Chapter Thirty-Two

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During the hour of wolf, Queen Visenya sat behind her desk.

Visenya looked at herself in the mirror. Everyone always reminded her that she despite her age still is the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms, but yet not as deadly as I once was. Visenya thought to herself disappointed.

That once may have been true, but now... at the twilight of my life, I can see that even I must accept that time is cruel. Visenya thought to herself.

Visenya gently grabbed her long braid and slowly began to open her braids.

It had been some time since she had seen her long silver hair loose. The libration she felt as she her hair kissed over shoulders and covered her back to her waist, a feeling that she live a hundred times but yet never would get old.

Visenya heard the door of her chamber crack open and she turned to punish whom ever that had dared to enter her chamber uninvited but she only met the face her husband, King Aegon,

"Husband?" Visenya spoke softly as she looked at Aegon.

Only now Visenya could see how time had not been kind to Aegon. With old age, her little brother had begun walking slowly as he held his back to minimize his pain, but lately it had gotten even worse.

Aegon slowly walked to where Visenya was sitted. After looking at her face for moments, he gently stroked her long silver-white hair. "Visenya..." Aegon whispered. "My sister... My wife... My fiercest warrior... my pillar that I always relied on... Mother of our son...The warrior Queen... The she-dragon... The conqueror..." Aegon whispered every word with a heavy heart. Visenya could smell wine on his breath.

"You've been drinking Aegon?" Visenya asked softly and coldly. "It is not like you to drank yourself to this extend."

Aegon, while gently holding onto Visenya's long silver hair, sat on the bed next to Visenya's desk.

"I should have never let fear replace my better judgment..." Aegon spoke softly. "I drove you... our son... and our grandson away... Even after everything you did for me..."

Visenya felt a shadow of confusion on her mind. She chose silence.

"You crowned me king when our Rhaenys hailed me as one... You were an unparalleled beauty the day you in the filed of fire... with an arrow in your shoulder, commanded Vhagar to say the men of that Lannister to be set on fire... when he offered his surrender, you still had that arrow in your shoulder and your armour was soaked blood, but you only smirked at sight of Loren Lannister on his knees." Aegon spoke softly as he looked at Visenya's shoulder, which was covered by her long loose hair.

At the reminder of that memory, Visenya slowly reached for her scar on her shoulder beneath her hair. How could she ever forget that day? Aegon, Rhaenys and her had sent over 4000 men to embrace of death that day in the Reach.

"You know... I remember our first kiss as clear as the day I sat the Iron Throne for the first time..." Aegon whispered. "I was practicing with swords on a dummy... You came out of nowhere and picked a sword. "Fight someone who can strike back, little brother." You said." Aegon chuckled softly as he looked at Visenya with pained eyes. "We practiced the whole day... And when you laid your sword down and reached for your beautiful braided hair as sweat ran down your neck... my heart nearly exploded in my chest... The way sweat ran down from your beautiful neck... Of how you shined brighter than the moon itself when you let your long hair loose..." Aegon spoke as he stroked his thumb softly on Visenya's long hair. "...I walked to you and kissed your lips... The first lips I ever kissed."

"Aegon..." Visenya whispered as she felt her heart began to race in her chest. Memories of the past, felt as if they were memories from another life... to which it was for her.

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