Wait for it. (Treech)

By the7thheroine

20.8K 675 870

"Treech?" "Yeah? What is it?" He murmurs. You pause for a moment, leaning some more weight into his side. "Do... More

Wait for it?
I'll take the nightshift.
My girl, my guy.
You and i walk a fragile line.
What a wicked game to play.
Dont take the risk.
Snow will fall.
We arent friends here.
Its like falling asleep.
Songbird vs rattlesnakes
Please dont die.
She can fly away.
Did you mean it.
Your promise.
You'll Never break the chain.
Mentors oh mentors.

The rules and regulations.

314 8 51
By the7thheroine

You, along with the few other survivors of the games found yourselves in a somewhat luxurious, extremely large hall. The floor was a deep brown wood, the walls lined with plaques with various names. Next to them, large paintings and pictures.

The walls were painted a simple, and plain white. A deep contrast to the overall interior that looked somewhat.. tacky.

You could hear the somewhat approving murmurs from the other tributes, clearly just as you and Treech had expected on the train, you would have thought you would be back in a place like the zoo.

Locked up and displayed for the Capitol to see and judge you. The returned tributes come to try and save more children in their previous positions.

What a joke.

"Mentors!" Snow called out.

in the time it had taken you all to arrive and gather, he had disappeared. He no longer donned his deep, dark red coat, but now wore a stylish suit, in black however.

He was stood on a risen wooden stage. By his side the same two peacekeepers as before.

At the sound of Snows voice calling out, Treeches hand tightened on yours giving it a firm squeeze, the other tributes stopped looking around their eyes directly placed on Snows tall, proud form.

"He looks like-"

"Treech." You hissed, silencing any snarky comment from the boy. Not now, especially not when you were put into such a vulnerable position.

"It is a pleasure to welcome you all back to Panem, especially now as you will all partake in making the games even better then last years." Snow threw a hardened look towards you and Treech. Instantly, your hand squeezed tightly on Treeches as his shoulders tensed.

"You will be mentoring tributes from your homes, teaching them your own methods of survival." He then began to move down the steps of the hall towards the small crowd.

"And most importantly, you'll try and bring one of them home as a winner." He said firmly.

"The games will run.. differently than last year, and the previous years before that. They'll be supplied food, and various necessities to keep them strong. To give the Capitol a good performance." He began again, his hands almost nervously beginning to fiddle with his cuffs.

"Tomorrow your tributes will arrive and I expect each and every one of you to greet your tributes." He said firmly, his eyes darting between you all.

"Of course such districts like twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight and six have been left mentorless. As of now, we will run through a small show to show each of the tributes if you haven't all already seen them." He said firmly.

Slowly but surely, Snow began to make his way through the list, much to your surprise where snow had previously stood, an extremely large screen had come alight, brightening the room tremendously.

Clips of each tribute slowly appeared as they were called. Passing by one, and two you were almost certain that one of the four would be winners.

Just as last year, they looked tough, and well fed. You'd of guessed by now? Just like the Capitol district one and two would have bounced back.

You could feel yourself begin to ignore Snow again as he continued to read the names of the tributes out.

You really didn't want to be here, yet you began to pay attention and look up as a girl with curly, bright ginger hair came onto the screen.

"District four girl, Mags Flanagan...." you couldn't help but feel yourself begin to drown Snow out. The girl on the screen looked so much like Coral. Her deep blue eyes, and her red hair was an exact copy.

You could almost mistake them for sisters...

Slowly but surely he began to make even more progress until he reached district seven.

"Seven girl, Marcy Sticks. Seven Boy, Thomas Nocks."

Marcy and Thomas.

The two next contenders from seven.

You could feel Treech begin to analyse the twos figures. The girl looked tearful in her photo, her eyes almost glossy and overfilled with tears, but the boy just looked angry. Angry at the world for doing this to him.

Marcy however looked strong and had toned arms. But Thomas was tall, and was just as muscular. They both clearly, just as you and Treech had, worked in the heavy lifting of seven.

Slowly but surely, Snow reached twelve, compared to the other districts, he passed over it much quicker then the others . It almost left a distaste in his mouth even saying the number.

He then cleared his throat after finishing. Looking completely and utterly flustered, as if he hadn't planned what to do next now that he had finished.

"Now, you will all be escorted to your sleeping quarters. You will go there each day from 3:00 pm to at earliest 6:00 am. You will spend the day mentoring and giving your tributes advice." He said with a slight cough, looking down carefully at his white glove.

"Once the games done, and we have our winner, if it is your tribute you will accompany them on a new introductory idea. Their victory tour around the districts."

Victory tour? You'd get to see the outside world of seven, and the miniature sight you'd seen so far of the Capitol. Though, you can't say the idea had caught your attention at all...

"That's all." Snow finished waving you all off. On the glove he had analysed so carefully, you almost thought you'd seen a patch of blood...

You kept a firm grip on Treech as you were all rounded up and marched out. At least you weren't being dumped into some old zoo, or carted around in a cattle truck.

Before long, you found yourself and Treech being shoved into a small room, the door locking swiftly behind you.

"Bastards!" Treech snapped as he tried to twist the handle, momentarily letting go of your hand.

He then angrily slammed a fist on the door turning back to look at the room.

You could almost feel your chest collapse in on itself. You'd been locked into a small confined room inside of the Capitol with no clue as to what was happening in the outside world.

Carefully, to try and calm your nerves you decided to look around. It wasn't awful the room you were given, inside was a small bed, clearly fresh as the sheets looking almost unused.

Next to it, A wooden, chipped table with some scuffs on it and a small makeshift kitchen with an oven, and a few pans and dishes though, you did doubt you'd do much cooking...

What caught your eyes the most was the large widen, three large steel bars on it, you assumed to keep you in. The view was almost lovely, if you didn't have to stare straight at the large copper statue in the middle of all the cars and trucks going round it.

"It's not bad. At least we aren't in a cage.." Treech said with a frustrated huff, falling to a slump on the small bed. His hands instantly went to his hat, pulling it firmly on his head.

Carefully as you approach him, moving away from the door that was clearly not going to budge, he lifts up an arm allowing you to slip into his embrace.

"I guess you're right..." you said with a heavy sigh, carefully looking around the dainty room.

"I can't believe they locked us in here though... so I'm guessing the door stays locked from now until... six he said?"

"I think so?" You say shrugging slightly as you lean further into Treeches shoulder. He tightened his grip on you slightly.

"God what a control freak.." he snorted slightly pulling you both backwards onto the bed until you felt the hard mattress against your back.

After a long moment of comfortable silence between you and Treech, you opened your mouth again.

"What will we do about Marcy and Thomas?" You asked quietly.

"Help them.. there's not much we can do.. Marcy looks to be what sixteen? And Thomas must be eighteen maybe seventeen?" He said slowly, the gears in his head turning.

"What can-"

"Look at me." Treech suddenly said firmly. You allowed your head to turn upwards staring up at the now serious boy.

"We survived. Hell... the three of us got out. Me, you, and Lucy Gray. We could do it again-"

"Lucy Gray is also dead Treech." You cut in, looking away from him. "We got out because we were in favour..."

"Then we'll have to make sure that Marcy and Thomas are in favour with the crowd."

"And how do we do that?" You asked solemnly. Treech shifted again, moving his hand to guide your gaze back to him.

"We make them appeal to the Capitol."


Look at Treech playing the game bless him!!! What a cootie!!!!



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