The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!

By Spicym0th

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PG 13: no smut Reincarnated in a world where magic exists dragons have riders and tea parties are a usual occ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Character info: Meet my characters
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 20

33 0 0
By Spicym0th

          ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

Outside on the training

Outside on the training

"Should I go with the bronze sword or the silver?" Asked Fredrick as he stood in front of the weapons rack trying to decide which one to use for Raul and his training session today. "Your not choosing a dress your picking a sword garb one and let's go" Raul replied in a rude tone, he was still pretty prickly from this morning when Trish ruined his almost kiss with Amora. "Geez your really that mad that you didn't get to seal the deal with a kiss this morning?" Asked Fredrick as he grabbed a sword and made his way to the middle of the concrete training square arrogantly. "Take your stance" said Raul completely ignoring his question. Fredrick sighed and took his fighting stance pointing his sword at his grace.

"I'm not going easy on you" said Frederick cockily "You say that as if you've ever won against me before" Replied Raul taking his fighting stance. There was a moment of silence and an intense stare down before Fredrick struck first. In one quick move he sprung forward and attacked Raul head on clashing swords with him. Raul was surprised for a moment which was how his sword was almost knocked from his hand. Raul didn't Expect for Fredrick to go with a strike first move so he knew he must've been trying something new. His grace knew his soldiers inside and out especially Fredrick and Lance them two being his most trusted ones.

See on the battlefield there's different Majors every soldier had a weapon they were exceptionally good with. There was Bow and arrow, Swords, Twin blades, Daggers, throwing stars, and fist gauntlet which were basically just Armor that was for your fist and when used correctly was an up close weapon for people who prefer hand to hand combat.

Fredrick was an archery major his skill with a bow and arrow is extraordinary, but his skill with a sword was average at best which was why Raul was training him in the first place. Knowing this Raul used this to his advantage trying to find any openings in his movements and use it against him. He watched Fredrick's moves carefully while staying on the offensive not striking back but still fending off his attacks. "Come on commander are you going to even try to attack or am I too fast for you" said Fredrick, taunting his grace. That's when it clicked, Fredrick was using speed to divert his attention from the fact that his swings were all wide rights leaving him open for a split second but giving him more of a chance of landing a final blow on Raul.

Once Raul figured out the opening an evil smirk appeared on his face. Which startled Frederick, did he figure out something? What was he planning?, asked Fredrick in his head as he readyed himself for an attack but to his surprise Raul stayed planted in his spot pointing his sword at Fredrick.

Fredrick smirked "So you're not going to attack?, good because I'm just getting started!" He yelled before charging head first at Raul again. Raul waited even through Sir Fredrick was close enough to land a blow.

The plan Raul had came up with involved him leaving himself open for a split second as well. He still needed to time the moment precisely where Fredricks sword goes up and his stomach is left open. Fredrick swung his sword and the tip of it grazed his graces cheek leaving a small cut but that was nothing compared to the Slash he dealt to Fredrick right on his stomach.

On opposite sides of the training square both they're backs were facing each other, now it was a test to see who would fall first. That was how you know the battle is over and the opponent was either injured or dead but Raul didn't deal a hard enough Slash to kill Fredrick of course just to injure him enough so that he couldn't keep fighting. The grounds were quiet as everyone who was either working out of battling one another stopped to watch the Duke and Sir Fredrick.

Neither Fredrick or Raul moved from they're positions for a moment. That's when Raul heard a cough and the sound of Fredrick falling to the ground. Raul nonchalantly put his sword back into it's case before going over to Fredrick and helping him to his feet. "So that's what you were planning, shit I should've seen that little stunt coming" he said before groaning in pain as he spit out a little blood onto the ground. "Your swings were too wide and your attacks left an opening, even with speed you must always be guarded you never know when you'll face an opponent who's faster" said Raul to Fredrick. "Yeah...I'll keep that in mind" said Fredrick before coughing up blood again. "Come on I'll take you to the physician he can heal you with some light magic" said Raul before setting off to go back inside the Grand Palace. His troops who were training on the training grounds all cheered for his victory as he walked Fredrick into the Grand Palace to go see the physician for treatment.

Amora had watched their whole battle from the window as Raul caught her eye when she was passing by. He looked different with his hair tied up it wasn't a look Amora was use to seeing as he never wore it so of course she couldn't stop staring at him the entire time not really caring about the battle until the last blow was dealt and she saw sir Frederick fall to the ground injured.

Her face went from flustered to worried as she saw Sir Frederick coughing up blood. "He'll be fine Madam his grace would never greatly hurt Sir Fredrick he's like a little brother to him" said Leonard as he was also watching the battle beside her grace Amora. Even through Amora didn't know Leonard for that long she trusted him as much as she did Raul and Rya so she took his word for it. And continued on her way with Leonard leading the way and Sir Lance following as she headed towards the library. Leonard has been tasked with giving Amora daily history lessons so that she could know a little bit more about the Dukedom she'll be ruling over as the duchess.

On her way she ended up running into the Duke who had just passed Fredrick off to one of the servants. "Take him to the palace physician in the infirmary" said Raul. "Yes Your Grace" said the male Servant before rushing off holding on tightly to sir Fredrick. His graces face was glaring and angry until her turned around and spotted Amora then his face turned from frowning to immediately smiling. "My Duchess!" He said walking towards Amora like a puppy seeking a treat. "Your grace" said Amora greeting him, his face then went sad again. "Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked. "Your grace?" I asked he nodded. "That's too formal only married couples of high titles call each other by their respected titles when they have no affectionate towards each other, do you not like me My love?" He asked with a sad expression. Amora chuckled thinking that he was quite the dramatic one.

"That's not it at all I just wasn't sure if it was ok for me to call you by name" Amora answered honestly. "Of course it is I'd prefer, honey, sweetheart, darling, dear, Dearest, or my love for pet names but Raul will suffice if that's what you wish to call me or if your heart is truly set on calling me Your grace then I'll accept it even though I don't like it" he said. Amora let out a breath how could this large man who's 4 years older then her act so much like a child it's odd he seemed so mature when they first met and now rather he was truly more mature then her came into question, she thought.

If it would make him happy the least she could do was call him by name after all he's done for her she owed him her life. A debt she knew couldn't be paid by simply just calling him by his name as he requested but it was a start.

"You look nice with your hair up like that Raul" she said with a smile. His grace blushed before smiling at her. It was the first ever compliment she had ever given him and he loved it. "Thank you Darling" he said happily suddenly the bad mood he was in about this morning completely disappeared and he was back to himself. Just then the cut on his cheek started to bleed causing a worried look to appear on Amoras face. She immediately went over to him pulling out her handkerchief and placing it on the side of his face.

Here's a picture for visual.

His grace was surprised for a moment but then he smiled softly at her as his eyes met her yellow ones. That sweet smell he could never seem to get tried of invaded his nostrils. He grabbed her wrist and buried his nose into the palm of her hand, surprising her this time. He didn't think he could fall in love more than he already was and yet every time he looked into her eyes he found himself deeper in love then before.

Leonard found himself smiling at the sweet scene between his grace and the duchess. It was enough to make warmth spread throughout Leonard entire body.

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