The Spawn of Lucifer

By Jana-writes64

9.7K 367 82

18+ MATURED CONTENT!! Aran. That name struck fear in the hearts of everyone who knew him. His words were like... More



160 8 1
By Jana-writes64

I sit across from Salvatore in a conference room in his casino where he usually holds important meetings. The old man smokes a cigarette silently, drumming his fingers on the table and regarding me with a cunning look. He opens a bottle of vodka and pours himself a drink, raising the bottle and asking if I wanted a drink but I shook my head and leaned back on the chair.

Salvatore wasn’t too pleased when Kane informed him that the meeting had been rescheduled to this evening. I didn’t give a fuck. He should be lucky that I even showed up because I had a lot on my mind and they all revolved around a woman.

Not just any woman but Rayne Horton. I have lost my shit because of her. I’m barely holding on to my sanity. What about control? That went to the gutter the minute she stepped into my room. And now, I’m nothing but a starved man who craves for a woman I shouldn’t and can’t have.

I’ve been hard ever since our encounter this morning and just a touch from her could make me explode. I need her. I want her. I’m yearning for her.

I have abstained from all things sexual in the past few years. No woman had been able to attract me, to trap me to the point where I can’t seem to escape from until Rayne. Now the hunger has returned in full force, tearing down my restraint bit by bit.

I didn’t sleep last night. I just sat down on my bed and smoked a whole pack of cigarette, thinking about her and all the sinful things I could do to her. She wouldn’t last long in my bed if we ever fucked. My hunger doesn’t get satiated easily.

I blow out a breath and adjust my tie, clenching my fist so tight to try and regain some sort of control to get me through this meeting with Salvatore.

“I was informed not a while ago that you have my daughter in your possession.” He slowly pours himself another glass of vodka, keeping his hawk-like gaze glued to me. “How is she doing? Does she know the reason why you decided to keep her under your care?”

“Tread carefully, Salvatore.” I cross my leg over the other and smirked evilly. “You know what I am capable of. So except you want to be the reason why her life gets cut short. You will cooperate with me and act sensible for once.”

He frowns, hands holding the glass with a death grip. “I have made many mistakes in my life, Aran, but the one mistake I can never make is underestimating you. I am very well aware of what you’re capable of. But don’t mistake my lenience for foolishness.” He drops the glass on the table and folds his hand. “So, back to my daughter. How is she? Hope she’s well taken care of?”

I scoff. “Don’t act like you actually give a damn about her.”

“And you do?” He arches a brow in amusement.

I let out a humorless chuckle, lips tilting upward into a full blown smirk. “She’s of great importance to my plans, Salvatore, and I have to protect her from filthy vultures. You of all people should know that.” My face suddenly pulls up a blank expression. “Now where is she?”

A sinister look gleams in his eyes, one I knew all too well. “I have no idea, Aran. All we know, she could be dead.” He says, blowing out a cloud of smoke.

I try to contain the anger brewing inside of me, itching to be let out and consume the bastard across from me like a fire. “Don’t you dare play this pathetic game with me, Salvatore.” I rise to my feet, my eyes glaring daggers at him. He visibly squirms but conceals his discomfort, smoking his cigarette in silence, awaiting my next words. I continue, “I will find her even if I have to burn your whole organization to the ground myself and when I do, I’m going to rip your heart out.”

“Your threats are weak and pointless, Aran. You don’t scare me.” He builds up a false bravado, trying to sway me with his words, testing me to see any sign of weakness, eyes scouring my face for something he will never mind.

“You said it yourself, Salvatore. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating me. There’s a reason why I’m called the devil,” I say to him with a sneer. “and I always live up to that name.”


“Where is he?” I demand, the moment I walked into the underground dungeon accompanied by a few soldiers.

“Chained to the wall in the last cell.” Wayne replies, leading me past several cells where a couple of prisoners are kept, all of them beaten up and tortured to the point of death, till we get to the last cell.

And there he was. Carlos Rodriguez. The man who had the guts to steal from me. Chained to the wall like an animal, stripped of any piece of clothing he had, beaten to the point he couldn’t stand because his legs were broken. An eyeball was missing and his dick had been caught off.


I stretch out both my arms and Wayne comes forward, taking off my blazer and taking it further away from the bloody scene so it doesn’t get stained.

He slowly raises his head upon hearing my footsteps approaching him. When his single eye connects with the raging storm brewing in mine, he goes limp, swollen lips trembling and quiet pleas for mercy falling off them, irritating my eardrums.

I had just gotten back from my meeting with Salvatore and needed to stop by here to calm the fuck down. The anger I had tried to contain earlier had surfaced with the need to be let out this time and I couldn’t deny it. I stop right in front of him, satisfied to see him trembling before me and struggling to get free of the chains that bound him to the wall.

“How do they say it in your native tongue? Me traicionaste.” I speak, my voice dripping with venom with every word that slip out of my mouth.
[You betrayed me].

“I–I’m s–sorry, sir. I didn’t….mean to.” He pleads, already on the verge of tears. “Please —” His words gets cut off by a punch to his bloody face.

I crack my knuckles and flash him a death glare. “I’m just going to make this quick. I don’t have the time to spare for your useless pathetic cries.” I stretch forth a hand and without having to say anything, one of my men hands me a knife and I grip it hard. “You know me very well, Carlos. The thing I loathe the most in this world other than people and well….my ex-wife….is betrayal. And you betrayed me. You fucking stole from me and think I will just let it slide? You’re a complete idiot, Rodriguez.” I turn around to face the rest of my men who shivered in fear at the mere sight of me. “Now let this be a lesson to you all, If you ever and I mean ever try to betray me or pull this foolish stunt, no matter where you hide or run to, I will find you and end you with my bare hands.”

“Sir….please, I—”

I turn my attention back to the piece of scum and drag the knife down his chest to create a big gash, blood spilling out of it rapidly as I stop right at the edge of his stomach. I withdraw the knife and dipped my hand into him. The wound is quite deep so my hand was able to slip into him easily.

Wrapping my hand around the slightly throbbing heart, I rip it out with ease, an angry growl slipping out of my lips as blood dripped heavily down my arm from the organ that sits in the palm of my hands.

I look at the lifeless boy with a gaping hole in his chest and sighed heavily, a part of me felt oddly satisfied while the other part of me felt uneasy with the need to inflict more damage because of the anger that swirled inside of me.

“Clean this mess up.” I order the men that stood behind me, unfazed by what just happened. They’ve worked with me for a very long time and have witnessed greater evil than this. It helps toughen them up and keeps them on their toes.

I signal Wayne to follow behind me as I walk out of the dungeon with the heart in hand still dripping with blood and make my way over to my throne room.

Ninja and Bone let out a soft mewl when they see me before it transforms into a vicious growl upon sighting Wayne. I walk over to the two tigers and pat their head affectionately. They lick the blood off my hands and moan softly when their eyes lands on the heart in my hand.

“Not this time, boys. This one’s mine.” I scratch both their ears and walk towards the freezer in the far corner of the room. “Instruct some of my men to bring down fresh meat for Ninja and Bone. Two of the prisoners will do just fine.”

“Okay, Boss. Anything else?”

I pull open the door of the freezer. The cold air wafts out and splashes onto my face. Placing the heart along with the rest of the other hearts stored in here as some kind of a trophy or souvenir, I glance at it with a certain calmness in my chest, all the anger vanishing into nothingness.

“Have a couple of dresses, shoes….whatever ladies wear to luxurious events or parties, delivered to my house.” I say, closing the freezer and cleaning the blood from my hands with a rag. I take off the shirt I’m wearing and pick out another one from the closet in my throne room. Once I buttoned it all the way to the top, Wayne hands me my blazer and I put it on. “How’s things going with Rayne’s family? Any issue so far?”

“None so far, sir.” He responds as I walk back over to my tigers and run my fingers through their soft fur.

I nod in satisfaction.

So far everything seems to be in order. I’ve been in this business for a long time and I know that it won’t last long before trouble comes knocking on the door.

Wayne escorts me back to where my car is parked. I get in and turn on the engine.

“Get some people to move Ninja and Bone to my compound. I have a place prepared for them there.” I say to him before driving out of the underground parking lot.

I take out my phone from my pocket when it buzzes with a text.

Kane: Already dropped off Van at the school. He’s safe and nothing happened to him as per your request.

I tuck the phone back into my pocket without replying and drive towards the direction of my estate.


I’ve been seated on my bed for the past 45 minutes working on a few things on my laptop related to business. A cigarette burns brightly at the corner of my lips and a half bottle of vodka sits at the nightstand. I pick up the glass next to it, taking small gulps from it as my mind takes the sweet opportunity to torture me with very inappropriate images of Rayne. And it doesn’t help that her room isn’t too far from mine.

Just thinking about her fuels my arousal.

My head falls back against the headboard as all things disastrous and sinful clouds my mind. I close my eyes and imagine her standing before me in the outfit she had on this morning. A mischievous smile sneaks onto her lips as she slowly takes off her shirt, leaving her chest bare before me. My eyes darts down to her huge tits, her nipples hardening under my stare.

My throat goes dry like the desert and the bulge in my pants becomes painfully hard.

She stalks towards me, seductively, and crawls onto my lap, sitting purposefully on my hard-on. A groan falls off my lips. I dig my fingers into the bed to prevent myself from touching her because no matter how much I tell myself that I shouldn’t want her, I find myself going insanely mad for her.

I force my eyes open and the image disappears. I thread my fingers through my hair and take in deep breaths to calm my racing heart. Placing the glass back on the nightstand, I set my laptop aside and rise to my feet, stretching my limbs to get rid of cramps after being in that position for a long time.

I enter into my bathroom to take a nice long shower so I can get ready for the event tonight. Wayne texted me a few minutes ago that he had already sent the dresses over to my house and I’m pretty sure that one of the guards would have informed her about it. I’m not that surprised that she hasn’t barged into my room demanding for the reasons why I had bought her expensive dresses.

She knows it’s required of her and we did sign a contract which include such terms.

I step out of the bathroom and get dressed into an expensive black suit, tying my hair up in the way I liked it and slipping on all my rings onto each finger. I pick up my wallet and phone, turning it on to see several missed calls from Hana.

I block her number immediately, something I have been doing for quite sometime now but she keeps on calling me from different numbers and I just….gave up entirely. She’s the least of my problems anyway.

Tucking the phone into my pocket, I exit my room and make my way over to Rayne’s, knocking the door multiple times when she doesn’t answer. “Come on, Rayne. We have to go.” I glance at my wrist watch and frown. “We’re running late. Open this door right now or I swear you’re going to —”

“I’m going to what?” She swings the door open and steps out, invading my personal space much to my dismay and inconvenience.

“Don’t you dare try to —” My words comes to an abrupt halt when I finally take in her appearance. All the air vacates from my lungs, blood rushing to my cock that strains so hard in my pants. How can anyone look so sinfully beautiful and sexy but pulls of an innocent look at the same time? Honestly it should be illegal.

The gorgeous woman before me has on a black drawstring satin cami dress which stops right below her thigh. The dress displays a generous amount of cleavage but not too much to make her uncomfortable. There’s a small triangle shaped cutout below those mouthwatering tits—that I want to bury my face in—that shows off her toned stomach; just a small amount of skin.

I let my eyes wander down to her curved hips and imagine myself sinking my teeth into such wonderous flesh while I grab those ass cheeks. A small vivid image of me fucking her against the wall in this dress flashes before my eyes, her moaning out my name, begging me to fuck her harder until she looses her ability to walk. A low tortured groan reverberated deep in my chest.

I dig my nails into my palm to prevent myself from doing the unthinkable and clear my throat, looking away from her before I loose it. “Let’s go.”

Something close to disappoinment flits across her face before her expression goes blank and she nods, falling in step next to me.    



What's up, beautiful people? How are y'all doing? Hope you're all having a splendid day?

What do you think about this chapter? Aran's insane....actions? Honestly, he terrifies me. Just a little.

The next chapter is hopefully going to be juicy *cue in evil laugh*

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE.

See you next Friday.

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