Trackstar Antelope

By FinFin_AUS

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Delve into the world of Jamel! A fifteen-year-old Blackbuck Antelope who has big aspirations to become a star... More

Trackstar Antelope Volume 1
Trackstar Antelope Volume 2
Trackstar Antelope Volume 3
Trackstar Antelope Volume 4
Trackstar Antelope Volume 5
Trackstar Antelope Volume 6
Trackstar Antelope Volume 7
Trackstar Antelope Volume 8
Trackstar Antelope Volume 9
Trackstar Antelope Volume 10
Trackstar Antelope Volume 11
Trackstar Antelope Volume 12
Trackstar Antelope Volume 13
Trackstar Antelope Volume 14
Trackstar Antelope Volume 15
Trackstar Antelope Volume 16
Trackstar Antelope Volume 17
Trackstar Antelope Volume 18
Trackstar Antelope Volume 19
Trackstar Antelope Volume 20
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 21
Trackstar Antelope Volume 22
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 23
Trackstar Antelope Volume 24
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 25
Trackstar Antelope Volume 26
Trackstar Antelope Volume 27
Trackstar Antelope Volume 28
Trackstar Antelope Volume 29
Trackstar Antelope Volume 30
Trackstar Antelope Volume 31
Trackstar Antelope Volume 32
Trackstar Antelope Volume 33
Trackstar Antelope Volume 34
Trackstar Antelope Volume 35
Trackstar Antelope Volume 37
Trackstar Antelope Volume 38
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 39
Trackstar Antelope Volume 40
Trackstar Antelope Volume 41
Trackstar Antelope Volume 42
Trackstar Antelope Volume 43
Trackstar Antelope Volume 44

Trackstar Antelope Volume 36

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By FinFin_AUS

Chapter 334: Take a wrong turn, here

We see a sign, "Yorta, Lavalla, Durranga" with an arrow pointing left... but we drive straight past it. Maybe Coach Harris needs to get some fuel first.

We then see Coach Harris drive past the only petrol station on this side of town... what could he be doing?

"Uhh... Mr. Harris" Peri says from the back. "I'm no road expert, but I don't think this is the right way to Durranga."

"You're right, Peri" Coach Harris says from the front. "This is the wrong way to Durranga, but we'll get there on time."

We all look at each other, a bit confused by what he means. We keep looking out the window to see everything go past. Durranga is south of Whigata, yet we're heading North.

"Uhh... Coach, where exactly are we going?" Nalu says after a while.

"I told you, we're going to Durranga" Coach Harris replies, still driving the wrong way.

"But Durranga is the other way..." I reply, a little uncertain. "If we keep heading this way, we'll be stuck in the desert"

"No, we'll be in Durranga... we're just taking a different way" Coach Harris says, still driving along without a care in the world. We all look at each other, a little annoyed, but we have a feeling that Coach Harris is just playing with us.

"Okay, where are we going?" Peri asks sternly.

"We're going to Durranga" Coach Harris says, repeating himself again.

"But this isn't the way to Durranga" Nalu says, stating the obvious.

"No, but we'll still get there" Coach Harris says, almost chuckling. Either we're about to get yelled at, or he's playing a joke on us.

"What towns are we going through?" Leah asks, a good question.

"We won't be going through any towns at all" Coach Harris replies. How can we get to Durranga without going through any towns? The freeway starts after Lavalla, so we have to go through towns like Yorta.

"But then..." I begin to say, "How will we get to Durranga?" Coach Harris pauses for just a few seconds.

"You'll see..." he says, eventually.

We keep asking him questions for a few minutes, before the bus finally stops.

"Now where are we?" Nalu asks him. We look out the window to see airplanes, parked all along a large set of fields and some airstrips. It looks like we're at the Whigata Regional Airport.

"Mr. Selman has set up the travel arrangements... he called me earlier in the week, announcing that he arranged a small plane to fly the six of us down to Durranga"

The five of us look around at each other in amazement and excitement. I've never even been in a plane before!

The Whigata Airport is a small strip of asphalt that allows small planes and sometimes big passenger planes to land and take off. It's mainly used for sightseeing and crop dusting, but over the past few years, those who can afford it can fly, instead of drive. I think there's only flights to Durranga though.

"So, who here has flown before?" Coach Harris says as we park in a bus bay. Only Peri's hand goes up.

"My uncle learnt how to fly planes from a few of his mates. He lives way up north in the Swinburne Desert. He visited a few years ago, and we went on some flights together" Peri explained.

"Well, everyone else. Today's your lucky day, we'll fly to Durranga in a private aircraft, and it will leave us with enough time to explore the city once we land" Coach Harris informs us.

Chapter 335: The Skies Await Us

Coach Harris parks the bus, and we all head inside the main terminal with our bags. On the display screen, we can see a plane called "SEL-6", which is "Boarding" and set to leave at 8:30.

"Alright everyone, we have about 10 minutes to get on the plane. Sit down, get some snacks, maybe buy a book or a magazine or something while you're at it" Coach Harris calls out. He must be more used to flying than me... I hope I don't get scared.

Leah and Sam head over to the small shop and begin checking through all the big magazine names on the stand. Nalu and Peri immediately head off to use the toilets. I'm just thankful that we weren't driving, or else they'd need to hold it in for about six hours. Speaking of...

"Hey Coach. How long will this flight take to get to Durranga? Three, four hours?" I ask him.

"80 minutes, Jamel. That's the beauty of flying. No traffic, no speed limits, no detours through towns. Once we land at Glaston Airport, we'll take a taxi into the city and head off from there" Coach Harris informs me.

I look out onto the runway to see small aircraft taking off and landing. All off to small, regional towns, or even just to begin their day of work. I can't even imagine what the airport at Durranga would look like. Planes flying in from all different corners of the planet, with hundreds of passengers on each plane, every minute of every hour of every day of every year.

After we all get back together, Coach Harris guides us to a service desk, where they take our bags and put them on a cool looking golf cart. The golf cart then heads outside, and we're instructed to line up next to a door.

"So, this is where we board the plane, and soon someone will come along and collect these tickets before heading over to the plane" Coach Harris explains, holding up six tickets for us all. It sounds pretty simple, I guess.

Eventually, the tickets are checked, and we're directed onto the runway, all very excited to even enter a plane. Everything's just happening so quickly. Planes around us are driving around on the runways and near the hangars, and all sorts of different signs and colours are around us as well.

We walk up beside the plane and the door opens up, with small steps to let us onto the plane.

"Alright, let's head on up!" Coach Harris instructs us. As we line up to head inside, I notice the golf cart thing at the back of the plane, putting our bags in a little storage hatch below. I guess this small plane can fit anything.

"Jamel, hurry up!" Nalu says as he makes his way up the little stairway. I got a little distracted there, as I quickly move up the stairs and into the plane.

I find a seat next to Peri as Nalu sits behind me with Sam. He peers over our seats.

"Are you comfortable, Jamel?" he asks me... odd question.

"Yeah, I'm just fine. These seats are nice and soft" I reply. Sam leans back into his seat.

Bit of an odd talk... but I'm sure there have been weirder conversations before.

A small tone plays over a speaker in the plane. It must be the pilot, welcoming us aboard.

"Good morning, state representatives of Whigata Co-Ed High's Athletic Team, we are very happy to have you aboard this flight today from Whigata to Glaston Airport, Durranga. The flight should take one hour and twenty minutes, set to land at 10:05 Australian Eastern Standard Time, September 30th, and we're set for very clear skies today..."

Chapter 336: Inflight Reading

The rest of the announcements involved how to work the seatbelt and what to do in case of an emergency... but I doubt something like that could happen to us... hopefully. We look outside at the airport around us; a large, flat area, covered in asphalt and a few buildings here and there.

Before I know it, the plane starts rolling forward slowly, but eventually, momentum is built up, and it feels like I'm on a rollercoaster.

"You okay, Jamel?" Peri asks me as we hurtle down the runway. He looks over, a little concerned. "You look really scared right now"

"I... am a little bit." I reply nervously. The plane suddenly lifts off the ground and ascends into the sky. We're at a slight incline now, as I'm clutching onto the arm rests next to me. This is the thrill of a lifetime!

Before too long, we straighten out, and it feels as if the plane isn't moving. We go to look outside the window to see the orange-yellow ground below us, and the endless blue sky that encapsulates the entire plane.

80 minutes to kill on a plane. Looking out the window is nice, I guess, but there's not much to see. Birds don't fly this high normally, and I don't think that there's good internet a few kilometres off the ground. I have to think of something else to preoccupy myself with.


"Trust the owl" What could that mean? Owls usually symbolize wisdom, change and knowledge. Maybe it's a sign to be wiser, "more change-able" and knowledgeable. Wait a minute, that's it, knowledge!

I reach into my carry bag and pull out the almanac that I got from Berriwan. Owls are carnivores, so I might find some information on them in their section. I quickly flip to the bird section, and look for Owl...

Page 142, Tyto Alba; the common owl

Average Adult Height Range: 113-138cm

Average Adult Weight Range: 28kgs-42kgs

Speed: Average Flying Speed, Slow Walking Speed

Strength: Weak

Jaw Strength: Stronger than average

Predatory Instinct Strength: 46/100 (Moderate-Low)

Known Preferred Prey: Small rodents and birds, as well as insects, frogs and small lizards

Known Dangers: Sharp beak, deafening screech, potentially territorial

Barn Owls are universally loved around the world, by carnivores and herbivores alike. They symbolize wisdom, transition and knowledge, and some even believe they can foresee disasters. Like many birds, they are known to be very friendly with herbivores. For any queries, you may refer to the Avian Behaviour Guide on Page 179.

Foresee disasters... I wonder how they do that? Maybe there's an instinct to prevent any danger in the owl's vicinity. Does that mean I should trust my instinct all the time maybe? This "trust the owl" thing is really doing my head in.

Chapter 337: Touchdown to Glaston

"Hey Jamel, what's that you're reading?" Peri asks me. He looks pretty interested in the owl diagrams in the almanac.

"Oh, just some guidebook that I got a while ago. I like reading up on carnivores, it's pretty interesting".

"Sounds cool... could you look my species up?" he replies. I quickly flip over to the reptile section, before stopping in my tracks. I'm too embarrassed to ask him, but I have to.

"Uhh... Peri" I say nervously "W-what species are you?" I feel my face flush over in humiliation. I can't believe I don't even know what species he is. He just simply smiles.

"I'm a bearded dragon... because of all my spikes underneath my chin" he happily explains. I flick the pages over to Page 197, and we begin reading it.

"...Bearded Dragons are known to secrete a small amount of venom when biting down on food. This venom is enough to paralyse small animals, such as mice..."

"Wait, you're venomous?!?" I slowly panic as I shuffle away from him.

"No, no, no! Well... actually, yeah. It's a very weak venom though, and we can easily control it. At the very most, you might just feel a little bit dizzy for an hour or two, and I would never bite you, Jamel" Peri says calming me down. Nalu and Sam poke their heads up from above our seats.

"Oi Jamel, whatcha got there?" Nalu asks me. I flick through to find the snow leopard chapter. Maybe I can make the 80 minutes pass by quickly.


For what seemed like only a few minutes, I got everyone interested in the almanac, except for Coach Harris. Maybe it's because he's already seen his data entry in the almanac.

"Hey, look out there!" Leah says, pointing out the window. We rush over to see houses densely packed in along the ground. We must be close to landing in Durranga! It's crazy how the houses just abruptly stop and turn into large, grassy fields and hills, with only a few houses dotted here and there. Further across, we can see an even deeper blue ocean behind the houses, and a few tiny cargo ships along the coast.

I feel the plane beginning to descend, as we approach the large city. As the plane slowly inches forward from the window, we can see a few larger buildings, like hotels, factories and shopping centres. The large freeway eventually branches out into highways, then streets and eventually alleyways and side streets.

"...attention ladies and gentlemen, we are now approaching Glaston Airport. We ask that you remain in your seats as we descend and fasten your seatbelts until advised to, once we land..."

We all feel the plane begin to descend a little bit more, and out the window, we can see a bit more detail into the world around us. Cars whizzing around, train carriages and even some birds flying to and from work.

"The landing usually feels a bit weird, so sit tight" Peri tells me. The plane suddenly touches the ground, a perfect landing, and we all begin to feel it slow down. We look around, and the airport here looks much bigger and busier than the Whigata Airport. There are buildings all around the tarmac area, and I can see the skyscrapers peaking over the main entrance to the airport.

"Alright everyone, let's head on out to the arrivals section and find a taxi" Coach Harris says.

Chapter 338: The Chauffeur Shows the Way

We step outside, and the air is a lot cooler than when we first took off from Whigata. We then walk into a building, where we see our bags sitting in a neat pile. As we get our gear ready, we all begin to stretch. I guess sitting on a plane for that long can make our legs and arms tired.

We follow Coach Harris outside to the streets. There's a giant freeway in front of us, with more cars than I've ever seen in my entire life. Eight lanes of cars, trucks and buses all moving along in and out of the city ahead. We see a Scottish Fold cat, dressed in a suit, holding up a sign saying "Mr. Harris, BP"

"What does that sign mean?" Nalu says, turning to Coach Harris.

"It's a chauffers sign, which means that Mr. Selman must've booked a taxi for us. BP would stand for "Blank Panther", I'd say" he replies. He walks over to the cat. "Uh, hello... I'm Mr. Harris, and these are my students" The cat in the suit lowers his sign.

"Ah, hello Mr. Harris, welcome to Durranga. I've been told to take you into the city, so I'll get you to the Bunjil Station. Traffic's pretty light at the moment, so it'll be a nice chance to see the city" the chauffeur tells us.

"We could probably check out the city before we go to the hotel. There's loads of sights to see and shops to look at, plus we could grab a snack, or something" Coach Harris suggest to us. We all agree happily, eager to see the giant metropolis in front of us.

"The city might not be a great place to stay for a while... there's recently been a devouring attack in the CBD" the chauffeur informs us in a heavy tone. Everyone goes silent and turns to me. What am I supposed to do? Cry? Run away and ask to go back to Whigata?

What should I do?

"Are those attacks common in Durranga?" I ask him softly.

"Definitely not in the inner city. Security will be increased, so I'm sure you'll be safe. Devouring attacks rarely happen twice in one day, and I'm sure they'll catch the predators easily" the chauffeur tells me. Coach Harris walks slowly towards me and kneels down to my height.

"Are you sure you want to go into the city, Jamel? It's your call, and I don't want to force anyone into feeling dangerous" Coach Harris says quietly. He's very good at keeping herbivores calm, I noticed.

"I think we'll be okay... the city's a big place, and the police are around as well." I reply in determination.

"Your bags will be taken to the hotel; they're just making up the room now. I'll get the car ready to take you into the city" the chauffeur says


A devouring attack, just as we touched down in Durranga. Hopefully this won't ruin the trip, I don't want to spend a week here, being scared and anxious of everyone I come across.

"Jamel, are you okay going into the city? We can do something else, it's no hassle" Sam tells me

"No, we'll be fine there. I'll just keep my mind off it for now" I reply. As weird as it may sound, the city must be safe right now, because there would be police on every block corner. And no idiot would strike any herbivore who was with a tiger and a black panther.

A car suddenly pulls around the corner and stops at the side of the road. It's a big car, maybe an SUV. Inside, we can see the chauffeur, who gets out of his seat, then opens the doors for us.

Good service...

Chapter 339: Safer in the City?

"Oh, by the way Jamel, did you get that Almanac off the plane?" Coach Harris pulls me aside, and asks me

"Yeah, it's right here" I say, holding it up to him. He quickly swipes it away from me, without Nalu, Leah, Sam or Peri noticing.

"I'll be taking this, thank you" he says sternly. I open my mouth to say something quite rude, before he stops me. "Remember, you promised Dr. Vespitilio that you would keep this a secret from carnivores. You cannot be trusted, it seems. Showing it off to everyone on the plane. Besides, you shouldn't need it here".

Man, the almanac helps me feel safe, knowing what I'm up against. Why would Coach Harris do this to me, especially considering this attack just happened?

"You'll get it back once we get home to Whigata" he tells me. Wow, rude

We all hop inside the large car, and we set off onto the freeway, chasing the skyscrapers and city ahead of us.

"Crazy to think about how much bigger this place is, compared to Whigata" Peri says from the back seat.

"Jamel, it's probably best to stay with me or Coach Harris while we're in the city. We'll all be able to keep you safe" Sam tells me. I feel that he's treating me like I'm a baby or something. I'll be okay in the city, and Coach Harris would never take us anywhere dangerous.

"Thanks Sam... I'll stay close" I say, uncertain. At that point, we notice the radio reporters talking.

"...if you're just joining us now, we have breaking news on a devouring attack in the CBD. Shop owners along the Witchety Lane Food Strip found remains of a 24-year-old Red Deer in an alleyway dumpster. Police are asking any witnesses in the Witchety Lane area to come forward. Security cameras had recorded footage of three medium-sized carnivores leaving the laneway at about 2AM this morning, though it is unknown if they are related to the crime. Security and safety measures across all of Durranga have been stepped up for today and will be for days to come. Locals say that..."


I feel my body shrivel up inside from fear... Three attackers, and all are still on the run. They could be anywhere in the city, waiting in a dark alleyway for some unsuspecting herbivore to just waltz by... and be snatched off the streets, only to satisfy their appetite.

"Don't you guys worry a bit" the chauffeur tells us, fumbling with the radio station. "The police here in Durranga are pretty good. I'm sure they'll be caught by the end of the day, and the city will be safe and sound"

"We can still look in the city for the time being..." Coach Harris says from the front seat. "Once I get the call from the hotel that the room is ready, we'll head out there"

"There are a large number of things to do in the city. Places to eat, shop, discover; Durranga has it all" the chauffeur informs us. Well, I guess I could take my mind off of things in the city.

Eventually, the freeway turns into a large junction of bridges, exits, side roads, merging lanes and paths. We stay on the freeway to see the large, sprawling city ahead of us, with a waterfront view. Small boats and ferries can be seen in the harbour, as well as some sea animals. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before. So many amazing tall buildings, with the late morning sunlight shimmering off the windows.

We eventually turn off onto a road and drive straight into the city, on one of the many roads weaving in between the massive skyscrapers. We look out the windows to all sorts of animals on the streets. Animals like elephants and giraffes, sharing the same footpath as animals like mice and rabbits.

Big and small; carnivorous and herbivore. An entire city, comes together, unified by their differences.

Chapter 340: This Crazy Town

The chauffeur finds a park on the street, where he stops the car and lets us out.

"Thank you very much, mate" Coach Harris says, before giving him a small tip. The chauffeur then drives off, leaving us with the sensory overload in front of us.

Absolutely everything about this city is so much different to Whigata; there are different animals everywhere, cars, trucks and buses zooming around all over the place. There are birds, flying high above the streets, trying to navigate where they need to go. Signs and advertisements are everywhere, with all sorts of lights flashing in everyone's face. So much chaos and confusion happening, yet it all seems so calm, and efficient.

"Where are we supposed to go?" Peri says after we all take a minute to look around at this very bizarre world we've stepped into.

"How about we just walk around for a bit..." Coach Harris suggests. "We'll get started on training tomorrow, hopefully. Everyone, stick together now, and no running off whatsoever. You got that?" We all nod in confidence. I just hope I don't get lost in a city like this...


The chauffeur wasn't kidding. Security is up right now. There's a police officer on every street corner, keeping a watchful eye on all the carnivores in the area. Some are even standing at building entrances, watching inside and outside from a vantage point.

The police really stand out in the city, because they wear bright yellow reflective vests, and police hats. I look up to even see birds from the sky patrol keeping a watchful eye over the streets, about 5, 10 meters above the ground. I think even some of them have a small animal, like a mouse or a squirrel riding on their back, radioing to other officers.

It all seems very well-planned. Makes you think how often this kind of thing happens in Durranga...

"Jamel, the lights are about to go..." Nalu says, as I look up at the sky. We're waiting patiently for the pedestrian crossing. I have to keep an eye on everyone. I could take a step back from the road and lose myself among the crowd.

The buzzer for the traffic lights goes off, and we begin to cross the street. I look at everyone around us, most of them are carnivores, large ones especially. The only herbivores that are out right now are either staying very close to their carnivore colleagues or are travelling in larger groups of about 10 or 15.

It just goes to show what the carnivore/herbivore relations are like in the city. Smaller animals are too afraid to trust the larger ones, and I understand that in some ways, and I know I should be open-minded about how the city works.

In Whigata, the "carnivore to herbivore ratio" is 5:1. In the high school, it's 20:1. Every carnivore would know at least one herbivore. Every herbivore would have at least one carnivore that they can trust and depend on if they ever feel uncertain or unsafe. Being in a carnivore-majority high school, there are so many carnivores who are trying their hardest to be nice to herbivores. They don't want to be labelled as "dangerous" or "unpredictable".

If a carnivore at our school doesn't feel accepted by herbivores, then they won't feel accepted by their carnivore peers either. They'll grow up, and move through life; feeling disassociated with herbivores, and it's hard to build themselves back up into society.

I'm just glad I was able to reach out to Sam before it was too late. I definitely understand why he didn't feel comfortable around us herbivores, especially after what happened to his brother, and his family. The way he was betrayed by the same animals that he's supposed to protect. They misunderstood them all, and he was right for hating them.

I just hope that everything works out in the end for carnivores and herbivores alike.

"This is the place Mr. Selman was telling me about." Coach Harris says, stopping in front of a small restaurant. "It's got a very good menu for both carnivores and herbivores, and it's a very safe environment."

"Let's hope it's still safe, after all we've seen and heard so far..." Sam tells me.

Chapter 341: The Incumbent Restaurant

I move into the cool foyer, behind Coach Harris and Sam. There are a few carnivores and herbivores eating side by side at the bar; a pleasant, refreshing sight. A waiter walks over to us, a large horse, who comes pretty close to Coach Harris and Sam's height.

"Good afternoon, sir" he says. "Table for five carnivores...?"

I push through Coach Harris and Sam to get a better view of the place and let myself be known. The horse just looks down at me. "...and one herbivore". He smiles politely at me, but I guess that's just what good waiters do.

"Just upstairs; Table M3... I'll get you some menus to read through" the waiter says. We shuffle past the others, sitting at the bar. It seems like a very narrow building, which is just slotted in between older buildings. We make our way up the staircase, which turns back to come on top of the ground level. There are a few small groups here, mainly carnivores, who are sitting at smaller tables.

"Here are the menus. Can I start you guys off with any drinks?" the horse says, placing some menus down, before turning to Coach Harris. "Perhaps a beer or a wine?"

"Oh, not for me, thanks" Coach Harris replies, shaking his head. I guess it would be a good idea to stay sober when in charge of students.

"I'll have a cider, thanks. I'll just get my ID..." Peri says, before reaching for his wallet. I guess he's 18 and old enough to drink.

"No, you won't be having a cider!" Coach Harris says sternly. I guess it would also be a good idea for Coach Harris to keep his students sober as well...

We all order non-alcoholic drinks, and the waiter heads off to pick them up. In the meantime, we pick up our menus and look through them, deciding what to order.

I notice that my menu is green, but the others have red menus. There must be separate menus for carnivores and herbivores, which helps because I'm not interested in trying a bean steak, or an omelette.

"Do we have our training schedules yet?" Leah asks Coach Harris after a while.

"Yes, I do, actually" Coach Harris says, reaching into his backpack. He hands us some small pieces of paper, and we quickly read through what they say.

Jamel, Whigata Co-Ed, Year 10 Boys 1200m, Species: Other/Unspecified

Thursday, 11AM-2PM: Anembo Stadium

Friday, 1PM-4PM: Durranga University

Monday, 11AM-2PM: Murraban Tech

Tuesday, 4PM-7PM: Anembo Stadium


"As I mentioned before, we'll be training with Durranga University and Murraban Tech. I've arranged so that you'll each be going to Murraban so that I can take the train with you" Coach Harris tells us.

"Can't we just walk there?" Nalu says.

"It's on the other side of the city, Nalu" Coach Harris corrects him. "The train system here is pretty complicated and new for us, and I don't want anyone getting lost or worse... the school and your parents will never forgive me if something happened to you guys, especially with all that's happening" he says, his tone going down a little bit.

"Isn't Durranga U really close to the stadium as well?" Leah asks, changing the subject.

"Pretty much next door. They share facilities with the uni, so you might be on the track during those sessions too" Coach Harris says. "Have you booked your interview with Tabud Nuri yet, Sam?"

"Yeah, it's on the Sunday, 10:30 in the morning" Sam replies. "I'm feeling pretty good about it"

"That's good to hear. I'm sure you'll get the scholarship, no problem" Coach Harris replies. Just then, we got our drinks and begun ordering our lunches.

Chapter 342: Walk to Bunjil, Past the Alley...

After a delicious, well-made lunch, we all stay for a little bit longer, talking about the week ahead of us. Suddenly, Coach Harris' phone begins to ring, and he talks for a while, as the five of us sit at the table.

"What do you guys think training will be like?" Nalu says to us.

"We'll need to push ourselves harder than ever before" Peri replies. "Some schools in Durranga have about fifty students that make it to the State Championships"

"It should be okay though... this year we have two coaches" Leah says in determination, before looking at Sam. I saw Sam blush a bit in response. He must be happy that he's feeling included. Coach Harris came back with some good news.

"Alright, that was the hotel. They're ready for us to check in, so we should probably head over there now, and just rest for a bit" Coach Harris tells us. We all cheer amongst ourselves, maybe we'll get to see Anembo Stadium today!


We eventually head off, with Coach Harris getting the bill. The waiter said goodbye to us, and gives us all mints as well (not knowing that antelopes aren't fond of minty flavours), before we head towards Bunjil Station to catch a train to the hotel.

"That waiter must have really liked us" Peri says. We all look towards him. "My brother works as a waiter at university, and he said that when waiters give you mints, it means that they really appreciated having you at their restaurant" he explains.

"Nice... we might have to head back there soon" Leah suggested.

"We can't eat out at restaurants every night" Coach Harris tells us. "The school has given me a set amount to spend on food, travel, etc. and we shouldn't waste it all at once. We'll be able to go back there or somewhere else before we leave"

We continue walking along the busy streets towards the giant train station, but along the way, we can see an alleyway that's sectioned off in police tape. I can see a few police officers working behind the tape. No one makes any sound as we shuffle past

"This must be the place..." I say quietly to Sam. He nods in recognition of what I said, before we all shuffle past, still staying quiet.

It's weird how they only shut off the alleyway. When we had a devouring attack in Whigata in June, the entire town was practically shut down. In fact, the school had to lock everyone inside, keeping carnivores and herbivores separate from each other.

"Hmm..." Coach Harris hums, trying to break the silence. "Bunjil Station is just up ahead. You'll all need to stick by me, there will be thousands walking around in all different directions, so it might be harder to stick together" he announces. We look ahead to see a big, old, building which must be the station. It's coloured a distinct yellow, with giant clock faces above the main entrance, to tell us what time the next trains are leaving. There are a few small food stores around the area as well, and a newsagent too.

"We're looking for the Humbis Line, and we're stopping at Durranga University Station" Coach Harris says looking at the map. Imagine that... a university that has its own train station. Whigata has a train station, but it's mainly for moving materials through the outback, like grains and ore, and it gets loaded onto trucks and taken elsewhere. But other than that, there are bus services to and from Lavalla, where you catch a train from there.

I look at the giant colourful map in front of us. In the middle, there's Bunjil Station, with a few train lines circling around it in a city loop, before firing off in all different directions, with different station names listed off.

"I see it, there!" Leah says, while pointing to a light pink line, pointing toward South-East. Only a few stops away, we see "Durranga University" listed as a station. We look for the train platform and find a train departing in only one minute.

"We better rush over there, quickly!" Coach Harris says to us all.

Chapter 343: The Carriages Divide

We all head over to escalators that move down towards the train platforms, following the light pink signs. As the six of us get to the platform, we can see the train coming our way.

"There it is!" Nalu calls out in excitement, stepping at the edge of the platform.

"Nalu, get away from the edge!" Peri calls out in panic.

"You have to stay behind the yellow line when you're waiting for a train, Nalu" Leah tells him. "It's dangerous" she adds. Good thing Coach Harris didn't see him doing that...

The train's brakes begin to screech, slowing down at the platform. This platform seems quiet, with only a few others getting on at this station. A red carriage slows just in front of us, and we prepare to move in.

"Now remember; let the others exit first, before you get on so there's more space inside" Coach Harris tells us, as the doors open. A large number of animals flood through the doors, causing me to hold onto Sam to prevent being swept away. Once everyone left, we begin to move inside, before I feel something tugging at my arm.

In a quick instance, I turn around in fear, and almost begin to panic, when I see a small rabbit pulling on my sleeves. She's wearing a bright orange vest, which has the words "Durranga Transport Services" splashed across the front. Did I do something wrong, maybe?

"Hello there" she says in a cheery voice. "I just wanted to let you know that this carriage is a "carnivore-only" carriage. We don't recommend that herbivores under the age of 18 ride along these sections" the rabbit informs me.

Well, how do I get to Durranga University? Coach Harris steps forward to see what's happening, as Leah, Sam, Nalu and Peri just stand at the platform.

"What the problem?" Coach Harris bellows out, making the rabbit step back slightly in fear. She begins to pull out a small piece of paper, and hands it to me.

"In Durranga, we use a four-carriage colour system" she says while pointing to the four coloured carriages on the paper. "The red carriages are recommended for carnivores only, and herbivores are more encouraged to use the green carriages, which are strictly for them. The blue carriages are mixed, but carnivores and herbivores usually use these when the others are full, and the yellow carriages are mainly for smaller carnivores and all herbivores who want a nice, quiet, peaceful journey" she explains as she points to the paper.

"Oh... I see" Coach Harris says, a little stuck. "So that means, he'll need to ride in a different carriage to us..."

"I'm afraid so. Usually, we allow carnivores to accompany younger herbivores, but due to recent security measures, the rules have been tightened to make everyone feel safer" the rabbit explains.

"I understand. Sorry for any confusion" Coach Harris says, smiling politely. The rabbit begins to walk off. "Jamel, I'm afraid you're gonna have to ride the green carriage by yourself..."

"Okay... I'll be fine, it's just herbivores in there, so I should be safe" I tell him in confidence.

"Make sure you get off at Durranga U Station, and nowhere else, got it?!" he tells me.

"Alright, I will!" I say, as I quickly rush further down the platform towards the green carriage. I quickly hop on, and find myself a seat, noticing a few others around me.

I look into the small window that connects the two carriages to see the carnivore carriage filled with all sorts of carnivores, big and small. I hope Coach Harris and the others are alright.

Chapter 344: Travelling in Safety

I look around the carriage and just relax for a little bit. It seems like the other herbivore passengers are very friendly. Young parents with their small children, businessmen dressed in suits and ties and even a few adults who look barely older than me. This is the train to the university, so that would be normal, I guess.

For the first time since we landed at Glaston Airport, everything around me is silent. The only noise around me is the train, slowly moving away from the station. I see herbivores in a place where they feel calm and safe. Some are even resting along the window, knowing that this is a trustworthy area.

I've never been on a train before, let alone by myself in one of the busiest cities in the entire country. Just as long as I remember to get off at Durranga U Station, it should be okay.

Oh man, I hope they announce the stops...

Even though I know I'm in a safe place, surrounded by docile herbivores, I can't help but feel a little uneasy about everything. Everything around me is really big, Coach Harris nor Sam is around to keep me safe, but I don't need them. The city is so much noisier and scarier than Whigata, and this new devouring case isn't making me feel any more comfortable.

Hopefully the athletes from the other schools try to make me feel at home... not only am I out of my comfort zone, but I'm the only herbivore competing, and who's ever competed, at this level.

The train slowly moves off, and I see the world around me shift along. We immediately enter a tunnel, and the entire train carriage is left with the interior lights. The windows outside are completely black, as if it was nighttime, and without any lights whatsoever.

I look back into the carnivore carriage, and I can't see much. A few large carnivores are in the way, so I guess it's packed. I'm sure Coach Harris and the others found a seat though.

"The next stop is: Kulin. Change here for the Manningham and Nullum Creek services"

Wait a minute, is that my stop? Do I need to get to those train lines? I see a lot of carnivores leave their carriage, but almost no one leaving from the herbivore carriage. I think I can see Peri and Nalu sitting down on the next carriage.

The doors suddenly close, and the train slowly takes off again. I look out the window to see more streets, with little shops and old buildings around. The main streets have tram lines running through them, and I can see one on each side. I'd like to try a tram one day... they seem fun.

I feel like falling asleep on the train, but it isn't a good idea because my stop is coming up soon. I remember hearing that Anembo Stadium and the University are still close to the city. I look across the other side to see the giant bay just outside of Durranga, and some warehouses and piers dotted along the coast. Further down, you can see a few public beaches, maybe where some semi-aquatic animals live.

"The next stop is: Durranga University." I hear the announcement play over. This is it; I hope. I can hear the train breaks squeaking one more time, as I pick up my backpack and wait for the door to open.

Time to explore the world around me...

._./|\._. Dreamtime Story 36: Peri's Plight, Part 1: The Decision ._./|\._.

Back at Whigata, Coach Harris and Peri are having a 1-on-1 discussion after a training session.

Harris: Hey Peri... how have you been with school and life and all that?

Peri: No complaints, but I'm not looking forward to my Year 12 exams.

Harris: Good point... Listen, I need to discuss something very important regarding our upcoming trip to Durranga.

Peri: Oh, what's up?

Harris: Now, I've discussed this with your parents, and they say it's all up to you, but...

Peri: Yeah?

Harris: On the friday night, I would like to take you... to the Black Market in Durranga

Peri: ...

Harris: Yeah... um, I know, it sounds daunting and scary, but it will prepare you. It's good if you go with someone who's experience, like me

Peri: Ummm...

Harris: Usually, we invite a small handful of mature, responsible Year 12s during the school camp to check it out, and I think you're more than ready for it. And you're 18, so you're technically allowed to go there.

Peri: ...

Harris: You don't have to answer straight away, just give it some thought, okay?

Peri: O... ok

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