A Good Catch! (Levi x Bounty...

By amberwolf89

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

15.6K 644 70
By amberwolf89

____________Levi's POV____________
I let out a soft groan as I feel an intense pain in my forehead. I pry my eyes open, and the first I see is (F/N) hovering above me. I blink a few times as I try and get my vision back.
"Oi, are you okay? How many fingers an I holding up?" I hear (F/N) ask. I look up and see that she's holding up three fingers.
"I feel like fucking shit, thanks to you, and your holding up three fingers." I answer both of her questions as I try and sit up.
"Well, at least you don't have a concussion." I hear her say.
I look around and see that Isabel and Farlan are standing next to her.
"I must apologize, I didn't think that by doing that, you would pass out." I hear her apologize.
"Tch, you better be sorry. I have a fucking headache because of you." I mutter.
"Well, if your head is sore, then that should've knocked some common sense into you." (F/N) says.
I just click my tongue in response.
"I want a fucking rematch later." I grumble and I see her do something I would never expected, she lets out a real genuine laugh. Not like a fake one or a mocking one, but a real one.
"Yes, sure. I'll kick your ass anytime anywhere." She say playfully.
I had to bite back a smirk of my own.
"Anyway, you might want to get off the ground , it's filthy." She mutters as she grabs my hand and helps me up.
____________Your POV____________
After Levi said he wants a rematch, you did something that you haven't done in years.
You let out true genuine laugh.
'I wonder what this warm feeling in my chest is?' You think as you tease Levi about kicking his ass anytime and anywhere.
After helping Levi up off the ground you say "Well, how about we go get something to eat."
"Alright! Let's go Big Sis!" Isabel exclams as she pulls your arm along.
'She acts exactly like my sister.' You let out a soft smile at the thought.
But, when you went to go pass Farlan, you quickly grab his arm, and he quickly grabs Levi's.
"O-Oi, what the hell are you doing!?" You could hear Levi's protest, but he has a hint of happiness in his voice.
All of you grab your food and sit on the corner of the room.
You tear off a chunk of bread and feed it to Ruthless.
"Good boy." You say as you rub his head again.
"Hey Big Sis?" You hear Isabel call out.
"What?" You ask.
"How did you train Ruthless to be like that?" She asks.
"Yeah, I've been wondering the same." Farlan says
"Oh, that's a funny story actually. Ruthless isn't trained, he just decides to listen to me." You say.
"So he just does whatever you ask?" Farlan questions.
"Yeah, I found him starving, so I took him in and raised him. He had the option to leave anytime, and still does, but he still remains by my side." You say as you continue to rub his head affectionately.
"I see. That reminds me, when we were in the carriage, you were gonna tell us how your sister died-" before Isabel could finish, she was interrupted.
"Isabel!" Farlan scolds.
"Ah, no its fine, I would hate to leave a story untold, so why don't I tell you guys when we're in the barracks.
____________Levi's POV____________
After eating, all four of us head to our barracks. Once there (F/N) sits down on one of the beds.
"Okay, so you wanna know what happened to my sister, right?" She asks and all three of us nod.
"I only telling you guys, because i trust you." She says and this catches me off guard.
'She already puts trust in us, but we barely even met.' I think, but as I think that she trust us, a very warm feeling crawls over my chest
'What the hell am I feeling?' I think to myself before listening to (F/N)'s story.
"Well, let's see, it was like any other day when we were going out. We finally found the criminal that we were looking for, and when we went to grab the guy, the Survey Corps then started to chase us, so my sister pushed me into an empty crate, she said she would be back, but I was worried that my only living relative was in danger. So I hopped out of the crate and secretly followed my sister, she was kneeling down in front of a person. I tried to get my sister back by attacking them from behind, but I lost the fight. I was then kneeling beside me sister. The man offered up a deal 'Come with us, or you can die in prison.' My sister said she would join under one condition. I would be spared, and to be left down there. I tried to protest, but they already made the deal. A few days later, I got a letter saying that my sister died valiently for a greater cause. Which I found that to be utter bullshit. And that's the end of my little sob story." She mocks.
"Tch, I don't see how its your fault, it was your sister's decision." I say.
"Heh, but if I wasn't there, then she would've managed to escape, but I tied her down. I always do." She says in a mocking tone.
I walk up to her and hit her on the head.
"Ow, what the hell was that for!?" (F/N) yells.
"Your sister had a choice of whether or not to take you with her. If she wanted to she could've taken you along, and you would've died along with her. In my opinion, you should be a little more grateful that your sister saved your ass!" I shout, which is something I never do, but for some reason when I see her put herself down like that, it pissed me off.
I see that (F/N) just states at me, and then I see something that i would never have expected, not in a million years would I see the great black widow start to cry.
"Eh, Big Bro, you made her cry!" Isabel shouts.
"N-No, its f-fine. Tha-Thank you, Le-Levi." She manages to say in between sobs.
I just walk up to her and start petting her head.
"Tch, stop crying brat." I say, but in a softer tone of voice.
____________Your POV____________
After Levi scolded you, you couldn't help but feel gratitiude.
'Why is it that only he can help me like this? Why is it him that let's me hear words that I've always wanted to hear?' You think these thoughts as you haphazardly wipe the tears away.
"That settles it!" You shout, startling everyone around you.
"Settles what?" Farlan asks.
"If you guys ever need help with anything, and I mean anything let me know!" You exclaim, and they all look dumbfounded.
"What are you saying brat?" Levi says.
"I'm saying that if any of you needs help with anything, I'm gonna help you!" You say.
"Anything?" Farlan questions.
"Yep, even if it involves murder." You say, and you see all three stiffen.
"Come now, you honestly think that I wouldn't expect anything, besides you guys talk way to loud when I was sleeping." You say, hinting at the fact that you knew of their plan.
You then feel someone throw you back into a wall, and pin you there by your neck.
You look up to see Levi. You then feel a pang in your chest.
'Seriously, what the hell am I feeling?' You think, but you are quickly brought out of your thoughts when Levi tightens his grip on your neck.
"How the hell are we going to trust you?" He hisses.
"Well considering the fact that I could've told anyone by now, but I didn't." You say.
"Levi, she does have a point, she could've told anyone, but decided not to." Farlan says, trying to reason with him.
You feel him slacked the grip on your neck.
"On top of which, I told you already, I trust you guys, meaning that your my friends now, and I want to help you." You say.
"Tch, fine, but if you do anything suspicious, I will not hesitate to kill you." Levi says through clenched teeth.
"Says the person that got knocked out by a headbutt." You mutter.
"Tch, just because it happened once doesn't mean it'll happen again." Levi says.
"Wanna prove that now?" You say and you could've sworn that you saw him stiffen a bit.
"Tch, not now, we have to go to bed." Levi says as he climbs into bed.
Farlan and Isabel start laughing.
"What's so funny?" Levi seethed.
"Nothing, it just that you two are way too alike." Farlan says while chuckling.
"We are not!" You and Levi say on unison, causing you and Levi to look at each other and glare.
"See, way too alike." Isabel says.
"I am nowhere like this dumbass." Levi says.
"And I'm nowhere like this asshole." You say.
You and Levi both click your tongues as you climb into bed.
"Well goodnight Big Sis and Big Bro." Isabel says as she climbs into bed.
"Yeah, goodnight." You mutter as you fall into the realm of dreams.

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