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Chapter fourteen

"The start of the unholy trinity."

In the dojo, everyone else was waiting for class to start as they had new members in the room as well, Letty, Aisha and Hawk were all standing in front of Kreese as he told them a story "you gotta understand the Mogadishu in the 90's was a hellhole. War lords controlled whole swats of the city. My team and I were in charge of cleaning the place up." he shared "how many warlords did you kill?" Hawk asked, as Letty scoffed "don't ask him that." she told him "you keep track of every ant you stomp out?" Kreese asked "badass." Hawk told him.

And Kreese continued telling them stories "they were out gunned, we were out manned. I tell you..Rwanda was no joke." he shared, as Letty furrowed her brows "wait I'm not trying to over step but I think you meant Somalia. That's where Mogadishu is, Rwanda's a totally different country." she shared "look at that, she not only can fight but also has brains. I've just spent so much time in the sandbox, it all kind of bleeds together, you know?" Kreese asked, as Miguel furrowed his brows from behind him, not sure if he was telling the truth and he didn't want his sister caught up in it.

"Listen up!" sensei Lawerence voiced as he walked into the room, gaining all their attention "I see we've got some new recruits. Everybody, fall in." he shared, as they all began moving to their spot "in neat rows and lines." sensei Lawerence added on, as they all looked at him "time to see what you're made of." he told them, as he began walking through them all and toward's the back "straighten up, ginger twins." he told two people, as he continued walking "sorry, parents can't stay for class. It's an insurance thing." he shared "I'm not a dad, I..I am here to kick some ass, sir!" the man voiced.

As they all turned their heads, seeing a middle aged man, Letty furrowed her brows "do I know you from somewhere?" sensei Lawerence asked "oh, yeah, I sold you the mirror. We kind of bonded, talked about rock bands." the man shared "look, you're a little old. This is a class for teenagers." sensei Lawerence shared "well, I..I can take em." the man shared, chuckling "I'm not afraid of kids, sir, and my mom she doesn't charge me rent, so I just..I got a lot of cash to burn." he shared, pulling out money, sensei Lawerence took it from him "we'll consider this a trial run." he told him, as he turned around, walking back to the front.

They all turned back and faced forward "I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic. But if you do what I tell you to do, you'll at least have a chance at becoming a fighter. But to do that, you gotta fight. So, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?" he asked, as everyone looked to Letty, nobody said or even moved, as the man exhaled nervously "uh.." he said "I'll take her on." another girl said, which caught everyone's attention, especially Letty and Aisha's as they all turned around, looking at her.

"Oh, you will, huh?" sensei Lawerence asked her "I saw your little demo at valley fest." the girl shared, as sensei Lawerence walked toward's her "you guys can put on a show. Can you actually fight?" the girl asked "that sounds like a challenge." sensei Lawerence told her "I like a challenge." the girl informed him, as sensei Lawerence turned around, walking back to the front "ms Diaz, show little miss hot shot here what being a girl in cobra kai is all about." he shared, as Letty bowed, everyone began walking off the mat.

Leaving the two girls on it, neither of them said anything, as the girl ran at her, she brought her leg up to kick her, but so did Letty as the two kicked each other, they stumbled back "ooh!" everyone voiced, as the two went toward's each other, they threw punches, neither of them could hit each other as they switched sides, the girl ran toward's her, as Letty grabbed her, she threw her down onto the mat, which was more street fighting and less what she was taught to do, which the girl quickly picked up on, as she rolled back and got up.

Opposites attract, Demetri Alexopoulos Where stories live. Discover now