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Chapter fifteen

"The fights only just begun."

Letty had gone with Hawk to the tattoo shop, as she was sitting down on the couch, she was looking through her phone waiting for him to be done "there you go, brother." Rico told him, as Letty brought her phone down she stood up and walked over to him "thanks, Rico." Hawk told him "see you soon, man." Rico told him, as Hawk's mohawk was now red instead of blue, he had changed it on his tattoo but he also happened to get a new one, on his chest that had her name with a heart next to it.

"Did anyone ever tell you not to get people's names tattooed on your body?" Letty asked him, as Hawk smirked at her "you don't like it?" he asked her "I didn't say that." Letty told him, as Hawk leaned down kissing her, Letty kissed him back, as the two started making out, the two new guys who had become like Hawk's shadows were watching the two with wide eyes, as the two pulled away from each other, Hawk put his arm around Letty's shoulder, as the two looked to them "hey, asshole twins. Grab my bag. We're out." he told them, as he turned, him and Letty began walking out as the two followed after them.

It had been a few days since then as they all were sitting outside the mat, watching sensei Lawerence and Kreese fight each other, the two went toward's each other, where Kreese's leg was up and his arms around sensei Lawerence, while sensei Lawerence's arms were also around him "a little rusty, sensei." sensei Lawerence told him, as the two pushed away from each other, Kreese then threw a punch which sensei Lawerence blocked as the two went at each other, Kreese went around sensei Lawerence putting his arm around his neck and putting him in a chokehold.

"Ok, pay attention. He's got my neck, I've got his elbow. If I try to break out." sensei Lawerence shared "I dig in and I put him to sleep." Kreese shared "if I go for his ribs." sensei Lawerence shared, bringing his elbow back "he completely exposes his chest." Kreese shared, bringing his knee up, the two then got back into the chokehold position "two difficult choices. What do you do?" sensei Lawerence asked, but nobody seemed to have an answer, as sensei Lawerence kicked his foot back, knocking him and Kreese to the mat.

"You damn the consequences and you power forward." sensei Lawerence shared as him and Kreese got up off the floor "you may get hurt but nobody wins by doing nothing." Kreese shared "you make a choice. You make a move. You go all in." sensei Lawerence shared, as Letty furrowed her brows, knowing going all in has gotten her in juvie more times then she could count.

After class, they all had gone to the same restaurant that they celebrate their victory at as the girls were all sitting at one table "oh my god. Yasmine has the same bikini as me." Moon shared "tell her she can stay in France." Aisha told them, as Letty furrowed her brows "is it strange that I didn't even know she was gone?" she asked "well, the moment cobra kai took over, you kind of pushed her out of the spotlight." Moon shared "enough for her to leave town. Guess my front wedgie was too much for her." Aisha shared, the three of them laughed, Hawk ran up behind Letty and put his arms around her, making her jump "let's get out of here." he told her.

As Letty leaned her head back, looking up at him "where are we going?" she asked him "the mall. Come on." Hawk told her, taking his arms off of her, he stepped back, as Letty stood up, the two of them began walking out as four other guys followed them.

Walking in the mall, the six of them were walking around as Hawk had his arm around Letty, they all turned into the comic book store, Letty looked around at all the video games, shirts, blankets, hats and figurines they had for all this stuff "what are we doing here?" she asked, as the other two pealed off, the two that had become Hawk's shadow continued following them, as they headed toward's the back where the comic books were, they walked through an aisle "the warlock of narfoor's back? He just died. Have some continuity." she then heard Demetri's voice, as she began to realize what was happening here.

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