His Lost Love

By CrystalWings-

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"Aaron..." She giggled as I ran my nose down along the side of her neck. That's my favourite sound...her lau... More

Chapter 1: Life has never been fair
Chapter 2: Memories that haunt
Chapter 3: The 'step-mother'
Chapter 4: Bad news
Chapter 5: A generous proposition
Chapter 6: Like an angel
Chapter 7: A strange man
Chapter 8: Torture
Chapter 10: Guilt
Chapter 11: Miss. Hill...

Chapter 9: Hard goodbyes

104 12 3
By CrystalWings-

Emma's POV

"Enough!" I almost shivered as I heard Mr. Aaron Walker's voice, his voice was loud enough for even me to hear as I stood before his study door, in a dilemma that if I should go in and apologise or not.

He was mad, I could tell this much by hearing his voice and it made me wonder if it was a good idea to talk to him right now? Or rather should I say that was it a good idea to talk to him at all?

From what I have managed to gather from our first meeting in the park, and then the short walk from the park to the Walker mansion, which felt way too long for some unknown reason, I can tell that he's a short tempered man and after what I did at the park, after the way I spoke to him assuming that he was a kidnapper, who was trying to abduct my little Noah, I don't really think it's a good idea to even go in front of him right now.

But I need this job and if I want to keep it intact, then I need to go and apologise to him right away...but it's not just about the money now, sure I need money for survival and given my family's condition, this is not the time that I can afford losing yet another job.

But apart from those reasons, there's also yet another much bigger reason why I cannot afford to lose this job...and it's because within the short span of time that I have been working here, I have emotionally gotten attached to Noah, and I realized it when I saw Mr. Walker holding him in his arms at the park and assumed that he was a kidnapper.

I was scared shitless, just at the thought of somebody harming Noah, and now when I'm on the verge of losing this job...which also implies that I would never get to see that angelic baby ever again, I realize that I need this job much more because I love being around Noah, rather than due to my financial conditions.

If I'm fortunate enough, I would manage to land myself a job at some diner or cafe and earn money, but there I wouldn't get to see Noah everyday and just the thought of not being able to see him ever again, is killing me, which is why even if I like it or not, if I want to or not, but I have to go in there and talk to Mr. Walker.

Right now!

Taking a deep breath as if gathering all the courage in me, I gently knocked on the wooden door.

"Mr. Walker..." I called out.

"Mr. Walker, m-may I come in?" I asked. God! Why did I stammer? Couldn't I say even utter one full sentence without making a fool out of myself?

A moment later I heard Elizabeth's voice, saying, "Yes, sweetheart, please come in".

Turning the door knob open with my trembling hand, I walked inside in slow steps, with my head hung low.

Preparing a good apology in my head, so that I don't stammer this time and curse myself even more than what I already was doing, I spoke.

"Mr. Walker, I want to apologise for whatever happened back at the park earlier" I said, but didn't dare to even glance up at him.

"I-I had no idea that it was you..." I trailed off.

Crap! What was I saying?

"I mean I had no idea that you are Noah's father" I said, correcting my previous sentence while looking up at him this time.

"Oh. That's alright, don't worry about it" Elizabeth said waving her hand in the air, it was sweet of her to forgive me but it wasn't her forgiveness that I needed, rather it was her son's, so I just stood there looking at him, waiting for him to say something.

But why do I have this feeling that whatever he was just about to say, definitely wasn't going to be in my favour.

As I looked at him, I realized how handsome he was, with perfectly cut, dark brown hair, a pointed nose, a sharp jawline and those baby blue eyes, that had the power of holding anybody captive, he looked no less than a Greek God! And recalling the moment when we stood in front of eachother in the park, I could also tell that he was heighted as he towered over my 5'7 height.

And while I was engrossed in, shamelessly checking him out, he said something that brought my entire world crushing down on my shoulders.

"You are fired" He said. His voice calm and firm, as if he hasn't just snatched away the happiness that Noah brought in my life.

"Now get the fuck out of here" He added and that was when I lost it as my eyes brimmed with tears. It's alright if he didn't want to keep me employed as his son's nanny anymore, but that doesn't means that he has to be so fucking rude and mean to me.

I blushed, feeling way too embarrassed as tears ran down my cheeks and I had to bit down on my lower lip to stop myself from sobbing, before wiping my tears off with the back of my hand and rushing out of his study.

I ran downstairs and almost stumbled down the stairs but held the railing of the stairs for support and somehow managed to not go tumbling down the stairs.

I planned on running straight out of the house of that mad, arrogant man, who thinks that he owns everything and everybody, but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Noah giggling and making his usual baby voices, that he makes whenever he sees me, it's as if he talks to me in his own baby language, which of course only he, himself understands.

I turned around only to see him crawling towards me in a haste, as if he wanted to reach to me as quick as his little legs could get him.

Gosh! How am I supposed to manage without him now? When he has already managed to claim my heart by his innocence and cuteness?

I glanced up and saw one of the house helps standing a few steps away from us. She must have left him on the floor as he must have seen me and tried to wiggle out of her arms.

I looked down at the innocent creature, through my blurred vision, who now sat just near my feet and was looking up at me, excited while throwing his hands up and down in the air, asking me to take him in my arms.

I smiled looking at his angelic smile and the innocence on his face and a moment later his smile fell off as he got impatient when I just stared at him instead of picking him up in my arms.

Little does he know that we are never going to see each other, ever again? Which makes me wonder if he'll miss me? Just as much as I'll miss him? Will he wonder where I have suddenly disappeared?

What am I even thinking!? He's just a little baby, he'll forget me in no time.

I snapped out of my thoughts hearing Noah's sheer cry, which was obviously because I haven't picked him up yet and was making him wait way too long for this little guy's liking.

I chuckled before taking a crying Noah in my arms and holding him close to my heart and he instantly stopped crying.

I took a deep breath, inhaling his baby scent, which has recently turned my favorite scent in the entire world.

I just stood there, holding him close, I was leaving as it is, might as well cherish the last moments that I have with him.

A moment later, I placed a kiss on his temple before gesturing the house help, who was earlier holding Noah, to come forward.

"I love you, my baby" I whispered into his ear while caressing his soft hair.

"Goodbye, Noah" I added before looking up at the house help who seemed to be confused by the scene unfolding before her.

"Please take him to his nursery" I requested while reluctantly handing him over to her and as if he sensed what I was doing, he started crying again while advancing his little hands towards me as the house help started walking away with him, without paying any attention to his heartfelt cries.

Was she stupid? Couldn't she see that how badly he was crying? How cold of her to not even try to calm him down and just walk away with him!

My heart clenched in pain as I watched his little face turning red due to all the energy that he was using in crying.

I had this urge to run upto him and hold him in my arms...close to my heart and calm him down somehow but somehow I managed to stop myself from doing so as I knew if I did so, it would get even harder for me to leave.

A lone tear slipped down my eye as I watched him going away from me and that too with a red, crying face, a face that I'll never be able to get out of my head.

Placing a hand on my heart, I closed my eyes as I could no longer bear to look at him crying so badly and still not being able to do anything about it.

A moment later when I opened my eyes, he was no longer in my sight and that broke my heart.

And even though I could no longer see him, but yet I could hear his loud cries, which broke my heart even further and I broke into tears before quickly turning around and walking out, not just from that arrogant man's house, but also from my little Noah's life.

And as I sat in the bus, on my way back to home, my thoughts slipped back to whatever happened at the park earlier.

Just when I was about to snap at him, he spoke, saying something for the first time ever since we met.

"Al..." He mumbled.

Al? What's an Al?

Did I even hear him right?

I tried to get my hand out of his grip as he was still holding onto my wrist and for some odd, unknown reason I felt my heart thumping against my chest and I found myself getting way too nervous under his intense gaze.

Why was he staring at me like that? As if he has just seen a ghost?

Was I dressed inappropriately for him to stare at me like that? Or did I just look too funny for him to tear his gaze off me?

Or was there something on my face? I thought to myself before touching and feeling up my entire face, only to realize that everything was just fine with my face.

Then what was it? That held his eyes on my face for so long?

I blinked, blushing and averted my eyes, when I realized that he was continously staring right into my eyes, and maybe that was what snapped him out of whatever trance he seemed to be in or maybe by only into my eyes he realized that I was not upto his standards.

A moment later he asked.

"Who are you?"

I frowned at him. Who does he thinks he is to ask me who am I?

"And who exactly are you to ask me who am I?" I asked with an eyebrow raised as he glared at me as if he couldn't believe that I just said that to him.

He seemed like the man, that nobody questions.

"I'm asking for the final time, who are you? And what are you doing here with my son?" He asked again while putting some extra emphasis on 'my son'.

His son?

I stared at him blankly for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter.

Yeah right, as if I was gonna believe that!

"Yeah right, and I'm his mother" I replied sarcastically while still laughing but soon my laughter died down as I noticed the way he was looking, oh no he wasn't looking at me, rather he was shooting daggers at me with those gorgeous baby, blue eyes of his, and if looks could kill, I'm sure I would be six feets under by now.

"Are you..." I paused clearing my throat.

"Are you really his father?" I asked in all my seriousness.

I haven't seen Noah's father, Mr. Aaron Walker yet, so this man could very well be his father but I cannot just believe him without any proof...I cannot just hand Noah over to him without any solid proof...right?

"Didn't I just say that he's my son..." He paused snapping me out of my thoughts.

"And if he is my son, then by the unchangeable, default laws of the universe, I am by default his father, aren't I?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, you are kinda right about the laws of the universe..." I blabbered without thinking.

"But I'm still gonna need some proof that you are Aaron Walker" I continued as he looked at me as if I have just grown two heads.

"Proof?" He asked, taken aback as I just nodded my head at him.

"You want me to prove if I am my own son's father or not?" He added as if I have just asked him the most absurd thing in the world that anybody could ask for.

"That's what I just said, didn't I?" I asked back as he narrowed his eyes down at me.

"What? What do you expect me to do? Just hand an innocent baby over to someone without any proof?" I added in a duh tone as he exhaled a sharp breath before looking for something in his pockets and pulling out his wallet while mumbling something under his breath.

I'm sure that he was cursing. And boy! Did he look pissed!?

Come on, dude, I just asked for a single and simple proof, not for half of your property for you to be so pissed over me, I wanted to say but given his reaction to everything that I have said until now, I decided to keep those thoughts to myself and keep my smart mouth shut.

"Here..." He said shoving his driving license in my face.


Well, it did carry the name Aaron Walker on it.

I glanced at him, nervously, before passing him an awkward smile.

"What? Need another proof? A DNA test perhaps?" He asked sarcastically while I blinked at him nervously.

"No, a driving license should suffice I guess" I replied while biting down on my lower lip as he kept his wallet back inside before grabbing Noah from my arms and walking away, leaving me alone.

I watched him as he got into his car and drove off and even Noah didn't make a fuzz while going with him.

Of course, why would he make a fuzz? He was his father after all and he recognized him when I couldn't, I thought to myself.

I sighed.

For some weird reason my heart ached at the way he snatched Noah from my arms, it felt more like as if he was taking him away from me for good...

And I wasn't wrong at all, because that's what he actually did.

He snatched my Noah away from me...



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Until next time.


Crystal ❤️

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