Is death really the answer (c...

By strange_sky

2.3K 107 25

This is a story about a misfit who falls in love with calum. Will it work out. Will Lola kill herself Will l... More

Is death really the answer
Is this real ???
OMFG why does this happen to me !!!!!!!!!
I really don't wanna do this
I hope this dosnt hurt Lola/Is it the future or the past
Are you staying
Where am I??
I miss you
The sing off
The sneeky idea
Ouija board
Authors note
Ouija part 2
The new person
Not a chapter sorry
Secrets have to be shared with someone
Im sorry
The flash back of mistakes
Disgueses dont last forever
You cant stay mad forever
Your never prepared for a surprise like this one
Pain never fades away no matter what you do
The truth isnt always what it seems
The new me
Abbort mission repeat abort mission
See you again
Cos I'm not fine at all
Secrets and lies

Needlecock and Bae

22 1 0
By strange_sky

A/n sorry about the horrible spellings and grammar in this chapter i'm currently writing on my computer instead of my ipad so i have no autocorrect ughh.

I wake up to the sound of birds singing outside the window and the sun beaming, heating up my face. As i wake up i have a feeling that today is for some reason gonna be a good day. i check my phone to see the time 6:00am ok time to get going. i grab my things by the door and sneek out the bedroom into the bathroom to get dressed until i get home and have a shower and shit.once i changed i go back into the bedroom and put the clothes on the bed where i was sleeping. i look around for paper and pen. i see some on the desk so i grab it and write a note to zack and jake so they dont worry when they wake up and see me gone.

~ To Zack and Jake~

by the time your reading this ill be gone. im heading home to get ready for school, when you finish reading this call me so we can sort out where ill be picking you up for school ;)

thanks for helping me and listening to me yesterday about lily and now you know why i made an excuse up about leaving the asylume  and not answering jake :( (sorry about that jake but i thought about it and i think i might work so my answer is a big fat yes to you xx:)

i left your sisters clothes on the bed i was sleeping and ill see you dorks in a while and i know i dont say this but i hope you know how greatful I  am for you two for putting up with my drama and weirdness and i love yo for tat ok bye <3

love your bae lola aka lo xx

Once i fiish the later i leave it stuck to jakes head so they'll see it then i lave the house as queitly as possible and drive home which thankfully is 10 mins down the road. when i get into the house i jump into the shower for a quick wash before jumping back out and straightening my hair and doing my face. i go to my wardrobe and decided on a pair of shorts with rips in it and a crop top with a tiger on it and i put on a pair of air max to top it off. i check the time 7:40am.I grab my phone and turn it off silent just as I was about to turn it off jake called.

"hey i guess you got my letter then" i nervously laugh.

"am yeah you said call to sort out when to pick us up" he says also nervous

"all right well if your ready i can call now and we can stop off for abit of breakfast which is known as coffee and a pastry" i say all ready knowing that theyd be ready otherwise they would have waited till they were ready to call.

"am yeah that sounds good will be outside zacks door, see you in a minute babe" i was getting my schoolbag,purse,keys and phone as jake was talking so i wasn't really paying attention unil he said babe. before i got to answer he had hung up great i didnt even to say it to him.

i head out the house and lock up before driving to pick up the two biggest dorks i know.As i reach zacks house i see the two of them, zack leaning up against the wall with one leg on the floor and the ther on the wall and jake was wearing sunglasses and a beanie that i really like. i was smirking as i pulled up to zacks drive planning a sneeky idea. mwhahaha.

"why are you so happy then" zack asks getting into the back of the car and obviously noticing me smirking. jake jumps into the front and smiles at me.

"hey guys, and im just in a god mood today is thst okay with you zack" i ask looking at him through the rear view mirror. he just shruggs and i poke me  tongue ot at him mkig him smile. jake lets out a little laugh and i turn to look at him.

"oh ou think that was funny do you" i say smiling at him.zack realised i was up to something bt decided not to say anything

"a little bit, your just so cute when your being stupid" jake says blushing, making me blush abit.

"well then your gonna get a boner from me now because im adorable in these." i say taking his beanie and sunglasses off him and putting them on me. i start the car and drive towards a cafe near our school.we have casual converstation in the car as we reach our destination. we get ut the car with me still wearing jakes things.

"you can have them back you know" i say to jake as we walk towards the cafe."nah yo keep them you look cute in my things." he puts his hand around my shoulders.

guys im not third wheeling or im leaving" zack says messing around. i stick up my middle figure at him. we get into  the cafe and each order a coffe and me and zack getting a crossiant and jake getting an apple turn over.we go find some seats.we find a table with a chair and a couch kinda chair thing. me and Jake seat on the couch and Zack seats on the chair facing us. Jake seats right beside me and puts his arm back around me and I cuddle up to him leaning my head on his shoulder. The waiter comes over to us with our coffee and food."yum, do you want abit of this babe" i ask looking up at Jake. He nods and we trade bits of our pastreys. 

" so your ok now after everything that happened yesterday lola?2 zack asks as i down my coffee and scuffing my crossiant. i was so hungry. "hmmm what am yeah i am thanks." i say with my mouth full and cheeks red from embaressment. Jake laughs at me so i make a face at him.

once we finish our food and coffee we head to school ughh." guys what do you have first period." i ask heading into the driveway of school and hoping one of them was in my class.

"am i have maths first period i think" zack says getting his bag with  me and jake following him.

"i think i have higher level history what about you babe" jake ask getting my bag ut and insisting on carrying it to my locker. 

"aww I have French, I was hoping I'd be in one of your classes because its the first time coming back to school after my brek up with calum and lily leaving and having a big fight with cal and mikey and a whole load of drama." i said getting nervous of faceing cal and mikey like what if they ask me things and trying to speak to me about lily howwill i manage this with out Zack and Jake beside me.

"you'll be okay for 1st period because calums in my class and michael is in Zacks class ok dont worry, come on we can all walk to class together if that will help you" jack says reassuring me, i nod my head and go to Zack and Jakes lockers first becaue they were the closest nd both beside each other. handy or what like.they checked teir timetables and we realised that one of them ould always be in a class with me like what luck thank you god.

we head to my locker with Jake still holding  my bag, i insisted I would carry it to class but wouldn't have it and said he shall carry it till we part ways. my class was on the top floor, Zacks was one the second floor which the stairs leading there were right beside my locker so we bid goodbyes for now and me and Jake walked up to the third floor where his class was.

" I dont want to leave you alone in a class full of bitches/ whores and fuckboys." he said as we were saying bye."well unfortunatley its not your chocie you dork." I say taking my bag off him.

"Ill meet you at your locker after class so I csn walk you to your next class ok" awwww thats so nice of him.

"you don hve to do that you know im sure I'll be fine" I say playing with my fingers. he puts his finger on my chin and lift it so im looking into his eyes.

" I want to because I want to spend every second I can with you no matter how cheesey it sounds." he says giving me a kiss before going into class leaving me alone to walk to class. I make it up the stars to french which I hated with a passion. The teacher wasn't here yet so I took a seat at the back of the class and took out my phone to see both Jake and Zack had text me. Before I open any of them I decide to changes their names on my phone. I change Zack to neddlecock and Jake to my  big massive dork aka bae. once thats done i pen Jakes first

~My big massive dork aka Bae~

hey babe just wanted to make sure your ok after yesterday <3


I'll be fine now that I have you xx

then I open Zacks text.


hey Jake prbably text you but just so you know he won't text during cass incase he gets caught what a little bitch  hah but fortunatley for you I hate maths so I'll text p.s you better not be a little bitch and be to scared to text me 


hey yeah that sounds like my jake :'D a little bitch haha and dont worry I have a pair of balls I dont care if I get caught or not #yolo#Idgaf haha also I hate french shes a bitch anyways 

The teacher enters the class and notices me. "welcome back lola how are you feeling after what happened." great now everyone is gonna find out, can a girl not get a little privacy why did he bitch have to know about this and ask. 

"i'm fine now thanks for asking you cow" I say the last bit under my breath so no one but me can hear. thankfully she gets on with the lesson and I go back to texting neddlecock.


good atleast one of you have a pair of balls in this relationship XD, so what you learning we're doing algabra or some shit. oh  shit I thin kI have to take something down off the bored brb haha 


hah we're learning about verbs in french what fun. i have no clue what the stupid cow is on about, I'd so rather be in yor class I love maths ughh :/ oh no the whore is asking me to say whats on the bored out loud wish me luck :(


ahaha you must be joking you;d rather algebra over easy french verds ahaha gud one I'd trade with you ant day. aha you had to read loser :D ughh do you know how to do this = ok so D = 5 E=4 and F=3 4de -6f+4e =? :/? please help me :p 


sorry i had to take down verbs okay how do you not know that sum is so easy =


4(5)(4) - 6(3)+4(4)=


80-18+16=78 see told you it was easy XD


Lola your a pure genius you know that thank you so much I'll see you in a minute I bet go so I can get these done so I dont have extra hw haha, you have history now with me dont you and Jake has french right? 


i know im a genius :D and yeah history with bae ;) my poor baby has to last another 40 minutes before seeing me aww the poor thing haha yeah get your homework doe and what ever you dont get done I'll help you with after school and you can help with french also I've decided we're going back to my house after school to do homework and watch a movie or something c u in amin bye bye faggot :P

"ok take down whats on the bored and learn it tonight and do pages 100-105 for wednesday  ok see you all wednesday bye." the cow said getting her stuff and leaving us to take down verbs take no one fucking uses like for fuck sake.

when i finsh taking it down I pack up and go down to my locker to get my history books and meet up with the dorks. i make it to my locker to see Jake waiting for me."hey sorry the stupid cow made us take shit down after the bell went" I give him a quick peck before opening my locker and getting my history stuff and putting my french things away for now. As I close my locker Zack appers. I smile to him as we begin walking back up to the third floor where our classes were. I take a risk and grab Jakes hand as we walk all of us together.

"oh guys i just remebered, when I was waitig for class to start I changed your names on my phone ok so Jake is my big massive dork aka bae and Zack is needlecock" I tell them as we crack up laughing at my new nickname for Zack.

"oh yeah ell your new name is pieceof slutty shit and Jake is homo" Zack said trying so hard to think up good names and they werent even that good.

"well Zack your called fuckboy and lola yours is my little princess" he said kissing my forehead. zack makes gagging noises so we flip him off. we make it to the third floor and part ways with Jack and going into history both seating beside each other at the back of the class room so we could alke to each other. even if we were caught it be fine this teacher is harmless and wouldnt hurt a fly everyone just walks all over her in historyso its alll goood.

"Hey lo I thought of a better name for you, fuck up but I'll only say it if your ok with it because I dont want you to take it to heart or anything" Zack rambled on nervously scared ill take offense.

"dont worry needlcock I aint no bitch like my boyfriend" I say nudging him. we messed around all class and had the banter.

a/n heyyyy guys I know I havn't updated this in like a million years and im sorry so heres a kinda long update hope you like it i spent half the night writting while i was downloading something and i listened to now thats what I call music! 90 so I got abit distracted by trying to sing quietly as everyone was asleep and when I had finished this i watched an old movie I used to love called ice princess it wasn't as good this time as you would imagine also there are alot or spelling and grammar mistakes its because this is my laptop so it has no auto correct and yeah hope you enjoy xxxx ily dont forget to like and comment 

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