Two Clueless Shmucks

By ajshawheels0

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it's basc a story of Niko and Aj lmao realising their feelings for each other lol. i just find them so cute t... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8 (smut)
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29 (smut)
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
part 43
part 44
part 45

part 46 (FINALE)

563 16 681
By ajshawheels0

Chunkz, Kenny, Sharky and Niko were sat in Kenny's living room. It had been a full week since Aj's death. Niko was sat in the corner of the room, still in tears. He was quiet and had let out most of his energy but he was dying hard on the inside. His head was in his lap, arms around his legs. Aj was dead. Aj was dead and he's never coming back. And it was all Niko's fault.

The image of Aj's dead body in his arms was replaying in his head. The fact that they had argued right before his death was torturing him. He didn't have the chance to fix it and make it right. Niko could've had a child in his arms that cared about him. That he could've raised a better person than he ever was. Niko knew he would've been a better father than his own ever was. To make every fucking matter worse, the note Aj had left had been set alight. He'd never know

Chunkz sat numb on the sofa, expressionless, but you could tell exactly how he was feeling. He decided that he had cried enough on the funeral and before that. Chunkz too blamed himself. If he had allowed Aj to kill that brat, at least he'd be in prison and not dead. He'd be back one day, joking about how he didn't regret what he did. They'd all be happy eventually.

Kenny was sat with Sharky in his arms, never letting him go. He was rubbing circles into his boyfriend's back with tears in his own eyes. Kenny didn't feel exactly responsible for Aj's death but even he felt like he could've done more to stop it from happening. Although he told Aj to try and live his life once, maybe it just wasn't enough. He was so tired from all the funeral planning and just all the drama in their lives right now. He wished it would all just end.

Sharky was the loudest of them all. It wasn't exactly wailing but you could hear him the sobs coming out of him and they were heart breaking. Out of Chunkz, Niko and Sharky, Sharky was probably one of the least to blame for Aj's death but he couldn't help but blame himself the harshest. Sharky was always so insecure about himself, he wanted to try and help Aj to help himself. To prove that broken people can be loved too. But what he didn't realise is that it just isn't possible for other people to love him when he didn't even love himself.

"We should've killed that bastard time ago." Chunkz spoke out in a scary low tone.

"What?" Kenny was confused and shocked about what Chunkz was saying.

"He wanted to kill her! Like a fucking idiot I stopped him." Chunkz refused to say Aj's name.

Sharky brought his head out from being buried in Kenny's neck to look Chunkz in the eyes.

"Do you have any idea what you're saying?! Its good you stopped him! He would've been in prison!" Kenny tried to reason with him

"Better that than dead no?!" Chunkz raised his voice

"I..." Kenny was stuck.

"We could've had Aj here..?" Sharky asked, wearily.

"Well, no, because he'd be in prison!" Kenny argued once more.

"At least he'd be alive, Kenny!" Niko shouted out.

"Are you guys listening to yourselves? This isn't how Aj would've wanted this." Kenny frowned at the thoughts running through his friend's minds.

Chunkz laughed, angrily "Yeah well he isn't here to make that judgement."

"You guys are being too harsh on yourselves. All of you." Kenny tried to help his friends as best as he can. His heart was dying slowly but it was clear he was the one had to bring common sense into the room. He was never that one. He and Aj were always the little idiots of the group. Now Aj's gone. He was alone and felt the stupidest.

So his friends all losing their minds almost relaxed him. It sounded crazy, yes, but it's what Kenny always wanted. Someone to hear him out and listen to what he was trying to explain.

Sharky was insecure. He hated the way he was and the way other people saw him. He believed the worlds take on him and his own were completely different. Chunkz had body insecurities which even his subscribers knew about. He even gets bullied for it to this day. Niko's boyfriend just died in his arms and even before that he had people around the world who hated him for the content he makes. People were racist to him the most and as much as he may act like he doesn't care, it really hurts him inside. And on top of that his parents divorced when he was just a kid.

And Aj? Well you already know how he ended up.

But Kenny was a boxer. He had a perfect life and a great childhood. Right? Ugh. Why wouldn't anyone see that he was just as broken as the rest of his friends? Why was it that whenever he tried a cry for help nobody took him seriously? Why is it now, the time that even he's upset, he has become the voice of reason instead of be comforted too. It was like the world would always side against him.

"Chunkz, as much as you think murder would've helped things now, I need you to understand that if you let her be killed you would've hated yourself anyways for letting Aj go to jail." Kenny looked at his brother sat on his right.

Chunkz just stiffly nodded.

"Sharky..." Kenny put a finger underneath his boyfriend's chin and raised his head up to look at him. With tears in his eyes he said "You did so good, baby. You need to believe that. You tried your hardest and in the end Aj loved you for all your help"

"It wasn't enough. I'm not enough..." Sharky argued

"It was!" Kenny insisted. "You're so smart and kind and an amazing friend..." Kenny kissed his forehead gently. "And you are completely enough. You understand?"

Sharky just kissed Kenny's lips and hugged him tight. Kenny whispered something in his ear and got up from his seat. Sharky moved from his place and sat closer to Chunkz. He linked his friend's arm in his own and rested his head on Chunkz's shoulder. Kenny walked over to the still crying Niko and sat down on the floor beside him.

"Come here." Kenny opened his arms and let Niko fall into them, like a child. Niko was heard mumbling things like "my fault..." under his breathe and honestly, Kenny wasn't sure about what to say. No, it wasn't completely Niko's fault, but he sure did play a part in Aj's death. If he had just listened to Aj from the start and broken up with Brielle. Then maybe Aj would still be here today.

"Hey, it'll be okay." Kenny told him, unsure if he even believed that himself. He loved Niko but sometimes the man could be too stubborn for his own good. 

The two boys sat in each others arms for at least half an hour. Both lost in their own thought's whilst Sharky had taken up falling asleep on Chunkz's shoulder.

"Chunkz..?" Sharky mumbled about 10 minutes later, as his friend started to get up. Chunkz placed a finger on his own lips, telling Sharky to be quiet.

"Where are you going..?" Sharky whispered as he watched Chunkz start to walk out of the living room.

"Chunkz?" Kenny opened his eyes too.

Upon hearing Kenny's voice, Chunkz made a run for it. The three boys left in the room stared at each other in complete shock and confusion. Kenny got up. "What's he doing?" He went to walk out the living room but by the time he even thought of another room to check where Chunkz might be, the front door was heard slamming shut.

"Where's he going?!" Kenny ran for his front door.

Kenny ran out the house but he was too late. By the time he had reached the exit, Chunkz was driving away in... Kenny's car?!

"That motherfucker..." Kenny whispered and ran back in the house.

"Sharky I need your keys!" Kenny called out once inside, and ran to the kitchen. Sharky and Niko followed Kenny to the kitchen and watched him search for something in the bottom left cupboard.

"No... no, no, no FUCK!" Kenny slammed the door shut, scaring Sharky.

"What are you looking for?!" Sharky asked.

"Listen don't freak out..." Kenny started. "He took my strap."

"He WHAT?!" Sharky immediately freaked out.

"What... what's a strap?!" Niko asked, confused.

"Why the fuck do you even have one in your cupboard?!" Sharky asked, ignoring Niko's question.

"I used to live alone with my mum!" Kenny argued. "Not everyone has fancy houses with barred up gates and passkeys! But we're famous people for fucks sake! I wasn't trying to get robbed!"

"Can somebody tell me what a strap is?!"

"Oh so you thought that was your best bet of safety?!" Sharky asked

"What the fuck is a strap?!" Niko swore.

That caught the boys' attention and Sharky turned to him.

"A gun. This fucking retard decided it was okay to have a pistol in his house!"

"WHAT?!" Niko got worried. Sure, he wanted Brielle to die too, but maybe murder really wasn't the answer.

"Okay well will you shut the fuck up and help me stop our best friend from becoming a murderer?!"

"Let's go!" Niko was the first one to start sprinting out the kitchen.

Sharky unlocked his car and Kenny jumped in the drivers seat. Niko took his place in the back and Sharky took passengers.

"Go to... her house. That's where Chunkz would go." Niko couldn't bear hearing her name.

It was a race against time. Chunkz had to have some kind of car trouble in order for the boys to arrive first. But that was probably never going to happen since Kenny took care of his car as if it was his first child.

"Call him." Kenny told either man as he took a right on the street.

Niko pulled out his phone and dialled Chunkz. No answer.

"Again." Kenny instructed.

Niko called the phone again. No answer.

"Fucking hell, Chunkz!" Kenny sped past a red light.

Running every traffic light and zebra crossing, almost getting into about 50 accidents, the boys were almost there. This was was pretty much history repeating itself with Sharky getting more tickets than anyone thought was even legally possible to get in one go. But this way more important than any ticket Sharky would get. Kenny would pay them all off, he didn't care about that. He just needed to make sure he got there in time to stop Chunkz.

As soon as Kenny arrived on Brielle's road, he immediately noticed his car. Fuck. Kenny drove up to Brielle's door but there was nowhere to park.

"Fucks sake!" Kenny hit the steering wheel. He then opened the car door and shouted out "Find parking!" He then made a run for the house. Kenny opened up the front gate and froze. The house door was wide open and in the little hallway he recognised two individuals...

Chunkz had a gun to Brielle's head. He had a gun to Brielle's God damn head!

Running was heard from behind Kenny. Niko had been pacing behind him. Chunkz hadn't heard a thing, too blinded by rage. Brielle neither, engrossed in fear.

"You killed my brother. I'm going to make you regret it." Chunkz was heard speaking.

Niko made a run for Chunkz. He grabbed around his waist and pulled his arm which held the gun and pointed it to the ceiling. Chunkz shot the chandelier down. It crashed to the floor with a loud boom.

"Let go of me you bastard!" Chunkz shouted, elbowing Niko in the stomach.

Chunkz pointed the gun at Brielle once more, not focused on the exact place. He just had to get her down. He can kill much easily after that.

Chunkz took his position. He aimed.



Chunkz froze. Fuck. What has he done..? He didn't mean for that to happen... He dropped the gun to the floor and stared in shock.

"NO! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" Niko screamed.

"No... I'm sorry... No, I didn't mean to..." Chunkz said with tears in his eyes. "My brother..."

Kenny dropped to his knees.

Kenny had pushed Brielle out of the way and into the fatal blow of the gunshot. He was sitting on his legs, hands held against his stomach tightly. He stared at the bullet in his stomach. The blood slowly making its way out of Kenny's body. His eyes slowly brought their way up to look Chunkz in the eyes.

"Wait..!" Chunkz got down and brought Kenny in his arms. "Wait Ken I'm sorry!" Chunkz said with tears in his eyes. He placed a firm hand on Kenny's stomach to try and stop the bleeding.

"I'll be fine..." Kenny said, voice weak.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" Chunkz asked

"If... you killed her... you wouldn't have regret- regretted- it... but-" Kenny tried to finish his sentence but Chunkz shushed him, understanding the point he was trying to make. He did it to save Chunkz from feeling guilty forever. But this could be way worse. Sure it wasn't a shot in the heart but this could still easily kill.

Niko grabbed the gun from the floor and with shaking hands he pointed it towards the girl who was pushed to the ground.

"This is all your fault..." Niko said coldly

"No, Niko, it isn't worth it!" Chunkz said, realising his mistake deeply.

Niko paused. "Call a fucking ambulance!"

When the girl wouldn't move out of shock, Niko shot the wall next to her. "NOW!" She scrambled away.

Niko dropped the gun and made his way to Kenny's side. He held the wound tight. "Kenny..." Niko cried.

"Don't worry bout me, Niko..."

"Save your energy stop talking!" Niko commanded

The two men then noticed a figure standing outside the door.


"I'm so sorry Sharky... I didn't mean to shoot him!" Chunkz tried to explain.

Sharky ran to Kenny's side and with trembling hands, he placed them on Kenny's face.

"Hi baby..." Kenny smiled weakly.

"No..!" Sharky choked out.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Chunkz continued to apologise with tears in his eyes.

Sirens were heard in the distance.

"You need to run..." Kenny told Chunkz.

"What?" Chunkz was confused

"You're going to get arrested... attempted murder..."

"Fuck he's right." Niko said.

It was insane to Chunkz how Kenny even had the ability to think good for him after he had just shot him. His heart was way too kind for his own good.

"No, they'd end up finding me anyways. I'm not leaving you."

"I said run, Chunkz." Kenny repeated

"Are you not listening?! Get the fuck out of here!" Sharky shouted. Half of him wanted Chunkz to be safe and the other half was sick of his face. He never wanted to talk to Chunkz again after this. Whether or not Kenny healed, he could never forgive him.

Chunkz quickly got up. He took one last glance at his brothers and started to sprint. He wasn't sure where he was going but he had to get out of here.

Minutes later the ambulance arrive, taking Kenny away in a stretcher. Sharky and Niko were forced to stay for interrogation by the police. They asked where Chunkz was, since they recognised the group. They also asked who had shot Kenny.

Neither man, no matter how mad they were with Chunkz, wanted to tell on him. They told them they didn't know where he was. They also said they found Kenny shot here and they weren't sure why.

The two boys were aware that the truth would come out soon, but they had to try and save their friend. Even though it would definitely prove useless later. The police went inside the house and searched for the house owner but for some reason Brielle was nowhere to be seen.

Once the interrogation was temporarily over, the police permitted Niko and Sharky to go see Kenny in the hospital.

"I'll be right behind you, I need to know where Brielle is." Niko told Sharky and walked back inside the house. Sharky understood why Niko needed to know and so respected his wish. Sharky walked out the house and down the street to where he parked his car.

As he was walking he heard a suspicious "Psst!" Who the hell was that? Sharky tried to shrug it off and continued waking. "Psst!" Sharky stopped. He turned around and tried to look for people. He was alone. He stared into an alleyway, only bright due to the sunlight. A girl waved at him with a freak smile on her face. Sharky scowled and walked towards her.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Sharky asked. Brielle was supposed to be at home.

"Hm..." Brielle hummed. "Blackmail."

Sharky growled "What are you talking about?!" He just wanted to see Kenny.

"Okay, so you're going to date me."

Sharky laughed angrily "As if."

"Well, I overheard the doctors saying that Kenny was going to die."

"What?! How do you know?!"

"I went to the back of the ambulance and I heard them saying the shot was fatal. So, little Kennykins will probably die."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because if he survives, and that's if. He will be in a very weak position by that time. Anything could hurt him"

"Excuse me?!"

"Unless you date me. I want you to tell your friends you've fallen in love with me. And I want the world to know about us."

Sharky was very annoyed. "Why the fuck would I do that?!"

"Because I could easily go to the hospital and finish the job Chunkz failed to do." Brielle laughed.

"You're actually fucked! Kenny saved your life!"

Brielle rolled her eyes "Oh please, we both know he didn't do that for me. He did it to save precious little- well, big, Chunkz's humanity. Didn't do much though, look where it's got him. On top of that, Chunkz is on the run." Brielle elaborated.

"So date me. Or else your boyfriend's fate is death. Even if he does survive the shot" Brielle repeated.

"How did you..?" Sharky noticed Brielle said the word boyfriend.

"Oh please you think I'm thick? I knew about Aj and Niko in days, you guys are far more obvious."

"How do I know you're telling the truth about the shot?"

"You don't."

Sharky raised his eyebrows.

"But is that really a risk you're willing to take?" Brielle smiled.

Sharky paused. Fuck. He couldn't let Kenny die. Even if he survived this shot. Brielle knew where Kenny lived. She even knew where Sharky lived.

He swallowed and shut his eyes. "You're fucking evil." Sharky told the girl.

"I know. Do we have a deal?"

"Let me see Kenny first." Sharky just needed to make sure Kenny was actually going to be okay. There was no point taking up this deal if Kenny was dead too. Sharky wasn't sure how long the surgery would take but he would wait.

"Let's go then." Brielle said

"What? Seriously?" Sharky was surprised at Brielle's quick agreement.

"But first, kiss me."

"Everything always comes at a fucking price with you" Sharky frowned.

He then slowly leaned down to Brielle's level. He lightly kissed the girl's lips, pulling away quickly. It felt like cheating. It was cheating. He was doing it for Kenny, to confirm his safety but he hated it.

"Good boy. Now we can go."

Sharky immediately started to walk, not wanting to waste anymore time as this might actually be the last time he saw Kenny. Even if the man survives, he'd hate Sharky for the rest of his life. They'd never be together again.

After an uncomfortable hour and a bit car ride, the two made it to the hospital. It was one of the fancy ones that you had to travel far for. But that was how you knew it was reliable.

Sharky had called Niko in between their journey and he was still an hour away. So the two had time to see Kenny and get out unnoticed. The surgery was most likely done by now but for some reason Brielle wasn't getting the fuck out the car.

"What are you doing?!" Sharky was getting annoyed.

"I want you to kiss me again." Brielle smiled.

"My best friend could be dead and all you're thinking about is making out?!" Sharky opened the car door to leave. Brielle grabbed his hand to try and stop him

"Don't forget our deal."

"Yeah, well Kenny could be dead right now. So the deal is pointless until I know for sure he's alive." Sharky brushed the woman's hand away and started to walk away from the car. Brielle got out too and walked round to Sharky's side of the car.

"Sharky. You're going to come back here if you know what's good for you."

Sharky stopped. He sighed and turned around, starting to walk back. He just couldn't risk this psycho killing Kenny. Brielle looked up at the man and smiled. She then pulled him down with an arm around his neck and kissed him.

"Can we go now?" Sharky asked.

"Not yet." Brielle dug into her pockets and soon pulled out a small, pink, shark pocket knife.

"What the fuck..?" Sharky whispered and looked around to see if anyone else was here.

Brielle took Sharky's arm and started to pull up his sleeve. "No don't-" Sharky tried to stop him.

Brielle, wide eyes and slightly smiling, stared at the scars decorated down Sharky's arm. Brielle looked up at Sharky and smiled. "So broken, my love." She kissed his arm and put the pocket knife away.

"That won't do anything to you, clearly." She said, now searching another pocket. "But this will." Brielle now had in her hands a box of matchsticks.

"What are you doing with those..?" Sharky asked.

"You need to learn to behave." Brielle picked out the perfect matchstick and swiped it against the box in one try. She brought Sharky's arm up and pressed the burning matchstick against his skin until the force put out the fire.

Sharky made no noise. He knew that was probably the best thing to do. "Now let's go." Brielle said, throwing the matchstick on the floor

Sharky stared at the mark on his arm. He could already tell he was going to have to go through this a lot. The life he was in for was definitely not pleasant.

Brielle and Sharky found Kenny's room and they were just in time for the results of the operation.

"So?!" Sharky asked.

The lady gave Sharky a kind smile. "Your friend will need a long recovery. But he will be fine."

Sharky gasped. "Thank you so much!"

By some miracle he had survived. He was asleep in his room but the doctors wouldn't allow visitors just yet.

"Oh well. Let's go." Brielle said 5 minutes later.

"No way." Sharky said and walked up to the room's door, slightly pushing it. "It's open." Sharky didn't care what he had to do. He had to see Kenny.

"What are you doing? They said we aren't allowed to go in." Brielle told him

"Since when did you ever listen to other people? Now shut the fuck up and stand watch outside." Sharky ordered. He knew he probably shouldn't be rude but he honestly didn't care right now.

Brielle walked over to Sharky with a smile. She traced his lips with her fingertip. "Did you know you are so attractive when you're pissed?" She whispered.

Sharky held Brielle's wrist with force, pulling it down. "Stay. Here." Was the last thing he said before sneaking inside the room.

Sharky walked over to Kenny's bed. He was asleep. Sharky frowned. He thought he'd at least be able to have one last conversation with him. He looked around to confirm nobody was in the room and then kissed Kenny's lips, gently. "I love you so much Kenny. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." Sharky said, starting to get up.

As he turned around, Kenny was heard groaning. "Sharks..." He mumbled.

"Kenny?" Sharky smiled eagerly.

"Sharks I'll be fine... isn't that bad of a shot... I love you..." Kenny said, fumbling around in his blankets.

Sharky frowned. He was sleep talking. He sighed.

"Goodbye, baby." A slow tear rolled down his face.

Brielle was waiting outside the door, wishing Sharky would just hurry up already. After about five minutes the door creaked open.

"Let's go." Sharky ordered.

The two walked out into the parking lot, but before Brielle even thought about getting in the parked up car, she stood still in her tracks. Clearly wanting something.

"What now?!" Sharky asked, annoyed.

"I want to know for sure you're committed to me." Brielle told him.

"I just left the man I love for you! How much more committed do you want me to be?"

"Tell the world how committed you are. Send the text. I also want everyone to know how much you hate the Beta Squad too." Brielle smirked


"Oh okay that's fine." Brielle smiled

Sharky raised his eyebrows

"I can just go back in there and stab Kenny with this knife I brought." Brielle opened up the inside of her little jacket, showing a machete shining through.

"You're psycho." Sharky said and with tears in his eyes, he pulled out his phone.

"Actually, let me do it." Brielle put her hand out.

Sharky scowled and put the phone in her hand. She started to type a message. After a few seconds she deemed it perfect and sent it.

"Done." Brielle handed the phone back to Sharky to read. It was an Instagram post which read:

"Beta Squad was fucked from the start. Aj committed suicide because he couldn't handle the fact that he was a fa****. Chunkz just shot who he claimed to be his best friend, Kenny in the stomach. And I fell in love with Niko's ex girlfriend Brielle. We're in a relationship and I love her more than I ever did the Beta Squad."

"You know you're genuinely evil right? You weren't supposed to say that about Chunkz!" Tears dropped onto the screen of his phone

"Oh was I not? Oops." Brielle giggled.

She won. Brielle won it all.

Chunkz found his way in prison. He had a sentence of 12 years. He didn't kill Kenny but an attempted murder was still in place because of Brielle. Kenny survived, thankfully. However, the life ahead of him was not too bright. He couldn't box for the rest of his life as the injury caused fatal problems. His boyfriend betrayed him, dating a woman that everyone hated. Aj had committed suicide because of how badly he hated life and Sharky seemed to be going down the same path as him. He didn't want to die, but maybe it was his only way out.

They'd wait a little longer. Things would get better.

They had to.


One year later.

It had been a whole year since Aj's death yet it was as if everything stayed the same. Nobody healed. Nobody got anywhere in their careers. It was like time was frozen.

Niko and Kenny would still talk daily, comforting each other. One's boyfriend died and the other betrayed him. Neither man could figure out which loss hurt more. They tried to seek comfort within each other, even attempting to get together but it just disgusted them. The two men saw each other as brothers and on top of it, it felt wrong to do that to Aj and Sharky.

Even though one was dead and the other heartless.

"How was that..?" Kenny awkwardly asked, pulling away from Niko's lips.

Niko frowned, starting to tear up.

"Am I that bad of a kisser?" Kenny joked, with tears in his eyes. He missed his Sharky all too much.

Niko smiled sadly "How about we... just stay as brothers?"

"Yeah, definitely." Kenny said, pulling Niko in for a hug.

"Man they would kill us if they knew what we just did." Niko laughed, which slowly choked into sobs.

Kenny's boxing career had gone down the drain. Most of his opponents mocked him for being shot by a man he claimed to be his best friend. No matter how many people he tried to convince that it was an accident, nobody believed him. He hated being labelled a liar. It stung him hard. Not even KSI believed Kenny's story. He said Kenny was a soft pity taker who didn't deserve to be a boxer. Or maybe he did believe him, but in order to keep his own reputation up, he had to bring another person down. A friend. Although Deji decided to go against his own brother and told the world he believed Kenny, wanting nothing to do with Knowledge. But that statement didn't last him very long as it seemed he had changed his mind in a few weeks, siding with his brother once more. Although never certain, it was believed that Deji had been blackmailed.

"You too..?" Kenny was broken. Another friend had betrayed him. He looked at Deji with tears in his eyes. "I thought you believed me..."

Deji couldn't even look the former boxer in the eyes. "Sorry. Family comes first." He said, putting an arm around his brother. "Not something you'd know much about." The two walked out of stadium. Kenny had gone to watch Deji's fight only for the man to publicly humiliate him in front of thousands if not more.

Chunkz had been in prison for a whole year, hating life more and more as he went on. The people in his jail cell would body shame the hell out of him when they were changing or showering. The man had very much thought about attempting suicide multiple times but the jail cell was far too suicide protected for that. He also knew he had to stay strong. He had family and at least two friends who loved him. Chunkz was aware of the backstab from Sharky and spent a lot of his days wondering whether every moment they had with the man was even genuine.

Chunkz sighed, sitting in his cell. He hated every waking moment that he had. Even more so when his cell mates came up to him.

"What?" Chunkz asked, aggressively

"We were just wondering if, the same way Aj got his eating disorder just by taking one good look at you, did you take a good look at him and know you were gay yourself? We're just afraid of what'd happen if we drop the soap." The man smirked at him.

Chunkz growled and got up, "Oh you son of a bitch-" He said before swinging his hardest punch at the man in front of him, knocking him out on the floor. The other man in the cell just stood in fear.

A police officer ran inside the jail cell and tased Chunkz down to the floor.

"You aren't getting meals for 3 days." The man told him.

'That's alright' Chunkz thought to himself. He hadn't eaten in over a month anyway.

Sharky's story was a much more different one then the rest of his friends. He had spent his life pretty much in luxury. Travelling the world with Brielle and becoming way more famous than he'd ever been.

But he was miserable.

Brielle had forced him to do crazy things and even things he didn't want to do. He was forced into sex and practically lived a life of abuse and assault. He was popular for all the wrong reasons, with the world thinking he was just the man who insulted and betrayed his friends. Somehow, nobody found out about his love life with Kenny. Why wouldn't Sharky just go to the police? Well, what police officer would believe his story? A woman raping a man? He'd be seen as insane. Death genuinely seemed like his only way out.

Sharky stared at himself undressed in the bathroom mirror. Cuts, burn marks, scars and bruises. Any form of torture you could think of had been inflicted onto the man's body. All these scars and yet, not a single one on his perfect face. Nobody was allowed to know he was living a life of torture. He was in pain. Not even just physically, his mind was destroying him. Every scar that was self inflicted was nothing compared to what that woman was doing to him.

Sharky held the knife in his hand. Sometimes he just wishes he could end it all now. He brought the knife closer to his chest. It would all be over. He secured the knife with his second hand. He could be with a friend up in heaven too. Sharky closed his eyes, knife pointed to his heart. Just one little push and...

"Sharky!" Brielle opened the bathroom door and walked towards him. Sharky quickly shoved the knife back in the drawer. "Let's have some fun." She placed a gentle hand on his cheek.

Sharky sighed. "Please Brielle, I'm tired..."

"Arguing?" Brielle asked. "That's fine." She walked over to a cupboard which stored a box of tools she used to abuse her boyfriend.

"No. No, no, no I'm sorry!" Sharky started to back up until he was against a wall. Brielle had picked out a small little pocket knife and... half a lemon?

He had to go through it for 10 minutes straight. She had cut open his wounds and squeezed lemon juice inside them, enjoying his screams. Then of course, she got what she wanted in the end.

But hey, Sharky got what he wanted too. He was finally doing something to help his friends.

Niko was sat in Aj's room once more. It's been a year since Aj's death. Yet it still hurt him every time he thought about it. He hadn't changed much either, to say the least. He hadn't posted a single video for a year or given what was left of his fans an update. The scent of the odd woman's perfume Aj used haunted him. It had left its mark inside the room no matter how long it'd been.

A mark... The mark of blood all over the floor was engraved in Niko's mind. It left a mark. It stung his heart. Marks were never usually just a good thing. Like the mark across Aj's neck. His last breath escaping from his lips. He had tried to stop it. The mark was far too strong in his head. Niko had wrapped himself in Aj's blanket, hugging his pillow. There were still dried up blood marks on the sheets but Niko couldn't bring himself to change them.

Niko sighed and got up from the bed going down to the kitchen to get a glass of water. But this trip downstairs was different. There was this feeling of deep remorse which drowned him every step he took. And the memories of each room and area had come to haunt him.

He walked down the hallway. He and Aj used to play fight down this hallway. Arguments which led to slamming doors from this hallway.

Niko started to walk down the stairs. It's like every step held a memory. They had made little cardboard sleighs and slid down the stairs like a slide once. It didn't go too well. Niko fractured his leg and couldn't do one of the travelling Beta Squad videos. It was the first video he wasn't apart of. He didn't regret it for a second though. He had made a memory with Aj.

Niko made his way to the kitchen, eventually, trying to escape grief. But it was pointless. The memories washed over him like a wave in this kitchen. Almost every recent core memory with Aj happened here in this kitchen.

The pancake making and flour throwing. The cooking videos they made together. Every make out and every fight. They even nearly had sex in this kitchen. Right before a huge fight, on his birthday mind you. Right before Aj kicked him out and the world went downhill since then. Aj breaking down the windows and glasses of the kitchen after that bitch of a girlfriend threatened him. After she ruined his life. Both their lives.

Niko collapsed to the floor. His heart ached, it was like it was telling him that his hurt was his own fault. He did this to himself. But Niko couldn't stay in this house. Not like this. He couldn't stay anywhere. Niko didn't belong in this world.

Not without Aj.

Niko got to his feet and searched his kitchen. He eventually found two large bottles of oil. He cracked open the lid of one and started to spill out the oil. Every counter, every area of the kitchen was getting soaked. Niko dashed some onto the fridge. The fridge where he'd pinned Aj to and made out with him. Niko quickly left the kitchen, bottles still in hand.

Niko couldn't do this. He'd already decided. He made his way into the living room. It just reminded him of more fights and arguments and make outs the lot of it. It reminded him of Aj. He remembered when Aj and Niko had a long marathon of Dragon Ball Z. Niko knew nothing about the anime, all he knew is that it made Aj happy. He loved to see Aj happy. But Niko just couldn't think about Aj. Thinking about him hurt. Niko splattered some oil across the large TV in the end and walked to the door. He stared at a corner of the room. He and Aj had sex for the first time right there. It had all started because Aj was trying to make him feel better. He wouldn't have had to if he'd just broken up with Brielle. Niko left the room and covered every room in the downstairs area of the house with one large bottle of oil. He started to make his way up stairs.

Niko cracked the second bottle of oil open and started to pour it onto the stairs. Back through the hallway and into Niko's room. He and Aj had their first intimate moment in this room. Aj gave him a hickey and he gave one right back. Aj had even given Niko a hand job in this very room. Niko threw his silly little painting of him as the Mona Lisa onto the floor and poured oil on it too. He didn't deserve his success and fame. Not without Aj by his side. He grabbed a box of matches from his cupboard and walked out of his bedroom.

Back down the hallway, Niko made his way back into Aj's room. He looked up at the light shade. Aj had died in this very room, hanging himself. But Niko also had his first kiss with Aj in this room. In the same place, he recalled. Aj was changing his light bulb, standing on the same chair he used to jump. Niko confessed to Aj in this room. He had Aj's love. Why the hell did he want Brielle's too? It was all his fault. All of it.

Niko threw the bottle of oil out of Aj's room, sitting back down on Aj's bed. He pulled out his phone and clicked on the group chat. It hadn't been used in a year. It just didn't feel right after Aj died. Even more so after Sharky betrayed them. But nobody ever left. Nobody kicked Sharky out either. That would be an insult to Aj.

Beta Squad Shmucks

Hi. I just want to tell you all how much I love you. You've all done so much for me and I'm forever grateful for it.

Kenny, you've been my best friend since secondary. Our friendship means the world to me. You've been there for me since day one and I can't thank you enough for it. I love you brother.

Sharky, even after all you've done this year, I still love you with all my heart. I refuse to believe that you agreed to leave us on ur own terms. You've always been a great friend and you always will be. If it is blackmail, I know for sure Kenny will forgive u if u speak up about it. He loves you. And I do too.

Amin, even tho you won't see this now, just know that I'm sorry for the part I played in Aj's death. You never said it, but I could see that you blamed me. And I'm sorry. I love you so so much. Kenny please tell Chunkz I'm gone. I don't want him finding out after 10 years. Not like this.

Having said that, I just can't do it anymore. There's nothing left for me in life without Aj. You can't stop me. The damage is already done. I just couldn't go without texting you guys one last time. Please don't forget me. I love you all. Goodbye.

Niko made a text to George. Similar to this one, thanking him for everything.

Niko swiped the match across its box. It's light shone bright. It was a sign. This had to happen. He needed to be with Aj. He threw the match out the door and watched the oil spark up and dance in flames. He shut Aj's door and sat down once more on his bed.

He didn't want it to be this way. If he could do it all again, Niko just knew he would do it differently. He'd be better. But in the real world there are no second chances. No attempt to be better and change. Not when the man you love is dead because of you.

Niko then scrolled down to one last contact on his phone and started to type. He had one last person that needed that he to text.

Ratatouille <3

I'm coming.

~The End~

7447 WORDS

so um.... that happened.


honestly angst breaks me sm so im not sure how we ended up here

but yuh niko dead. oopsie?

chunkz is now in jail meaning kenny is all alone too

at least sharky is living the life... of abuse.

and aj do be dead too

do u think this ending was a bit rushed btw? it didn't feel rushed when writing it but now that i've reread it about 20 times it's starting to 😭😭

okay this is the end, but I will be offering an alternative ending to this story for everyone that wanted a happy ending for them. Aj won't b dead duh and itll have a much more light hearted ending. ik this got very deep very randomly and the bloody summery of this book is very misleading.

ALSO if u guys wanna see Sharky's ending like if hes still w Brielle i can write smt like that too. Plus wat happened to Chunkz nd Kenny.

im gonna be so honest, this has been the most fun ive ever had writing a book before. so just let me know if you guys are interested in a story for sharky and kenny. also, i might make a BxB oneshot book for beta squad. ill also include ppl like darkest, HP and Filly. lmk if u lot wanna see any of that lol.

I just want to say a big big big thank u to all of u for being here in this little journey of mine. I really appreciate u all, and i love u guys so sm lmao. <33333

ur guys' comments are wat kept me motivated to keep on writing cuz i loved ur reactions

I wanna give my biggest appreciation to: maesiecort stars4shae HeheBen5 for bein around since i started this book i'm so so grateful for u guys. i'm sure there were more but these are the ones i remember 😭

Hehawis i've mentioned this a million times but u inspired me to start my book so thank u sm

also this person is just vibes and brought around the George wingman trope so ILY playing4u  jus bc i can

and my biggest thank u and love to this absolute retard who can't spell to save her life but is also my biggest fan and new favourite person in the world nikosgirl

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