Prehistoric Park's Dinosaur

By jurassicdinodrew

1.8K 44 4

This here is a fanfiction story of my own version of a crossover between Nigel Marven's Prehistoric Park & Di... More

Nigel & Flia The Geosternbergia
Trip For The Watering Hole
Getting Left Behind
A Dangerous Night In A Cave
The Truth & The Park
Aladar Vs Kron & The Carnotaurus
Escape From The Meteor & Into The Park
Exploring Around The Park
A Girl For Theo
The Terror Bird & The Saber Tooth Cubs
A Lemur In The Insect House
Rascal & The Raptor
Returning To The Ice Age
Meet The Ice Age Herd
The Quakes Of Revenge
The Saber Tooth Squirrels & The Microraptors
Ollie & Olivia's Encounter With Giants
The Pirate & The Devil
Terrence & Matilda Vs Diablo

Aladar, Raptors & The Herd

97 2 0
By jurassicdinodrew

After meeting Flia the Geosternbergia, Nigel was now flying on the pterosaur in hopes to get a better chance on finding any surviving dinosaurs in the area. Nigel: "Hmm... it's like finding a needle in a haystack..." Flia: "A what in a what?" Nigel: "Oh uh... something where I come from." Flia: "That reminds me, where are you from?, cause you don't look like you're from around here." Nigel: "You're right, I'm not." Flia: "I figured as much... however I had a few travels in the past and I never seen anything like you..." Nigel: "Yeah... you won't find another one like me in this place... or time for that matter." Flia: "What do you mean?" Nigel: "Well... it's a little hard to explain... and you might think it sounds crazy." Flia: "Can't be any crazier than what I witnessed last night... the large ball of fire I mean..." Nigel: "Well... the thing is... I'm from..." Flia: "Wait... I see something." Nigel: "What?" Flia: "Well... it looks like an Iguanodon, but there's some things riding on his back..." Nigel: "Really?" asked Nigel, before he takes out his binoculars and see what looked like a male Iguanodon with some lemurs on his back, much to the zoologist's surprise. Nigel: "Those are lemurs... Notharctus to be precise... but how could that be?, they shouldn't exist yet... this is a real surprise..." Flia: "What do you mean they shouldn't exist yet?, and what is that you're holding?" Nigel: "This?, oh it's my binoculars, I use them to see things from a distance." Flia: "Hmm... never heard of it... where did you get them?" Nigel: "I'm afraid it'll take too long to explain right now, just get us down to the Iguanodon and lemurs, I wanna take a closer look at them." Flia: "If you say so." said Flia, before she flies down to the ground. The Iguanodon in question was named Aladar (voiced by D. B. Sweeney) and with him were four lemurs named Plio (voiced by Alfre Wooded), Yar (voiced by Ossie Davis) Zini (voiced by Max Casella) and Suri (voiced by Hayden Panettiere), and they were surprised to see Flia and Nigel as they never seen anything like them before. Aladar: "Whoa... what are you?" Flia: "Me?, I'm a Geosternbergia, name's Flia by the way, what's your name?" Aladar: "My name is Aladar, this here is my family." Nigel: "Your family?, but they're lemurs, and you're an Iguanodon." Aladar: "A what?" Zini: "He must be talking about what you really are." Yar: "Who are you sir?, and what are you for that matter?" Suri: "Yeah... I don't know why, but you look a little like us... only without most of your fur..." Nigel: "My name is Nigel, I'm a human... you have names?" Plio: "Yes, my name is Plio, this is my daughter, Suri, and next to me are my dad, Yar, and my brother, Zini, and Aladar here is my adopted son." Nigel: "Nice to meet you all... but tell me... how did an Iguanodon ended up in a lemur family?" Plio: "Well... it's a long story... but you see, years ago... an egg fell into our island and out of it was Aladar as a baby, and we took care of him since." Zini: "Though dad here was scared that he might eat us one day." Nigel: "Oh don't worry, Iguanodons are plant eaters, in fact most dinosaur species are plant eaters." Yar: "Dinosaurs?, you mean the monsters that live here in the mainland?" Nigel: "They're not really monsters, they're animals just like you, only bigger and tougher." Flia: "Hold on... I remembered an island that was across from here... did you came from that island?" Yar: "That's right... we were forced to leave after some big ball of fire came and destroyed it." Flia: "I see... you were lucky to survive it as I have..." Suri: "Are you a dinosaur like Aladar too?" Flia: "Not exactly, I'm a type of reptile that flys called a pterosaur, but I can understand why you would confuse me for a dinosaur." Zini: "Look!" yelped Zini, as he saw moving on a small hill, which caught the attention of the others. Aladar: "Did you see that?" Plio: "Yeah... but where did it go?" Aladar: "I don't know, let's go see." Yar: "Leave it alone!, it's scaring Suri here." Suri: "No it's not." said Suri before Nigel sees what Zini and Aladar saw a moment ago, and he was feeling very uneasy as he knew what it was, and so did Flia. Nigel: "Oh no... this could be trouble..." Plio: "What's wrong?" Nigel: "It's a Velociraptor." Aladar: "Is that bad?" Nigel: "Very bad... as I said that most Dinosaurs are plant eaters, of course there are meat eaters... that there is one of them... and a very dangerous one too... for you see, the raptor has a killing toe that can slash it's prey... but that's not the worst part..." Zini: "What's the worst part...?" Nigel: "Raptors always hunt in packs..." Aladar: "And by pack, you mean..." Flia: "There's always more than one..." said Flia, before more Velociraptors appeared, getting ready to attack the group. Before Nigel could do anything, Flia grabs him with her beak and flew up into the air, while Aladar makes a run for it with his family on his back, as the raptors begins chasing them. One of the raptors jumped onto Aladar and takes a bite on him, which hurts the Iguanodon, but was not letting that stopping him from running. Another raptor tries to attack the lemurs, which missed, but caused Yar to nearly fall over, and Zini was doing his best to pull him up. Suddenly, the raptors stopped attacking and ran away, much to Aladar's confusion. Plio; "Why did they stopped and ran away?" Yar: "Looks like something spooked them..." Suri: "But what?" Zini: "Aladar!, look out!" called out Zini, before another Iguanodon came out of the nowhere and knocked over Aladar. The Iguanodon in question was named Kron (voiced by Samuel E. Wright) and he was the leader of a herd behind him. Kron: "Stay out of my way!" shouted the older Iguanodon, before the herd he was leading came to the scene, and Aladar was surprised to see more Dinosaurs passing by. Up above, Nigel was amazed to see the sight of the herd, from what he could tell, there were Parasaurolophus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Stygimoloch, and much to Nigel's surprise, there was also a Brachiosaurus at the back of the herd, along with a Styracosaurus with a broken horn and an Ankylosaurus as well. As the herd passed by, Aladar was amazed by the sight of their many shapes and sizes. Suri: "Look at them all..." Aladar: "Hmm... maybe we should..." Yar: "If you even dare thinking on joining them..." Zini: "Uh... I don't think we have a choice!" said Zini, as the raptors appeared again, convincing Aladar and the lemurs to run off and follow the herd, while the raptors hissed in anger, missing their opportunity for a free meal. Soon, Flia finally made a landing, putting Nigel on the ground at last. Nigel: "Thanks for the save back there." Flia: "Well I had to, I owe ya my life." it wasn't long before Aladar came to the scene, and then overhears the Brachiosaurus named Baylene (voiced by Joan Plowright) talking to the Styracosaurus named Emma (voiced by Della Reese). Baylene: "Oh Emma, I wished we were at the Nesting Grounds now... all those shoving around just for a place to sleep, I'm not used to this sort of behavior." Emma: "Baylene, you got big legs, just give them a kick." Baylene: "Oh I couldn't possibly do that." Emma: "Oh come on Baylene, if you wanna get to the Nesting Grounds alive, show some backbone." Aladar: "Hey there." Emma: "Ah!" yelped Emma, who was surprised by the sudden appearance of the young Iguanodon. Aladar: "Oh sorry about that, it's just we just overheard you talking and uh..." before Aladar could finish, the Ankylosaurus, named Url, came up to him and tries to give him a rock. Emma: "My word... look at Url... he doesn't usually warm up to strangers so fast..." Baylene: "Say, what are those things on your back?" asked Baylene, looking at the lemurs. Aladar: "That's my family... adopted family of course, Plio, Yar, Zini and Suri, my name is Aladar by the way, and uh... we're trying to find a new place to live after our old one got destroyed last night." Baylene: "Oh dear, I'm so sorry." Emma: "Name's Emma, and the one with the neck is Baylene, the last of her kind." Nigel: "Wow... I never thought I would encounter a Brachiosaurus... now in this time at least..." Baylene: "Who might you be sir?" Emma: "And for that matter... what are you?" Nigel: "I'm Nigel, I'm a human, and this here with me is Flia, she's a Geosternbergia, a species of pterosaur." Flia: "Hello." Baylene: "Pleasure to meet you Nigel, and you too, Flia." Plio: "We heard you something about some place called the Nesting Grounds." Nigel: "Yes, Flia mentioned it to me earlier." Emma: "It is the most beautiful place there is, it's where the herd goes to have their babies... but the hard job is just getting there." Baylene: "And we're being forced driven there unmercifully." Aladar: "By who?" Emma: "Kron, the herd's leader." Baylene: "It's hard to keep up, for an older woman like myself." Aladar: "Then tell him, what's the worst he can do?" Baylene: "Well... he'll attack anyone who disobeys his orders... he's really ruthless..." Emma: "But since this herd's the only herd around left to follow... we don't have much choice." Nigel: "Um... would that be him by any chance?" asked Nigel, as Kron himself was coming to the scene, and walks up to Aladar. Kron: "Who are you?" Aladar: "Uh... Aladar... my family and I just got here... and uh... I noticed these three... Emma, Baylene and Url were having a hard time keeping up, so maybe you could slow down for them and..." Kron: "You think I should let the weak keep up?, let you tell you something, if you want to survive, you have to be strong, and better let me do the thinking from now on." Aladar: "But they need help back here." Kron: "Watch yourself, boy." said Kron, before another Iguanodon, named Neera (voiced by Julianna Margulies) who is Kron's sister, came to the scene. Neera: "Don't worry, that's how my brothers always treats newcomers... name's Neera by the way." Aladar: "Uh... hi." Kron: "Neera, don't chat with the newcomers." Neera: "Come on Kron, it's not he'll bite, I can take care of myself." Kron: "Whatever..." said Kron, before he and Neera left the scene, looking for a place to rest like the other members of the herd. Zini: "You sure caught the eyes of a nice looking female Aladar there." Emma: "I wouldn't be catching any eyes here if I were you, especially Neera's, just keep your head down and do what Kron tells you." Yar: "Do we really have to take orders from the likes of him?" Emma: "Kron has swatted flies bigger than you pops." Yar: "I could hold that monster's brain in the palm of my..." Aladar: "Come on grandpa, she's right, better to keep our heads down in this herd than having them bitten off by... what Nigel calls Velociraptors." said Aladar, looking at the Velociraptors that was on top of a hill. Emma: "Well you should consider yourself lucky that those things are all that's following us." said Emma, knowing there are predators out there worse than the raptors.

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