrian. "Or I'll feed you to Dreamfyre."

Aegon rubbed his nose angrily and looked at Rhaena with anger, but he chose to remain quiet, for he knew Rhaena was not empty words.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence, with the two siblings avoiding to even look in one another's figure.

Rhaena looked at the window to look at Oldtown.

The Hightower, The largest tower in the world, casting a large shadow, showing its true might and power of House Hightower. Rhaena could not help but to look at the city that was made from stones, stones and buildings that were made by the First Men, far long before coming of the Andals, making this this city the oldest, and most ancient city in Westeros... Even older than Old Valyria, And House Hightower was the head of it.

No wonder House Hightower see themselves above Targaryens. Rhaena thought to herself. A city even older than Valyria, home to Citadel, considered to be the greatest seat of knowledge in the known world.

Rhaena could see the gates of a large building that was scattered to multiple parts but yet stood as part of one building across the city, and she could only assume it was none other than Citadel itself. The gates were flanked by a pair of tall green sphinxes with the bodies of lions, the wings of eagles and the tails of serpents. One has the face of a man, the other a woman.

Rhaena took her head out slightly too look at the people and street. Rhaena could not believe her eyes nor her nose. The city smelled like flowers. She had heard beautiful Oldtown described as as smelling as flowery as a perfumed dowager. During summer, it steams and swelters during daytime but comes alive at night.

Not a single ill mannered or ill dressed man, woman or child could be seen, unlike Kingslanding. The traders and merchants mounted on their horses, rode and their fortune was upon their horses. The Oldtown was after the richest city in Westeros and it was no surprise to Rhaena. During her girlhood she had learned that Oldtown was home to the realm's second most important port, and auntie Ceryse had spoken of it.

Auntie Ceryse.

This city... was where Auntie Ceryse came from... The city that people of Westeros regarded her Daemion as... Prince of Oldtown... Somewhere, to her knowledge, Daemion had never visited. Prince of a city that he had never seen or wished to entertain the idea of visiting, for a reason unknown to everyone but he himself. A reason that he never told her.

The carriage stopped in front of the Hightower. And Aegon leaned forward to grab Rhaena's hand so they would walk outside of the carriage as husband and wife, but Rhaena grabbed her own blue dress and walked outside of the carriage first, leaving Aegon behind.

As the siblings step out, a tall man dressed in dark green attire walked forward. He was handsome, with brushed short dark blond hair which was greyish, and a short blond beard, and bottle green eyes, and high cheekbones. He bore some resemblance to Daemion, though what exactly, was lost to Rhaena. And only moments later Rhaena recognized the man before them, for it had been years since she had seen his face...

Martyn Hightower, the voice of Oldtown, kneeled. "Be welcomed my crown Prince, and Princess. Oldtown is yours." And Martyn got back on his feet, to tower over the Targaryen siblings.

"Lord Martyn." Aegon spoke formally. "Lord Hightower." Rhaena nodded respectfully. "Thank you for receiving us." Aegon spoke.

"It is my pleasure. I was most glad when I learned from Grand Maester Gawen that you have started your royal progress with Oldtown to receive the High Septon's blessing." Lord Martyn Hightower spoke with his deep voice. "A blessed day truly, though I must apologies that there are matters that require my attention. Ser Robert of Warrior's Sons will guide through the city toward the Starry Sept to receive High Septon's blessing." And Martyn Hightower bowed once more as he offered them Ser Robert.

Ser Robert was a tall man, but his face was covered with his helmet. He wore a rainbow cloak and inlaid silver armor over hair shirts. And he was bearing star-shaped crystals in the pommels of his longsword. "It'll be my honor." Ser Robert spoke.

"Thank you again, Lord Martyn." Aegon spoke as he nodded his head as a gesture of respect and with that Martyn Hightower walked back inside of the Hightower.

Ser Robert of Warrior's Sons mounted his horse, and Aegon and Rhaena entered their carriage once more, and began moving.

"The commander of Warrior's son, my commander, Ser Morgan Hightower will receive us by the Starry Sept, my prince and Princess." Ser Robert stated reassuringly.

"Ser Morgan? Lord Maryn's younger brother??" Rhaena spoke in disbelief. She had heard Morgan's name through the years, especially from Auntie Ceryse during her girlhood. The youngest of all Manfred Hightower's children, the commander of Warrior's son. Renowned as a dangerous swordsman and a dutiful man.

"Yes, Princess." Ser Robert spoke as he pointed at a building with black marble walls and arched windows. "That is the Starry Sept. Where Prince Maegor wedded Lady Ceryse, the eldest of Manfred Hightower's children, Ser Morgan and Lord Martyn's elder sister."

"Why didn't the High Septon move to Sept of Remembrance in Kingslanding? I believe he was meant to move there." Rhaena spoke.

Aegon poked Rhaena's knee with his own knee and gave her a glare for he didn't like her trying to make conversation with the warrior, but Rhaena only pushed Aegon's knee aside and waited for Ser Robert's answer.

"The High Septon had a change of heart, Princess." Ser Robert spoke simply and shortly. And with that, Rhaena chose silence.

Some time later, their carriage and soldiers by their side arrived at the gates of Starry Sept. As the Targaryen siblings got off of the carriage they were greeted by Ser Morgan Hightower, the commander of Warrior's sons.

Just like his elder brother, he was a tall man, but he bore more resemblance to his late sister and father, with raven black hair that reached his shoulders, bottle green eyes, and a shaved face, though his subtle beard showed that his beard favored Hightower blonde.

"Prince Aegon, Princess Rhaena." Ser Morgan Hightower nodded. "Welcome to Starry Sept. Please follow me. Your soldiers and servants need not to come. It'll only take but a minute."

Rhaena grew suspicious. But with Ser Morgan's words, Aegon nodded and dismissed their guards. Rhaena chose to push her suspicion down.

And Aegon and Rhaena began to follow Ser Morgan.

As they walked, Aegon spoke. "Oldtown is grander and more glorious than the stories and books that I've read, Ser Morgan."

"Some say the seven chose the Hightower to be their representatives in this world, therefore laying the greatness in this city. For believe it my Prince. There never has nor will there ever be a city beautiful, mixed with wisdom... Only Oldtown." Ser Morgan spoke.

Aegon only nodded. But it was Rhaena who spoke again.

"I have heard that Lady Ceryse is buried in this very Sept..." Rhaena spoke calmly. "Is it true? Is her tomb here?"

Ser Morgan looks surprised as he looks at Rhaena and calmly answers "My sister rests in her own tomb in the Hightower. My families seat, where the most noble of nobilities are buried. Next to the tomb of my father and my mother."

The rest of the walk was spent in silence, until the reached a grand door. Ser Morgan pushed it open and they entered the grand official of the High Septon.

An almost empty room, with its walls filled with tall libraries and Seven statues of the Seven gods were put in the seven corners of the room, and the High Septon himself sitting behind his desk as he read.

As they entered, the High Septon stood up and walked to them as he greeted them. "Prince Aegon. Princess Rhaena."

"We have come to be blessed by your holy hands, my sister and I." Aegon spoke.

As the words were spoken, Rhaena heard as the door behind them were open, and the Warrior's Sons walked inside.

This is beyond unnatural... Rhaena thought to herself.

"You see, my prince... I cannot do such a thing." The High Septon spoke.

"And why is that?" Aegon asked confused. As he finally looked around him to see the Warrior's Sons forces. "Why are they here?!"

"They are here to put an end to something that should have never began. We disgraced ourselves the day we allowed inbred dragonlords to call themselves our kings, for they rode creatures born of magic." The High Septon spoke, and the room froze, as if in the closed walls of the Sept, a cold breeze had breathed its cold wind.

As Aegon opened his mouth, his voice was cut. "Wha–" For Suddenly a soldier arrived from behind and opened Aegon's throat with his dagger from behind, and another grabbed Rhaena from behind.

"Aegon!" Rhaena screamed, and the soldier who held her from behind smacked Rhaena in her collar, making her fall to her knees, as he now grabbed her long silver hair.

As Aegon's body fell to ground and began to shake and bleed through his cut, Ser Morgan angrily yelled.

"You idiot! You fucking idiot!" Ser Morgan yelled at the soldier with the bloody knife. "You were not mean to kill him! He was a valuable hostage! I will punish you for this, in the name of my brother!"

"I beg your forgiveness, commander." The soldier got on his knee and pleaded.

"We still have her, commander." Another soldier spoke. "She is the abomination king's eldest child."

Ser Morgan angrily took a deep breath in to clear his mind, and after moments he spoke. "I'll take this abomination's head and I will take our forces and go to Kingslanding. Has the rest of Warrior's Sons forces been relocated to Sept of Remembrance?"

"Yes, commander. There are still a dozen more left here."

"I'll take two dozen of the forces with me to Kingsladning. Let the rest of our forces stay by the Voice of Oldtown's side and the side of High Septon." Ser Morgan spoke and pointed at a solider. "Inform my brother of this development. Tell him that I am leaving for Kingsladning according to our long-laid plans."

"At once, commander." The solider bowed and left the office.

"What will we do with her?" The High Septon asked as he pointed at Rhaena.

"Take her to the Hightower. Throw her in a room and lock the door up. If she resists, don't be shy to beat her until her pretty face falls off of her skull, but do not kill her nor touch her more than necessary." Ser Morgan spoke coldly. "Understood?"

"As you say, commander." The Warrior's Sons forces spoke respectfully.

Ser Morgan walked to Rhaena and kneeled to reach to her height. "If you only knew how the whole of Westeros is preparing to celebrate the removal of you silver hair inbreeds from the seat of power." Morgan spoke coldly.

And Rhaena spat at Morgan's face and looked at him angrily. To which he only closed his eyes and stood up. "Take her away." Morgan spoke calmly as he wiped his face.

The soldier behind of her tightened his grip on Rhaena's long silver hair and began dragging her by her hair.

And Rhaena screamed in pain.


Daemion gasped for air as he felt an excruciating pain in his chest, a pain that forced him lean to the closest wall to him. The pain was greater than the pain the day Jumong had pierced him to the ground with Dark Sister.

"Commander! are you okay?" Sly asked as he reached and placed his hand on Daemion's black leather coat's shoulder.

Daemion only breathed heavy breaths as he looked around as if he had seen hell itself.

"Something has happened..." Daemion whispered.

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