Mr. Bingley

By LFB1127

1.5K 94 3

Being the favourite Godson of the secondary school's headmaster at Bermondsey London, Mr. Bingley was given t... More

Author's Note
Chapter One - Life as a Student
Chapter Two - Encounter
Chapter Three - Curiosity
Chapter Four - The Diner
Chapter Five - Settling In
Chapter Six - The New Gym Teacher
Chapter Seven - Nervous Much?
Chapter Eight - Mixed Signals
Chapter Nine - Explanation
Chapter Ten - Confrontation
Chapter Eleven - Twice as Nice
Chapter Twelve - Unexpected
Chapter Thirteen - Love Happens
Chapter Fourteen - Trust
Chapter Fifteen - Lies...lies
Chapter Sixteen - Starstrucked
Chapter Seventeen - Michael
Chapter Eighteen - Fury
Chapter Nineteen - Conflict
Chapter Twenty - Fix it or Lose it
Chapter Twenty Two - Heart On Fire
Chapter Twenty Three - Apologies
Chapter Twenty Four - Mixed Emotions
Chapter Twenty Five - Sleepover
Chapter Twenty Six - Make up Passion
Chapter Twenty Seven - Friend or Foe?
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Plan
Chapter Twenty Nine - Suspicions
Chapter Thirty - Reality
Chapter Thirty One - Encounter
Chapter Thirty Two - Broken Heart
Chapter Thirty Three - Blackmailer
Chapter Thirty Four - A Mistake
Chapter Thirty Five - Tricky Feelings
Chapter Thirty Six - Stacy Is Missing
Chapter Thirty Seven - Surprise!
Chapter Thirty Eight - Risky Plan
Chapter Thirty Nine - Love Conquers All

Chapter Twenty One - Love Sick

31 2 0
By LFB1127

Stacy's POV

Aunt Emma and Uncle Victor already left for their anniversary vacation two hours ago. It's a gloomy Saturday afternoon, and I am cocooning under my bed sheets feeling feverish. I must have stressed myself too much, school dead lines, unsolved issues with my best friend, the feeling of being alone for the first time in this house while wondering if I'll survive it, plus not being able to kiss my boyfriend whenever I wanted to..

He called me a few times and I texted him back saying I need more sleep and that I will call him later. I also received text messages from Bridget saying she wants to meet up, I declined on her invitation, I am just not in the mood right now, I even heard her came by last night, but I have strict orders to my aunt that I am not feeling well. They almost cancelled their flight just to be with me, I basically pushed them out of the door, I don't want to be a burden to anybody.

Going down the stairs I started heating my food and placed a bottle of tylenol in front of me so that I won't forget to take it after eating. Dragging my alligator stompeez slippers towards the living room, I slouched in front of the tv, watching teen wolf marathon. Daniel Sharman is so freaking hot, but not as hot as my Marcus. Derek is fierce and handsome as well. I've always enjoyed this series, it lightens my mood especially when Stiles starts to talk.

I had finished my bowl of kellog's cereal, burped three times, I know, excusez-moi! I look at Grandfather's clock it read 4 pm. Yup! Time passes quickly when you're into knowing who's the benefactor....

Feeling like a lazy kanima I went upstairs to take a bath. After having tylenol my fever reduced a bit. I can hear my phone rang for how many times I already lost count I almost slipped in the tub because I fell asleep. Oh God, what's happening to me. The fact that I am alone and can galavant all I want, then this fever strike me like a bitch, unbelievable!

Grabbing my bath robe, I got off the tub slowly and draped it around my naked warm slippery body. I was too tired to even get dressed, my phone rang again, this time I took it and placed it in between my shoulders and ear as I dry my feet with rag.

"Hello? Stacy are you ok?" It was my aunt on the other line.

"Yeah, I ate, then took tylenol, then fell asleep in the couch. I'm sorry I was too lazy to pick up the phone." What a detailed explanation that was, I don't have to report to her like that everyday, do I? Nah! Don't think so- my inner sense reminded me.

"Alright. I'm glad to know you're okay, but lock the doors before you sleep, okay?"

"Yes Aunt Emma. Enjoy your trip." I hang up before she did because I have an incoming call. Without looking I answered it in a lazy almost sleepy tone. For short unattractive voice.

"Halo?" I greeted. "Stacy!" I almost jumped on his voice. It was my lover boy. "Goodness gracious, I've been trying to reach you all day, are you ok?" Should I be honest and tell him I'm sick, well either way, I know he will insist to see me no matter what.

"Yeah, sorry, I was home all day, I feel feverish." Crap! There! I said it.

"What?" "Why you didn't tell me sooner, I could've drop by to see you."

"You would? Really?" I sarcastically answered.

"Yeah, why not?" "Don't move I am coming right now. See you soon. Love you." He hang up before I can answer. Crap! He's not scared if he will meet my Aunt and Uncle here, but I'm glad they weren't even here. Lol.

Now I am forced to get dressed. I ran upstairs, forgetting I'm sick. I looked for something decent to wear. I found a lavender sundress, with a v-neckline, lol. Yup! This is perfect. I put on a white weaved shawl over it and just hang my hair loose. Good thing I already finished in my bath.

I was pacing back and forth nervously looking at the window from time to time. It has been fifteen minutes since I spoke to him. I was brushing my hair when I saw a car pulled over my the driveway. That's him! Sigh....

My heart is rejoicing once again..whenever I see him it always feels like it's the first time meeting him. He got off the car finally. I have to behave myself, act like I am really sick, which I am...he's wearing a white buttoned polo shirt and khaki shorts, his shirt is tucked in and he's wearing a dark brown belt and khaki espadrilles, in his hands he's clasping a brown hooded sweater. With his police sunglasses on he looks like a movie star going to a film location. Oh! My man!

He reached the front door and was already ringing the door bell. I let it rang for four times and then decided to answer it, so it doesn't look like I was waiting for him, which I was, apparently...

"Hey, you look lovely." He reached for my cheeks and was about to kiss me on the lips when I stopped him. "No, Marcus...I'm sick, remember?"

"I don't care.." As he continued what he was doing and kissed me. My mouth taste weird on his, maybe because I have the flu.."No." I started pushing him away. "I don't want you to be sick too." His smile faded. Grabbing my hand instead he kissed it and says, "Ok, if you say so." He was staring at me like I am gonna melt, and that stare makes my legs go jelly.

"Come in." I pulled him inside and closed the door behind us. He realized it was quiet in the house. "Where is everybody?" he curiously asked me while scanning the area. "Funny you just noticed that when you already kissed me at the door." He blushed. Embarrassed. "It's true. But I can't help it when I see you." He explained.

He started moving towards me, his eyes seductively staring at me like he wants to do me right there and then. I looked away. "You want something to drink?" He followed me to the kitchen.

"Stacy, are you feeling okay now?" I nodded. "I took some tylenol, I don't know if my fever will come back later on." He reached to touch my forehead then he pulled me to sit on his lap. He hugged me tight I put my arms around the back of his neck smelling him. He smells so divine....a smell that can put me to sleep and will result in sweet dreams.

"Are you hungry?" He shook his head. "I missed you. You have no idea. I was waiting for your call the whole day." he sweetly whispered in my ear that made me giggle because I'm ticklish on that part. He started biting the sides of my earlobes. "Baby, stop." I pleaded and he continued teasing me once more.

As he continued to kiss my right ear...he asked me. "So, where is everybody, you haven't answered my question." I just smiled. I'm afraid something's gonna happen intimately between us once I informed him they're on a vacation. But, I cannot lie, can I?

"Obviously not here, do you see them?" He stopped what he was doing and looked at me in the eye while smiling.."I don't like that tone Ms. Walsh." His face became serious. I furrowed as I kissed his cheeks.

"In what way do you want it, Mr.Bingley?" I gave him a seductive tone that shows lust in my eyes at the same time. He instantly got what I am implying because I felt his manhood shift below, in between my legs. "Whoops!" I was just thinking about the word whoops I just realized I said it out loud. We both laughed so hard about it.

He carried me upstairs, bridal was so funny he doesn't know which door. "To your left, Romeo."

Turning the knob while carrying me, I can feel my heart jumped at least 50 km per hour. Is this really happening now? He lay me gently on top of the bed and pulled me up on my pillow.

He was obviously observing me, waiting for a sign to continue.. He started kissing me passionately on the lips. I was unbuttoning his shirt while his hands snaked under my sundress. I felt more in heat than I was with my fever this morning. "Stacy.." He moaned in between kisses..."yeah?" I answered as I gave his tongue access inside my mouth. He grabbed a hold of my underwear and was about to place his hands inside when he stopped... I looked at him unsatisfied, he left me wanting more...

"Stacy, I don't want to continue if you are not feeling well, I don't want to hurt you." I just realized he has tears forming in his eyes, before I can even say it, he looked away. I was gasping for air while watching him standing by the window sill looking down on my floor.

"Hey, come here, it's okay." He looked at me as the tears showed and started to flow down his cheeks. I stood up, hugging his back while he was facing my window. He reached for my hand and placed them between his chests. I can feel the drumming motion of his heart.. I made him nervous, me? A simple student made Mr. Bingley nervous, but why was he crying?

"What's wrong? Are you upset?" I had to ask. "Yes, Stacy...very have no idea how much I want you, to be one with you...but I have to behave myself no matter how many times I am tempted to do so." He bit his lips hard.

Oh no! Why? I don't know how to handle a conversation like this. "I have an idea, maybe we should stop kissing for a while, so as to avoid being tempted, well..we shouldn't anyways, since I am sick... " He turned to face me at this..

He gave me a look that says "are you seriously kidding me?" Then he answered with a firm.."NO. I cannot be stopped kissing you."

"Even if I pass my sickness to you?" I retorted.

"Even." He replied. He pulled me close to his chest and we sat there beside the window sill for a while. I began to think, he really loves me...he is willing to wait even it pains him to feel this way..I love him because he loves me that way...I cannot lose him no matter what..

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