Under A Dark Cloud

By Else_Milch

2.7M 54.3K 4.3K

After finally gaining her freedom, Keira is set off to live on her own out in the open world. Until one night... More

Under a Dark Cloud
Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Is it too late to say sorry?
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
~*Bonus Chapter*~
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Not an update but still important
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32.5
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Mini A/N
Chapter 37
Sorry XP
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Just another A/N again ( O 3 O )
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Bad news for you
Just A News
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 3

87.9K 1.3K 76
By Else_Milch

Waking up groggy in the morning, I noticed my bed feels... different. It doesn't smell like the Illinoisian forest but more like it smells of dust and cheap wall varnish.

Then, I remembered that I'm no longer home. No Amanda to wake me up, no more roosters that cackle-doodle-doo in the break of dawn, no more sounds of chickens, no peaceful nature breeze but city noise and here out in the free country of America. Out of my own comfort zone, not that I do have one but you get what I mean.

Getting myself up in bed, I stretched and yawned as I chase away the last traces of sleep from my body and headed towards the shower. I took off my clothes and placed it in the hamper as I turned on the shower.

I hummed out the tune of " Roses " by Chainsmokers ft. Rozes as i took out my towel, my shampoo and one of the home- made honey mint bar soap Amanda placed in for me. She knew I loved the soap she made.

I placed the towel in the rack as I reached out my hand as the cold water hits my skin. I smiled. Nothing could be better than to fully wake up after a good cold shower.


After my shower, I started to pick out the clothes I packed from my duffel bag to choose which type of outfit would be better for a job application. And unfortunately, I don't have the smancy fancy type of skirts and blouses those rich women wore to land successfully in a job interview . Never wore them and never liked them either.

So, I picked up my white polo shirt which I usually use in my formal Sundays, a pair of comfy skinny jeans and paired it with white sneakers. I take a look in the mirror and I looked plain but I'm gonna wing it and look presentable. I didn't bother with make-up because I don't know how to apply one and the fact I don't like putting stuff on my face that makes me look like a clown. Like I said, I never applied make-up before.

Looking in the mirror once again, I decided to let my dark chestnut hair down than tie it up. I combed it to tame it down a little and left the rest to dry on their own. I like it when my hair gets a little wild. Makes me look me.

Satisfied with my appearance and a new bright attitude, I am confident enough that I am able to land a job successfully yet hopefully. I went to my room to get my papers needed for a job application and picked up the newspaper from the small cabinet.

I checked the newspaper to head to which place for the job I needed and where to be interviewed. I decided I'll start from the ones i encircled in top right then move on to the other ones if I fail or get rejected. I was about to head outside when my stomach growled. Yip, I forgot to eat breakfast..
I scavenge inside my duffel bag and found the packed sandwiches I bought in the airport which costs a lot more than the regular packed sandwiches you would find in stores. But it's my choice and my money so I made the choice and start to eat my breakfast while I continue eating it till I reached my destination with an -s.


Walking down an alleyway, I was disappointed and in low spirits already. My first interview went to downfall when they asked me if I had brought my college diploma with me or any 4-year course certificate I attended. I shook my head and before I could, maybe, reason with them that I am a good employee and a fast learner, they immediately dismissed me and proceeded to the other applicants. This continued for another 3 more job interviews until I gave up and went home to rest or atleast go to a minimart to buy myself a cheap dinner. I'll just try the other job applications tomorrow and hopefully be successful in landing one.

To answer the question those interviewers asked me where are my college degree papers or my diploma, I don't have any. I managed to finish my K-12 but never made it to college since Greg threatened me that if Amanda sends me to college using their money, he will beat her up every night of every single day I go to college to attend and study in college.
So, I didn't take my chances in letting Amanda suffer more beatings and started to work in a small cafe back in Illinois, hoping that Greg would stop beating Amanda if I continue to give him the money I earned to him.

So this is me, just one day in the outside world and still unemployed due to lack of papers or certain required skills, going back to the hotel and wait for what tomorrow brings. Anyways, I'm sure there are others out there like me in the world, probably more or less fortunate than me.

As I sighed and held my head up in a positive way, I stopped and saw a girl, maybe same age as me, getting mugged by a tall and buff man. Where most people would just turn back and run away, pretending that it didn't happen or didn't see it, I just have to play the reckless hero.

So, what I did was pick up an empty bottle lying near a dumpster beside me and headed towards the man. The woman turned her gaze to look at me with terrified teary eyes as I placed a finger in front of my mouth to keep silent. She nodded lightly as I stopped in front of the man's back. Tapping his shoulder to gain his attention, He turned around just in time for me to whack the bottle in his face, causing the bottle to break into pieces and the man falling in the ground, unconscious.

The woman looked at me, back to the man, and then me. Not wanting to get the wrong impression that I might be a mugger too, I don't know why I think of that because muggers are usually male and maybe because I have a broken bottle as a weapon in my hand.

So, I immediately placed the bottle down and before I could explain that I am not a bad person, she immediately went to me and hugged me. This is not what I had expected as I watch her pull away with a smile.

" That was freaking bad ass! You are my freaking bad ass female hero! The way you swung that bottle in his face and thank you so much for saving me! I would've been raped or killed if it weren't for you! "

" You're...welcome? " I said with a confused smile on my face. I thought this woman was dang terrified of me after that situation but her mood just changed after I saved her from being mugged.

" Thank you so much. Again. I really appreciated it when you knocked him for me. Anyways, My name is Ashlyn. What's yours? " She spoke to me with a friendly smile.

Wanting to take this opportunity to make a friend, i smiled back,

" My name is Keira and Ashlyn, we better go before someone finds out an unconscious body here and think it was us. "

Ashlyn looked at the man and then me, " You sure he's unconscious? I kinda hoped he was dead. People who mug women aren't fit to live in this world. "

" Trust me. As much as I like bad people disappearing from this world, I still don't like people dying. Plus, He's unconscious and maybe wake up with an amnesia. "

" Good point. Anyways, You have to come with me to my job as my bad ass bodyguard. Maybe bring another bottle just in case someone tries to mug us. " Ashlyn looped her arm with mine with a smile as we started walking where she's heading.

Hearing the word ' job ', I asked,

" Do you think your job needs another worker? Because I would like to apply since I've been looking for a job and- "

I heard a squeal as Ashlyn bounced up and down in happiness,

" Absolutely! I'm sure Dylan will accept and love you. But do you have your papers ready? "

I took my rolled up papers and gave them a shake. She smiled at me and held my wrist as she showed me where her job is as she continued to cheerfully talk and ask about me.


I was slightly nervous as Dylan, a sweet yet strict old man around his 50's, who is also Ashlyn's boss, reviewed my papers. I fiddled with my fingers as I cross and uncross my fingers, hoping he'll accept me even without my college degree or other things I might not have.

Ashlyn saw this and placed a hand in my hands as she smiled and mouthed to me, " You'll be fine. "

After what felt like a nervously long time, Dylan put the papers down and looked at me with a straight face then back to the papers. After a minute or so, he looked up and eyed between me and Ashlyn as he reviewed my papers one more time before talking directly to Ashlyn,

" Are you sure she is capable of weilding a bottle like a " badass " person? Well, She looks like a sweetheart to me, " Dylan smiled at me as i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding as i smiled happily.

" Congratulations, Keira. You've gotten the job, " Dylan raised his hand to me as I eagerly shook it.

I can't believe it. I actually manage to land my first job after so many rejections!

" Thank you so much! I will in your care then, " I said breathlessly.

" A formal badass body guard....nice , " Ashlyn murmered to herself as she smiled. I look at her as she gave me a wink and looked back at Dylan when he asked me,

" Ok, Keira. How does the morning shift work for you? Let's say around 6 am till 12 noon, along side with Ashlyn's shift? "

" Please say yes, Keira or else I'd have to fight every employee here in Cafe Dolce who gets their shift with you, " Ashlyn joked but there was a small look of consideration in her eyes that she would definitely do it.

I nodded to Dylan as he bent down in his desk and took out a paper and a pen.

" Just sign here and you're off to work here tomorrow. "

I immediately took the paper and signed it with enthusiasm as I finally registered that I have a job. Like a job job where you can get payed and experience things about people and others.


After a long day learning the ropes in advance by Dylan and Ashlyn, I was psyched and can't wait for my new job tomorrow.

Going back to the hotel with Shirley still there, tending to her own business. I went up to my room and immediately plunked on my bed with a smile on my face.

I now have a secured job and all that's left is my apartment and everything is good to go.

I took the newspaper and opened the section where I could get myself a cheap apartment and boom, I'm living my life here in the open world.

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