Opposites attract, Demetri Al...

By bizzle3603

4.3K 123 9

All Letty Diaz has ever known was anger which tended to get her in trouble and sent to juvie on multiple occa... More

Opposites attract
003. SEXY


236 7 0
By bizzle3603

Chapter five

"Heading in the right direction."

Waking up in the mornings, Letty would start with doing some pushup's on her knuckles and then after that she would always go on a run, even before karate lessons, just because she knew she was a girl, and wanted the same respect as the guys would get especially her brother so she worked extra hard, where the two were then wearing pads as two pitching machines were in front of them "ready?" Sensei Lawerence asked "yes, Sensei." Letty and Miguel told him, as the pitching machine went off, the two brought their hands up and sent the balls away, which then embedded themselves in the wall "that can't be good." Letty said as the two then watched them fall off creating two holes, they'd didn't see the next one's coming at them as they got hit.

Letty was then standing up and looking down at her brother as Sensei Lawerence had him in a chokehold "what does a does a cobra do?" he asked, but Miguel didn't respond, just kept kicking his feet out from under him "what does a cobra do?" Sensei Lawerence asked him again, as Miguel began tapping him, Letty rolled her eyes "you can't tap out!" she voiced, as Miguel looked to her "do you wanna try?" he asked and when he did, Letty nodded "yeah and I'd sure as hell even as a girl be better then you." she shared, as Sensei Lawerence chuckled.

Letty and Sensei Lawerence were then sparring as Letty blocked all his punches, he then kicked his foot out, causing her to stumble back, but then when he kicked at her again, she dodged it and ducked under the punch he threw as the two switched sides, he then kicked at her as Letty blocked it, he then spun around and elbowed her in the face, Letty fell down onto the mat, as Miguel looked down at her "your arms weren't up." he told her "get your arms up." Sensei Lawerence added on "yes, Sensei." Letty told him as she pushed herself back up, the two then went again, and it was going even faster as Letty was blocking all his hits, but once again missed his kick as she stumbled back.

Then Letty and Miguel stood in front of the pithing machines again and when it came up, Letty kicked her leg up sending it away while Miguel got hit by his, the two then went again, as they then blocked the balls that came their way, Letty was then the one in the chokehold "what does a cobra do?" Sensei Lawerence asked, as Letty elbowed him, she grabbed his left arm and slithered out from under neath him "slither!" she voiced "not bad. For a girl." Sensei Lawerence told her, as Letty rolled her eyes.

Her and Miguel then got better and better at sparing and blocking, where as Sensei Lawrence kick dat her, Letty blocked it and then ducked under his punch, and then he kicked at her again as she moved away from it, he went to elbow her as she grabbed his arm and shoved him back, she then dropped down and swept his feet out from under him and then when she saw him sit back up, she turned around and blocked the ball that came out at her from the pitching machine, as she then began breathing heavy, catching her breath "what? That..that wasn't fair! If she didn't know that was coming she could've gotten hurt." Miguel shared.

"You want a fair fight? Dream on. You can't always think that your enemies are gonna play by the rules. What if that enemy was your enemies friend coming in from behind? You have to be prepared for everything." Sensei Lawerence shared "yes, Sensei." Letty and Miguel told him, as the door opened women began walking in "hello." one of them said "aw, shit." Sensei Lawerence then said, as Letty and Miguel looked to them "it's five o clock. Twilight is upon us." the women shared, as her and the others walked in.

"What's going?" Miguel asked "uh, I had to sublet the dojo for a few hours. Just till we get more students." Sensei Lawerence shared "oh." Letty said "we need to change the energy in here." the women said as three of them put up a sign that said, namaste, and then they all began to put out their mats "nope." Letty told them, as she turned walking off, Miguel followed her and soon so did Sensei Lawrence.

The next day, Miguel was standing off to the side while Sensei Lawerence held up pads, Letty punched them "what's the second rule of the way of the fist?" Sensei Lawerence asked, motioned to the wall "strike hard." Letty and Miguel told him, as Letty spun around throwing out a kick, Sensei Lawerence stepped back "that's right." he told them, as Letty began throwing punches again "there's only one reason to hit someone. To inflict pain. Striking hard is about giving your all." Sensei Lawerence shared, as Letty threw punches again, the door opened as Sensei Lawerence brought down his hands "what the hell?" he asked.

As Letty and Miguel turned around, a girl was standing there who happened to be Aisha who Letty only knew from her being made fun of by the people she hung out with "no yoga till five! No matter how bad you need it." Sensei Lawerence shared "I'm actually here for karate. I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today." the girl shared "I appreciate you coming in, but there's no girls in cobra kai." Sensei Lawerence shared, as Aisha furrowed her brows, motioning to Letty "she's a girl!" she voiced, as Sensei Lawerence turned looking at Letty and then back to the Aisha "well she's a natural cobra. It doesn't make sense for other girls." Sensei Lawerence shared.

"Uh, Sensei, I need to show you something in the office." Miguel told him, as him and Sensei Lawerence walked off the mat, the two bowed and headed into his office, leaving Letty and Aisha "those girls you sit with at lunch make fun of your brother and yet you still choose to be friends with them?" Aisha asked her and when she did, Letty crossed her arms "the girls who make fun of you sit less than five feet away from you and you choose to keep sitting near their table?" she asked, knowing neither made any sense "touche." Aisha told her.

As Letty huffed "sorry about Sensei Lawerence, he's kind of a hard ass especially when it comes to girls, believe me I can barley get credit around her, cause no matter what I do, it's still, good job for a girl or I've never said this to a girl before, and countless other things that usual end in some form of girl." she shared, in which Aisha furrowed her brows "then why do you stay?" she asked her "same reason I hang out with those bitches, because I have anger issues and nobody wants to be my friend and this is the only thing that keeps my anger in check." Letty shared, and as she did, Aisha nodded seeming to understand the girl a bit more.

Sensei Lawerence and Miguel then came walking back out "ok, take off your shoes, hop on the mat." Sensei Lawerence told Aisha, as Letty walked off of it and stood next to Miguel, Aisha took her shoes off and walked on as Sensei Lawerence walked up to her "ok, after further review, I decided to allow other female students. But if you wanna be in cobra kai, you can't act like a girl." he shared "what do you mean? How do girl's act?" Aisha asked "I had asked that same question. And it boils down to.." Letty was saying, as Sensei Lawerence started speaking as well "emotional, loud, complain y. Never letting you finish a sentence." the two said at the same time.

In which Sensei Lawerence turned looking at Letty who cleared her throat "well, I know a few guy who act just.." Aisha was saying, as Sensei Lawerence turned to her "quiet!" he yelled, as Aisha stopped, Sensei Lawerence began pacing "my student tells me that you've been harassed at school." he shared "yeah. Mostly online. Um, I get mean texts and e mails sent to me. Make some not wanna go." Aisha shared "and who send's you these messages?" Sensei Lawerence asked "well, they're mostly anonymous. These kids create fake accounts and they tell me things like I'm ugly and that I should kill myself." Aisha shared.

"Oh my god. That's awful." Letty said, furrowing her brows, having not known it was that bad, as Sensei Lawerence stopped in front of Aisha "yeah, oh my god. Cause what a bunch of pussies." he said, as he began pacing again "back in my day, if you wanted to tease someone, you did to their face. There was honor, respect.' he shared, as Miguel furrowed his brows "I don't think.." he was saying, as Letty put her hand on his shoulder "just let him go, he's on a roll." she told him "these geeks hide behind their computers, what a bunch of spineless losers. You're not afraid of these losers, are you?" Sensei Lawerence asked, as he stopped in front of Aisha.

"No." Aisha told him "you gonna take shit from these losers?" Sensei Lawerence asked her "no." Aisha told him "good, because when I'm done with you, you're gonna be sending a message back. Only it's not gonna be with your keyboard, it's gonna be with your fists." Sensei Lawerence shared, as he brought his fists up, Aisha smiled, Letty smiled as she turned to Miguel "well that's an improvement." she told him, as Miguel smiled.

The next day, Letty was standing next to Sensei Lawrence as Aisha and Miguel stood on the mat in front of them "okay, let's see what you go, Ms Robinson. Face me. Bow." Sensei Lawerence told them, as Aisha and Miguel turned to them, they bowed "face each other. Bow." Sensei Lawerence told them, as Aisha and Miguel did so "Mr Diaz, show her everything you've learned." Sensei Lawerence told him "wait, wait. I don't think this is right, Sensei." Miguel told him "you don't think what's right?" Sensei Lawerence asked him "she's a girl. Why can't Letty.." Miguel was saying, as Sensei Lawerence interrupted him "and? I thought you said women were equal to men?" he asked.

"I did say that. I don't mean it like that. I meant.." Miguel was telling him, as Sensei Lawerence interrupted him again "well, then show her that men are equal, and give her like you would your sister, everything you've got." he told him "wait, I just wanna remind everyone that this is my first day." Aisha shared "your enemies don't care what day it is. They prey on weakness, if you wanna beat them you've gotta conquer your fears and jump face first into the fire. Now are you ready, Ms Robinson?" Sensei Lawerence asked her "I guess." Aisha told him, as Sensei Lawerence turned to Miguel "Mr Diaz." he told him "uh.." Miguel told him "fight!" Sensei Lawerence yelled, yet none of them moved.

"Which means go!" Letty voiced, moving her hands out, as Miguel got into fighting position "I'm sorry." he told Aisha as he went toward's her, kicking his foot out and hitting her in the chest as he sent her to the mat "oh my god, Aisha, are you ok?" Miguel asked her, panicking, Letty furrowed brows, leaning toward's Sensei Lawerence "maybe you should've put me in?" she asked "nah. You're good here." Sensei Lawerence told her, as Miguel told Aisha "I'm sorry. Come on." trying to get her up off the floor.

But instead of just standing, Aisha got up and grabbed Miguel, picking him up in the air and slamming him down on the mat and then she jumped on him knees first, making Miguel groan, Aisha got off of him "my ribs.." Miguel said, as he wheezed "girls a natural cobra just like you." Sensei Lawerence said, as he hit Letty in the arm "you can't do this!" a man yelled from next door "well, I am landlord!" another man yelled "all right, students wait here. Female Diaz, you're in charge." Sensei Lawerence told them, as he turned walking out, Letty and Aisha went over to her brother helping him up "why are you in charge?" Miguel asked "because I didn't get my ribs crushed." Letty told him, as Miguel rolled his eyes.

The next day, Letty had sat down at the lunch table with Moon and them all and when she did, she saw multiple bags put down in empty chairs "what's going on?" she asked "Moon, you didn't tell her?" Yasmine asked, as Moon turned to Letty "we're not letting Sam sit with us anymore because she went down on Kyler in a movie theater of all places." she shared, and when she did, Letty furrowed her brows "what?" she asked, and when she did, Sam heard what they told her, as she walked up to her "no, no, Letty, please! You have to believe me, Kyler came onto me!" she voiced, and when she did, Letty turned to her.

And when she didn't say anything, Sam huffed "of course you don't believe me." she told her, as she turned walking toward's Kyler, everyone watched her, as she tapped him on the shoulder, Kyler turned to her "think it's funny to spread lies about me?" Sam asked him as she crossed her arms "what are you talking about? We saw a movie, and that's it. Well, maybe I saw a little more, then you." Kyler told her, and when he did, all of his friends laughed, in which Letty slammed her hands on the table, choosing to believe Sam over everyone else, as she walked up to them "there's a word for what you did, Kyler, assault!" she voiced.

"You sure about that? Cause Sam was pretty choked up from what we heard." Brucks shared "oh cause you were there? Because to me what it sounds like, is that Kyler got her alone, in a dark movie theater and tried to force himself onto her! Just like how he got my brother alone twice and beat the crap out of him! Who knows how fair it would've gone if Sam clearly shoved him off of her!" Letty voiced, as Kyler furrowed his brows "well your brother was asking for a beat down." he said, as Letty's went wide "you'd better shut your mouth before I beat the shit out of you a second time!" she voiced.

As Kyler stepped toward's her "well you know, it sounds like you have a little bit of a crush on me, so next time? Just ask me! And I can take you to the movies cause once your alone with me? You'll be begging for me to give it to you, too." Kyler told her, laughing along with the rest of his friends, and as he did, he didn't notice, Letty's hand ball into a fist, as anger was flooding her body, as she swung and punched him right in the face, where she then spun around and kicked him in the face, sending him down onto the floor.

"No mercy!" Aisha and Miguel yelled, as Brucks came at Letty, she ducked underneath his punch and swept his feet out from under him and as she got back up, the taller one came at her as he wrapped his arms around her, she elbowed him in the chest, as she got free, she then turned kicking the shorter one in the chest as she then spun around again and kicked the one who was hunched over in the face sending him to the ground, and as she looked around everyone was filming her as her eyes went wide, Miguel motioned with his hands "keep going." he told her, as Letty ran toward's where he stood, she jumped over the table, grabbing a tray.

She kicked the chair out that was next to her, knocking the smaller one off of his feet, as she turned around, Kyler was coming at her as she hit him with the lunch tray, she then turned around shoving Brucks away from her with it, as she turned back around, she smacked the taller one in the face with it and as he fell down, she turned smacking Brucks in the chest with it then on the back as he fell down, Kyler was getting up "shit!" Letty voiced, as she threw the tray at him, she missed, as she turned running off, she stepped onto Brucks and jumped onto the table and when she did, she kicked her foot out, getting Kyler right in the face, as she then stood up and spun around, kicking him in the face again as he fell down.

Everyone in the cafeteria then started cheering for her, as Letty turned around looking at them all, Miguel had a huge smile on his face, while Letty was a little scared, knowing if her mom found what she did, she was totally dead, especially when Counselor Blatt walked up "hey! Get down from there, right now." she told her, taking her hand and dragging her off the table "aww." everyone said, as Letty got dragged out of the cafeteria.

In which Letty and Miguel right when they left school had headed to the dojo to tell Sensei Lawerence what happened "your not gonna believe this! Me! A girl took on those four idiots from that night by myself and I won!" Letty voiced "it's true! It was insane! The whole cafeteria saw it!" Miguel voiced "all four?" Sensei Lawerence asked "yeah." Letty and Miguel told him "even that big dumb one?" Sensei Lawerence asked "oh yeah. I mean I honestly didn't even know what was happening until I threw the first punch and then the rest of it just came together, I blocked, I anticipated, I also jumped over a table which was crazy." Letty shared.

"Huh. Your mom's gonna kill both of us." Sensei Lawerence shared "see that's what I thought, but then when I was taken to the principals office and they called home, our grandma was the one who answered, so my mom doesn't know, just like how she doesn't know my grandma used to bet money on me when I would fight and street race, so she won't talk." Letty shared, as Sensei Lawerence stood up from behind his desk "all right, let me get this straight. You? A girl? Took all the lessons I taught you..and you used them..to straight up beat the shit out of those punks all on your own?" he asked her.

"Yes? Is this a trick question cause I'm waiting for the you didn't do good part that usually comes after me being a girl." Letty shared, furrowing her brows "follow me." Sensei Lawerence told her, as he began walking out of the office, which only confused Letty even more "follow me, what I.." she was questioning as Miguel put his hands on her shoulders and turned, leading her out of the office and out of the dojo, where Sensei Lawerence was by his car.

"Okay, is this when we find out your actually a serial killer?" Letty asked, making Miguel scoff, as Sensei Lawerence opened his trunk, a white gi was inside of it "I wore this when I was training for my first tournament back in 81. I want you to have it." Sensei Lawerence said, and when he did, Letty's face fell "what?" she asked, totally having not expecting that, as he took it out "no. No. He..he should have it." Letty told him, pointing to Miguel "but I'm giving to you. So take it. Cause you earned it." Sensei Lawerence told her, handing it to her and when he did, Letty smiled "thanks." she told him as Sensei Lawerence held his hand up, but instead Letty hugged him, feeling like for the first time in her life that thing's were going in the right direction.

The next morning, Letty had headed to the dojo with Miguel before school and when they arrived, a ton of kid's were standing outside of it, as the two walked through them all to the main door's "whoa, where'd all these people come from?" Letty asked "I'm guessing from them all looking at their phones that they saw your fight." Miguel shared, as Letty turned to him "I'm fighting on the Internet?" she asked, as Miguel nodded, Letty huffed "great. Mom's gonna love getting that email." she shared, as Miguel scoffed "she won't find out." he told her, as Sensei Lawerence walked up to them "looks like were in business." he told them, unlocking the door and walking in, and when he did, Letty and Miguel followed him inside as the others soon began to pile in.

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