A Beastman Story

By Froggy76

59.3K 2.9K 243

How would you feel if you found yourself in a different place with no memory of how you got there? Wel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author note

Chapter 39

722 40 2
By Froggy76

Another one bites the dust she thinks to herself as she watches the combat in the arena.

Her mates are wiping the floor with almost any contender today, even Ryeon is holding his own out there. He accepted the challenge to be her mate and he has been holding his own.

Genisis doesn't have any idea how this will go, no dreams to guide her on how it will end.

To her surprise Ryeon has beaten all but her mates that have challenged him.

But surprisingly he is holding his own so far.

All of her mates are in the arena to take their turn fighting Ryeon.

It has been going on all day so far, and it seems it will keep going on until late in the evening, or so it seemed.

She is actually excited when the last match is called and sees Niam enter and start to battle Ryeon.

They battle it seems like forever with neither getting the upper hand until suddenly Niam pushes Ryeon to the ground and holds him down with his neck under Niam's foot.

Cheers and applause erupt throughout the arena and Niam helps Ryeon to his feet.

The two battled for awhile and as they approach Genisis they are a little out of breath, Genisis greets them both with a hug and a big smile.

When they make it back to their home, everyone leaves to go somewhere else but Genisis, Niam and Ryeon, three three head into the main sleeping chamber and before they do anything Genisis asks them if  being a part of her family is what they both truly want.

They both look at her and with no words spoken, tell her just how much they want her and to be a part of her family.

Niam slowly runs his hands up her body taking off her clothes one thing at a time. Ryeon has already gotten undressed and is slowly stroking his cock as he watches Niam play with Genisis's  tempting body.

Niam turns her to face Ryeon and pulls her flush to his front, Ryeon pushes himself up to Genisis's front and cups her breasts and starts to roll her nipples in between his fingers.

As she arches her back from the sensation, Niam puts his hand loosely around her throat and fucks her mouth with his talented tongue.

Ryeon makes his way down her body nipping and kissing his way to her hot, drenched pussy and gives her a lick from her clit and straight into her pussy.

Niam is still kissing her and he starts to roll her nipples in between his fingers with steady strokes, he keeps it up until he feels her legs start to shake from her powerful orgasm.

She cums hard in Ryeon's face and it drips down his chin, he licks his lips and grabs his cock groaning at the taste of her. 

"You taste so sweet my little one!" He says with lust filled eyes.

She is still coming down from her orgasmic high and can't get anything sensible to come out of her mouth.

Her thoughts are scattered and  they just got started. They look at her bemused expression and chuckle, "we are no where close to done with you mate ."
Niam says with a smirk

She blushes at her horny males and dares them "Make me cum all night, if you can, I dare you!" She says

They carry her over to the sleeping furs and they pleasure her all night long, leaving her breathless and limp from all the orgasms they wring from her body.

The next day she wakes up from another pleasure filled night to her mates surrounding her on the bed all SD seeing peacefully.

She hears the beast deity talking in her head again.  He tells her that when her mates all wake up they will know all about the "treasure" and that she is to be kept safe at all costs," poor little Brenna will have a rough time growing up as the crown princess and next beast deity" thinks Genisis

During this talk her mates all start waking up and they are already in overprotective dad mode. Brenna isn't going to be allowed out by herself ever they decide.

From the moment she was born they had kept her hidden because she was their first daughter and because Genisis kept saying that she was different they were automatically overprotective.

They weren't as worried about the next born daughters because the family had grown so much bigger and there was more protection now.

They finally decided that they would introduce Brenna at the next arena event and try to get her the best males to guard her and all of her sisters. Just to be safe.

They aren't overly surprised when the next arena event has tripled the amount of young males entered into the battles for the possibility of being chosen to be guard or even mates to the young Brenna.

Genisis lets it be known that just because they may win at the arena, it will be Brenna's decision on who she takes as guard or mates.

"And there will be no mating until Brenna is of age. And only males close in age to Brenna will be considered. So males with sons are the only competition allowed."

"Saying that, I wish you all good luck in your competition." Genisis says

There are loud cheers as the males with male kits line up to enter into the competition for this special event.

There are so many that are turned away that Genisis feels bad for them so she announced that there are still openings for guards and unmated males are required for that.

The market is so busy with all of the visiting beastmen  that there are small camps set up all over the city.

Genisis talks to her males about expanding the city and allowing more beastmen to move in.

Ash looks at his mate and his heart almost breaks from seeing the sadness on her face.

He sighs and says " Love, we can't let just anyone move here, we have to make sure that everyone stays safe within our city walls."

"But what about a system to make sure of their intentions, I have that new power my father granted me, I could use it to make sure that everyone that wants to live here is not going to be causing problems." She says to him. She has that look of determination on her face.

Loud footsteps and keening voices approach them....

One of the guards runs up to them and says.... "My Queen there is someone at the gate for you, they say they have come to warn you...."

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