Chapter Forty-Three

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Maegor walked through the Red Keep with heavy and fast steps. Every brick that he stepped on, shook in terror of Maegor's fury.

"The King has been poisoned in our own walls..." Maegor spoke coldly and in disbelief as he walked to Aenys's chamber, wearing all black and Blackfyre on his waist.

"The king has been poisoned in our own fucking walls!!" Maegor yelled as he continued walking, suddenly standing still to look at everyone around him and yelled; "Listen to me you worthless sacks of shits!"

The knights, the Kinsguard, and the maids, all look at Maegor with a terror that one could see on a man's face as if they were watching a monster. "Shut the red keep down! Get the cook! Get the cupbearer! I want everyone who drew breath in the Red Keep to be fucking lined! I'm finding that rat! I will have either the head of the man who did this, or I am burning this whole fucking keep down with  him inside of it, so help me gods!" Maegor roared and he squeezed the grip of Blackfyre.

All looked at Maegor with terror. For they knew that the Prince of Dragonstone, Maegor the Cruel, never made a vow that he could not keep.

Maegor's eyes caught Jaehaerys among the people. Alysanne was by his side, holding his hand and keeping her head high enough for maids and scared to rush to her. "Boy!" Maegor yelled at him, and with that, Jaehaerys walked forward, Alysanne stood behind with the maids and the ladies who tried to stay far away from Maegor's fury.

"Uncle?" Jaehaerys spoke calmly as he walked to his mountain of an uncle, and stood in front of him with a calm expression on his handsome face.

"See to what I just command! Line everyone up! Sniff that rat out!" Maegor yelled angrily.

"As you say, Lord Hand. It will be done." Jaehaerys spoke and nodded, and looked at everyone and spoke with a voice as strong as a King. "You heard him! Line everyone up! I will see to the questioning myself!"

Maegor nodded in approval. His brothers were born more turd than dragons, at least we have one Targaryen among them. Maegor thought to himself and began walking toward Aenys's chamber.


In the chamber, Aenys lay on the bed with his head on Alyssa's lap as his pillow, as she caressed his head and pained face.

Aegon kneeled by his bedside observing his father's pained face, and his wife Rhaena looked at their father with worried eyes, but she kept her composure like a true Princess.

Maegor stood by the bottom of the bed with his arms crossed and a frown on his handsome and old face. The doors were open once more and Dowager Queen Visenya walked inside with a frown but a concerned look on her old face.

Visenya walked to the bed sight and looked at Alyssa and spoke as calmly as she could manage. "Was it the wine or the food?"

"Aunt... It truly... does not matter." Aenys spoke as calmly as he could without losing his breath and forced a weak smile on his face. "The food was just not... fresh..."

"You were poisoned!" Maegor spoke sharp and cold. "They poison you in our own fucking hall! What will they do next if we do not strike back?! Send assassins after your grandchildren?! Rape your wife and children in their own beds?!" Maegor nearly yelled. "Say the word and I will burn Kingslanding to its founding stones! Do not let this go unanswered!

"No need for — I will be fine!" Aenys spoke as he weakly smiled, as he held his stomach in pain.

"Aneys, rest my love." Alyssa spoke worried as she rubbed Aenys's wrist.

Maegor looked at Aenys falling asleep in pain as his face's expression was darkened, proof that he was in pain of whatever he had swollen. You fool! You damn fool! Maegor yelled in his at Aenys in his head.

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