Deck of Cards Series: Life Is...

Da TeddyBearbearElsa

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Book 1-complete Life Is A Deck Of Cards ~you never know what happens next~ When something is broken, it... Altro

Strange Device
A New Beginning
A New Friend?
Decisions/Today's The Day
A Team
A Leader
Flying Monkeys!
Now You See Me, Now You Don't
The Return of the Red's
Adapt & Overcome
Magic, Here, and There
Truth Be Told
The Teacher VS. The Protege
Authors Note Important
Authors Note 2

Another Day, Another Battle

124 7 0
Da TeddyBearbearElsa

Amber watched from the sidelines as Robin and Aqualad sparred.

Yin and Yang the panther cubs were by Amber as the two tosspled with one another as if mimicking Robin and Aqualad.

After their meeting mission Amber had decided to keep the two panther cubs. Yin was the black female panther with wings. And Yang was the white male panther with two large fangs.

As Amber observed the spar she was able to get map out a better idea of their fighting styles.

It was interesting to say the leaset. Robin was more flexible making it easier for him to dodge and evade while making low blows.

Aqualad had the bigger build making him a bit slower than Robin but sure enough still quick. What he lacked in with speed and flexibility he made up with his skills and strength.

A few feet away Captain Marvel was munching on some of Wally's snacks with Giovanni Zatara standing next to him. Zatara was their new designated babysitter. But for some reason Captain Marvel had chosen to stick around.

The spar came to an end at the arrival of M'gann, Superboy and Wolf.

Amber headed over to Aqualad and Robin.

Robin then leaned into whisper, "You know they're a couple, right?"

"I believe I knew before they did." The three stared at the couple as they walked on by.

Another pair of footsteps could be heard as the three turned aroun to see Artemis and Wally.

"Do we tell them?"

"It is not our place."

Amber let out a small roll of her eyes from behind her shaded sunglasses.

'Why do I feel like this has become one of those dating apps?'

"So if Zatara is our babysitter of the week, why is he still here? And why is he eating my snacks?"

An automated voice sounded off telling them that the Zeta Tubes were being activated.


Batman 0-2

Batman appeared out of the Zeta Tube.

"Computer National News."

A holoscreen popped up showing a reporter.

"The initial attack was short-lived, but Metropolis was only granted a short reprieve."

Green planets were seen attacking the city.

"And despite the intervention of Superman and the Justice League there seems to be no end in sight."

Robin then spoke, "Should we get out there?"

"No. The League will soon have the situation under control. That's not why I'm here. According to your intel Sportsmater supplied Cadmus' Blockbuster formula to Kobra."

Wally then added "Who combined it with Bane's venom to create Kobra Venom."

Followed by Robin, "Which the Brain used to create his animal army."

Then Superboy and Amber, "And upgrade Wolf." "And to create hybrids like Yin and Yang."

M'gann then continued, "The Brain also used inhibitor collars like the ones at Belle Reve Penitentiary."

Finally it was Artemis's turn, "Batman, is it possible that plant thingy's on Kobra venom too?"

"I had Green Lantern run a spot analysis. Divine cellulose does contain trace amounts of Kobra venom variant."

"These cannot be coincidences. Unrelated criminals are cooperating with one another worldwide."


"It's now clear our enemies have formed some kind of secret society of Super-Villains. The attack on Metropolis is only the beginning."

Robin pulled up a holo keyboard as he started to pull up different images to the holoscreen.

"You got that right. Plant creatures have sprouted in Gotham City, Paris, Star City, Taipei.."

A static the came making the screens go black and white.


"It's not me. Someone's cutting into the satellite signal. All satellite signals."

A face popped up on the screen showing the Joker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem to bring you this announcement from the Injustice League."

The screen turned to reveal more villains.

Count Vertigo then spoke, "We are responsible for the attack on your cities. If you wish to save them a ransom of ten billion American dollars is required. Delivery instructions have been sent to the United Nations. There is no time limit. But the longer your government waits-"

The screen turned to Joker, "The more we get to have our jollies." The Joker let out a hideous laugh as the screen turned back to static.

"Roger that Aquaman. The UN will prepare the ransom as a fallback, but it won't come to that."

Robin rewinded the video to the image of the Injustice League.

Naming each of them off, "Count Vertigp, the Joker, Posion Ivy, Ultra-Humanite, Atomis Skull, Black Adam, Wotan. Seven heavy hitters. Probably behind nearly everything and everyone we've nearly faced."

"There's your secret society."

"Not so secret anymore."

"Perhaps after India, they realized we would deduce the truth and saw no point in hiding any longer."

Amber agreed that they had come up with an alternative, but she felt that something wasn't adding up. It seemed reckless to reveal themselves now. And what made less sense was how those villains tied up with any of the ones they faced.

"Yeah. That was their mistake. Right now I say we go kick some plant creature butt."

"The Justice League will handle the plants. I have a different job for this team."

A small complaint came from Wally as Artmeis hit him on the arm in a silent shut up.

"With the plants attacking so many locations simultaneously there must be a control central system. Your mission is to destroy it."

"You realize what you're really asking them to do."

Amber realizing what it was sighed, 'More trouble.'

"They're ready."

"Ready? Ready for what?" Artemis hit Wally on the arm at his cluelessness.

"Ow! Will you Cut that–"

"Hello, Wally. If the big guns are fighting plants who do you think we'll be fighting?"

"I don't know. I gues we'll..." Artemis then pointed at the screen Wally's gaze following.


"Well, Batman, I trust you're correct."

"I trust you can locate the enemy."

"Indeed. Wotan's involvement suggests sorcery is apart of how the plants are controlled. Robin, if you would provide the holo-map."

Robin typed onto the holo keyboard as a projection of the Earth came into view.

"I'll search for signs of concentrated sorcerous activity. Etacol retnecipe fo yrecros." A blinking red dot appeared on the holo map.

"There that is where you will find the Injustice League's central control system."

"Coordinates locked in. The Louisiana Bayou."

"We are on our way." The group headed out to the bioship.


The Team was at their stations on the bioship as they all prepared for the oncoming battle.

Kid Flash broke the silence first, "What's in the duffle?"

Everyone turned to look as Aqualad replied, "Plan B."

Amber gazed at the duffle bag knowing full well what was in it. Before leaving Aqualad had grabbed the Helmet of Fate to use in case things go wrong. Amber had watched him do it.

She had told him that if were to happen that she would be the one to put the helmet on. She knew Nabu and Kent were there and it would be easier for her to reason with Nabu than the others.

Sighing, Amber hoped it wouldn't come to that.


Amber and Superboy turned ot M'gann at her groan of pain.

"You alright?"


"Matrians get airsick?"

"She does look a bit greener than usual."

"Not me her."

Artemis thinking she was referring to her replied, "I feel fine."

"Not her, the Bio ship. She's trying to shield us, but–"

The ship suddenly went out of control, as it skidded across the swamp water. Plants then began to drag it down into the water.

Black Adam was then seen as he ripped a whole through the ship.

"He's hurting her."

Superboy then launched himself at Adam punching him off the ship.

Water flooded in the ship.

"No. No way I'm nearly drowning three missions in a row." Artemis pulled our her rebreather and then gave one to Wally.

Amber's mask activated her own rebreather as she dived into the water. M'gann then opened a hatch allowing them to get out of the ship.

"Out, everyone out"

Everyone swam throught the hatch as fast as possible.

Breaching the surface of the water the group walked onto solid land.

Amber's guard was raised as she concentrated on her surroundings.

"She's in shock. She'll need time to recover."

Sensing a presence Amber's body moved out of the way just in time as well. An attack was launched disorienting the others as they collapsed onto the ground.


"Count Vertigo to you, peasant." Amber threw a roundhouse kick at him disrupting his abilities and giving everyone enough time to recover and stand back up.

Superboy went to attack as well but was knocked out of the way by a punch from Black Adam.

Aqualad then used his water bearers to launch a stream of water at Count Vertigo, pushing him further away from the group.

"Robin, Amber, Miss Martian, disappear. We will keep them busy. You three fulfill the mission objective."

Amber was off as she rushed to the target staying hidden in the shadows.


"I've lost contact with Aqualad and the others. Should we–"

"Sorry that's not the gig. This is."

Robin pulled down a branch as the central control system of the Injustice League came into view.

"The Injustice League central control system. Looks like that plant is acting as as antenna to control the other plants worldwide."

Hearing the slightest sound of a footstep Amber moved out of the way as vines reached tp grab her.

"Robin, M'gann!"

Plant vines wrapped around them as Amber continued to dodge them. Amber pulled out her swords, cutting them down.

"Well, hello. And Goodbye."

Ultra-Humanite appeared behind Ivy aiming a blaster at the two.

M'gann used her telekeniss to misdirect Ultra-Humanite's shooting as it his the plants instead setting Robin and M'gann free.

"Robin, M'gann, go. I'll distract them." The two set off as Amber kept Ivy and Ultra-Humanite occupied.

Amber used her powers to grab a hold of Ultra-Humanite and throw him at Ivy. The attack pushed both of them further. Gripping her swords Amber rushed at them skillfully cutting the vines coming her way, while dodgine the blasts from Ultra-Humanite.

Amber slid onto the ground allowing her to get close enough to Ultra-Humanite to slice through his blaster.

Just as she did a vine shot at her, sending her flying into a tree. When Ivy was about to send another attack at her, Amber saw Artemis land a kick at Ivy right to the face.

Amber's team members joined up with her as more of the villains arrived.

Amber and Artemis worked together to fight Ivy. The tow taking turns sending a flurry of attacke at her.

One of Ivy's plants shot at Artemis throwing her back as Amber worked on cutting all of the vines down coming her way.

An explosion then went off as Amber saw Robin and M'gann appear, they were successful at destroying the plant.

"Kill them all." Count Vertigo yelled out as each of the villains attacked.

Waton sent a blast of energy hitting everyone. Amber flicked her wrist as three cards appeared. Throwing them the cards casted a shield protecting everyone from the blow.

Amber was then shot in the back by Atomic Skull. She was thrown into a tree with a harsh landing.

Amber saw the bioship come into view and knew Aqualad was going to plan B and he did not plan on letting Amber put the helmet on.

A duffle bag dropped as Aqualad took out the Helmet of Fate.

"No, Aqualad! Don't!" Kid Flash cried out but it was too late Aqualad put the helmet before Amber could reach him and a blinding light took over as Doctor Fate appeared.

Doctor Fate joined the battle as he faced off with Wotan.

Amber however was growing agitated and angry.

'I told him not to put it on! Damn it.'

Gripping her swords Amber unleashed a furry of attacks at the villains, as the others recovered.

The battle was getting intense as the Team was becoming unable to defeat the villains.

Amber was now facing off with Ultra-Humanite as the two exchanged blows. Amber had already gotten a few slashes in leaving cuts to bleed on the gorilla.

A blow suddenly hit Ultra-Humanite as Amber turned to see back up had arrived.

The villains were now outmatched and outpowered as they huddled together surrounded.

"It's over." The villains then held of their hands in surrendering.

"There will be another day."

Joker then became hysterical, "Another day? Another day! There won't be another day! Not for any of us." Plants rose from the water before disposing a chemical gas.

"Joker venom spores. Don't breathe." Both Batman and Amber landed a hit on Joker knocking him into the swamp water.

Doctor Fate flew above the venom.

"Fear not." Fate used his powers to absorb the Joker venom. "Fate has intervened."

The battle was over with.


"What were you thinking? How could you let him put the helmet on?" Amber ignored Wally's words as she grabbed Fate/Aqualad's arms.

She then saw Nabu, and Aqualad.

"Nabu!" Amber shouted drawing Nabu's attention. Coming closer she gave Aqualad a small glare from behind her mask before turning to Nabu calming down a bit.

"You cannot keep Aqualad. I told you I'd find a host for you and he is not it. Aqualad has a bigger purpose, you must let him go."

Nabu stayed silent. Then Kent Nelson appeared.

"Nabu, dear Amber is right."

Amber turned to Kent as he spoke to Nabu.

"You must let the boy go."

Nabu then turned to Amber gazing at her in a analyzing silence.

"Fine, but my patience wears thin Amber. Fate is needed, and I do not enjoy sitting on a shelf only to be used in desperate times of need."

Fate then vanished leaving Kent, Aqualad, and Amber.

Turning to face the two Amber let a sigh.

Amber looked at Aqualad as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I thought I said I would put on the helmet not you."

"I appreciate your concern, but it was a risk I had to take."

Amber's eye twitched before sighing and holding her forehead.

'What a pain.'

Hearing laughter Amber looked up at Nelson.

"Hahaha, my dear."

Amber raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.


Nelson said nothing except looking between Aqualad and Amber. He then faced Aqualad.

"Nabu has let you go, but it would be wise to not do that again."

Aqualad nodded, "Yes, thank you for help."

"Of course, now if you woudn't mind I'd like to have a few words with Amber. Oh and tell that Wally boy I said hello"

Aqualad nodded again before he vanished only sparing a glance at Amber before he was gone.

"Hmm interesting."

"What is?"

Kelson looked at Amber in an odd way smiling at her. "Well it's just you and that boy seem–"

"No." Amber cut him beofre he could even finish knowing full well where this was going.

"Don't even go there. I didn't join this team to dilly dally with them."

Kent let another laugh. Amber rolled her eyes at his antics.

'Old man.'

"Oh that reminds me did that boy find his own spitfire."

Amber thought for a moment before nodding, "Yeah, he did. He just hasn't realized it yet."

Kent let out a chuckle.

"Well it is certainly good to see you, but I do believe your team is waiting for you."

Amber nodded as she gave Kent a small hug.

"I'll see you next time."

"Yes, until next time."


Upon opening her eye's Amber was met by the sight of Nabu's helmet in her hands. Amber let a small smile appear behind her mask.

Raising her hand to trace the helmet she then smacked it.

'That's what you get for trying to hold Aqualad.'

The helmet let out a small glow in retaliation.

Heading over to the team Amber was met by a bear hug from M'gann.

"Oh, you worried us. When Aqualad took off the helmet you were still in a trance. I almost thought he took you instead."

Amber shook her head at her antics, her smile growing a bit.

"We're done here." Everyone turned to Batman as he spoke.

"The Super Villain Secret Society has been neutralized. As for you was satisfactory."

The group shared exchanges proud of their work, however Amber's mind lingered on Batman's previous words.

'I don't think we're done with them just yet.'

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