Moriarty Brother oneshots

By pandagurl90

3.3K 105 47

Oneshots about the moriarty brothers and there friends. Mainly about Louis and William but there will be Albe... More

Train Car
Train Scene Albert Edition
Can't Sleep?
"Until we see again, my dear Brother"
Lonely Talks
Good Morning, Brother
The First Murder
Tickling the sadness away
Russian roulette
The Drawing
Play with me one more time
A/N+ Request page

Stalker or a Valentine

137 4 11
By pandagurl90

A/N- A Valentine special with some sherliam

"Alright, alright. You've got me, I killed the son of a bitch" the man confused. "He was right about you Holmes. Guess I shouldn't've underestimated ya"

"That's enough out of you," Lestrade said while pulling out his handcuffs, signalling the other officers to restrain the criminal, who immediately rushed forward to do their jobs.

They were about to escort the now handcuffed man outside when Sherlock Holmes, who had been silent for a while stopped them, looking none too pleased. "Before you take him away, There is still something I'd like to ask him"

"Don't tell me you suspect him to be involved with the lord of crime, Sherlock" John Watson called out.

"Suspect, Watson? He all but confirmed it just now." The raven-haired man scoffed

"There is no doubt in my mind that that crafty criminal lord had a hand in lord Thomas's murder, But that is not what I want to know about. There is no way someone as clever as the lord of crime would reveal anything worthwhile to a mere pawn he meant to be captured from the start. There is no information in that regard that this buffoon could provide me that I don't already know"

The captured criminal looked back at the detective at that

"What did you just call me?" He raged.

"I called you a disposable pawn and a buffoon. Now I'd like to know about the letter you left at the crime scene" Sherlock asked impatiently, not at all bothered by the murderer's outburst.

Everyone in the room quieted at that. Looking at Sherlock in confusion. "Letter? what letter?" Lestrade asked. "Holmes, don't tell me you've been withholding evidence again"

Ignoring his friend, Sherlock pulled an envelope out of the inner pocket of his coat. "When I first found it I naturally thought it to have been a clue, but as my investigation continued I quickly came to the conclusion that it was a red herring, for it had nothing to do with the rest of the case. However, after meeting you I have come to realise you would not have come up with such a scheme yourself, and your benefactor clearly believes you to be disposable, so why leave such a note at the scene?

The criminal looked at the detective in confusion "I don't know anything about a note. It's just like you said earlier. I left as soon as the deed was done, I didn't leave nothing"

Now Sherlock looked confused "You mean to tell me that count Thomas, the count Thomas, the very same man you killed, somehow had a secret admirer?" Sherlock scoffed.

"Let me see that," Lestrade said while snatching the letter out of Sherlock's hand, Inspecting the already broken seal, before pulling out the letter inside and starting to read.

"What is this about Sherlock?" John asked. "I didn't see a letter when we inspected the body"

"Because you were only looking for the cause of death, my friend. It was hidden away in his coat pocket"

"You went through the dead man's pockets Sherlock?" John was astounded.

"Of course I did John. I would have been foolish not to. That is how I also found the dried flower that led us here."

"What on earth is this?" Lestrade exclaimed once he finished reading.

"It is a love letter I found in the victim's coat" the detective replied like he was stating the obvious.

"The stationary is of high quality, not the kind the murderer would have lying around, nor something he would have bothered to buy just to throw me off. Yet it did not match anything owned by the count, and there is no way any sane person would send him something like this. So I'd like to know why the lord of crime would plant such a note on the victim"

"Holmes, this is not a love letter" Lestrade deadpanned.

"Of course it is Lestrade, what else would it be?"

"Well it sounds more like a threat if anything"

Lestrade handed the letter over to John to get his opinion on the matter.

To my valentine

I am not usually known to fall so easily, but ever since our first meeting I have not been able to get you out of my head, and I highly suspect you feel the same, though I can never be sure, for you and I are opposing forces, fated to destroy one another. Still, I would like to bathe in your light, if only for just a moment, but I can not, for I am a being of darkness and getting too close would surely be my end. So I will continue to watch you from the shadows to which I belong, hoping that one day you will find me here. I would offer you my heart, but unfortunately, I still have need for it. Though if you asked me to I would tear it out in an instant.

"I agree with Lestrade, this is much too unsettling to be a love note. Perhaps it is a threat in disguise, or maybe Thomas had a stalker?" The doctor inquired.

"How is this not a love letter John? It might be a bit dark but it is still quite romantic"

"Only you would find something so morbid to be romantic Sherlock" John replied

"Besides" He continued "Saint valentines day is today is it not? Lord Thomas was killed two days ago."

Sherlock went silent for a while before something sparked in his eyes and a grin appeared on his face, and he took the letter from John and grabbed the envelope back from Lestrade and put both back in his pocket.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd both forget everything you read," He said while turning away.

"Hey, Holmes, you can't just steal evidence" the older man complained.

"Oh don't worry Lestrade. This letter has nothing to do with today's case"

"Let's go home John" he called out as he made his way towards the exit, walking passed the two officers and murderer. Playfully hitting the latter in the shoulder with that goofy smile still on his face. "That would be all gents, you can take him away now"

The detective skipped cheerfully out of the room, followed by the annoyed stares of the officers, and the baffled faces of everyone else.

"What was that about?" Lestrade turned toward John.

"Well he must have figured something out," the doctor replied. "Most likely something to do with the lord of crime judging by his expression"

"You really think that he is the one who left that letter? But what for? And why tell us to forget about it?" Lestrade shuddered "As if I could anyway"

"I'm still wondering why he'd think it was a love letter" a sudden realisation then hit John and he went quiet.

"Is something wrong Watson? You look pale"

"Ah, it's nothing. I should probably catch up to Sherlock before his sudden good mood runs out" he stammered with an awkward smile and turned to run after his friend.

"You have terrible taste, Sherlock," he thought as he made it through the door.


"What is the matter, Fred? Is there something you'd like to ask me?" William James Moriarty asked the timid boy sitting across from him.

The Moriarty household was having dinner together as it was one of those rare days that everyone was present at the London estate. Fred, who had been quietly staring at the man on the other side of the table, jumped a little at being caught.

"Well, I was just wondering, what was in that letter you had me leave for Holmes?"

Louis, who was sitting next to his brother, looked up from his food, wanting to hear the elders answer as well.

"What letter?" Albert chimed in.

Fred looked slightly panicked at the elder Moriarty's surprised tone, fearing he had revealed something he should not have, but William gave him a reassuring smile before answering.

"Just something to throw him off a little, our most recent pawn was not all that bright and I feared he might make things too easy for our detective, so I figured it was in our best interest not to let him grow too bored"

"Is that so dear William? And you are sure today's date has nothing to do with it?" Albert asked with a knowing smile.

"Why of course not, do you take me for a liar brother?" William replied with mock offence, ignoring their younger brother's annoyed stare.

"If you say so, Will"

Words: 1432

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