By Merlin_selen

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Kinn and Porsche's happily-ever-after marriage existed only in fairy tales. The moment Kinn walked away from... More

It all come down to this
Rhythm of Misery
The unfortunate encounter
Too much
Don't make me weak
He knew
Everything fell apart
Not gonna feel anything
My life that never was mine
Can't anymore
Pit of darkness
Helpless heart
The chaotic grandpa
The truth hurt more than the lie
Before the storm
Run to you
How to unlove
Heart in pieces
Unforgettable past
Fighting against the current
Hit the bull's-eye
Inception of a fresh odyssey
Burning bridges
Drunk on you
Veracity or deceit
Encircled by inferno
The Revelation
Me and You till the end
Back to reality
No Salvation
The cataclysmic
Triumphant disquiet
Rekindled Love
Mission impossible
The thing we do for love
Whispers of Wounds
Poignant colloquy
The Bitter Lamentation
Veiled heart
Quantum Entanglement
Francis+Porsche : Part 1
Francis+Porsche : Part 2


567 31 5
By Merlin_selen

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle

Bathed in the soft glow of the sun's first light, Kinn opened his eyes to see his peacefully sleeping husband, lips slightly pursed in his arm. The morning whispered with tranquility, and he couldn't resist the beauty before him. His fingers delicately brushed a stray strand of hair from his face. Leaning in, he placed a soft, lingering kiss on his forehead, sealing the morning with a pledge of many more sunrises together and countless whispered dreams.

Porsche shifted in his slumber, snuggling his face into his chest, while Kinn gently traced his fingers over Porsche's wedding band. The ring bore witness to a myriad of their stories, many of which were inscribed with pain and suffering. Yet, amidst the tapestry of emotions and the storms weathered, there they lay – two souls, still intertwined, finding solace in the silent promise of enduring love.

He leaned again and kissed his forehead once again. Porsche slowly open his eyes.

"Uhmmm...morning," Porsche lifted his head and planted a kiss on Kinn's lips. "My cheeks and forehead are about to disappear from your delicious attack," Porsche giggled, burying his face in Kinn's neck.

"Morning, my bratty fireball,"

"Are you saying I'm hot?" Porsche quipped, leaning his chin on Kinn's chest and giving a mischievous smile.

"That you are," Kinn smiled, their lips meeting in a fiery embrace that left them both breathless. "How did my berries sleep today?" Kinn hands caress Porsche's swollen belly.

"Our berries slept well and just told me that you should keep kissing their papa," Porsche winks at him, earning another passionate kiss.

"When is grandpa coming?" Kinn whispered against his lips, his hand running up and down on Porsche back.

Porsche stayed silent for a moment, and mumbled, "I don't know,"

Kinn's face contorted with confusion as he propped himself up and sat straight, while Porsche lay on his back, fixating on the ceiling.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Kinn asked. "I thought he will be here today,"

"The only thing I know is that he won't be home for at least a week or two. He has a wedding to attend. His friend's daughter is getting married," Porsche shrugged. "Or maybe that's an excuse," he muttered to himself

When Kinn's eyebrow arched in suspicion, Porsche sat upright, capturing any impending questions with a passionate kiss that left no room for interrogation.

"I want to sleep more," Porsche mumbled against his lips.

"Wanne dream about me," Kinn smirk. "Oh, trying to hide, are we?" Kinn teases, catching Porsche's feeble attempt to avoid his gaze.

"It remind me of..." Porsche trailed off feeling embarrassed.

"Remind you of what?" Kinn prompted.

Squinting his eyes, Porsche nervously chewed on his lips.

"You know," Porsche said, his finger pointed in warning, "First promise me you won't make fun of me or laugh,"

"Hey I would never make fun of you. But sweetheart, if you make me laugh, my teeth can't help but make an appearance on the red carpet,"

In a huff, Porsche crossed his arms over his chest and muttered, "forget it,"

"Just kidding. I won't. Come on, love, tell me," Kinn cooed.

"I will cut your dick off if you try to laugh," Porsche threatened, his eyes narrowing at Kinn.

"Ohh," Kinn gasped, cupping his cock protectively. "You sure you can live without it?" he teased, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

Porsche smacked his arm playfully, eliciting a smile from Kinn. "It's mine, I can do whatever I want with it,"

"Ohh, when did my kitten get so scary?" Kinn puts his arm around Porsche and pulled him to his chest. "How can I make fun of my gorgeous husband? Come on, don't leave me hanging, tell me,"

"So...when we were in tree house," Porsche began.

"Treehouse?" Kinn arched an eyebrow, struggling to contain his laughter at Porsche's persistent reference to the bamboo abode as a tree house.

Pushing himself away from Kinn's embrace, Porsche shot him a fierce glare.

"Sorry," kinn apologized.

"Remember when you woke me up from my sleep and asked if I had a nightmare?" Porsche continued.

With a nod, Kinn bit his cheek to stifle a laugh.

"So...that time...I mean. I just. I had" Porsche breathed. "I had an erotic dream."

"What?" Kinn asked back, as if he didn't hear what he said.

"Ihadsexdream," Porsche said in one breath. He looked at Kinn and was relieved when he didn't laugh. "And you woke me up before I cum,"

"Oh, I see," Kinn responded nonchalantly.

And that infuriated Porsche.

"But why did you wake me up?" Porsche shot him a pointed glare, catching Kinn off guard.


"If you..." Porsche cut himself off, his voice trailing off as he realized what he was about to say, and a nervous gulp escaped his lips.

"You seriously scolding me right now," Kinn taunted.

"No, I'm not. It's just a dream," Porsche shrugged, turning his face towards the window with a pout.

"Oh, baby," Kinn pulled him back into his chest. "Don't worry, you came a few more times," he reassured, unable to suppress a chuckle that escaped his lips.

"What?" Porsche's heads snapped, staring at Kinn with wide eyes.

"I'm pretty sure you came a few times when you were grinding on me," Kinn deadpanned. "Not sure if my firm thigh can compete against YOUR favorite cock," he palmed his dick with a smirk plastered on his face.

"NO," Porsche exclaims, sitting bolt upright with a start.

"I even change your underwear," Kinn smiled. "I'm sure I know what your juice is...." Porsche swiftly covered Kinn's mouth with his hand, rendering him silent.

"Shut up. You better not say a word,"

Kinn nodded, his eyes sparkling with a joyful smile.


Kinn arranged a picturesque breakfast spread on the kitchen island – blueberry pancakes, Brussels Sprouts and Potato Hash with Fried Eggs, and a refreshing mixed fruit bowl.

Porsche, clad in one of Kinn's T-shirts that barely covered his thighs, sauntered into the kitchen.

"Did I ever tell you how sexy you look in the kitchen?" Porsche purred.

Surprised, Kinn glanced up from crafting yogurt parfaits. "Not sure, keep telling me and I won't forget," Kinn grinned.

Porsche winked playfully, leaning against the island.

"I'm loving the smile today," Kinn pointed out. "You glowing,"

"A hot morning dicking makes your man sparkle like a diamond," Porsche said unabashedly. "That's the look of a man being stuffed full and pleasured," Porsche flashed him his white teeth. "Something about cuming twice,"

Kinn stood in silent disbelief, his jaw dropping at the blunt remark. He tried to respond, but his mouth opened and closed soundlessly, leaving him stunned and utterly speechless.

"Breakfast is ready," Kinn blushed, trying to regain composure.

Tapping the touchscreen in front of him, Porsche giggled as he scrolled through the playlist. Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers' "Islands in the Stream" filled the air. With a smile on his face, Porsche moved to the rhythm of the music, radiating his infectious energy.

"I'll make your coffee," Porsche said, swaying towards Kinn and planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. "What do you want?"

Kinn pulled him closer, his arm wrapping around Porsche's waist, "What do you say to a kiss, precisely on my lips and then an espresso?"

Porsche obliged with a fiery kiss before resuming his dance.

🎵Islands in the stream
That is what we are
No one in between
How can we be wrong?
Sail away with me
To another world
And we rely on each other, ah ha
From one lover to another, ah ha🎵

Porsche happily belted out the lyrics as he reached for an espresso cup and saucer.

Kinn looked at him lovingly, enjoying how lively and happy his husband looked. With Porsche's favorite yogurt parfait now complete, he placed on the island and then made his way to his husband, wrapping his arm around his belly from behind.

"I love this," Kinn said, swaying in sync with Porsche to the rhythmic music.

Porsche leaned into Kinn's chest, tilting his neck for more kisses as he waited for the espresso.

In response, he sang along with the song.

🎵Too deep in love and we got no way out
And the message is clear
This could be the year for the real thing🎵

Kinn's lips brushed against his neck, eliciting a shiver that ran down Porsche's spine. He slid his hand inside Porsche t-shirt, relishing the sensation of his fingers brushing against his belly.

" feel that. Is that?" Kinn gasped in surprise as he felt a sudden kick.

Porsche froze, putting his hand over his belly and felt another subtle movement.

"Yes...our berries...oh." Porsche beamed. "Our babies first kick!"

"There....oh they kicked again! Our babies are saying hi," Kinn exclaimed, with tears welling up in his eyes. Turning him around, he kneels down and tenderly kisses his belly. "Hey there, my babies. Daddy said hi too. Can't wait to meet you in a few months. Love you," he whispered, pressing another lingering kiss on his belly, feeling the soft caress of Porsche's hand in his hair.

The couple shared a look of awe and wonder, feeling the authenticity of the moment. It wasn't an over-the-top, movie-like scene, but a genuine and touching connection to their little being they were eagerly anticipating.


Their Saturday became a canvas painted with love, sealing their bond with moments of pure bliss. They reveled in the sanctuary of their new home, a day unfolding just for the two of them, undisturbed and cocooned in the sweet threads of connection.

Kinn was ecstatic about feeling their baby kick for the first time. He spent the entire day pampering Porsche, showering him with kisses, indulging in relaxing massages, and fulfilling his husband's every wish. Kinn was truly relieved to be out of the hospital on Friday and have the weekend all to themselves.

Now, nestled in the study room, Porsche reclined on the couch engrossed in parenting books, while Kinn, with focused intent, worked on his laptop, planning to what they need before they welcome their twins. They go over a few nursery designs for their twins' rooms, lightening, ceiling design, decorative wall panels, furniture, color, and theme.

"Which one do you like?" Kinn asked as he showed Porsche a couple of exquisite chandeliers.

"Which one do you like?" Porsche asked back. "Both of them look beautiful," he glanced up from his book.

"I like the one with a four set of the feature cloud chandelier. It'll give the room a warm glow. It goes well with the interior design," Kinn explained. "And these wall lights," he pointed out on his laptop for Porsche to see.

"Love it," Porsche agreed. The sight of Kinn enthusiastically planning and choosing designs for their babies filled him with warmth, especially knowing how much he longed to experience fatherhood.

"Are you really sure you like the beige and white color?" Kinn probed.

"I absolutely don't want blue," Porsche said, scrunching his nose and vehemently shaking his head. "White and beige is good. Just like how their daddy rocks the color," he winked at him, and Kinn couldn't help but chuckle. "You can change to a different color for their playroom," he suggested.

Kinn gave a nod and began going over the design sketch.

"I meeting with the landscape architect on Monday for the playground. Can you make time on around afternoon? I would like it if we go together," Kinn asked, his eyes fixed on the sketches. "I want them to get started on it ASAP,"

"Of course," Porsche closed his book and leaned forward, his lips meeting his in a soft, affectionate kiss. "Love you,"

"Love you too,"


Their Sunday was a perfect blend of relaxation and leisure, with half the day spent lazily snuggled in bed and the remainder enjoyed splashing around in the refreshing pool.

After dinner, Kinn readies their theater room for a cozy movie night. After setting popcorn, coconut water, and a white fur throw blanket, he meticulously adjusts the ambient lighting before retreating upstairs in search of his husband.

"Baby... babe," Kinn called out, his eyes scanning the bedroom.

"Here!" Porsche's voice echoed from inside their closet, in the midst of changing into Kinn's white shirt.

"I told you to change into pajamas, not a shirt," Kinn chided, leaning against the wall at the entrance of the walk-in closet.

"I'm trying to look sexy for you, jerk," Porsche mutters, rolling his eyes, while fastening the final button.

"You are always sexy, my love," Kinn approached, pulling Porsche in by the waist."Always,"

"Enough to make your dick hard," Porsche smirked.

"When did your mouth get so...?" Kinn bites his lip, leaving the word hanging.

"Sultry?" Porsche provocatively queried. "Oh, the mighty Anakinn is blushing. Embrace it; your husband is feeling like a frisky tiger these days," Porsche licked his lip suggestively. "Must be the hormone," he smoothly untangled himself, appraising his reflection in the mirror.

"Come on, we're having a movie night," Kinn announced, and Porsche's eyes brightened with excitement.

"We're watching The Notebook," Porsche exclaimed.

"I knew you would say that," Kinn smiled. It was the movie they first watched together during their early dating days at Kinn's place.

"Hey, you didn't answer," Porsche said, hands on hips.

"Answer what?" Kinn asked, looking confused.

"I asked if my sexiness is enough to make your dick hard," Porsche deadpanned.

"Get your ass to the theater before I bend you over and bury my cock in your tight hole," Kinn said with a raised eyebrow.

Porsche gulped. "Now that's..."

"Let's go," Kinn pulled him, their hands intertwined. "You are impossible. Stop testing my patience with your provocations. It's already hard for me to hold myself back."

"I love my husband, unhinged," Porsche whispered and earned a smack on his ass. "Don't hold back. I send my RIP to my ass ages ago,"

"For god sake," Kinn gasped. "You will be the death of me, I swear,"

"Talk dirty to me, daddy," Porsche smirk, taunting.


Resting his head on Kinn's chest, Porsche munches on his popcorn with his one arm wrapped around Kinn's waist. He always enjoy their movie night and its been a while since they had one.

"Can we watch Troy after this?" Porsche looks up, resting his chin on Kinn's chest, batting his lashes.

"Absolutely not," Kinn sneered. He swore off watching Troy with Porsche ever again.

"Come on," Porsche whined in a pleading tone.

"You know what, enough movie," Kinn declared, his irritation becoming more apparent.

Porsche harbored a significant crush on Orlando's character, Paris, in the movie Troy. He repeatedly praised Paris's attractiveness, making Kinn increasingly annoyed and jealous. He went as far as to say that if he were Helen, he would have been the person to snatch him and runaway.

"Why? Missed your crush?" Kinn raised an eyebrow, irritated.

"I don't watch Troy for Paris, I just..." Porsche stopped himself, chuckling in disbelief. "Who holds a grudge over a Greek legend? And jealousy aside, you can even admit pari is sexy as fuck. Man got...."

"Get off me," Kinn snapped, attempting to sit up.

"Sorry...sorry," Porsche apologized, tightening his grip around Kinn's waist.

Kinn sulked for a while, his mood souring, and Porsche attempted to soothe his jealousy, but his efforts failed miserably as he found Kinn's adorable reaction only made things worse.

"Come on, it's just a movie crush, and it was in the past," Porsche said with a comforting smile, hoping to ease Kinn's jealousy.

But Kinn remained visibly annoyed, his sulking continuing. Porsche leaned in, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "You're the one I'm in love with. The one I married, the man I go to bed with and wake up to every morning. The one who fucked my brain out and popped two berries in me," Porsche whispered, licking his earlobe mischievously.

Kinn's expression softened slightly, but the stubbornness lingered.

"I don't even like Pari anymore. I don't like his brown popcorn hair. But I love your jet black hair and bushy eyebrow," Porsche continued, his fingers tracing circles on Kinn's chest.

"Anymore? You just said...."

"Oh, shut the fuck up and kiss me," Porsche prospered himself up and crushed their lips. Their make-out session serves as a potent antidote, effectively dissolving Kinn's lingering feelings of jealousy. Porsche's hands traveled down and cupped his awakening member.

"I don't..." Kinn began, but Porsche lightly strokes his penis against the silky fabric of his pants, shutting him up. His hands slid around his waist, his touch gentle as he gently maneuvered him to lie flat on the broad expanse of the couch. He sealed their lips together again, and Porsche melted into the passionate kiss; dizzying, like he is standing at the very edge of somewhere high off the ground.

"Say that fucker name again...."

"Never.....he is no one," Porsche mumbled as kinn hands fumbled with the button on his shirt.

"Yes, he is No.Fucking. One..." Kinn slides his tongue down Porsche's neck and bite his Adam's apple, hard, then soothingly sucking and licking.

Porsche spread his legs and Kinn gingerly positioned himself between them, being careful not to put pressure on his belly.

"Mine. Only mine," kinn groaned as he opened his shirt.


Kinn flicks his tongue over one nipple, his hands firmly kneading the other.


"You were bratty today, so take what I gave you," he growled before he takes his nipple between his teeth again. He gently tugged at them, eliciting a cry of pleasure from him.

Kinn lowered himself down and pulled at the waistband of his underwear. Porsche obligingly lifted his hips, allowing Kinn to smoothly slide it off his skin, revealing his fully awakened erection.

"Looks at you dripping already," Kinn rasps, nuzzling his balls with his lips, kissing them before swiping his tongue up the length of his cock. "Only for me,"

"Ohh... fuck yes...only yours," Porsche drops back, hips lifting to Kinn's hungry mouth. The sensation of Kinn's teasing tongue on the sensitive skin around his head drives him wild. "Yes...more...yes..." he whispered, feeling the vibrations rumble through his shaft as it slid inside Kinn's wet mouth.

Kinn's head bobbed up and down as Porsche's moans filled the air.

"Fuck, oh yeah...ohh," spit running down the sides of his dick as Kinn glides up, releasing him with a pop. "No, please. I need to come, love. I need..." he pleaded.

"I want you to come with my tongue in your hole, kitten," Kinn murmured, licking his lips.

Porsche dick leaks a heavy pulse of precum as he breathe, "then get your tongue in me,"

Sitting on his heel, Kinn's eyebrow arched, his thumbs stroking his lower lip.

"You sexy bastard, come here," Porsche whined, frustrated.

Kinn site still and smirk.

"Please," Porsche pleaded, knowing what his husband exactly wants to hear.

Kinn chuckles seductively, spreading him open while Porsche purr at the sensation of being on display and at his filthy mercy.

"I'd grab a pillow." Kinn warm breath tickles his eager flesh. "I want you comfortable and bent over, kitten,"

Porsche gets into four, and Kinn add pillow beneath him, making sure he was comfortable. Bent over on a couch with Kinn staring at his asshole, Porsche was so turned on and leaking so hard.

Kinn lips dance up the backs of his thighs as he presses soft kisses all over his cheeks, creeping closer and closer to the crack of my ass. Teasing, building the arousal, so that when kinn finally sinks his mouth in between, he was already whining out jagged groans.

"Shh... quiet, kitten," Kinn whispers with a flutter of his tongue over his hole.

"," Porsche moaned.

As Kinn sucks on his rim, he feels every vibration coursing through his body, his face pressed firmly against the couch.

"Goddamn, that's so good..." Porsche mumble into the pillow, writhing his hips back against Kinn face. "Fffuck yea... Stuff it inside."

"Like this?" Kinn spears his tongue into his hole, forcing it as deep as he can.

"Ohh... oh yea. Just like... that," Porsche gasped, his voice escaping involuntarily when something so smooth and slippery pushing inside him, swirling around while kinn lips grazed the sensitive, puckering flesh.

"I love eating your hot, tight little hole..."

"Kinn.... fuck yes. Eat me the fuck out..." Porsche whine, biting down on the pillow. "Kinnnnn,"

Porsche can feel saliva cascading along his balls, his arousal evident as his erect member presses assertively against the couch. Rocking his hips back and forth, riding Kinn mouth, begging for more like a fiend.

"You're so sweet, kitten," Kinn breathes, unleashed in his devouring. He's starved for it, viciously fucking his tongue into him. "Warm, wet, tight, and delicious for me..."

"Fuck... fuck fuck fuck, holy fuck..." Porsche Grind his cock into the couch as hard as I can, chasing the sweet friction, humping back against Kinn face.

He feel Kinn jerking off, his arm tapping against his leg as he beats himself roughly, lashing me and sucking me until Porsche going cross-eyed.

"That's it, baby..." Kinn groans. "Ride my tongue. Show me how badly you want it....."

"I want it..." Porsche sob gruffly into the pillow, biting it to keep from screaming his lung out. With his fingers are digging into the couch as he bounce his ass on the hot tongue, his cock aching and ready to erupt. "I wanna come, kinn... please, make me come..."

"I'm gonna make you come so hard, you sexy little slut," Kinn growls. "Come for me, baby. Come on my mouth..." he breathed against his hole and then pushed his tongue down, hitting the bundle nerve.

"I'm c-coming... Ffffuck yes!" Shuddering down to his core, Porsche crumble into a soul-shattering orgasm, tears seeping from his eyes as his dick shoots off, spraying cum all over the couch.

"Shhh... That's so good, baby..." Kinn purrs. "Come so sweet for me..."

Porsche ride it out, milking the cum from his cock with his hips mashing against the throw blanket beneath him, crying unintelligible nonsense into the pillow.

" love....I love you....I fucking love you...." Porsche mumbled and everything around him was toppling, and it's just too intense. "I love how you make me come... I love...." he chomp down onto the pillow fast to shut himself up.

Kinn rampant licking and kissing slows, and he pulls his face out of his ass.

Porsche nestle up and layed on his back, buzzing while Kinn crawls over me. Kinn's still wearing his pants, but they're down around his thighs, dick curled in his fist as he strokes it fast, pumping up and down.

"I'm gonna come all the fuck over you, kitten," Kinn eyes are hooded, bottom lip between his teeth as he jerks harder and harder.

"Come on me..." Porsche pleaded in a whisper, tipping his head back, awaiting his hot load.

"You want it?"

"I want it..." Porsche chest quavers. His is all sensation right now, his skin, damp and flushed, nipples peaked and tender, yearned to be drenched in the ecstasy of his orgasm. "Cover me with your juice, love. Doll me up with your cum. Soaked me wet,"

Kinn's lips part and a desperate whimpering gasp leaves them before his head drops back, and he groans, "Fuuck... fuck me, kitten,"

Porsche stuck his tongue out and was immediately drenched by warm, slippery sprays, splashing onto my chest, neck, and chin.

Kinn hand slows, and he milks out every last drop, chewing on his lip to keep himself quiet.

Swallowing, Porsche glance down at the silky wet splatters all over him, licking his lip.

Just as Kinn collapses beside him, he leans in and kisses his mouth. With Porsche's lips against his, he explores the taste of himself on his tongue. Porsche brain is a scrambled mass of static, the sexual haze they were wading in filling the room as his fingers tangle in Kinn's hair and their lips pressed together, trying to prolong the intoxicating moment for as long as possible.

Kinn peels his mouth away, but only to kiss down Porsche's chest and suck his cum off of his nipples.

"I've always love the beast in you," Porsche whispered breathlessly. The feeling jerks Porsche's cock awake, but he momentarily paralyzed.

"We made a mess," Kinn grunted as he sat up, sweeping his disheveled hair to one side.

"Who cares? We can toss the couch and get a new one," Porsche grinned. "In fact, let's keep a spare on standby. I love it when my husband goes feral like this,"

Kinn laughed heartily, tossing his head back. "You'll be the death of me," he said, pulling up his pants and tucking himself in.

"Kinn Jr. looks ready for another round," Porsche smirked, licking his lips.

"Looks like that mouth of yours needs to put in some work," Kinn said, biting his lip as he leaned down to kiss him.


Week later

"Where are we going?" Porsche asked, exasperated, for what felt like the millionth time. Kinn responded by playfully pinching his cheeks. "Hey...." he complained pouting.

"Watch your steps," Kinn cautioned as they ascended the airstair.

Kinn has packed their uggage and is all set with everything they want. But since morning, Porsche has been pestering him, wanting to know where they are going. He told him it's a surprise, but Porsche didn't stop asking questions every second.

"You're trying to get back at me, huh?" Porsche narrowed his eyes at him as he took his seats.

"Well, you can think of it that way if it helps," Kinn smirked, removing his suit coat and handing it to their cabin host. "When you told you had a surprise for me, I didn't pester you like a kid with ants in his pants. Patience, kitten,"

Porsche huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You hear, berries? Your daddy is mean. Mean daddy," Porsche whispered to his belly.

"Hey, stop it. You know they'll hear you, right?" Kinn gently smacked his lips.

"I'm going to tell them how mean you are. They deserve to know," Porsche muttered.

Kinn smile shaking his head, "You're such an impatient fiery kitten." he pressed his lips against his.

Once their flight was airborne, they opted to relax on the bed as Porsche wanted to lay down as their flight was a long one.

"Kinn," Porsche said, his voice dropping to a hushed and worried tone.

"Yeah, baby,"

Porsche pushed himself up off his chest and sat upright. He gently clasped Kinn's hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss. The scar on Kinn's hand was slowly healing, but it made Porsche feel really sad whenever he looked at it. Kinn had injured his hands the day he went to his family's mansion; he also slept in the study room that night and came home drunk the next day. He was fully aware of the circumstances surrounding his injury, which only amplified the guilt he felt. Porsche could see the impact it had on Kinn, especially with his family gone, evident in the sadness in his eyes even though he tried to hide it.

"Can you promise me something?" Porsche pleaded, his voice filled with sincerity, and his eyes locked onto Kinn's.

"Anything, baby. What's wrong?" Kinn sat up, his brow furrowed in concern.

"If you ever feel like you need space or even need to unwind, have a night and get drunk if that's what you feel like, feel free to do so. I won't be upset or nag you," Porsche began, his hand caressing Kinn's. "As long as at the end of the night, you come to me. I trust you, babe. Just don't get hurt like this," He lifted his hands, and Kinn turned his face to the side, knowing what Porsche was implying.

"Don't hide from me. Show me everything, and I'm going to be with you every step of the way. You can call me after you feel like you've had enough drink, and I will be there to pick you up. If you want me to be there with you, I will be. And if it's with Tay, I'm all good. But don't go and sleep in another room," Porsche lifted his hands and kissed once more.

The day Kinn came that night from his parents' house and chose to sleep in the study room, Porsche felt so hurt, thinking Kinn didn't want to be near him.

"Come to me. And don't pretend you are fine when you are not. I know what ....."

"They don't mean anything to me. You mean everything to me," Kinn interrupted him, cupping his face. "Don't ever....ever think anything like that. I love you, and it's you that I want," he assured.

Porsche nodded, and Kinn pressed their lips together.

"I'm sorry I slept on the couch that day. I was just so angry at them and so hurt that they were so cruel to you and me. I didn't want to interrupt your sleep when I was a mess. But not because I felt in any other way but because I hated them so much it just hurt so bad," Kinn admitted, their foreheads pressed together.

"I love you, Porsche. And you have no idea how much you mean to me and how grateful I am for choosing to protect me and our children," Kinn kissed his lips once again.

"Our new life is just me, you, grandpa, and our berries. Happily," He whispered against his lips. "Love you, my sweet kitten."

"Love you, my dear husband,"


The sun dipped low on the horizon as the private jet descended, revealing a breathtaking panorama of turquoise waters and lush, verdant islands. With a wide smile, Kinn watched as Porsche took in the view of their destination. The anticipation radiated from Porsche as the plane landed on the isolated airstrip of the private Laucala Island in Fiji.

Stepping onto the warm tarmac, they were greeted by a gentle breeze.

"Is this...." Porsche asked, looking around.

"We are in Fiji," Kinn whispered, the sound of crashing waves in the distance. "And you my prince, for the next four days, all i want yo to do is to relax and have a great time,"

Hand in hand, they strolled to their awaited over water villa awaited, perched on stilts above the crystal-clear lagoon. As they entered, sliding open the glass doors, the spacious suite revealed itself, adorned with a blend of tropical and contemporary oasis decor, offering panoramic views of the azure expanse that stretched out before them.

"You sexy husband of mine," Porsche wrapped his arm around his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

"Yes, my bratty wife," Kinn whispered against his lips.

"Your wife?" Porsche raised an eyebrow, bitting his lower lips.

"aha," Kinn chuckled, slowly guiding him back until they pressed against the wall, their laughter melting into a deep, shared kiss.

They spent the remainder of their evening recuperating from the long flight. And the following day they sailed along the crystal-clear waters, exploring the island. Later, they indulged in a beachside picnic prepared by a private chef, perfectly curated to cater to Porsche's cravings.

By evening, Kinn arranged a private beachfront dinner, where a table adorned with candles and tropical flowers awaited. The flickering flames cast a warm glow on the golden sands, creating an intimate ambiance for the couple. Smiles, stolen kisses, and love filled the space between them.

The following day, they took to the skies in a helicopter, marveling at the sights below. Afterwards, they retreated to their villa to unwind and later frolicked in the water. With every picture they took, Kinn's heart swelled with warmth, seeing how happy and carefree Porsche was in that moment. It was like their first meeting was happening all over again.

"Kinn?" Porsche called, looking at himself in the mirror and gently caressing his round belly.

"Yes, love," Kinn looked up, wrapping a towel around his waist as he stepped out of the shower.

"I'm gaining weight," Porsche said in a low tone. "Look at my face, I look like a watermelon," he poked his cheeks.

"Watermelon sugar high," Kinn sang.

Porsche shot him a glare. "Are you calling me fat?"

"Babe, you're carrying our twins. You are supposed to look round and puffy, my love. If not, well, we've got a problem, don't we?" Kinn deadpanned.

He started shaving while singing, "I want more berries, and that summer feelin', it's so wonderful and warm."

"Fuck you."

Kinn put the shaver down and glared at him. "What did I say about cussing, babe?"

"Don't talk to me," Porsche went back to bed and curled himself up, pouting. "Did he have to say it like that?" Porsche murmured. "Your daddy is mean."

Kinn cleaned his face and entered the room, sighing heavily. "Sorry, love. I didn't mean it that way. What I meant is you look absolutely beautiful, my fireball."

Porsche turned his back on him, and he felt the bed dip as Kinn spooned him from behind.

"I never said I don't look beautiful," Porsche snapped. "Of course I am,"

"Yes, babe. sorry," Kinn held back his laughter.

"I only said I'm getting larger, that's it. But 'round'? Who looks like a circle? You thi....." Porsche turned to face him, and Kinn quickly silenced him with a kiss

"Get dressed, my love. We're going out," Kinn whispered against his lips. "Otherwise, I'm going to spank you, kitten," he gave his ass a pat and squeezed them, eliciting a disapproving glare, but the moment he kissed him, Porsche Melted away.


"Babe," Kinn took a sip of his coffee as Porsche scrolled through their pictures on the camera.


"Since we got here, I haven't seen you talk to Grandpa even once. That's unlike you, love," Kinn said, placing his espresso cup down. It was really weird for him not to see Porsche talking to his grandfather. After their last encounter in the hospital, Kinn hadn't seen Edward even once either, and that had been weighing heavily on him.

Porsche put the camera down and chewed on his lips.

"What's unlike me?" Porsche asked. "Aren't we here to just have time to ourselves? Are you bored with me, Anakinn?" Porsche smirked, attempting to redirect the conversation. He was still upset with his grandfather, and it was true; he hadn't talked to him because he was still upset.


"What are we doing today?" Porsche interrupted. "I'm all for staying in bed with you, love."

"We're going spa today," he takes a bite of the croissant from Porsche's hand. He choose not to pressure him for now about his grandfather as he don't want to ruin their big day ahead.

They spent the afternoon indulging in a romantic spa day, set in a traditional bamboo cabana overlooking the coastline. Soft classic music played as a masseuse treated Porsche to a specialized prenatal massage, followed by a flower-filled bath infused with the scents of native oils.

The relaxation from the spa session left Porsche so content that he drifted into a peaceful nap. When he wakes up, Kinn was nowhere to be found. Instead, a stylist and a hairdresser were bustling around their villa, with the stylist meticulously arranging the suit and the hairdresser setting up her station.

Noticing his confusion, the beauty professional promptly informs him that his husband is waiting for dinner and they are here to assist him in getting ready.

He got his hair done, and it looked impeccable in his olive suit. Instead of a shirt, he opted for a white cashmere sweater. Once he was done, he made his way down to the Beach where Kinn was waiting for him.

As he approached, he was greeted by a secluded alcove, enhanced by the soft glow of fairy lights and the gentle rustling of billowing fabrics. A pathway of delicate rose petals, illuminated by lanterns, guided Porsche to the spot where Kinn stood anxiously in a dusty blue suit. At the center of this romantic tableau, a table for two awaited. It was adorned with roses, candles casting a warm glow, crystal-clear champagne flutes, and set plates.

With every step towards his husband, Porsche felt his heart filling up with an indescribable surge of emotion.

"Dear husband, you look absolutely sexy. You're making it hard for me not to devour you, right here, right now," Porsche grinned, licking his lips as Kinn took his hands into his own.

"Your mouth always drives me wild, baby," Kinn smiled as Porsche pressed their lips together.

"Babe," Kinn breathed against his lips. Closing his eyes, he pulled back and took a deep breath.

"Kinn," Porsche whispered as she glanced at him, noticing his nervousness.

"Love," Kinn opened his eyes. "I was the happiest man when you said yes when I proposed to you. In fact, I was nervous that you wouldn't say yes. I vowed to love, care for, and cherish you for the rest of my life. Yet I failed you. I wasn't the husband I promised to be, and yet, you still hold my hands. You protect me.... love me, and endure everything, every pain I caused you. You chose me," he began, his voice shaking. He took another deep breath, squeezing Porsche's hand.

Porsche looked at him, speechless, emotions coursing through him.

"I stand before you today, my love, humbled by the depth of your forgiveness and the boundless grace of your love. I promise to you, with every fiber of my being, to make amends and to rebuild what I've broken. I will strive each day to be the husband you deserve. To honor, love, and cherish you fiercely and faithfully every day. I pledge my love to you once more, not just for today but for all the tomorrows yet to come. I love you now, I will love you always, and I am endlessly grateful to have you as my husband, my best friend, the father of our children, and my forever love."

With tear-filled eyes, Porsche smiled warmly.

"I... I..I.. di...didn't prepare anything," Porsche stammered, a soft smile playing on his lips. "But I suppose it's my turn now, isn't it?"

Kinn nodded, his gaze filled with warmth and understanding.

"Even if you didn't say anything," Kinn said, "I know your heart, love. You don't have to say anything,"

Taking a deep breath, Porsche began, "I promise to keep cherishing, supporting, and loving you for all the days that lie ahead. You are my rock, my confidante, and my greatest love. Today, tomorrow, and for all the tomorrows yet to come, I am yours, just as you are mine. I love you endlessly, Kinn." Porsche's eyes glistened with tears, mirroring the depth of his commitment.

"As a symbol of our enduring love," Kinn beamed, taking Porsche's left hand and sliding off his wedding band. "I want us to seal our promise with a new......" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet ring box, revealing a beautiful two-diamond wedding rings.

Placing the rings on his finger, Kinn brought his hand to his lips and softly kissed his fingers, "I love you."

Porsche reciprocated, slipping the ring onto kinn's finger. "I love you, too"

Their lips met in a sweet and lingering kiss, igniting a flame that swept through them like a wildfire. The world seemed to fade away as their mouths molded together. Kinn's hand found its way to Porsche's back, pulling him closer, while Porsche's fingers delicately traced the contours of Kinn's face.

Breaking the kiss, Kinn's breath whispered against Porsche's lips as he murmured, "I love you. I love you, Porsche,"

Porsche, intoxicated by the intensity of the moment, responded in a hushed tone, "I love you, too,"


"Really? Because I doubt your husband has seen this..." Vegas nonchalantly pulled out his phone and tossed it onto Porsche's desk, revealing a picture of him and Mile kissing—taken at Mile's studio.

"Oh, and please, swipe to the next one. That's the shocker," Vegas taunted.

Porsche swiped, unveiling a picture of him and Francis kissing with Porsche sitting on his lap.

"Did he know? Did my cousin know this? Does he have any idea that the man who helped him find your uncle is the head bodyguard of a mafia? A man you had history with? Or is still going on?" Vegas erupted into a sinister fit of laughter. "Is that even his child," Vegas raised a brow, his finger pointing at him. "You went to his place in middle of night...I'm sure you didn't drop by to ask him about the weather,"

Porsche placed Vegas's phone on the desk with a thud, exhaling deeply. Completely unfazed by his outburst and threat, he calmly drummed his finger on his desk, his eyes locked on Vegas.

"Careful, the last man who barged into my office and threatened me ended up six feet under,"

"Don't you fucking dare say his name," Vegas snapped, seething with anger. "Don't you fucking DARE, you psychopath murderer,"

"Really? He makes you lose your mind like this? How about this....Did Tay know you fucked your cousin?" Porsche retorted back. "You sure you can explain incest to your man? Well, I doubt he will still be 'your man' when the pandora box open. Try me, fucker, and see who gets burned in the end,"



Hello everyone, hope you enjoy this chapter.
I don't think we had a chapter full of fluff with our main couple so cheers to the beginning.
On the next one, Mile, Francis and grandpa will be all back.

Update on my end: my spring semester began and I'm quite busy compared to last semester. I will update still but it will be every week and half. And it will be shorter chapter like before. (The early chapters). And I will have my first exam next week so I'm a a little for the next few days.

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter. The next update marks Chapter 50 — what a milestone! We've come a long way, and thank you all for enjoying this story, and here's to many more chapters ahead. Cheers! ❤️

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