Power Rangers Mystic Force: W...

Autorstwa tanishatribe1118

4.1K 180 3

What if Udonna had a daughter and she was Nick's (Bowen's) sister? Lily is the next White Mystic Ranger and u... Więcej

Broken Spell Part 1
Broken Spell Part 2
Code Busters
Rock Solid
Whispering Voices
Legendary Catastros
Fire Heart
Stranger Within Part 1
Petrified Xander
The Gatekeeper Part 1
The Gatekeeper Part 2
Scaredy Cat
Long Ago
Inner Strength
Soul Specter
Ranger Down
Dark Wish Part 1
Dark Wish Part 2
Dark Wish Part 3
Koragg's Trial
Heir Apparent Part 1
Heir Apparent Part 2
The Light
The Hunter
Hard Heads
The Snow Prince
The Light Source Part 1
The Light Source Part 2
The Return
Mystic Fate Part 1
Mystic Fate Part 2

Stranger Within Part 2

66 6 0
Autorstwa tanishatribe1118

"Well done, Necrolai." said Morticon, sitting on his throne.

"The pink ranger is still in my power." said Necrolai, laughing as she bowed. Koragg scoffs as he walks away. "Koragg, are you not pleased with what Necrolai has done?" Morticon asked at the wolf wizard. "As I see it, she just did you a favor. You should be grateful!"

"There is no honor in her ways." said Koragg.

At Rootcore, Vida was standing in a chalked circle as the others stood a ways from her and Lily further away from her. "Guys, I know you think you should do this, but I'm all right." said Vida, begging the others. "Please let me out."

"Lily, you'll let me out, right?" she asked the young white ranger, sweetly.

"Not a chance, Vida. Until they fix you, I'm not coming over there if my life depended on it." Lily said, grabbing ahold of the banister. "Plus I don't want you to be a vampire anymore because you're scaring me."

"We're gonna help you, V. I promise." said Chip.

"Maybe...you should let her out." said Clare then Vida goes at her but was blocked by the invisible wall. "And maybe you shouldn't."

"If Flytrap was destroyed, Vida should be fine." said Maddie as she and the others walked away from Vida. "She must be under the spell of another vampire."

"What if it's Necrolai?" asked Chip.

"Koragg would know that." said Xander, then Chip gets an idea.

"Nick, Koragg seems to be able to contact you whenever he likes. Have you ever tried to contact him?" asked Chip.

"No. Well, I can try." said Nick, then focuses on connecting with Koragg. When nothing happened, Nick then said, "I guess it doesn't work like..."

Koragg started growling and Nick grabs his head. "Ahh!" Nick winced in pain.

"Nick!" said Lily.

"You wish to speak, red wizard?" asked Koragg.

"Next time, Chip, you can call him yourself." said Nick, panting. "He's in the glen."

"While you go after Koragg, there is something I need to do." said Udonna, then leaves the rangers and Clare.

"Who's going to stay with V?" asked Maddie and the older rangers looked down at Lily.

"I'm not doing it. She's scary as a vampire." said Lily, gripping the railing hard.

"I will." said Clare, volunteering herself.

"Clare, she'll try anything and everything to get you to release her." Xander tells her. "You sure you're up for it?"

"Don't worry. I am a lot smarter than I look." said Clare. "Or...nevermind. I'll be fine. I promise."

They then turned around and that Chip was missing. "Where's Chip?" Nick asked.

"There you are, coward!" said Chip as he jumped off his Mystic racer.

"You!" said Koragg. "I was expecting red ranger to meet me."

"Well, you got yellow!" said Chip, then goes to attack him. "What did you do to Vida?"

"I did nothing to your friend." Koragg tells him and throws him against a tree.

"Lightning kick!" shouted Chip as he kicks against Koragg's shield. Koragg grabs him by the foot and swings him around before letting go. "I'm not done yet." said Chip as he gets up from the ground and goes to attack Koragg again.

"It's dishonorable to defeat a weaker opponent." said Koragg.

"What do you know about honor?" asked Chip. "I'll make you pay for what you did. Magi Staff! Ha!"

Suddenly lightning shot down from the sky and dust formed around Koragg. "Excellent." said Koragg once the dust cleared.

"No!" Chip exclaimed.

"I had no idea you had grown so powerful." said Koragg and draws out his sword. "Now I can destroy you. Wolf Attack!"

Wolves came out of the shield and went straight for Chip, knocking him back to the ground. "Chip!" shouted Nick as he and the others arrived.

"Are you all right?" asked Maddie as she and Naiya helped him up.

"If you are looking for the one who turned the pink witch into a vampire, look no further than Necrolai." said Koragg.

"Necrolai!" said Maddie.

"You're lying!" said Chip.

"Come, my servant." said Necrolai's voice, echoing in Vida's head. "Come to me."

Clare was humming as she swept the floor when Vida turns around. "Ohh!" Vida said, pretending to double over in pain. Her outburst caused Clare to look over at her. "Clare. Please help me." said Vida. "I feel really sick. I need...Ohh!"

Vida falls to the ground inside the circle and Clare runs over to her. "Vida!" she said, but then stops short, realizing what she was about to do.

In the glen, Koragg said to the rangers, "If you want the pink witch back, defeat Necrolai."

"Why are you telling us this?" asked Nick.

"If you are strong enough to defeat Necrolai and get the pink one back, then, and only then, have you earned the right to fight me." said Koragg and disappears from sight.

"We'll play your game." said Nick. At Rootcore, the others walked in to see that Clare was now standing in the circle of chalk. "Oh, no. Look." said Maddie.

"I knew it!" said Xander.

"I'm so sorry," said Clare as they rushed over to her. "But she got really sick and then she fainted."

"No need to explain, Clare." said Nick.

"I just thought, "What if something really bad happens? I would never forgive myself"." she explained. "So I erased a little bit of the circle and she got out."

"Should I be on the lookout for our pink vampire?" said Lily, looking everywhere in Rootcore as Chip sighs.

"Well, at least she didn't bite you." said Chip. "She didn't bite you, did she?"

"No." Clare said as she lifts up her hair to show them that there were no bite marks on her neck. "But she put me in the circle. Please let me out."

Xander then erases part of the chalk with his foot and Clare runs out. "Thanks. Uh, I'd better find Udonna." She then said before taking off.

"I still say that anyone with half a brain wouldn't have been tricked." said Xander.

"Oh, hi, guys. I didn't hear you come in." said Clare as she came into the room with a broom in hand. "Gosh, that Vida is a tricky one. She tried to convince me she was sick, but I..."

The others looked at where "Clare" went and looked back over at the real Clare. "Hey, where did Vida go?" Clare asked.

"A tall green idiot let her go." said Lily as she and the others looked at Xander.

"What was that half-brain theory of yours, again?" Maddie asked Xander.

"Oops." said Xander.

"Yeah....oops won't cut it this time, Xander." said Lily. "Next time, think before you act."

In a room filled with candles, Vida walks in, wearing a different outfit than her usual ranger uniform. "Welcome, child..." said Necrolai as she comes up behind Vida. "To the dark side."

"What if we find Necrolai before Vida?" asked Maddie. "How do we destroy her? Flytrap was one thing."

"Chip's book, it's got to have a chapter on destroying Vampires." said Xander.

"Chapter 13." said Chip. "Basically, it's the old stake in the heart scenario. Unless we're dealing with the queen of the vampires."

"And what does it say about destroying them?" asked Nick.

"It says you can't." said Chip.

"Well, that's encouraging." said Xander.

"Don't be negative, you dunderhead." said Lily as Xander sticks out his tongue at her and she returns the gesture. "We weren't the ones who erased part of the circle."

"Wait..."The Xenotome"." said Xander. "That tells us what we need to know, when we need to know it. We need to know it now."

They rushed over to "The Xenotome". "Xenotome, how do we destroy the queen of the Vampires?" asked Chip. Suddenly, it revealed what they should do. "Dawn Crystal." said Chip, reading the page. "That must be the only way to defeat Necrolai. Well, it says how to make one, but it takes time....and ingredients I don't know if we can get."

"You can't." said Udonna as she suddenly walks in. "But I did. We must hurry. There is not much time. We must make the crystal before..."

"Before what?" Maddie asked. "Before it's too late? Is that what you were going to say?"

"Make no mistakes, rangers, we're in danger of losing one of our own." said Udonna.

"That's not gonna happen." said Nick. "Udonna, you make the Dawn Crystal. We'll find Vida."

"I'll stay here and help Udonna." said Lily.

"Good idea." said Nick, nodding at his sister.

"No. I'm staying to make the Crystal. Lily can help me." said Chip. "I owe Vida that much."

"You should feel privileged." said Necrolai as she walks around Vida. "It's not every girl who gets to serve the queen of the vampires."

"Yes, mistress." said Vida in a monotone voice.

"And being queen of the vampires has its advantages." Necrolai tells her. "I can move around openly during the day as well as the night, and I am invincible. Yes. You are a lucky, lucky girl."

"Yes, mistress."

"Now, stay here child." said Necrolai. "Stay in the shadows where it's safe, until I allow you to return to your friends. I even have a gift for you to give to them."

"Purified flakes from a first snow." said Chip as he and Lily were brewing the Dawn Crystal. Lily then handed Chip the next ingredient. "Hair from a bat's wing. Blood from a ghost-vine plant. I'm sounding like a sorcerer."

"Chip, you are a sorcerer." said Udonna. "Now stir."

Lily started to smell the potion and began to feel faint. "I hope this works on Necrolai. I miss regular Vida already." said Lily, then starts to cough a little.

"Vida!" shouted Xander as he, Nick and Maddie were in the forest.

"Sis! Where is she?" asked Maddie.

"Hey, V!" shouted Nick. At Rootcore, Chip and Lily were adding more ingredients to the cauldron. "She has to be somewhere! I'm not giving up!" said Maddie.

"No one is, Maddie! No one!" said Nick.

"Vida!" shouted Maddie.

Lily was setting up the crystals at the table while Chip was adjusting the mirrors. "It is time, Chip." said Udonna.

"I can't wait for Vida to be her normal self again." said Lily, standing next to Udonna.

"Ready." said Chip as he positioned the last mirror. The sun rose and its light started to bounce off the mirrors as well as the crystals that were on the table. At Rock Porium, Maddie said, "Maybe she left town. Maybe she was taken. Maybe she..."

"We'll find her, Maddie." said Nick, comforting the blue ranger. "I promise."

"Find who?" asked Vida as she walked in.

"Vida!" Maddie exclaimed, running over to her sister and giving her a hug.

"Sis, I'm fine. Calm down." said Vida. "I'm fine. I had quite a night. But I'm okay."

Out of the cauldron, the Dawn crystal was finished. "It worked." said Chip.

"It's beautiful." said Lily.

"Well done, Chip. Well done, Lily." said Udonna.

"You won't be needing it." said Nick as they walked in with Vida.

"V!" said Chip. "Are you all right?"

"Is she alright?" asked Nick. "She defeated Necrolai all by herself."

"Oh really?" asked Lily. "How did she do it then?"

"Why didn't you call?" Chip asked. "We all wanted to help."

"I know, but it was my problem." said Vida. "You know me."

"Defeating Necrolai by yourself?" asked Udonna, sensing that Vida wasn't telling the whole story. "That must have been quite the battle."

"We were a little suspicious before, but she walked all the way home in broad daylight." said Xander. "Not many vampires can do that."

"Unless you count Necrolai." said Naiya, rolling her eyes and walks over to Udonna.

"Hail, Vida! Vampire Slayer!" said Chip, then does Vida's pose.

"Vampire slayer..." said Vida then takes out apples out the bag she was holding. "And gift giver. I picked you all a little something."

"Love apples." said Xander, taking the apple from her.

"Thank you." said Maddie.

"A gift from me to all of you." said Vida. "To my best friends in the whole world."

"Thanks...I'm not really hungry." said Lily, staring at the apple Vida handed her. "And I don't eat apples without peanut butter and milk."

"Udonna." said Vida, then faces the others. "To the rangers!"

"To the rangers!" all but Chip, Udonna and Lily said.

"Wait. Something's wrong." said Chip and the look on Vida's face had fallen. "She couldn't have picked these apples. They're not grown in Briarwood."

"Picked?" Vida asked in confusion. "I meant "picked up at the store"."

"And what about the pose?" asked Chip. "You didn't even recognize it."

"I recognized it. I've just moved on from it." said Vida.

"You told us that pose came to you in a dream." Lily said, furrowing her brow.

"You know me. I never stick with anything for very long." said Vida. "Now, I'm gonna get a complex if none of you eat my gifts."

Just as the others were about to eat the apples, Chip rushes towards them. "No!" he shouted, making them drop the apples. "I'm telling you, this is not Vida."

"I agree." said Lily, throwing hers to the ground.

"Chip. Lily." said Maddie. "Now you've gone and ruined perfectly good apples." Just as she was about to pick up the apple, it started to rot and become a black goop. "Talk about your rotten apples." said Xander.

"I told you up front. I don't eat apples without peanut butter and milk." said Lily, with disgust on her face.

"She's gone." said Nick, causing them to look up. In the city, Vida was running away from the others. "Hold it, right there!" yelled Nick. "There's nowhere else to run."

"You are so right!" said Vida and Necrolai appears behind her.

"Good servant. Very good servant." Necrolai said to Vida. "Now get them!"

"Yes, mistress." Vida said in a deep voice that the others never heard before and goes into her ranger uniform.

"Oh, no! Vida!" said Maddie.

"Magi Staff!" she shouted and goes for the others.

"Don't hurt her." said Chip. "I'm going after Necrolai."

"Good luck, Chip." said Lily as he goes after her.

"Galwit Mysto Ranger!"

Chip jumps over Vida to get to Necrolai as the others restrained her. She was able to fight off all four rangers. "We're getting really hurt taking it easy on her." said Nick. Vida used her Magi Staff on Nick and the others, causing them to go over the edge and morph.

"Stop!" Nick shouted at Vida as knocked down Xander and Maddie.

"Stop it, Vida!" said Lily.

"It's us, Vida!" said Nick, but she didn't listen to the Russell siblings, she just kept fighting all four of them. Chip was fighting Necrolai by himself. "Turn Vida back!" Chip demanded Necrolai.

"Never!" she said, then strikes him. "Is that all ranger?"

"I'm just getting warmed up! Ha!" shouted Chip and holds the Dawn Crystal in his hand.

"What's that?" Necrolai asked.

"Oh, just you're run of the mill Dawn Crystal." said Chip. He then adds it to the tip of his Magi Staff. "Magi Staff, Crossbow!"

"Sorry to spoil your plans." said Necrolai. She snaps her fingers and Vida attacks the others before coming over to her side. "I will not let you harm my queen!" shouted Vida.

"Come on, get out of the way, V." said Chip, not wanting to hurt her. In the distance, Koragg stood there, watching the fight. "Get him!" ordered Necrolai and Vida goes after him.

"V, stop!" said Chip as he fought Vida. She shoots him with her Magi Staff, causing him to go to the ground. "Vida, how can you do this to me?" he asked.

"You'll have to blast your friend to get to me, but your heart won't let you, will it, ranger?" asked Necrolai.

"She's right. I can't do it." said Chip then remembers what Vida said.


"Chip, next time, don't save me." Vida tells him. "Sometimes you have to sacrifice the one in order to save everyone else."

[Flashback ends]

"Your right. There's no other way." said Chip. Panting, he gets up. "I will always remember you, V." he tells her and runs towards them.

"Destroy him, servant." said Necrolai.

"Yes, mistress." replied Vida and goes at Chip. Soon as he was on the ground, Vida places her foot on his arm. "You're done." she said to him.

"V, don't do this, please!" Chip begged her. "Come back to us! We miss you! Please, V. Please."

"You waste your breathe." said Necrolai. "She is no longer human."

"Vida!" shouted Chip.

"What?" asked Vida, her voice became normal. "Where am I? What's going on?"

"V, are you there? Do you remember me?" Chip asked as Vida looked confused. He then reaches his hand out. "V. V, take my hand." he tells her. Vida started to reach out but then slaps his hand away. "No!" she said in the deep voice.

"No, stop!" said Chip as she kicks him back.

"Pitiful." said Vida.

"Excellent." said Necrolai.

"Vida!" Chip calls out.

"I am no longer one of you. My duty is to protect my queen." said Vida.

"That's right. Protect me. Even if it destroys you." said Necrolai.

"Yes, my queen." said Vida, then does the pose she showed Chip and the others.

"V?" Chip whispered, seeing the pose.

"I dare you. Ahh." said Vida.

"For the good of all." said Chip, aiming his crossbow at Vida and Necrolai.

"Come on!"

"Dawn Crystal, power up!"

"Chip, you can't! Its Vida!" shouted Xander.

"Don't do it, Chip!" shouted Maddie.

"Put it down! Now!" shouted Nick.

"I believe in you, V." said Chip. "Fire!"

The Dawn Crystal was fired and was heading straight for Vida when she suddenly ducked out of the way, letting Necrolai take the hit. "No!" shouted Necrolai and gets struck down.



""V" is for Victory!" shouted Chip as he did Vida's pose. "Vida showed me her sign. Even though she said she wasn't with us anymore. I knew she was."

"You tricked me, pink witch." Necrolai sneered at Vida and snaps her fingers. "You'll pay for that."

"Stop that!" shouted Lily.

"You have to stop her!" said Vida.

"You got it." said Chip. "Do it for V, guys!"

"Magi Staff...full power!"

"Bite this, Necrolai!" shouted Chip, as he sends the Dawn Crystal at her.

"No! This can't be happening!" screeched Necrolai and then she exploded.


"Good Job!"

"Way to go, sis!"

"V!" shouted Chip as they all ran to her. "You all right?"

"Yes. I feel my powers surging back into my body." Vida tells him.

"You're back!"

"We did it!" cheered Xander.


"All right!"

Suddenly the ground starts shaking and Koragg appears. "You six wizards have shown great power and cunning to defeat Necrolai." said Koragg. "This is what I have wanted for. Uthe Mejor Catastros."

"Centaurus Wolf Megazord!"

"Magical Source, Mystic Force!" shouted Vida.

"Galwit Mysto Priofior!"

"Let's show him!" said Nick as they formed the titan megazord.

"Ancient Power....Mystic Spell Seal!" they shouted, creating the spell seal.

"Dark Magic...Spell Seal!" shouted Koragg. Both sides sent their spell seals, causing the titan megazord to fall back. "He's stronger than we are!" said Maddie. "Guys, what are we gonna do?"

"I say, we fight back. We don't give up." said Chip.

"Chip's right." said Vida. "We fight back and we never give up."

"Count me in." said Xander.

"Me too." said Lily.

"One for all!" shouted Nick and his chess piece moved aside for Chip.

"Yeah! And all for one!" said Chip. Suddenly something glowed yellow and they raised their Magi Staffs in the air. "What's going on?" asked Chip.

"Your belief in me has given us a new spell." said Vida.


"Battle me!" Koragg demanded.

"Ready! Ha!" said Chip and both sets of Garuda and Griffin spread out on the megazord's back.

"You have new magic!" Koragg exclaimed.

"Titan Megazord, take flight!" shouted the rangers and the megazord goes into the air.


"Spirits of the ancient titans!"

"Titans, attack!"

As they took a dive towards Koragg, each one of the ancient titans took a hit at Koragg before the rangers. Koragg fumbled backwards, taking in the hits.


"All right!"

"We got him!"


"Way to go!"

"Nothing can stop us!"

Koragg stood up and the rangers were shocked. "Impressive." said Koragg. "You grow more powerful by the day, but so do I. our next battle will have a different outcome."

"We did it!" shouted Nick.



"All right!"

"Way to go!"

"Now, I'm all out of things to say." said Lily, causing the others to laugh. "What? I did. I can't think of anything else."

"At least you tried, Lily." said Vida, patting her on the back. "At least you tried."

At night, black things were crawling and creating a vortex, making Necrolai come back again. "Those foolish rangers. Don't they realize that I'm invincible?" Necrolai asked, holding the Dawn Crystal. "The queen of the vampires cannot be destroyed. But the dawn crystal...that can be destroyed." She then crushes it in her hand and takes off.

At Rock Porium, the rangers were working while one ranger was at the register. "Guys, I'm gonna clear things up with Leelee." Vida said to the others, before walking over to the blond. "Leelee, uh, you know the vampire thing in the store the other day?"

"Uh-huh?" said Leelee.

"I was just playing a joke on the guys." Vida explained.

"Yeah, I know that." Leelee said, laughing. "You didn't think that I thought you were really a vampire, did you?"

"Of course, not." said Vida.

"I got to run." Leelee then said and runs out of the store. Vida and the others start laughing as she does. Out on the street, Leelee was walking alone, then walks into a building when Necrolai showed up. "It's not safe to walk alone at night." said Necrolai. "Something bad could happen to you. Ha!"

Necrolai then attacks Leelee and both women fought. Once Necrolai had pushed Leelee into a stack of boxes, she walks up to her and said, "Three months with the humans has softened you."

"Oh, mom." said Leelee.

"Come...my daughter." said Necrolai as she reaches her hand out for her daughter to grab a hold of. She pulls her up and smiled at each other.

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