Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Daemion opened his eyes softly, only to look at the plain blue sky.

He placed his hands on the stone ground under him so he could sit on the ground, as soon as he did that he reached for his stomach wound.

But there wasn't any. What? Daemion thought to himself as he looked at his clothes that he had reached out to.

His old crimson robe and his long black leather coat. It had been nearly six years six the last time he had seen his crimson robe.

Daemion raised his head, and looked at the entrance in front of him. And the statues of dragons that covered the wall of the entrench.

Dragonstone. Home.

Daemion had woken up in DragonStone. Far from Yi-Ti. Far from castle of Huli fort. Far from Amethyst... He was home.

He knew this yard. It was the closest yard to the training court of Dragonstone.

Suddenly he heard a yell. "Faster, my prince!" He knew the voice.

The voice of the man that had put his first sword in his hand, and taught him everything he knew. A man who was no less of a father than his own father was. A man who he had missed dearly but yet had forgotten.

Daemion turned his head to the voices direction, and saw Gawen Corbray, though he was far younger than he should have been... And then a average figure began running in front of Gawen... A teen boy with short black hair, who struggled to keep his sword with one hand as his arm was swollen by the many hours he had held the sword.

Daemion felt as his jaw began to tremble. This... can.. can't... can it be... Daemion thought to himself.

"I can't, Gawen!" Younger Daemion spoke as he tried to catch his breath. "I can't... I should give up... I have been training since the sunrise...I wanted to take Modread flying! I'm going to die..."

"You have to!" Gawen yelled at the younger Daemion. "You'll always fall! But you will get back up! Today is not your day to die!"

Young Daemion raised his head and pressed his teeth together and his sword clashed with Gawen Corbray's sword.

Daemion felt a presence. As if a dog was approaching him, but then he heard something from behind his back.

Daemion heard a rorar from his behind. He turned to face the creature, only to find a scarlet-Black dragon who was the size of a horse.

"Modread?" Daemion spoke as he couldn't help but to chuckle at the sight of his old friend's younger days. "I had forgotten how ugly you were in those days."

Modread grunted and held back on his defiance, but Daemion's voice startled Daemion.

"Let's go, boy!" Young Daemion spoke with excitement as he walked passed Daemion toward Modread. But Modread kept looking at adult Daemion, as if he could see him.

"What is it, old friend?" Young Daemion asked Modread while looking at Modread's eye, and then tuned his head and looked at Daemion exactly in the eyes with his deep violet eyes... but his face did not change. As if he couldn't see Daemion.

Daemion well remembered that day. He was three and ten. The first time that he was going to ride Modread to the North.. to the Bay Of Ice... The  day he would find an abandoned hunting cabin... Same Cabin that one day he would love Rhaena in...

Young Daemion looked at Daemion and then next to him, as if he couldn't see Daemion. And then turned his gaze to Modread and rubbed above Modread's eye. "Let us see where we can go, Modread. Perhaps we can see the North for the hidden beauty that it is." And with that, Daemion climbed on top of Modread's small saddle.

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