Chapter Thirty

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A child...

Rhaena smiled weakly as she received the first-hand congratulation from the Grand maester, but deep down she was petrified.

Aegon squeezed her hand and kissed the side of her temple. "We have done it, my beloved." Aegon spoke softly next to her ear.

Rhaena looked at him and smiled softly and with trembling lips kissed Aegon's forehead.

Rhaena turns her head to the chamber's door as her father walks in. The Grand Maester walked up to him and gave him the news. Aenys's eyes sparkled as his usual smile grew even bigger on his face and fast-walked to Rhaena.

Rhaena gently stood up, embraced her father, and leaned her head onto his expensive silk clothing.

The door was once more opened and her mother, Alyssa Velaryon, walked in with her eyes glowing with happiness. Alyssa walked to Rhaena, embraced her and kissed her forehead four times before looking at Rhaena's pale lilac eyes. "I cannot wait for you to embrace your child... And feel the joy of being a mother to a beautiful son or daughter!" Alyssa spoke lovingly as she stroked Rhaena's cheekbone.

Rhaena embraced her mother and smiled softly, but she could feel her stomach shake in distress.

Is the child truly Aegons?! Rhaena thought to herself worriedly, but a feeling deep inside of her spoke otherwise.

When the Grand Maester had asked her about her fares of late, she was not completely truthful. She had told the Grand maester that her ill feelings had begun only after the wedding, but the truth of the matter was that she had felt ill awhile after... that night.

Or is the child... His? Rhaena thought to herself as she felt her pinkie finger shake uncontrollably. And if the child is her Daemion's... What if the child bears the head colouring of its father?! Rhaena thought to herself terrified. Not for herself, but for her child. If the child is born with Daemion's raven hair... If he is a boy he would be sent to the wall and if a girl, she would be sent to the silent sisters...

No! Rhaena thought to herself. My child belongs to me! Not to the wall, not to silent sisters, To me!

"It's best to give the Princess some time to rest." Grand Maester Gawen spoke. "The Princess is naturally overwhelmed, and that comes a stress which might put the child in danger."

"You are quite right." Aenys spoke as he looked at Grand Maester and then he turned his head in Aegon's direction. "Come, my son. I know you wish to dotte on your sister, especially now after such a blessing, but let us give her some time to rest."

"Yes, father." Aegon spoke as he stood up and smiled at Rhaena.

Aegon left the chamber along with Aenys and Alyssa. Leaving Rhaena sitting on the bed as she kept her smile on her beautiful face as they closed the door of the chamber behind them.

As the door was closed and the sounds of the footsteps disappeared, Rhaena stood up and started walking around the chamber, she rubbed her arms and her heart started to beat even faster. 

A child... Inside of her. Something she had never thought possible but yet something that was bound to come... But not how she ever had imagined it... The child had to be one from an ancient lord that she forcefully had married for the sake of her house...

Rhaena had always loathed the thought of giving birth. To know she might die for a child she had never seen, to bring it into this world and only to die by it and be replaced by another woman whose fate might be the same as hers.

But none had come true... The child was not one from an ancient lord... Not one from a fat lord... And in her heart, she knew that this child was not one from her beloved brother...

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