Waves of Destiny (Twisted Won...

By PedePaulie

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Ona had the perfect life. She lived on the beautiful island of Kaui with the perfect temperature and where sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61

Chapter 60

112 5 3
By PedePaulie

"Well, Idia..." Vil said as he approached the chariot. "I'll see you at school."

Idia appeared confused. "...Huh? Oh, uh, I guess your memories are all still intact..."

"Huh?" said Leona. "What about our memories?"

"He was gonna wipe 'em," said Floyd. "Don't worry. Ona and I would have put a stop to that real quick." I nodded in agreement.

Idia winced. "Erk. Anyway, I guess I've joined the ranks of the SSR Epic Troublemakers now. People all over the world are probably gonna hold me accountable as the mastermind behind this whole incident... And I'm ready to face that... So... I doubt I'll be coming back to school. I mean, wouldn't causing trouble on this scale be grounds for immediate expulsion?"

"You gotta be KIDDING ME!" Epel cried in anger before I had the chance.

Idia seemed flabbergasted by this response. "Wha?"

"Your people completely wrecked Ramshackle Dorm! You'd better take responsibility and fix it."

"Yeah, that's right!" said Grim. "We'd JUST finished patchin' all the leaky spots too!"

Rook chuckled. "Heh heh heh. You make a good point. Our SDC reward money will have to go toward repairs now."

"Actually, 50,000 thaumarks wouldn't even begin to cover that amount of damage," said Jamil. "I expect you to repair the building entirely."

Idia frowned. "Uh... Sure..."

"And fix up the botanical gardens too," said Leona. "That's the best napping spot on campus."

Idia blinked. "Naps...? Okay, sure..."

"You should also restore the stables and damaged fields," said Riddle.

"I'm pretty sure YOU burned those - you know what? Never mind. I'm not going there."

"You know, we never did finish the game your troops so rudely interrupted," said Azul. "And as I recall, I was winning. You'd better not be trying to cut and run."

"Uh, excuse me? I was definitely winning. Could you NOT rewrite history here?"

"Also," I said, speaking loudly to be heard above everyone else, "you need to return to school because you and I need to have a long conversation about reforming this institution of yours."

Idia stared at me oddly. "Reform?"

I looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Yes. The overblot incident aside, do you realize how many rights violations you and your people committed? You can't take people against their will to study them no matter how noble your intentions. You can't terrify people like me, thinking people they care for have been taken off to their doom. And you can't justify it by wiping everyone's memories afterwards. All that does is insulate you from scrutiny. This secrecy has to go. With no accountability, there is bound to be many abuses. It's abhorrent that you think you can get away with all this."

"To be fair, Styx has been around since the age of the gods, a time when the concept of 'rights' hardly existed," said Azul. "But you are correct. Styx is past due for a change."

Idia groaned in response. "You can't be serious."

"I'm dead serious," I said. "Your secrecy gives you way too much power, and power corrupts. This incident should prove to you that your family is not superior to anyone else. Independent oversight is desperately needed."

Idia sighed. "It's not like I can do anything about it."

My expression softened. "That's not true. Listen, I know you hate your fate, but don't you see the opportunity it gives you? Once you take over, there will be no one above you, right? You can do whatever you want. You could change everything. There's no reason for you to be ruled by the past."

Idia appeared stunned by this thought. "There's... not?"

I nodded, smiling slightly. "And you better change or you'll have a problem with me."

"And if you have a problem with her, then you have a problem with me," Floyd said, sling an arm around my shoulder.

Idia winced. "Okay, okay. I get it. We'll talk."

"Anyway," said Vil, "the point is, you have plenty of work left to do on campus. And I expect you to face up to all of it and not run away."

"We'll be waiting for you!" I said.

Idia groaned. "Ugh, okay. Fine. ...See you at school."

We all got into the chariot and took off. Soon, we emerged from the ocean and could see the sun. I felt a sense of relief fill me. "Ahh, behold the beauty of dawn's light," said Rook. "The morning sun pierces the darkness. It feel truly divine."

"You are right," said Vil. "How beautiful..." Then he started to sob, shocking everyone.

"Are you alright?" I asked tentatively.

"No, I'm not alright! I'm only 18, yet here I am, wizened old grandpa... What am I supposed to do? I can't get cast as teenagers or young men now! I'd hoped I'd get to play middle-aged roles like dads at some point too. And yet... And yet... IT'S NOT FAAAIR!"

"Yeesh, blow my ears out, why don'tcha," Grim grumbled.

"What happened to all that talk about bein' the fairest one of all?" said Leona.

"I was CLEARLY posturing to keep things under control!" Vil exclaimed. "WAAAH!"

"So, you ad-libbed that whole speech?" said Azul. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."

"What incredible mental fortitude..." I murmured.

"My dear Roi du Poison," said Rook, "your tears are truly heartrending. Even on the off chance you never regain your youth, you are without question the fairest one of all."

"I know," said Vil. "But that's not the point!" He continued to sob loudly.

"Floor it, Captain!" said Epel. "Please just get us back to school!"


"Aw, shut up!" Floyd growled. "Or I'm gonna-"

While some of the others looked at him in concern, I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his head to my chest. "It's alright, Floyd," I said in a soothing manner while I gently caressed his hair to calm him. "Just focus on me."

Floyd's body was tense, but after a moment, he spoke reluctantly, "...Fine." He slipped his arms around me and held me tightly.

I noticed everyone's looks of concern turned to shock. "What?"

"They are surprised you are able to keep Floyd under control," said Azul, who sat on my other side.

"I'm not controlling him. I understand where his behavior is coming from and am offering him an alternative outlet." I shrugged. "It's not that hard."

"Only you would say that," Jamil said flatly.

"I am impressed," Riddle said. "You two get along remarkably well."

I brightened at the comment. "So, you take back what you said about me needing to stay away from him?"

Riddle smile. "I will admit I was wrong. I can see I have nothing to worry about."

I smiled at him in return, feeling happy about his acceptance. "Thanks. I'm not in any danger."

"Yes, Floyd does seem to be rather loyal once he gets attached." Riddle appeared thoughtful. "Comparatively, Jade might be the one to watch out for."

"Jade would never hurt Ona," Floyd said, lifting his head from my chest to give Riddle a hard look. "And he would never let anyone else hurt her either. In fact, anyone messing with her would probably be worse off if they were caught by Jade rather than me."

Riddle seemed surprised at first, but then he nodded in acknowledgement. "I'll have to take your word for it. I trust you know what you're doing, Ona." Jamil had been watching us, but when I glanced at him, he looked away.

"Of course," I said. I noticed Floyd getting irritated from Vil's wailing again, so I pulled him back into my embrace.

We arrived at school three long hours later. Everyone was ready to get out of the cramped space and away from Vil's sobbing. We landed on the sports field and quickly disembarked. We did not have a chance to do anything before Ruggie and Jack ran towards us, seeming to be in shock.

"LEONA!" Ruggie shouted. "You managed to make it back in one piece! And you're still standing as annoyingly tall as ever! I was afraid you might not come back, and then all that time I spent sucking up to you would've been for nothing... Whew! What a load off!"

"Your greeting just now cancelled out all the sucking up you've ever done, Ruggie," said Leona.

Ruggie smiled sheepishly. "Whoop, pardon me. Guess I was so relieved to have my boss back, that just slipped out!"

Leona crossed his arms. "Hmph. The nerve of this guy."

"Looks like everyone's back safe and sound..." said Jack. His eyes suddenly went wide. "Hey, wait. Where's Vil? And who's this old man? Why's he wearin' a Pomefiore dorm uniform?"

"Jack, no!" Epel cried. "Not the O-word!"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD?" Vil bellowed. "I'm still 18..." He began to weep again.

Jack recoiled in horror. "Wait... is that you, Vil?"

"Isn't it obvious?!"

"DUDE, WHAT?!" Ruggie shouted.

"Pipe down, will ya," said Leona. "I don't need you guys hollerin' too."

"Hold up, Leona! You got abducted, and now you're just suddenly back? What's going on here?"

"Save the questions for later. I've been fighting all night and I'm dead on my feet."

"Wait, fighting?" said Jack.

"Now I'm even more confused," Ruggie said, shaking his head.

Leona sighed. "I wanna eat, grab a bath, and go to bed. Hey, Ruggie. Make me somethin'. I don't care what it is as long as it's got some kind of meat in it."

The sound of running caught my attention. I turned to see Kalim running towards us at top speed. "JAMIIIL!" he cried. He ran straight into Jamil, sending them both tumbling to the ground. Floyd burst out laughing.

"GWAH!" Jamil exclaimed.

"I'm so glad you're safe! Do you know how worried I was?! Are you hurt?! Lemme get a look at you!" Kalim looked over Jamil while laying on top of him.

"Well, my back certainly hurts now that you've tackled me."

"Oops, my bad!" Kalim looked him over. "...Hey, you're all scraped up! What happened?! No, we can talk later! I'll call for the finest doctor in all the land!"

"That's not necessary! Sheesh..." Jamil's expression softened. "I never thought I'd actually be relieved to see your face. Anyway, you're crushing me. Could you please get off?"

Kalim tried to move but seemed unable to do so. "Sorry, I think my legs gave out from sheer relief..."

Jamil's eyes widened. "Huh?"

"I'll help you up, Sea Otter," said Floyd. He grabbed Kalim's arms and hoisted him to his feet. Jamil looked relieved.

"Thanks, Floyd!" Kalim said brightly.

"Hello, Kalim," I said to get his attention.

Kalim brightened when he saw me. "Ona!" He immediately flung his arms around me. I laughed and hugged him back. "Are you alright?" He pulled away to look me over anxiously.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I'm fine."

"Yeah, I looked after her," said Floyd.

Kalim grinned. "Good. Did you really leave to save everyone."

"That's right," I said. "Although, I don't know how much good it did. Jamil here thinks I'm useless." Jamil shot me a look after I said this.

Kalim's eyes widened in worry. "Really? Why would you say that, Jamil?"

Jamil sighed. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing," I said. "You-"

"Forget about him," Floyd said, nudging me in the side. "Look."

I turned around and followed his gaze to see Jade striding towards us. I felt my face light up as a wide grin spread across it. "Jade!" I shouted happily. He came to a halt when I ran towards him. He had his normal, calm expression on his face, but his eyes gave a hint of the deep emotions he was feeling.

"Hello, Ona," Jade said softly. He opened his arms to receive my hug, and he held onto me as tightly as I clung to him. I knew he would never admit it in public, but I could tell from his embrace how much he had been worried about me. I swear I thought I felt him tremble ever so slightly. I held him tighter.

I rested my head on his chest and breathed deeply, taking in his scent. I feel completely relaxed and safe with him. Finally, I felt all the tension and anxiety from the past few weeks dissolve. It felt like I was home. Then I feel a twinge of guilt as I realized how concerned he must have been about me. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what?"

"For leaving you here while I ran off into danger."

Jade took a moment to respond. "I knew what you were going to do. I understand your reasons."

"But I left you behind. It would have been better if you were with me."

"Floyd was with you. Did he not protect you adequately?"

"No, he was great!"

"I could not have done a better job than him."

"It's not that I wanted you to be there instead of him. It's just..." I paused as I tied to think of a way to explain it. What I was feeling was emotional, not logical. I pulled back to look into his eyes. "I missed you. Floyd and I both did."

Jade's face softened ever so slightly. He gently brushed the hair out of my face and then kept his hand there. I instinctively leaned into his touch. "I missed you too. Both of you."

I smiled warmly at him. "We're all home now."

Jade gave me a soft smile in return. "Yes." He suddenly looked past me. "I am glad you two are well." He released me once I turned to face Floyd and Azul.

"Thank you," said Azul.

"It's good to see you too," Floyd said with a grin.

Azul's expression hardened slightly. "Jade, why did you allow Ona to recklessly run off on a dangerous mission?"

"It wasn't his fault," I said quickly.

Floyd shrugged. "He could have tried to stop us."

"I apologize," Jade said, "but I had little choice. You remember how upset Ona has been the past few weeks? It worsened ten times over after you and the others were taken. I could not bear to see her looking so hopeless and feeling useless. She had to go after you for her own mental health. And I did send Floyd to protect her."

Azul frowned in response. "I suppose I can understand that. Well, it all turned out fine in the end. I am curious, though. Why did you not join them?"

Jade gave him a polite smile. "You would have me abandon Octavinelle?"

"No... but I did not think you were so dedicated to your duty, especially with Ona in danger."

"She was fine with Floyd and the others with her. I was unneeded."

"You sure about that?" said Floyd. "She talked about you all the time."

Jade appeared surprised as he looked from Floyd to me. "Really?"

I flushed at the sudden attention, feeling a little nervous. "Ah, he's exaggerating!" I turned to Floyd. "And you talked about him just as much."

Floyd smirked. "Yes, but he's my twin. It's only natural I talk about him."

I tried to think of a reply but came up short. The sound of someone clearing his throat caught our attention. I turned in surprise to see Jamil approaching us. He ignored me and walked right up to Jade. "What do you want?" Floyd said with a low growl.

Jamil did not respond to him. "Jade, may I talk to you for a minute?"

Jade's eyes flickered to me, and I know he noticed the way I was now tense. He looked back at Jamil with a polite smile. "Certainly. Did something happen?"


"You bet something happened," Floyd snarled. He moved towards Jamil, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Let him speak," Azul said calmly, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Go on," said Jade.

"I want to apologize for my earlier behavior," Jamil said. "You and Floyd are no threat to Ona. You are the ones who should be keeping me away from her. I am the one who has hurt her. I am the only one who is a danger to her." Jade's face hardened ever so slightly.

My eyes narrowed as I understood what he was doing. I glared at him with righteous indignation. "Jamil!" I exclaimed. "Don't try to get Jade to keep me away from you!"

Jamil looked at me calmly. "Is anything I said wrong?"

"He does have a point," Floyd said, his hands curled into fists. "He doesn't deserve to be around you."

"But he's committing the same offense that caused the issue," Azul said. "He upset Ona by pushing her away. Now he's taking that even further. And, I must say, it's quite the risk to test Jade like this."

"Yeah, it would be kinder for you to let me take care of him," Floyd said.

"Or I could do it," said Azul.

I realized everyone was staring at me, waiting on my decision. "Ona?" Jade said gently. I looked into his eyes and immediately relaxed. Somehow, I knew that everything would be fine if I put my faith in him.

"Jade," I said, "you deal with him." Jamil kept a straight face as I spoke. Jade's lips twitched into a tiny smile.

"Are you sure?" Azul said with a warning tone. "I don't think you understand-"

"You're the one who doesn't understand. Trust me."

Azul's eyes fell to Floyd. who looked like he was ready to squeeze Jamil at any moment. Floyd stayed put, however, because I had my handle gently placed on his shoulder. I did nothing to restrain him, but my touch reminded him to keep control. Azul dipped his head in acknowledgement. "Perhaps you're right. Go on, Jade."

Jade gave a slight nod and then turned to Jamil. "I will not ask you to stay away form Ona or advise her to keep away from you."

Jamil's eyes narrowed. "Why not? Azul had no problem coming between us to protect her."

Jade glanced at Azul, and I saw a hint of a sly smirk on his face. His expression turned polite when he looked back at Jamil. "That is because Azul views Ona as a sister, whereas I do not. You have a sister, Jamil. Surely you understand his perspective."

I looked at Azul in surprise. His eyes were narrowed slightly, but when he noticed me watching him, he gave me a small smile. I instantly relaxed. Jade's analysis was correct, but Azul did not appreciate him pointing it out. It made me happy to know Azul felt this way because I saw him in the same light.

"I see," Jamil said gruffly. "How exactly do you see her, Jade?" I wanted to know too.

Jade merely smiled. "That is hardly your concern. All you need to know is that we are equals."

Jamil crossed his arms. "So, you're not going to protect her?"

"Do not get me wrong. If you were an immediate threat, I would not hesitate to take whatever action was necessary to protect Ona. However, I am not going to interfere just because she may be hurt. She knows well the risks of interacting with you, and she has the right to make her own choices. I have faith in her and trust her judgment. I see you still do not understand the power she possesses."

Jamil frowned. "She does not have any magic."

"Her power is not magic." Jade looked at me out of the corner of his eye, and I thought I saw a hint of affection there. "She has the ability to see the best in others and bring it out of them. This is a benefit to her and those she helps. It would be a mistake to assume this is a weakness."

"Indeed," said Azul. Jamil appeared unconvinced.

"Even if your understanding were correct, you should not fool yourself into thinking you're pushing her away for her benefit. You're doing it for selfish reasons regardless of what your mind may be telling you to make you feel better." Jamil tensed at this, and Jade smirked. "You're afraid that accepting her kindness would mean admitting weakness on your part, and you would be right. You are absolutely weak." Jade appeared quite amused by the fury in Jamil's eyes.

"You-" Jamil started.

"The only thing more pathetic than being weak is not taking the opportunity to become stronger. None of us are born strong. It matters not how you gain your strength. Even if you do not gain strength from others, you still gain it from something outside of you. Only a fool would reject the opportunity Ona gives you."

Jamil looked away. "Hmph."

"Also, let me be clear about something. You often question my motives, so I will be transparent with you this time." Jade's expression turned a little darker. "My only concern is what is best for Ona. It is good for her to be who she is, which is why I allow her to be around you. If that were not the case or if you ever proved to be a real danger to her, I would not hesitate to take care of you myself."

Jamil's expression was unreadable, but he seemed to understand the threat. He turned fully away from us. "I will keep that in mind."

Once Jade relaxed, I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him for a side hug. I felt overjoyed by his help. I could tell how much he cared about me. He was protective of me but not overprotective. He handles everything perfectly. "Thank you, Jade. You're amazing."

Jade chuckled lightly as he hugged me back. "You're welcome, Ona." He smiled at me with affection before letting me go. Floyd grinned at us while Azul nodded in approval.

"I was wondering what all the commotion was," Lilia said as he approached the group with Malleus. I realized some others had arrived while I had been occupied. "You're all back, I see! Glad to see everyone's safe and sound."

"Safe and SOUND?" Vil shouted. "What part of me looks sound to you?!"

"Here I thought it had only been two days since you'd all been captured," said Malleus. "Did seven or eight decades pass without my noticing? I knew humans were short-lived, but surely not to this extent..."

"Don't you dare jinx me. I'm not in the mood for fae humor right now..." Vil started sobbing again.

"Ah, I can surmise what happened," said Lilia. "Vil, you stepped into the Underworld that's sealed within the Island of Woe, didn't you? When the living set foot in there, their vitality and magic is sapped within minutes before they ultimately perish."

"Why yes, actually," said Rook. "You see, last evening the gate to the Underworld opened. We were on the brink of a worldwide Phantom invasion and blot outbreak."

"My word!" Lilia said with wide eyes.

"Vil plunged into the Underworld to stop it, regardless of the danger to himself."

"...It was an utterly boneheaded move," said Vil. "I strove so hard to get back to my old life, and look at me now. Talk about defeating the purpose. I was too preoccupied at the time, though..." He sobbed once more.

"Now I see," said Lilia. "Well, I really must congratulate you on making it out alive."

"So Schoenheit didn't age due to time passing..." said Malleus. "He did so because he was drained, both magically and in terms of life force."

"Indeed," said Rook. They couldn't treat him on the Island of Woe, which is why we rushed back here."

"What a pitiful fate for a youth still fresh in bloom..." said Lilia. He turned to his companion. "You know, Malleus. Had the pandemonium within the Underworld been unleashed upon us... Our homeland of Briar Valley would not have escaped unscathed. As the heir apparent, wouldn't you consider it fitting to reward these people for their travails?"

Malleus smirked. "Heh. I see where you're going with this, Lilia. When I fixed the SDC stage, I told Schoenheit that he owed me... But his deeds on this occasion have returned the favor and left me in his debt instead. Very well. I shall bestow a reward upon you."

"Huh?" said Vil as Malleus approached him. "What reward...?"

"Not even I can turn back time," said Malleus. But sharing a bit of magic is certainly within my power."


"Schoenheit, I grant you my blessing. Now return to your rightful form!" I felt something come from Malleus. Then, suddenly, Vil looked like his young self.

"Huh? What? Am I...?" Vil looked down at himself, his eyes wide. "No way! I'm back to normal?!"

"Yes, you're back to your regular 18-year-old self!" Rook said joyfully.

"Nice going, Vil!" Epel said with a grin.

"EEEEEE HEE HEE! YEEESSS!" Vil cried just before he fell down.

"Vil?!" Rook and Epel exclaimed.

"You fell backwards!" said Rook. "Are you still feeling out of sorts?"

"No, I just collapsed with relief," said Vil. "Ahaha... Ahahahaha!"

"You really had me goin'!" said Epel. "Don't scare me like that!" Then all three of them began laughing.

"First he's bawlin' his eyes out, then he's squealin' with joy," said Grim. "Vil's got range, all right."

I smiled at Malleus. "Thanks for your help again, Hornton!"

"Ah, Ona, you're back," said Malleus. "...Mm, yes, you're not looking drained at all."

"I'm fine."

"Ona! Griiim!" two familiar voices shouted. I looked in delight to see Ace and Deuce running towards us.

"Heya, Ace!" Grim called. "Deuce!"

"Hey guys, we're back!" I said happily once they stopped in front of us.

"DON'T 'HEY GUYS' ME, YOU ABSOLUTE BLOCKHEAD," Ace shouted before smacking both Grim and me.

"Ow," I muttered. I probably deserved that. Jade and Floyd seemed to agree, for I noticed them snickering in the background.

"OW! Why'd you smack me too?!" Grim cried.

Ace glared at him. "Shaddup! Be grateful I'm lettin' you off easy!


"When we woke up, everyone was freaking out about you, Floyd, Rook, and Epel being gone," said Deuce.

"We figured you were with them..." said Ace. "But all anyone told us was that your phones were off, and that the teachers' tracking spells couldn't find you!"

"Do you have ANY IDEA what we've been through the past two days?!"

My expression softened as I realized I had made them worry. "I'm sorry I scared you," I said. I wrapped my arms around Ace for an embrace. He tensed but then hugged me back.

"Maaan!" he groaned. "Between this and what happened over winter vacation, you guys gotta cut us a break." I let go of him and moved to hug Deuce, who gave me a more awkward hug in return.

"It doesn't look like either of you are too hurt at least," said Deuce, smiling slightly as I let go of him. "That's a relief."

"Of course Ona is fine," Floyd said, walking up to me. "I was with her."

Ace's eyes narrowed at Floyd. "You! I bet you're the one at fault. You encouraged this reckless behavior!"

"There is no need for such accusations," Jade said calmly. "I would not have let them leave if I did not believe they could handle themselves."

"So, you let them leave?" Deuce said in a cold voice. "That makes you just as responsible!"

"Hey," I tried to interject, "wait a second-"

"I've had it with both of you!" Ace said, giving in the twins a threatening look. "You're clearly bad influences. We should not let you around Ona anymore."

"Guys!" I looked between them all with distress.

"This is serious," said Deuce. "They-"

"ENOUGH!" Epel shouted at the top of his lungs, causing everyone to look at him with shock. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I understood the stunned reactions. No one ever defended the twins except, well, me.


Epel walked right up to Deuce and Ace with an angry expression on his face. He pointed at Floyd and Jade. "Those two are not a bad influence on Ona. You're blind if you can't see how much they care. They've been nothing but helpful to her. Floyd did a great job protecting her during our trip. He was focused and supportive the entire time. And Jade is the one who comforted her after you two were knocked out by Styx. She nearly had a panic attack, and Jade was the only one who could calm her down. Those two have her best interests at heart."

While everyone looked like they were trying to process his words, Grim said confidently, "That's right! And they've been making sure she's not alone, especially at night, ever since those guys tried to assault her."

This caused another shocked response. I tensed at the reminder of what happened. Jade moved closer to me and put his hand on my back. When he noticed his brother's actions, Floyd did the same. "You were not supposed to tell anyone," Jade said smoothly.

Grim froze. "Oops. But Ace and Deuce should know!"

"Perhaps," said Azul, "but many more people know now." He motioned to the huge group gathered around us. Everyone was staring at me, which made me incredibly nervous.

"Is someone after you, Ona?" Malleus said in a cold tone. "I will take care of them."

"That is not necessary," I said quickly. "It was a long time ago and hasn't happened since. Jade and Floyd have my back."

"Not just them," said Riddle, giving me a confident smile. "Nothing will happen to you on my watch."

"After what you have done for us, you have Pomefiore's protection as well," said Vil.

"You know your place and play your part well," said Leona. "No one will hurt you if I'm around."

"We'll protect you too!" said Kalim. "Won't we, Jamil?"

I had become overwhelmed by the amount of support I was receiving from everyone. I tensed again, however, when I saw Jamil look at him. His expression was serious for a moment before he gave me the tiniest of smiles. "Yes, of course we will," he said. I let out a breath of relief.

"Well, I suppose we don't have to worry then," said Ace.

"You certainly have a lot of allies, Ona," Deuce said with a small smile.

I nodded, relieved that everyone was getting alone. I looked back at Jamil and noticed him still watching me. "Did you really mean it, Jamil?"

"Yes," he said. "Listen, I do not understand why you want to be my friend, but... I can allow it."

"That's not exactly an apology," said Floyd.

"It's a start," I said. I gave Jamil a small smile. "Thank you."

"Now that that's settled, would you and Kalim like to join all of us in the Octavinelle lounge for some movies and relaxation?" said Azul. "Once you have a chance to freshen up." He glanced at Deuce and Ace. "You two are welcome as well."

"Will there be snacks?" Grim asked.

"Of course."

"I'm in!"

"I suppose we deserve a break," said Ace.

"That sounds like fun!" Kalim said. "Let's do it, Jamil!"

Jamil looked like he wanted to protest, but he merely sighed. "Fine. Just for a little while."

I smiled as I looked around at everyone. It felt like an immense weight had lifted off my shoulders. Finally, everything felt right in the world. "I can't wait!"


A/N: That just about wraps up Ignihyde. There will be quite a bit of time before we get to Diasomnia, so I will fill that space with several events. We will also get more into the romance. Just to clarify, Ona will end up with either Floyd or Jade. I am fairly certain who it will be, but feel free to give your own opinions. It will help me know if I am portraying the relationships correctly. Thanks for reading!

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