Deck of Cards Series: Life Is...

By TeddyBearbearElsa

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Book 1-complete Life Is A Deck Of Cards ~you never know what happens next~ When something is broken, it... More

Strange Device
A New Beginning
A New Friend?
Decisions/Today's The Day
A Team
A Leader
Flying Monkeys!
Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Another Day, Another Battle
The Return of the Red's
Adapt & Overcome
Magic, Here, and There
Truth Be Told
The Teacher VS. The Protege
Authors Note Important
Authors Note 2


132 5 4
By TeddyBearbearElsa

Amber eye's blinked open, her breath came out as groans of pain. Looking at her surroundings Amber was met by sand or in better a case a dessert of sand.


Then Amber felt a tugging on her leg as if she was being dragged. As her senses started to come back she became more aware of her surroundings. Looking to see who was dragging her she saw a group of soldiers armed. They had her legs tied together as they dragged her across the sandy desert.

Seeing the uniforms an image of a skull with tentacles appeared in her mind. The image then triggered her instincts as she pulled at her legs harshly making the man pulling her fall to the ground. Using her arms and hands she brought herself back up with a kick up from the ground. Thus, breaking the rope on her legs and with lightning speed and familiarity Amber pulled her swords out as the blades shot out, and a tearing sound of flesh was heard.

As the first man fell, chaos arose. Gunfire was let loose as Amber dodged them and brought herself closer to the soldiers to slash at them.

One by one the men fell as the sand soon turned red.

Amber was left standing, blood sprayed across the front of her suit.

Hearing more footsteps Amber turned to see more soldiers coming her way. Glowing red eyes gleamed behind the mask she wore as Amber suddenly disappeared from where she was standing only to turn up again right in front of the incoming squad of soldiers.

Before any of them could react Amber sliced through them allowing only the screams of the terrified men to escape.


The hot sun gleamed on Amber as she wandered the desert aimlessly. Her memories were still not intact, except for a few flashes of images of people whom Amber could not make sense of.

However, one thing kept repeating in her mind: Home

It was all that Amber could think about and for some reason, it seemed that wherever her feet were taking her she was hoping it was home, wherever that may be.


As Amber continued her aimless walking the sun had begun to set and Amber was growing agitated by the moment.

Nothing was coming to mind of how she got here or where she even was.

Turning to see that the sun was setting Amber decided that it was best to stop for a moment.

Sitting down Amber tried to remember anything at all. A few flashes of familiar images came to mind as she tried to piece them together.

But before she could, a voice rang out in her head.

"My oh my. Someone sure has left quite the trail." Snapping her eyes open, Amber looked around to find no one.

The voice rang through her head again.

"Trying to remember who we are now. Aren't you?" Amber looked around once more to find nothing, starting to think she was crazy Amber turned around only to find a man dressed in black with a hood over his head hiding his face. His hand was stretched out and suddenly Amber felt a world of pain in her mind.

The last thing she remembered was hearing him say, "Pismon says sleep."


Waking up once more Amber was awoken to the sight of white lab coats.

The sight sent a shiver up Amber's spine as flashes of images of other white lab coats, and a girl screaming.

Amber became out of breath as she softly spoke, "Hydra."

Amber's memories suddenly came back as a wave of pain hit her.

Flashes of the Avengers, Tony, a portal opening and closing, Nelson, the Team: Aqualad, Kid Flash, Robin, Superboy, and M'gann.

'The Team!'

Amber began to struggle against her restraints as she tugged and tugged to get them off. When she finally did she could hear the men in white yelling for backup to get her under control.

But Amber wasn't having any of it, she needed to find her team. Tugging the last restraint off Amber flicked her wrist as three cards appeared in her hand. She then threw them at the men dressed in white each card attaching themselves to one of the three scientists.

With a snap of her fingers the cards seemed to have swallowed them up as a bright light took over.

Picking the cards up an image appeared on each of them with a scientist dressed in white and a horrified look on their face.

Glaring daggers at the cards a fire soon lit up at the edge as it began to consume the card. Hearing the guards arrive Amber swung open a flap at tha back of the tent. Without looking back she dropped the burning cards. When she heard the men arrive in the tent she had just left, Amber snapped her fingers and the three cards exploded.

Thus, causing a huge explosion to occur.

Looking back at the destruction and smoke, Amber gave it an indifferent look before eturning her back to it.

'Now to find my team.'


Using the holoscreen on her gauntlet Amber was able to track down her team.

The closest one to her though was Aqualad, which worried her. The others could be seen moving about; however Aqualad had not moved from his position at all. And in this heat, Amber knew that he wasn't in good condition.

Speeding up Amber hurried to Aqulad's position.


Upon arriving at Aqualad's coordinates night had fallen. Amber had found him unconscious and in dire need of hydration.

Throughout it Aqualad had been mumbling incoherent words in another language.

Looking down at Aqualad, Amber knelt down beside him. She then took out a vile from her belt and opened it. Pushing it towards Aqualad's mouth she poured a bit into his mouth.

However, Amber soon became disappointed when it started to spill from his mouth.

A twitch in her eyebrow appeared as she grew a bit annoyed at her predicament.

'Not this again.'

Sighing with no other option Amber downed the water and quickly placed her mouth above Aqualad's.

She then opened Aqualad's mouth and covered it with hers. Making quick work she had Aqualad drink the water.

As soon as Aqulad swallowed all of the water Amber quickly pulled away. Seeing Aqualad's complexion became a bit better she knew that her method worked.

Digging through her belt Amber pulled out more vials of water.


'What has my life come to.'


By the time Amber was on the fourth vile, company had arrived.

Focused on getting Aqualad hydrated, Amber did not see the zooming dust coming by her.

"Hey, I found Amber and Auqualad!" Hearing Kid Flash's loud mouth Amber quickly pulled away and made a grasp for her mask.

Once she secured the mask on her face Amber let out a sigh.

Keeping her back turned to the oncoming arrival of her teammates Amber kept an eye on Aqualad.

From behind she could hear the glee from her teammates at having found Aqualad and her.

Amber felt arms wrap around and looked up to a green face with red hair.

"Oh, I'm so glad your okay and Aqualad as well."

Patting her arm to reassure Amber turned to look at the team.

"I'm fine, Aqualad however needs to be hydrated. I've already done what I could but..." Amber let her words trail of signaling the situation.

When she was met by silence Amber looked back at the others to see them in shock and confusion.

Wally then pointed at her accusingly.

"You remember! What–How–When?!"

Amber only became confused, "Why wouldn't I?"

This time Robin spoke, "Because the rest of us had forgotten six months, it was M'gann who helped us to remember."

"Welll when I woke up here I did forget but it wasn't six months."

M'gann then asked, "What do you mean?"

"Waking up I had forgotten everything."

Their eyes suddenly widened in surprise at Amber's calm answer.

Artemis the asked, "How did you remember then?"

Looking as Artemis Amber said, "I was wondering the dessert lost only seeing images I couldn't peace together. Then at one point somone caught me and brought to some base a few clicks away North. When I woke up again my memories were triggered and I suddenly remembered all of you and that I needed to find you all."

"After checking where your locations were, Aqualad's happened to be the one closest to me and I made my over to him, and well here we are."

Wally's mouth was hanging open as he stared in shock at Amber, "You-you remembered everything because your memories were triggered! We all had to get Megan to help us remember! And now you–your." Kid Flash seemed to be annoyed how Amber was the only one to have no problem getting back her memories.

Wally then started to pout like a child before a smirk appeared on his face as he spotted a few viles on the ground. Picking one up Flash could see that water was held in these before.

Taking a look at the unconscious Aqualad and the vile then at Amber his smirk widened.

"Hey Amber. What exactly did you do to help Aqualad?" There was a underlying meaning in Kf's voice as he questioned her method of help.

Looking at them vile Amber simply said, "I gave him water."

"Yeah, but how? Aqulad wouldn't be able to swallow it on his own."

The others turned to look at KF confused by his insistence to know.

"I find this completely irrelevant."

"Yeah, KF, why do you wanna know so much?"

Smirking Wally said, "Because the only I can think of how you gave him the water was by...mouth-to-mouth."

Amber suddenly felt stupified at Wally's words. Refraining from slapping him Amber rolled her eyes behind her mask.

However, Wally's words seemed to have caught the other's attention as they looked between Amber, the empty vile of water, and Aqualad.

Suddenly goofy grins appeared on their faces as they looked at Amber. Amber could tell by the looks on their faces that they were thinking something weird.

Hoping Robin hadn't caught on and was the only sensible one left. Hoewever, Amber was sourly disappointed, as Robin's face had turned to a shade of red.

Clearing her throat Amber brought back their dire situation.

"If we could all focus." Seeing she had everyone's attention Amber continued, "I did what I could but it's still not enough."

"Well, I can't restore his memories in this condition."

"He needs immediate rehydration. Call the bioship."

"It's out of range." M'gann then turned to Wally. "But you can get him there fast."

"He's too heavy and I'm too low on fuel. Right now, I couldn't carry even her." Wally out of breath gestured to Artemis. In return, Aremis scoffs swatting Wally's hand.

"Why not just levitate him back?"

"I can't. I have to find Superboy. Six months he didn't exist. He has no memories, just animal impulse. I'm the only one who can help him.".

"It's Aqualad who needs your help. Like, now."

Amber saw as M'gann began to hold her head in pain.

"No! Superboy's in pain." M'gann then flew leaving the rest of them behind.

Artemis shouted out to her but it was no use Amber could tell that M'gann wouldn't be coming back until she saved Superboy.

"Well there goes that." Wally sighs as he rubs his stomach.

Suddenly Wally looks at Amber with hope shining in his eyes.

"You had those water viles right?"

Amber nodded in response confused as to why he would be asking.

"Then do have any rations on you?"

Amber thought for a moment before flicking her wrist. In her hand appeared a card and on the card was an image of some food.

Letting the card float to the ground a small light was let loose as rations of food came out of the card.

Just as Amber was about to pick a few up to hand to Wally, a blur appeared in front of her face and the food was gone from her view.

Facing Wally Amber saw him downing all of it.


Shaking her head at him Amber turned back to Aqualad to pick him up. Once she had him secured in her arms she looked over her shoulder at the others.

"Let's go."


The group walked back to the ship as Wally ate the food given to him by Amber. Of course, she made sure that he gave some of it to the others as well.

Wally and Artemis trailed behind as Amber and Robin took the lead.

While Amber carried Aqualad, Robin was navigating where it was.

"Just a few more clicks and will be there."

Amber nodded in response to Robin.

Glancing at Amber, Robin decided to strike up a conversation with her.

"So, you feeling whelmed?"

Noticing his attempt at wanting to converse Amber decided to amuse him.


Her response brought a smile to his face, "Haha, I knew it."

Robin then went on talking filling the once quiet air with his jokes and his questions of begin aster and whelmed.

It was amusing to say the least, but Amber was grateful for it. It kept her mind of what she had done before meeting up with the others.'

The blood was still on her suit however due to it being all black you wouldn't be able to tell.

While Amber could have cared less of killing them, she didn't want the others to know of her actions.

Ambe remembered the boy's reactions when M'gann had squashed the android man and she could only imagine their reaction if they found out about her killing over ten men.

A small scoff left her mouth as she thought, 'Or worse, what she did, or who she was on her Earth.'

Amber focused back onto the conversation when Robin had asked, "You said your memories were triggered right?"

Amber nodded in a yes as Robin continued.

"Well then what exactly was it that triggered them?"

Pausing for just a moment a flash of an image of the soldiers Amber had killed and remembered thinking they were Hydra soldiers. She then recalled when she woke up to the white lab coats.

"I was reminded of somethings when I saw the soldiers and when I woke up at one of the bases my memory was fully triggered upon seeing the scientists."

"The scientists? Why would they trigger your memory of all things?"

Amber swallowed not wishing to dulge into it.

"I simply have a thing about scientists and lab coats. That's all."

Still confused but sensing Amber's discomfort about the topic Robin dropped the topic.

Hearing a buzz Robin pointed to a few rocks.

"Quick over there." The group hid behind them just as a vehicle passed by them.

Aqualad then mumbled words in his language.

Artemis then came over to Amber to calm Aqualad.

"Shh, Kaldur, quiet now."

"We can't risk a firefight with Aqualad K.O'd like this?"

"Ugh, it's not just him even with the rations. I'm still way too out of fuel to be fighting."

"And I'm almost out of arrows."

Seeing Robin disappear Amber turned to Wally.

"Do you think you have enough to get at least you and Aqualad to the ship?"

"It's possible."

"Good." Handing Aqualad to Wally Amber pulled out her swords.

"Run as fast as you can get to the ship."

"I'm not gonna leave you all here."

Not leaving any room for argument she gave a stern glance.

"You won't be, Artemis will be following to keep you six."


Ignoring her comment Amber continued.

"Aqualad needs immediate attention." Both Wally and Artemis looked down at Aqualad with worried faces.

Both of them let out a sigh.

"Alright. For Aqualad."

Nodding at Wally's response Amber took a few steps back.

Amber gestured with her head.


Wally then took off as Artemis followed at a slower pace bow and arrow in hand ready to fire.

Seeing that, that matter had been dealt with Amber turned to look for Robin.

'He needs to stop disappearing.'

"Looking for someone." Amber turned around to see Ninja Boy was back.

"Where were you?"

Smirking Robin replied, "Breaking radio silence."

An explosion then rang out as smoke appeared.

Robin tugged at Amber's arm, "Come on, that's our signal."

They hurried away as Robin glanced at Amber while running. "Where are the others?"

"I sent them on ahead, Wally had enough to at least get Aqualad to the ship, and Artemis is following after."

Frobin nodded in acknowledgement a smile coming on his face.

"Smart move."

Before Robin could get a reply he was tackled to the ground by someone.

He struggled against the body before a voice spoke up.


Recognizing Amber's voice, Robin stilled underneath her body.

He then heard voices a few distances away as he listened for the footsteps. Once he heard them go in the opposite directions away from them he felt Amber's body relax.

Amber pushed herself off from the ground to look down at Robin making sure she didn't tackle him too hard.

"Are you alright?"

Robin answered with a small "yes" seemingly flustered.

Confused as to why Amber realized just how close the two of them were.

Her body was still slightly pressing against his as her legs practically straddled him. And their faces were unbelievably close.

A momentary silence occurred before Amber rolled off of Robin to stand up.

Robin stood up as well. An awkward silence took over.

Amber was the first to break it, her voice coming out indifferent, "Let's go."


It had been a little while since the group had rejoined in the bioship and were now waiting for M'gann and Superboy to get back. Aqualad had been hooked up to the ship to hydrate himself.

Amber was in her chair typing on the desk by her area keeping an eye out for any threats or signs of M'gann and Superboy.

A ring rang through her head signaling that M'gann was in range for a telepathic link.

"Hey everyone! I got Superboy. He's back to normal and we're on our way."

With a gasp, Amber saw Aqualad sit up from the med bed.

"Who are you? And how did you get inside my head?" Artemis was nearby to settle Aquald back down as M'ganns voice rang out again.

"Hello, Megan. Aqualad's memories. I knew I forgot something."

Amber could only hope she wasn't slapping herself on the face.

"Oh man! I forgot something too. I didn't get a souvenir from the mission."

"Don't worry, got the souvenir thing covered."

Later, once Superboy and M'gann got back to the ship the Team set off back to Mount Justice.


Amber couldn't be more relieved about that.

After all she still had to get the blood off her suit.

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