One shots X Reader

By Dunedain_Maiden

29.7K 470 66

Well the title is kinda self-explanatory soo yeah have fun reading oh and I take requests too;) More

Authors note
Dean; Supernatural
Brock Rumlow; Captain America The Winter Solider
Legolas; The Lord of the Rings
Gabriel; Supernatural
Brock Rumlow; Captain America the Winter Soldier
Brock Rumlow Part Two ;)
Boyd Swan; Fury
Sam Winchester; Supernatural
Thorin; The Hobbit
Boyd Swan Part Two
Boyd Swan Part Three
Daryl Dixon; The Walking Dead
Boyd Sawn Part Four
Your Crush; Supernatural
Thorin; The Hobbit
Joshua Donovan; Warehouse 13
Haldir; Lord of the Rings
Alister; Dragon Age Origins
Bucky Barnes; Captain America: Civil War
Authors Note
Jon Snow; Game of Thrones
Anders; Dragon Age 2
Anders; Dragon Age II
Jon Snow; Game of Thrones
Sherlock Holmes; Sherlock
Kakashi; Naruto
Shikamaru; Naruto
Shikamaru; Naruto
Kakashi; Naruto

Tony Stark; Iron Man

655 17 0
By Dunedain_Maiden

As you laid in bed staring at the pale blue ceiling, you wondered where your boyfriend Tony was. He had been gone for the past three days and you needed him. You didn't know how much more of this you could take before he came back. For the third day in a row, you held the blade in your hand, ready to cut, to release yourself of this emotional pain of this depression. You had been depressed ever since you were in high school. You were never popular, and for some reason, people found it amusing to pick on you. For this first year, you just ignored it. You thought that after a while they would stop, but they didn't. They tortured you. Called you fat, ugly, a whore, a slut, a waste of space. For four years you listened to all that, and started to believe it. When you started cutting, you were scared, you didn't want to do it but it was so tempting. Eventually, it started coming naturally. You would sneak out during lunch break to cut. You always knew that physical pain was better than emotional pain. Then, after you graduated, Tony came along. You noticed him right away, but you thought that there was no way that he would notice you. It broke your heart to know that he would hate you just like everyone else in the world. Eventually, he approached you and asked if you would like a job as a secretary in his office. You were so flustered that you said yes right then and there without even thinking about it. The next day, you dreaded going to the Stark tower to start your job because you knew deep down that nothing was ever going to work out and that eventually you would get fired. You tried to look professional but utterly failed. You had on a black pencil skirt, a white blouse and a little black jacket. You put on eyeliner and mascara and put your (H/C) into a messy bun. Eventually you went to work and Tony was there to greet you. Your first days actually wasn't that bad and Tony proceeded to greet you every morning and say goodbye every time you left to go home. It made you feel good and this didn't happen very often. Finally he asked you out and now here you were. The girlfriend of ironman. As much as you liked being the girlfriend of a hero, it sucked when he had to leave for long periods of time and it didn't help with your depression either. Usually Tony would be there to cheer you up and to just do little things that made the day better. Thinking about all the things that Tony did for you, you sighed and put the blade down. You would not give in to this feeling.

It had been four hours since you last put down the knife and you had it in your hand again. He still wasn't home. Terrible thoughts kept running through your head. He's not coming back. He found someone better, someone less broken, someone prettier, someone who wasn't depressed all the time. With out thinking you brought the blade down. You closed your eyes in anticipation for the pain but it never came. You opened your eyes to see Tony standing over you. He had grabbed your hand and stopped you. He gently opened your hand and took the knife away from you and placed it on the nightstand. He laid down beside you and wrapped his strong arms around you.

"It's okay. I'm here now baby." He whispered into your ear. You looked up at his face to see a large cut along his cheek. You reached your hand up and lightly touched it and he cringed.

"Let me clean that before it gets infected." You whispered. He smiled and you got up and got a warm cloth and disinfectant. You sat cross legged in front of Tony and and carefully started wiping the blood away.

"Your so beautiful (Y/N)." He said looking into your (E/C) eyes. You blushed and kept to your task. "And your the most amazing woman I've ever met."

"Oh hush." You said quietly while blushing furiously. You grabbed the disinfectant and slowly started cleaning the cut. He cringed and you gave him an apologetic smile. Finally you finished and bandaged it up. As you sat in front of him, he leaned in and gave you a delicate kiss. No matter how badass Tony could be, he was always so gentle with you and that's why you loved him. You slowly kissed him back and then pulled away.

"I love you so much babe." He whispered.

" I love you too." You whispered back.

Sorry that was really short, but I tried my best. Also this chapter was for tragictalesofafairy  and I hope you liked it too😁

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