Their little Sunshine

By sha_maya

87K 2.4K 194

Isabella Rose Ivy Valencia-Moretti, the only girl born in Italian Mafia family after so many generations. Not... More

other characters
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
more character
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 9

3.4K 98 7
By sha_maya

(Bella is nine months old here)

These past months has been blissful for them despite ups and downs in their life. They have spent time with each other and created beautiful memories.

Today Killian has invited his friends from college to spend some time together as he was not spending time with them.

In the evening, he returned from college with some friends. He took them to the kitchen where Bella was sitting in his high chair and Amelia aka his mom was making her eat the baby food. When Bella saw him, she giggled and started clapping her hands and show her four tiny teeth. He just smiled at her and after cleaning her face with tissue, picked her in his arms and turned towards his mom.

He said, "Mom, meet they are my friends" he points to a blonde haired boy with blue who was standing near the kitchen door,"he is Sean" and points the next boy who looks like him except for his eyes which were hazel in color, "he is Dean, they both are twins and my friends." 

They both greeted his mom ,"Good evening Mrs.Moretti. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Amelia smiled at them and said," Hello dear. You can call me Amelia. Mrs.Moretti makes me feel old."
To which they chuckled and responded positively.

Killian next moved to a brown haired girl standing next to Dean," Mom! She is Charlotte" pointed next to a brunette"she is Sophia."

To which they both said to her,"Good evening ma'am. It's good to meet you."
Amelia politely smiled at them and also said to them to call her by name. Then she turned towards Killian and said,
"Take them to living room and make them comfortable. I'll send some snacks and refreshments for you all. And you all are not going without having dinner as it's your first time coming here "

To which they all smiled and nodded and went with Killian to living room.

After settling on the their seats, Dean cleared his throat and said,"When you're going to introduce this princess to us" by pointing towards Bella.
As Bella was in Killian's arms and he hasn't introduced her to them yet.

To which he just shake his head and turned Bella's face towards their friends and said,"Guys meet her, she is my Farfalla (butterfly), princess of our family 'Isabella Rose Ivy Valencia-Moretti'."

Everyone just gushed over her cuteness and introduced themselves.
They took turns in holding Bella in her arm. In last she was in Sophia's arms, when she started getting fussy and wobble her lips, it seemed like she was about to cry any minute.

At the same time, Francesco and Alessandro enter the living room after coming from work. Alessandro sees that Bella is going to cry, he immediately pick her up in his arms and started rocking her back and forth. In no time she was giggling in his arms, he just smiled at her and kissed her forehead lovingly.

Francesco stared at them and cleared his throat to gain attention of Alessandro. He just turned towards his dad and raised his eyebrows as if asking what do you want.

His dad just signed him to give Bella to her as he also wants to hug her. Alessandro just sighed and unwillingly gave her to him. When Dad(Francesco) picked her,she squealed and moved her tiny arms  to reach his face to which he just chuckled softly and kissed her head.

Time skip:
They all have settled in the living room, even Domenico and Marcello have joined them and were waiting for dinner to be ready.

Marcello, Killian and his friends were sitting on the rug and playing with Bella while Alessandro, Domenico and their dad were sitting on the sofa talking about business but also keeping an eye on Bella.

Suddenly Sophia moved towards Bella and tried to pick her but bella started whimpering in her arms. All this was not gone unnoticed by Alessandro and his Dad.

They have noticed tha first time Sophia picked her in her arms, she also started crying, now again when she tried to pick her she again cried. It was suspicious for both of them and she wasn't giving them good vibes but she was Killian's friend so they didn't say anything about her. They signaled Killian to inspect Sophia.

'Huh that bitch (referring to Bella), how dare she get all the attention from everyone, especially Killian. I only come here so that I can spend my some time with him but no she has to be in the spotlight. Because of her Killian is not spending his time with us,with me.
Its only for some time when I'll be Killian's girlfriend then I'll make sure that bitch is nowhere close to him.I'll make him hate her.'
Sophia thought in her mind.

Actually it was in the early start of their college, when Killian saved her from being harassed by some senior bullies.
Since then she has started liking him, slowly this likeness has turned into a bad obsession that she want all the Killian's attention for herself and can't tolerate if he gave his attention to any other girl, because of this she has brutally beaten many girls with whom Killian have talked or smiled a lil bit. Now when Killian is giving his all the attention to Bella and not even glancing towards her, she is fuming inside and just wants to strangle her but maintains a smile outside.

After getting a signal from his Dad, Killian took Sophia outside by whispering in her ears," I want to talk to you alone. Can you come outside for sometime?"

Sophia just blushed at this and thought maybe he wanted to spend some alone time with her. She was making scenarios in her mind when she noticed that they had reached outside. She cleared her throat and tried to seductively bite her lips and batted her eyelashes and said,"what you wanna say?"

Killian just internally cringed at her act but maintained a seductive look on his face and pinned her to the wall. He put a hair strand behind her ear and huskily whispered in her ear,"nothing just wants to spend some time with you." To which Sophia just blushed.

He then maintained a safe distance and said in a fake sad tone,"You know I want to discuss something with you. You are my only true friend with whom I can discuss anything."

To which she just replied,"you can talk with me about everything, I'm with you. Everything is fine?" and rubbed his arm.
He just said,"what do you think about my baby sister?"

Her face lost its color as she thought he came to know about dislikeness towards her but she immediately composed herself and asked,"what do you mean? I don't understand this."

This act of her was not unnoticed by him, but he replied in a fake sad tone, "you have noticed inside, how everybody gathered around her. Nobody gives me attention now. It's just bella this, bella that. It's like she has snatched my parents. I don't like her  even a lil bit. Even I had to pretend I like her in front of my parents but in reality  I just want her gone."

'Oh! So he hate her, now I don't have to pretend and care about her, she can't snatch him from me now.' *smirking evilly* Sophia thought.

"Yes, you're right. I also don't like her, she has snatched everything from you. I just want to strangle her. I just want her dead or gone." Sophia said venomously.

Killian's eyes darkened when he listened to Sophia and grabbed her throat and started choking her,"How dare you to think about my farfalla's death. I will kill you by myself."
He left her after some time and she fell with a thud.

Sophia started taking deep breaths and asked him,"what are you saying. I thought you hated her."
He replied,"when I said I hate her. It was just an act to know about your real intentions."
He called the female guards and told them to take her in the basement and not to touch her until any notice.
She was wiggling in their arms and shouting to leave her but all her shouting fell deaf to their ears.

He was burning in rage but he smirked by thinking that his mother and aunt will have quite fun by torturing her.

He just calmed himself by taking deep breaths and went inside as he didn't want his friends to be suspicious.

When he entered inside, Alessandro and him had some sort of eye talk and went to Bella, picked her in his arms and hugged her to ensure himself that she is safe and no one can harm. To which Bella just giggled and gave a sloppy kiss on his cheek which caused him to smile a bit.

Charlotte asked him about Sofia, he just replied that she went home as she received a call from home.

Sean was just staring at him to which he just gave a I'll tell you later look.Sean and Dean know about the Mafia and are members of it but Charlotte doesn't know that's why he made an excuse.
After that they all had a peaceful dinner with a lot of bickering and teasing.

Please do comment to tell me about your views about the story.
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Thank you 🤍

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