Chapter Nine

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Thank you Cass ♥️

Rhaena landed next to Modread.

As she got off Dreamfyre, the blue dragon got close to the scarlet black dragon and took off together.

Well, at least Dreamfyre has a friend now Rhaena thought to herself.

"Welcome back princess." Ser Corlys Velaryon, the lord commander of the kingsguard, announced.

"Thank you Ser Corlys." Rhaena took her gloves off. "Where is my cousin?"

"We did not find him princess. We believe he left for the castle by himself ."

Rhaena's mind immediately drifted to Daemion well being. A Targaryen prince in a crowed of people who might wish for his head?! Is he alright??

As she was about to open her mouth to address her worrisome she remembered; He's no ordinary Targaryen Rhaena thought to herself and smirked to herself.

"I believe Prince Daemion will be just fine Ser Corlys." She smiled at the lord commander "Let us be on our way to the Keep so we can prepare to greet my father and uncle at the harbour."


Mother has done a fine job Maegor thought to himself. The red keep was now fitted for their dynasty.

"My prince." Grand Maester Gawen bowed before him. "Today is a day to be remembered, for you have finally returned to us."

Maegor nodded. I see through you rat Maegor thought to himself. Grand Maester Gawen had always protested against Maegor's actions. So it was not so hard to say that Maegor despised this man. For it was this man who had delivered the news of Daemion's heads colouring.

Among everyone who was greeting, Maegor's eyes looked for Visenya.

And he found her.

"My son." Visenya came forward and embraced her son formally. "I've missed you dearly my dearest child." Visenya whispered, which no one else noticed. To which Maegor's mouth formed a small smile. And embraced his mother. "Thank you mother."

"There is much to discuss Maegor."

And with that Maegor offered his arm to Visenya to which Visenya grabbed it. Maegor led her to the furthest balcony so no one could hear them.

"You are needed more than ever Maegor." Visenya spoke first."

"What's happening Mother? Why have I been anointed as the next hand of the king?"

"The kings health is failing, Drone has once more started their schemes, they have been funding the new pirate king in the Stepstones. There are whisperers of war. The small council is urging Aegon to command our army to be sent to Stepstones."

"Isn't this Aegon's decision to make?"

"No one knows what your father is thinking, not even Orys. He must not consider sending men to stepstones Maegor. You know it too. Sending men there is nothing short of waste. Sending men there is merely sending them to their death."

"And what do you suggest to do Mother? Burn it to the ground?"

"If only it solved anything. Stepstones has become more dangerous than the times you marched to it my son."

Silence followed. Even more dangerous huh? Maegor thought to himself. It was quite difficult to imagine stepstones being any more dangerous than what it already it was. Maegor well remembered the Giant of the Trident as he landed his Morningstar in that hideous beasts head.

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