Trackstar Antelope

By FinFin_AUS

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Delve into the world of Jamel! A fifteen-year-old Blackbuck Antelope who has big aspirations to become a star... More

Trackstar Antelope Volume 1
Trackstar Antelope Volume 2
Trackstar Antelope Volume 3
Trackstar Antelope Volume 4
Trackstar Antelope Volume 5
Trackstar Antelope Volume 6
Trackstar Antelope Volume 7
Trackstar Antelope Volume 8
Trackstar Antelope Volume 9
Trackstar Antelope Volume 10
Trackstar Antelope Volume 11
Trackstar Antelope Volume 12
Trackstar Antelope Volume 13
Trackstar Antelope Volume 14
Trackstar Antelope Volume 15
Trackstar Antelope Volume 16
Trackstar Antelope Volume 17
Trackstar Antelope Volume 18
Trackstar Antelope Volume 19
Trackstar Antelope Volume 20
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 21
Trackstar Antelope Volume 22
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 23
Trackstar Antelope Volume 24
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 25
Trackstar Antelope Volume 26
Trackstar Antelope Volume 27
Trackstar Antelope Volume 28
Trackstar Antelope Volume 29
Trackstar Antelope Volume 30
Trackstar Antelope Volume 31
Trackstar Antelope Volume 32
Trackstar Antelope Volume 33
Trackstar Antelope Volume 34
Trackstar Antelope Volume 36
Trackstar Antelope Volume 37
Trackstar Antelope Volume 38
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 39
Trackstar Antelope Volume 40
Trackstar Antelope Volume 41
Trackstar Antelope Volume 42
Trackstar Antelope Volume 43
Trackstar Antelope Volume 44
Trackstar Antelope Volume 45
Trackstar Antelope Volume 46
Trackstar Antelope Volume 47

Trackstar Antelope Volume 35

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By FinFin_AUS

Chapter 325: Flipping the Bull Idea

"Jamel, I know you're out there" Murray says from his room. "Come on, I'm not gonna bite ya"

Well... I guess he's not lying about that. I slowly open the door to see Murray sitting on his bed, with one of his pant legs rolled up. I look around to see three other beds in the room. I guess Murray has to share with his brothers.

It smells horribly stale in here. Old and dirty clothes, at least fifty different kinds of deodorant, sweat, and dust. I'd ask them to open a window, but I'm sure it's jammed

"Hey... how are you holding up, Murray?" I ask him. I don't know what to say, really. I barely know anything about him, and we don't get along. I still don't know why he asked me to visit him...

"Well, I'll be off my leg for about a week, and I need it to heal from all the scratches and cuts... so really, I'm feeling like shit" Murray replies bluntly. Well, that's kind of what I expected to hear. I peer over at his leg. It's all bandaged up, but I'm sure he'll be fine and back in the schoolyard, pestering me before we know it.

"What did you think of Shearing Day this year? Y'know, before those dogs..." I begin. I need a sign on what I'm supposed to talk to him about.

"I thought it was kind of nice actually. I thought I'd hate it because there would be carnivores trying to steal the show" Murray tells me. "But I looked around and saw everyone having a good time. Carnivores were interested and learning more about us, and I felt like the herbivores also felt welcome and safe too" he added. I'm happy to hear that Murray thought this way about yesterday.

"But still, I'm not pleased that those dogs left me in bed with a damaged leg. Thankfully Odis was there to save me... I should probably thank him, but no one's heard from him lately..." Murray added. My head shoots up in response. Odis was saving Murray?

"Is Odis missing? Didn't he go home yesterday?" I say, surprised.

"Nah. After the paramedics told me I needed to go to the hospital, I saw him walking away, towards the river, I think. I hope he's alright though" Murray explained. "He probably thinks he's in trouble with his parents, so he's hiding from them. But he's got nothing to worry about... I won't tell them what happened between me and him, except for him saving my life"

"I never really understood Odis... was he a good guy in the end? He tried turning me against Riley and Levi a few weeks ago at school, you know" I discussed with Murray. He sat upright in his bed, I guess this is what he wanted to talk to me about.

"I've had time to think about it... I believe he wanted all herbivores to be safe, but he didn't think about what we wanted as well. He thought Riley would be a little scary around you, so he wanted you to stay away. If herbivores and carnivores were kept away from each other, then both would learn to adapt. To be honest, I think the same thing, just not as strongly as he does..." Murray tells me. I guess it's better knowing his intentions. He always wanted me, Murray and other herbivores to be safe, but he never realised that I feel so comfortable with Riley, Levi, Sam and all the other carnivores I've met, especially this year, with my running. "But he wasn't always thinking straight, sadly."

"What do you mean? Did he have something against carnivores as well?" I reply.

"Do you remember seeing me and him fight at the front of the school?" Murray asked me. I nod in response. "I mentioned something to Odis in front of everyone about his little "secret", remember?" I have a feeling I'm not gonna like what I'm about to hear. "Well, this secret will stay between you and me, hopefully, but..." he says, before hesitating.

"He... I caught him using herbivore blood. It was those two other dogs, the Dalmatian and the Great Dane that were giving it to him" he told me. "About five minutes before the fight, I noticed him leaving the bathroom with a small blood stain on his lip"

I can't believe that someone who we're supposed to trust as herbivores could do something like that. I don't fully understand the effects of herbivore blood on carnivores, but I can assume that too much of it can lead to other... desires.

"I thought that if I confronted him about it, he'd leave it alone. I told him that I knew in the last week of school, during recess... that might've been before he argued with you, Levi and Riley" Murray told me.

"So, what happened afterwards? Is he still some kind of blood junkie?" I ask him

"Yesterday, I found out that it was the Dalmatian and the Great Dane who were giving it to him... they got it from some kind of dealer from Tangouri. They bought it off him, and they offered it to Odis. That dog is too strong to give in to the temptation, so my guess is that he was pressured into it" Murray explained to me. "I found them at the Shearing Day and threatened to turn them into the police. But then they started chasing me, and I fled towards the river, away from the Shearing Day festivities, and other vulnerable herbivores"

I didn't realise how deep this whole thing went. I honestly just assumed Murray was being mean to them both, and he was being chased by all three dogs. But... what was Odis doing?

Chapter 326: Pop goes the rifle

"In the end, I found out that Odis was trying to save me. He finally came back to his senses at my time of need" Murray explained. "He did what a good herding dog did. He eliminated any threats from the area, and he stopped them both until help came along. He overcame being manipulated and controlled by two older students, who he would've looked up to"

Man, I know that feeling... thinking about what Abe went through.

"As soon as I was cornered, they were ambushed by Odis... he's a lot stronger than he looks. Then security came along and dragged them off... and Odis went AWOL" Murray told me. "I just wanted you to hear because I just... I feel different views of carnivores now. I can't say that I love them all, but maybe I won't hate them as much. I see why you like them, and that's okay... and I'm sorry for being a dickhead about it"

The door suddenly opens from behind me, and I see one of Murray's brothers walks past to get something out of his bag.

"Don't mind me, just getting me smokes" he says.

"Does dad know about 'em? He'd lose it if he ever caught you with ciggies" Murray replies.

"Nah, what he doesn't know can't hurt him. Plus, it'll keep those carnivores off me. I doubt they'd like the taste of tar in me lungs" his brother replies. He leaves before closing the door.

"Oi Jamel" I hear Murray say as I'm still looking at the door. "Wanna shoot some tinnies?" I hear a gun cock behind me, and I turn around in surprise to see Murray holding an air rifle in his hand.


Murray slowly slumps off his bed and moves into some crutches, and we both head out to his backyard, with me holding the rifle. I've never fired a gun before... I hope it doesn't suddenly go off in my hands. We move out next to an old tin shed, where I can see some beer cans sitting on a wooden stump. Murray leans his crutches against the shed as he sits in a camp chair in the shade.

"Here, I'll show you how to shoot this thing" he says while loading it. I never knew that Murray had a gun... well, it's an air rifle, so there isn't gonna be much damage. I'm sure he just does target practice with it, and he can, considering that he doesn't have any neighbours to bother.

I look around me. Other than Murray's house, the tin shed and the tin cans around us, there is absolutely nothing. It's just flat ground, that's covered in dry grass. If I looked away from Murray's house, you could convince me that the world was just half yellow, dry dirt, and half beautiful blue, rich sky...

"You might want to stand back a bit and cover your ears. This thing is pretty loud" Murray says, putting ear plugs into his ears... I'm a little worried, I don't want to get bad hearing from this.

I step back about 10 meters from Murray, covering my ears.

"Alright, are you ready? It's gonna be pretty loud!" Murray yells to me. I hold on to my ears tightly, and shut my eyes, trying to block out the potentially deafening sound... here goes!!!


I open my eyes to see a can on the wooden stump leaking out water, and Murray laughing really hard.

It wasn't loud at all...

Chapter 327: Dusty, remote afternoons

"Hahaha, got ya, Jamel!" he says between laughs. I look on in embarrassment and annoyance... it was kind of funny though. "Nah, this beauty is pretty quiet. A real gun is way louder, actually"

"So that doesn't fire real bullets?" I ask him. I feel like an idiot asking these questions.

"Nah, it fires these small pellets" Murray says, holding some pea-sized metal chunks in his hand. "They definitely can't kill you, but it packs a bit of a punch and leaves a small mark on the skin" Murray abruptly hands me the gun. "You wanna shoot it? It helps me destress, so it wouldn't hurt to give it a go"

I line up on my spot and face the cans. Murray gives me pointers from the side, on how to stand and hold the gun as well.

"...and fire when you're ready, Jamel..." he tells me. I close my eyes and pull the trigger, feeling the small pop go off. When I open my eyes, I see that I just barely grazed the side of one of the cans.

"Not bad... you closed your eyes when you shot, didn't you?" he tells me.

"Yeah... I know I'm not supposed to, but I don't know why I did it" I reply.

"Common rookie mistake, you know... you'll get the hang of it" he explains.


I spend the rest of the morning and some of the afternoon, shooting cans and having fun with Murray. I never thought for a second that we'd become good friends. I guess we just both agreed to put our differences aside and just have fun together. We're both a lot stronger and confident than we look, so I guess we have that in common. Before too long, Murray's dad comes out to check on us.

"G'day boys" he greets us. "Jamel, I need to head into town. Did you want a lift back to your house?" he asks me.

"Yeah, sure thing. Thanks for the offer, Mr. Murray" I tell him. I step out of the shade to feel the full effect of the sun. It's probably 1PM, and the temperature is maybe 30, 35 degrees.

"Can I tag along as well? I wouldn't mind stretching my legs... uh, well, leg for a bit" Murray says. The three of us move out to the front of the house, and I grab my bike to put in the back of the Ute.

"Thanks for coming today Jamel... it meant a lot to me, you know" Murray tells me.

"No problem. Let me know when they find Odis... I'm sure he'll be fine, wherever he is" I tell him.

"You and I are okay now, Jamel... sorry for everything I've ever done to you... especially for that kick in the ribs a few weeks ago..." he tells me.

"Are you boys ready to head off?" Mr. Murray asks us. His large, bulky build blocks the high sun from my view.

"Yeah... thanks again for having me over, and the lift back into town" I tell them

"Oi Jamel, wanna sit in the back?" Murray asks me. I look at the Ute and see that there's only the driver's and passenger seats. There are no back seats, unless he meant...

"What, you mean in the back, with my bike?" I reply, a bit surprised.

"Yeah, it's loads of fun, you just gotta hold on tight" Mr. Murray tells me.

"Isn't it illegal?" I reply.

"Those guys at the cop station don't even care... another perk to living in the middle of nowhere, really" Murray explains.

"Well... yeah, okay... sounds nice" I tell them.

I help Murray into the back of the Ute, along with my bike and we all head back into town. I look back at their house. Such a small house, on such a big property, holding such a big family...

It looks really peaceful out here.

Chapter 328: The School of Sport

Murray's dad eventually drops me back home, I pull my bike out from the back and head inside.

"Oi Jamel... good luck in Durranga. Remember, you're representing your school, your town, your fellow herbivores, but most importantly yourself" Murray tells me. "Take it easy, Horns"

"Will do... Florian" I reply.

"You tell anyone about that, I'll kick ya hard" he says, jokingly. Seems fair, considering he didn't want anyone to know. I'll keep his secret.

Mr. Murray drives off and toots his horn before disappearing down the street. I'm happy that I finally sorted everything out with Murray, he'll be okay, I'm sure of it.


My Sunday moves slowly, as I spend more of it reading the Almanac. I've finished all my homework already, so there's not much else to do, except go to training on Monday, then I'll be off to Durranga for the State Finals on Wednesday. I've already packed my bags for everything I need, including the almanac, so I should be okay there.

I've heard that the city can be a bit more dangerous, even if there's a more even amount of carnivores and herbivores, but as long as I stay close to Coach Harris, I should be fine. No one would ever mess with a black panther of his size...

On Monday, Sam and I arrive at the gym and do our training outside in the afternoon.

"How was Shearing Day this year, Jamel? I heard it was very good" Coach Harris asks me.

"Yeah, it was a really great day, I hope they continue letting carnivores come along next year" I reply. Coach Harris smiles with joy. I bet he'd like to check it out as well.

"That's amazing to hear. Did you have a good time, Sam?" he asks him.

"Yeah, I learnt so much from herbivores, and it was nice to have a good day out" Sam tells him. I'm happy that he had a good time, especially with Syd and Ollie. Hopefully soon he'll feel more open around other herbivores as well.

"Oh, by the way, I got something here for you, Sam" Coach Harris says while pulling out an envelope.

"It came from Durranga, and it was addressed to you by the "Tabud Nuri Sporting Academy of Werrina". Any idea of what it could be?" Coach Harris says. Sam looks at the envelope in curiosity. I've heard about Tabud Nuri, and that a lot of State Champions go there to train and compete in sports.

Sam takes the envelope from Coach Harris and opens it up. At the top of the page, I can see in big, bold, navy-blue letters:

"Scholarship Offer for Summer Program at TNSAW"

Dear Samuel

We are very proud of the hard work you have put into your sports these past four years, so much so that are pleased to offer you a conditional scholarship here at Tabud Nuri Sporting Academy of Werrina to begin next February. Your sporting achievements and passion for athletics are something to be proud of, and with that, we believe you would be very welcome to come along and talk to one of our representatives as soon as you can for an interview. We understand that living in a rural, remote setting can pose problems with transportation, so please don't rush yourself on getting to our campus. If needed, we are able to supply...

"A scholarship? Sam, congratulations, you must be so proud!" Coach Harris says. Leah, Nalu and Peri rush over to see what's happening.

"Wow, good job Sam. Does that mean you'll go to school in Durranga now?" Nalu asks him.

"I sure hope not. I love being here, and I couldn't imagine moving all the way down there" Sam replies. He looks ecstatic about this news, and I bet his parents would be happy to hear about this.

"I didn't think Tabud Nari did scholarships... guess I now have another thing to train for!" Leah tells us.

"Sam, you should definitely get back to them as soon as you can" Coach Harris informs him. "This scholarship could be the beginning of an amazing future, you know"

Chapter 329: Too excited to focus

I begin doing my stretches as Sam and Coach Harris continue reading the letter. I'm really happy for Sam now. He's come a long way this year. To think that only five months ago, he was so cautious around herbivores, and with good reason. Now he's opened himself up, and opportunities are opening as well. He's got his scholarship ahead of him, and his brother Ben is up for parole. With a bit of luck, he'll be a star athlete, and he'll see his brother soon.

After a while, Sam comes over to help me begin training, but you could definitely tell that he wasn't thinking properly. He had a face on him as if he knew that he was going to inherit a billion dollars... just a dumbfounded face of pure, well-deserved bliss.

I could grab his tail and bite down on it as hard as possible, as if I had carnivorous teeth, and he still wouldn't care because he's just so happy at this point... but that doesn't mean I should. He'll find out sooner or later that someone's been biting his tail.


"Alright... we might finish here Jamel" Sam says, in a happy tone. I'm sure he'll calm down sometime soon. Maybe Coach Harris might have more news for him.

"Ah, done already, you two?" Coach says, greeting us back from the school ovals. "I just got off the phone with Mr. Selman, you remember the cheetah from Berriwan?" Sam and I nod in response.

"Did he hear about my offer?" Sam replied eagerly.

"Even better. He's a part of the board that overlooks scholarships and student performance at Tabud Nari. He was the one who recommended you for the position. He says that you're allowed to come down with us on Wednesday, and you can sit your interview during that week" Coach Harris tells us.

"Wait, so Sam's coming down with us?" Peri says from behind me. Sam's face lights up again.

"That's right, and he'll be able to help you all out with your training as well. Isn't it exciting?!" Coach Harris yells out.

"You hear that, Jamel? I'm gonna be with you, all the way up until you get on that track. And I know you aren't gonna let me down... oh man, this is all just so much! I... I..." Sam begins to say as he collapses on the spot. He hit the hardwood floor with a loud, heavy thud. I guess he just passed out from excitement.


After we help Sam regain consciousness, I move back home and tell mum and dad the exciting news. Tomorrow's gonna be my last day in Whigata, before we head off to Durranga. I hope Sam knows that we're leaving at 8AM on Wednesday morning. I didn't realise it at the time, but I'm gonna feel even safer in Durranga with him by my side. Coach Harris will be busy enough, making sure that the four of us are training hard, so I guess having another large, trustworthy carnivore can also help things out for Coach Harris.

"That's great to hear that Sam will be going along with you, Jamel" Dad says as I sit at the table for dinner. "I'm sure he's super excited just to be there as well. He's your biggest fan, you know"

"Yeah. Hopefully I'll be there to support him for his scholarship chances too. I bet he's just thinking of where this school could take him... he could be in the Olympics if he trains hard enough"

"And he'll have you to thank, surely. You've both supported each other well over the past few months, and you're two fantastic young men, who are confident and inspiring" Mum tells me. I'm happy that they like Sam as well, it makes it easier for me to support.

"I understand why you both can't come along, and I'm alright with that" I tell them, changing the topic.

"Your father's arm is set to go through a few... relapses during the next few weeks, and the doctors want him to stay close to their office in case something happens..." Mum explains to me. "There's a small chance that the stitches could weaken and pop off, which is definitely not what we want. I'd feel bad if it was just me going down, plus the summer harvesting season will start soon, and they need my little fingers to pick blueberries" Mum adds.

"Plus, it's a five-hour drive, and it's too far to see you lose" Dad says, jokingly

Mum murmurs in disapproval while I just laugh it off. On my last day of being in Whigata tomorrow, I might visit Riley...

Chapter 330: The Scaled Submarine

"So, Sam's up for a scholarship, and going down to Durranga with you?" Riley says in relief.

"Yeah... I'm really excited to have him with me. I was a little worried about the whole race and, well, I've never been to a city bigger than Lavalla... Durranga is gigantic in comparison." I reply.

"A bit scared of the city?" Riley says, sarcastically.

"Well... yeah" I reply bluntly. "I know that with Coach Harris I'll be safe, but Durranga's way out of my comfort zone. It's so loud and busy and crazy... what if I find it overwhelming?"

"The city will always look really big and kinda scary to us, but so many live there and call it their home. If there's a lot of herbivores living there, then they'd have to feel safe, otherwise, why live there? You'll be fine as long as you follow all directions from Coach Harris and other adults" Riley explains. I don't think there's a lot of logic behind his reason, but he does have a point. Durranga might be one of the safest cities in the world, but it's still very different to anything I've ever experienced.

"Man, it's hot today..." Riley says, changing the subject. "Wanna go down to the river and just splash around a bit?" It's been really hot lately, seems like a good idea.

"Sweet, let's go" I reply, fanning myself.

"I'll call Levi and we can meet up if he's not busy" Riley tells me. It'll be nice to catch up again, after the crazy day that was yesterday.


", he just came back to the riverbank, and he wasn't wearing any bathers?" Riley asks us.

"Nothing. He was stark naked, and he didn't seem embarrassed in the slightest... I wish I was that confident" Levi says, recounting our discovery yesterday at the river. The three of us are sitting in the dirt, with our feet dipping into the shallow water. It's nice and peaceful here...

"Wh-What the hell is that thing?!?" Riley says, pointing at a large, dark figure shifting through the water. Riley and Levi quickly dash out of the water, while I look at it a bit more.

"Oh, that's probably Larry the crocodile. He's a really friendly guy" I tell Riley and Levi, trying to calm them down. I look downstream a little bit to see smoke coming out of a small hut along the river. Larry must be heating up the stove for a bit of lunch, I guess.

The large crocodile surfaces for a quick breath of air. As his eyes flash above the water, I wave over to him to get his attention.

"Jamel! G'day cobber. How ya going?" the giant croc asks me as he walks up the riverbank; his clothes are sopping wet... good thing he actually has some, unlike Syd. He's holding a fishing net, filled with four or five squirming fish.

"Good thanks. Just thought I'd have a nice cool off before I head off to Durranga tomorrow" I reply.

"Oh yeah, I read all about it in the paper... good on ya, mate!" he says, shaking my hand. I look behind me to see Riley and Levi awkwardly stand around, just looking at Larry.

"Heh heh, don't worry, you two. I don't bite... unless you're a fish" Larry says, joking to himself.

"Just fishing, are you? I could see some smoke in your cabin, so I thought you might've been cooking something."

"Yeah, just getting some cod for me and me new mate. You two blokes are welcome to have some if you want" Larry says, looking back to Riley and Levi. They just shake their heads in response.

"No thanks..." Riley says, building up the courage.

"Yeah, that's alright. The pup doesn't want any, so it's all for me. I've got plenty here if you lads wanted to take some, anyway" Larry says, holding up his fishing net.

"Pup? Who else is at your cabin?" I ask him

"Well, he's a young bloke, like youse. A blue heeler, if I'm not mistaken. He arrived at me cabin last night, and I told him he could stay for a night or two" Larry explains. I turn to Riley and Levi, who have their mouths open in shock. Young? Blue Heeler? Last night? It might be... Odis.

Chapter 331: The Stowaway Regrets

We explain what happened yesterday to Larry, and he agrees to take us back to his cabin to confront Odis. I don't want to leave for Durranga with something like this on my conscience. We all walk along the bank, back towards the hut, while Larry slowly swims back. I guess he's better in the water then on his feet.

Before too long, the four of us end up beside Larry's riverside hut. It still smells like fish and tobacco from the outside... those smells might be a bit overwhelming for Riley and Levi. We can hear some sort of weird thumping noise from the other side, so the three of us move around to see:

There he is. Odis; cutting up firewood, for Larry.

"Odis!" I call out in surprise. "I'm so happy I found you!" I say, moving over to him. He turns around and drops the axe at his feet, before rushing off behind a bush.

"J-J-J-Jamel! K-Keep away from me... I mean it!" he yells out from behind.

"Odis, everyone's looking for you, you had us all so worried" Riley calls out.

"Go away! My parents are disgraced by me... they'll never want me back home" Odis replies, with his voice breaking.

"No, Odis... that's not true... Murray really wants you to go back home. He wants to thank you for saving his life" I tell him. Riley and Levi look at me a little confused.

"How do you know? Murray doesn't even want to talk to you..." Riley whispers in my ear.

"It's a long story" I reply to Riley. I then raise my voice again for Odis to hear. "Come on, Odis. We'll explain everything. You did nothing wrong at all... at least, yesterday. I don't hate you for what you did, and neither does Murray."

"You'd better listen to 'im, mate" Larry says, coming up from the riverbank. He's facing the bush that Odis is hiding behind, and he's standing back a bit from it. "He's one of the toughest herbivores I've ever met, he knows what he's talking about." I see Odis pop out from behind the bush.

"I just thought you were some drifter who washed up in Whigata, but now that I know you're just some kid like them, you should go back home. Staying angry and afraid of the consequences all your life won't fix anything" Larry explains. He seems like he knows what he's talking about.

"You just need to listen to those who care about you and know take their advice. They don't want you to get hurt, because they love you, and want you to be the best you can, like these blokes" Larry adds. Odis turns around to see the three of us, standing solely against the trees.

We all might have been a bit put off by him at first, but we don't want him to go missing... or worse.

"Come on... go home. Your parents must be worried sick, and they'll only worry even more if you aren't found" Levi tells him. Odis looks at Larry, then back at us.

"O-okay... but I have to see Murray first... I'll call him and let him know I'm okay" Odis says, crying. He runs over to Larry and hugs him. "Thanks for having me, Larry. And thanks for your advice. I'll never forget you."

"I'm not dying, ya stupid idiot. Go and call your friend now! Visit me anytime you want, though" Larry yells. The tone and volume in Larry's voice is enough to send Odis running to the nearest phone booth (I guess he lost his phone so he couldn't be tracked down). Larry then walks over to the three of us, with a big, toothy grin splashed across his face. "Youse boys mind telling me what that was about?"

We all head into the cabin, where he cooks the fish he's caught, and fixes us some sandwiches. Afterwards, we explain the story of Odis, and I tell Riley and Levi about my rendezvous with Murray.

"So, Jamel..." Larry says to me as he sets down with some tea for us all. "All in all, how are you feeling about Durranga?"

I hesitate for a second to gather my thoughts together. "I'm a little worried and sceptical about the city itself... but I just know that I'll have a great time there. I've never been to Durranga before, so I don't know what to expect"

"I used to live in Durranga for a bit, and I have a few mates there who come up during the summer. I remember an herbivore telling me that it's safe for them, as long as they stay close to their own kind. Don't go off searching for trouble now. A small antelope like you could disappear without a trace if you're not careful" Larry explains to me. "You're a tough kid, and you have very good friends with you as well. They'll keep you out of harm's way, and you'll be safe as long as you stay in well-lit streets as well... some shady things happen in the dark alleyways of some weird suburbs..."

Thanks to Coach Harris, I already know about some of those things... and I'm gonna do everything I can to prevent ending up there.

Chapter 332: The Obtrusive, Obscure Owl

After a bit more conversation, Riley, Levi, and I eventually head back home, as they say their goodbyes. Once again, I'll be gone for a week, but this time, Riley won't be holding a grudge.

"Promise you'll call sometime, if you aren't busy with training or anything" Riley tells me.

"Yeah, sure. I'll have loads to tell you, I bet" I reply. "I'll see ya next week!" I yell out as I walk down his driveway and back home. Tomorrow's the day where we head off to Durranga. I'll need to be up and ready for the bus to leave at 8AM... It's gonna be a six-hour drive to get there, and with lunch breaks along the way, we'll probably get there at 3PM...

So exciting.

"Make sure you get a good night's rest, Jamel" Dad tells me. "It's a long drive down to Durranga, and it's hard to fall asleep on a road like that"

"Please call us when you get to your hotel, okay? We want to hear all about Durranga. I bet it's changed quite a bit since we were there" Mum informs me.

It's bedtime now, and mum and dad are wishing me a good night's sleep. Another week away from home, and another week in a completely different city... I hope I don't run into any trouble there. As long as I do what I'm told by Coach Harris and the other adults, I should be absolutely safe, and have the best race ever. I've got my bags all packed, with my running gear, spare clothes, shoes and even the almanac.

I might find a few more carnivore friends in the city, and I can learn everything about them, for personal interest, of course.

"We'll wake you up tomorrow morning and get you over to the school by 7:50" Mum tells me.

"I'll make your breakfast and some tea to get you started for the day. Remember to eat healthy in Durranga, it's very tempting to get junk food all the time down there. Stuff like burger places are on every corner down there..." Dad tells me. Maybe after my race I should just go wild on burgers. Whigata doesn't have much in terms of fast food, but I bet the choice is amazing there.

"Goodnight, Jamel. Sleep well" Mum tells me.


Another dream... what now? Carnivores trying to keep me out of Durranga?

"..._r__t __e o_l..."

What was that? A whispering voice in the wind? I can't see anyone or anything. I can't understand what I'm hearing either.

"...t__st t_e ow_..."

It's trying to say something. I hear the wind whistling; whispering in my ear, but beneath that, there's a faint voice, trying to tell me something.

"...tru_t _he owl..."

An owl? What about an owl? Maybe I'll meet an owl tomorrow in Durranga, who can help me, or hurt me?

" the owl..."

Trust the owl. Which owl though? The only one that I know is Mrs. Patricks, who teaches me Community Studies. Will I see her in Durranga maybe? Is she coming down with us, perhaps? Or is there another owl I'll meet?

Chapter 333: The Bus Departs at 8 Bells

"Jamel! It's time to wake up" Mum says to me. I open my eyes to see a sharp ray of sunlight in my room. I want to sleep in, but I want to get on the bus to Durranga even more.

"Trust the owl". What is it supposed to mean? It might make more sense as I get further into the week. As soon as I find a clue, I need to follow it and try to see what it all means

"I made your favourite Jamel! Porridge with peaches and raspberries" Dad calls out from the kitchen. Guess that's something I'm gonna miss for the next week... dad's always been good at making the porridge just right.


After a slow start, and a bit of pushing by mum and dad, I finally got myself and my bags out the door and into the car. Dad hops into the passenger seat, and Mum starts the car. I look back at the house, adamant that I have everything properly packed.

"The... drive down should be nice and quick, I bet" Dad says hesitantly.

"It'll be different, you know. Unlike anything you've ever done before" Mum adds. It's just sitting in a bus for a few hours. I did that only a few weeks ago.

We arrive at the school to see everyone outside the bus. No one else is around, because it's so early. I can see Sam, Nalu, Peri and Leah, as well as their parents. And Coach Harris, of course.

"Ah, hello Jamel. All ready and set for the trip down to Durranga?" Coach Harris says, greeting me and my parents.

"Yeah, I'm really excited to get to the city. I can't wait to see what it looks like" I reply eagerly. Whigata's population is around 25,000. Durranga's is at least 5 million. It's gonna be super different to anything I've ever encountered.

I see Sam, Nalu, Peri and Leah all in a group talking amongst themselves. I leave Mum and Dad to continue talking to Coach Harris to see what they're up to.

"Hey Jamel" Sam greets me. "Well, this is it! Are you excited to get to Durranga?"

"I can't wait. There's gonna be so much to do and see down there, it'll be epic!" I reply.

"It's my first time in Durranga too" Nalu tells me.

"You boys have to remember that we aren't tourists. We're there for the State Championships" Peri tells us.

"Wow... just hearing those words, "State Championships" ... we've really done well, haven't we?" Leah adds.

As they're talking, I notice their parents. A pair of older tigers, snow leopards, rottweilers and bearded dragons. They're talking in a group, just like us, except they're looking at my parents, and sometimes they lean in and whisper things to one another...

I hope they aren't being rude. I can see that Nalu's parents are a little uncomfortable as well, because our dad's know each other from work.

"Alright everyone!" Coach Harris calls out. "It's time to head on the bus!" We eagerly and enthusiastically pick up our bags and move them into the bus. This time, it's just a minibus to fit the five of us, so our bags can go on the empty seats.

Before I go, Mum gives me one last hug. "Remember to call us when you get the chance, Jamel. We're both so proud of you, and only wish we could go down to see you race" she says.

"I will; promise" I reply, before heading onto the bus. I sit midway on the bus, in front of Sam and behind Nalu. I look out to the school to see our parents; all waving us goodbye and good luck.

I see Sam's parents staring directly at me as they wave, his father's eyes focus on me, as if to say:

"Keep our boy safe"

I keep noticing them until the bus pulls out, and we turn the corner, on our way for the journey to Durranga city.

._./|\._. Dreamtime Story 35: He Spies ._./|\._.

Coach Harris: Who's up for a game of I Spy?

Sam, Jamel, Leah, Peri: No

Nalu: Me!!!

Coach Harris: I spy with my little eye... something beginning with... D

Nalu: Is it Durranga?

Leah: We're still five hours away

Sam: Driver?

Coach Harris: No, not me

Jamel: Dirt?

Coach Harris: Close

Peri: Dust?

Coach Harris: You got it! Who's next?

Jamel: We're gonna be here for a while...

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