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Chapter four

"No more karate." 

The next morning, Letty had woken up at Moon's house, where Moon thankfully let her keep the sweats she had let her borrow since she stayed over and drove her home, all the way back to the other side of town, as Moon parked the car "thanks Moon." Letty told her, as she hopped out of the car "no problem. I'll see you at school." Moon told her, as Letty shut the car door, she began to walk to her apartment door while Moon backed out, getting out her key's, Letty unlocked the door and as she did, her mom was sitting on the living room chair while her brother laid on the couch, her eyes went wide "what the hell happened?" she asked, shutting the door behind her.

And as she did, her mother stood up and crossed her arms "your brother got beat up, because he thought he could fight off a bunch of boys, cause instead of debate team and cheerleading, you two have been practicing karate with the neighbor next door!" she voiced, motioning toward's her, making Letty's eyes go wide as she looked down at Miguel "seriously? I leave you alone for two days and you get your ass kicked?" she asked, as Miguel rolled his eyes, their mom walked up to her and hit her in the back of the head "ow!" Letty voiced, and as she did, her mom furrowed her brows, smelling the alcohol on her breath "we're you drinking?" she asked her.

"No." Letty told her, and as she did, her mom hit her on the back of the head again "yes, maybe! It was with my friend Moon, we were having fun! It's not like we hurt anybody!" Letty voiced, as her mom huffed "you are sixteen years old, Letty!" her mom voiced, throwing her arms out "yeah! And I've been to juvie and I've fought people for money and even street raced! Yet the moment I'm acting like a regular high school girl who drinks with her friends, you still find a way to be mad at me! And I knew karate was a bad idea because you didn't want me to fight anymore but newsflash mom? The people in this town are awful!" Letty voiced.

"Then tell me who did this, because your brother won't! He says that if I call the school it'll only make things worse." their mom shared "it will! This one kids mom called the school and counselor Blatt told everyone and everyone knew who it was! If you let me and him keep learning karate." Letty shared, as her mom rolled her eyes "not this again." she told her, turning around "again?" Letty asked, as Miguel sighed "I already tried that and I told her it wasn't Sensei Lawerence's fault. I wasn't ready." he shared "damn right!" Letty voiced, as their mom held her hands out to both of them "no, enough! No more karate." she told them.

As their grandma walked over talking to their mom, asking her what the problem was as she held her arms out to Miguel and Letty saying that they found something that they like to do together "thank you." Miguel and Letty told her, but their mom fired back telling their grandma to look at Miguel and how fighting's already gotten Letty in enough trouble, and when she did their grandma told her how she knows and what they need is more practice and how this time what Letty was doing wasn't illegal and then she put her hands up and said keep your hands up and protect your head.

In which Letty chuckled, as their mom then came in and told their grandma that this man was a bad influence, in which Letty huffed "mom! He's not! The guys who taught me how to fight dirty which earns you more money and the one's who taught me how to straight race were bad influences, this guy seems to have one actual championships and you don't even know him!" she voiced, as her mom looked to her "I know he's a loser." she told her, as Letty ran her hands through her hair "ugh!" she voiced, knowing no matter what she said, her mom wasn't gonna listen as she turned heading down the hallway and slamming the door to the bathroom to shower to get ready for school.

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