Izuku Midoriya: From The Bott...

By Aberisten

13.2K 390 87

"This world is always, "Quirk this, Quirk that. " That needs to be fixed." Throughout history, more and more... More

Izuku Midoriya: Origins Of A Vast Mind
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
ONE FOR ALL Analysis
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

897 28 6
By Aberisten

You want to know something interesting about Alleys? They always have nefarious acts happening in them.

But right now at nighttime, it wasn't anything happenimg you'd expect. Right now a man was walking into one, smoke rising from the cigarette in his mouth.

He took it out to let out a breath. His boss had been extremely bitchy as of lately, and it was all because of him

He personally, knows that's not the man she was looking for, but she didn't want to accept it. From the way she was screaming and knocking anything in her way on the floor, she was in complete denial.

He looks down and plays around by turning his fingers into knives individually. It was another bust from a man that had known and seen Akatani. He personally was not in the mood for it, but orders are orders. He had to track him down.

But that would be bad for him. Because the boss lady, does not play around. If she was pissed with you, you'd find yourself under dirt. If he doesn't bring in this Akatani guy in due time, he'd be dead. If he did capture and bring him back, only for her to see it wasn't the man she's looking for, he'd still be dead.

There was no way out of this cause either way would end up with himself six feet under, so there's no point. It'd just be best if he get it done as soon as possible.

He retreated further into the alleyway, disappearing into the darkness, not aware of the one stalking him. A small figure who had white as the top of their hair.

Izuku Midoriya really hit jackpot when he found his target hanging around at a bench in the park a couple of hours ago, and he hadn't moved from that spot.

So now with Danzan in sight, all he had to do was see the location of his base. And how did he do that? Through the use of memory reading.

He sees most of the infastructure of Mikuom, and all the criminals that are affiliated with the villain group. The layout doesn't seem that complex and there was about 121 people there. He makes note of one guy that has a poison needle quirk, one with paralysis through shockwave, one with organ failure, and one with mind control. Pretty much a peace of cake.

He also takes note of who he sees as the boss, Danzi Dakura. Her quirk, Track Down, let's her locate people on a 200 mole radius. He looked through it more and understood why Mikuome was so obsessed with him, as it makes him feel a pit in his gut.

This would be the most saddest case of, "You've got the wrong guy."

While he does feel bad that the woman mistook Akatani for this Daiki, who was probably her husband judging by the ring she wore, it did not erase her status as a criminal, so he still had to get rid of Mikuome. 

So what's your plan for this Izuku? Juu inquired.

'Well, taking everyone down in that facility would be a peace of cake, it's the matter of restraining them that I have to think on.'

It was true. There were 121 people there. As Akatani, he usually struck places with small numbered groups so that he had no issue teleporting them all to a police station. It's not that he would have an issue teleporting all the people in Mikuome, it's just that it was too much people. Too much for all the officers to apprehend without them waking up and potentially fleeing or causing a ruckus.

So this brings him to the idea process of what he could do with them after they've all been knocked out. The obvious would be to create a capture device, but in what fashion?

'The capturing device should be able to nullify their quirks as well. Including immobilising them at the same time.' He mused.

And another thought. His Artificial brother added in. I also believe it should be used to work with multiple people at once. To be specific, one unit of the capturing device should be used to restrain multiple people.

'I see.' nodding to the suggestion as he looked at his computer, a digital blueprint laying out on the screen for this device. After a couple of minutes, he pictured the design of this device and started typing.

'I've got it. It's going to be easy to carry around.' On the blue screen, an line image of a circular disc with a blue button in the center appeared. It was the size of the clock of a watch. Easy access would be the most important of handling things like these. It would eliminate precious time when capturing villains.

'When used, it shines a ray of light on the targets in a 30 meter radius.' He thought as people appeared on the screen with the disc making a ray on them.

'And with the targets, they're locked inside a cube and inside the cube, they're suspended in the air with cuffs lockes around their ankles, thighs, hips, midesction, chest, shoulders, and neck, which also suppresses their quirks. And the maximum number would be 40 people.' The image now had the mock humans inside the cube, cuffs around their entire body. With even mittens around their hands.

The past users did not say anything, but they found Izuku's idea to be an excellent one with the mission on his hands. To say they found the perfect successor to One For All would be an severe understatement.

For The young boy, this would be the best thing he needed. When he teleported the makeshift prisons to the police station, the would just have to press the button on each disc to release the villains, though it would not get rid of the cuffs, which could be unlocked by the keys the police would use.

'In a world where superpowers are pretty much prevalent, shouldn't they upgrade the tech of the police to more than quirk suppressant cuffs?' Izuku thought while sporting a "seriously?" face. Just another fact of how much heroes are the only matter of importance to the world.

Oh well, tomorrow, Mikuome would cease to exist.

"It looks pretty on you doesn't it?" She giggled. Looking at the intricate crown on the white haired boy's head.

Izuku had went to Saiko's house, from the courtesy  of their parents, and were in their own garden. She had gathered a bunch of flowers, ranging from multiple colors, made a flower crown and placed it on him. It honestly felt a bit weird, yet heartwarming coming since it was coming from her.

"I wouldn't say pretty." He raised a brow and brought a finger to his chin. "They are beautiful." He smiled.

She blushed and smiled brighter. The white sundress composed of multiple sunflowers made the aura and atmosphere of the garden feel relaxing.

He breathed in and let out. "This is nice." 

"Well I am thankful my garden is of your pleasure Izuku. I-It's really refreshing to see you here." She blushed again while looking away shyly.

"Well It's nice that you feel that way when I'm here." He smiled jovially at the periwinkle haired girl. She blushed more and repressed the urge to chuckle. 

"But." He raised a finger and got Saiko's visible confusion. "I can't be the only one having fun here. So-" he raced to a valley of flowers and got his own. He got pairs of tsubaki along with himawari and made a makeshift crown with them.

He walked back to Saiko who started blushing a lot when she saw what he was planning. He was slightly taller than her so it wasn't difficult to put the flower crown on her head, her face now entirely red.

"You look so cute in it." He said which earned him a squeak from his friend. Someone that he loved to tease so much. 

"T-t-thank y-you." She stuttered out. Now looking shyly at him, her hands covering your face.

"You're welcome. Now we're flower buddies!" He laughed, pointing at his flower crown while she came out of her awkard shell, having a shaky smile.

"U-uh, Izuku?" Saiko said quietly, earning the attention of the boy. He asked what it is, only for her to grab him in a hug.

"Thank you for being my best friend." 

He smiled and hugged back, making the girl lean into him more. 

He'd do a lot of things to make her happy.

Toshinori Yagi was a heroic man who believed in the good of everyone. 

Most of the time he did not want to have to use forcd on villains and would prefer saving civilians, but he has to.

Being the symbol of peace and the number one hero would equate to not needing any sort of help, but he very much appreciates it.

Especially from the recent works of the vigilante, Akatani.

Despite his manner of presentability, Toshinori knew that Akatani had a good heart. His swift and efficient work of handling villains and rescuing people had done Musutafu a huge favor. So while his work was illegal, his heart was in the right place.

He had run into the vigilante one time, and suggested that he'd apply for a hero license, with him vouching for it. The man had looked at him with his eyes shining respect and said-

"I'm afraid I can't. The reason I'm being a vigilante... I can't tell you."

Toshinori did not know what Akatani was hoping to accomplish by continuing being a vigilante, but he wasn't going to stop him for it. 

He was just glad he was being a good hero.

Yes, a hero because be despite being a vigilante, he was a hero in his eyes.

Yokumiru Mera did not know what to think of Akatani.

Obviously, what he was doing was a crime and a serious one at that. The laws against vigilantism were pretty severe.

But... he had started to... ignite a fire within citizens. And unfortunately for the commission, it was a fire that needed to be put out, according to higher ups.

What fire did he ignite? One of Self awareness.

In one incident, a man's daughter had gotten herself stuck on a tree, trying to get her cat who had gotten on the tree first.

Usually, a civilian would wait for a hero to do all the work, and this is where Akatani comes into play.

Because that man was an Akatani fan(which had a fanbase that almost rivaled All Might's) and decided to get both his daughter and cat down himself.

But then one of their heroes known as the fly had interrupted him and came to save him himself. But due to his interference, he had almost gotten the girl and cat to fall off the tree, possibly giving them severe injuries. 

He had gotten them down safely, and instead of being praised, the dad shouted and criticized him for almost getting his family hurt, and that he was close to getting them down himself.

The fly was shocked and got angry with the civilian, saying that he saved his daughter so he should be thanking him. Then he raised a good point.

"Do you heroes even deserve praise if you can't do your jobs right? A vigilante can do your job better than you!"

That was a good one. Multiple bystanders had come to the aid of the family man and joined slandering the fly, resulting in him quivering in a corner and flying away. He wasn't a popular pro hero, but his public relation to Musutafu took a hit, and some were even debating if he deserved his hero license.

And this was a problem for the head of the commission. If they didn't have their finger wrapped around citizens, they'd lose their respect for pro heroes, and they'd lose their control over the public, and would potentially cause the commission to be criticized and slandered to.

He gripped the side of his face and sighed. Applying for a job at this place had been a mistake. By coming here, he had discovered the illegal and immoral practices the commission had done with the hero and quirk society. They were given power over the government, but they've been abusing it, and have been left unchecked.

And with what the commission had done with Lady NagantKaina Tsutumi. He wouldn't disrespect her like thatand HawksKeigo Takami, he would suspect that he couldn't leave this profession without the risk of his name ending up on an tombstone, since he knew stuff. 

So with Akatani, he wasn't a vigilante that they wanted arrested, they actually wanted him to Dissapear. Cause with him out of the picture, their grip on society would be firm again.

So again, while he does not condone Akatani's actions, he has raised some good points of this fucked up society.

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