Ring of Amicy- Signora x Fem...

By KuroTani12

99.5K 6.2K 6.1K

Genshin Impact set in modern! au Teacher! Signora (Rosalyne) x Fem student! reader 'Amicy', the mystery of wh... More

Introduction (Must Read)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
(18+) Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 43

1.2K 89 105
By KuroTani12

You reached Ms Rosalyne's cabin and knocked on the door before opening it to go inside.

"Good morning, ma—" your words got caught in your throat as you saw not only Ms Rosalyne but also Ms Lisa inside. Ms Rosalyne was seated in her chair while Ms Lisa was standing beside her and seemed to be saying something as both of them looked quite shocked when you came in.

"Oh, uh, good morning.... did I disturb you both?"

Ms Lisa awkwardly looked at Ms Rosalyne who instead glared back at her and whispered a stern 'No' causing Ms Lisa to roll her eyes in annoyance then clear her throat to speak.

"Not at all, Y/n. Good morning to you too~" Ms Lisa greeted in her usual cheerful tone then walked towards the door.

"Well, I'll take my leave. Don't forget what I said, Rosa~" Ms Lisa waved at her friend and caressed your face before walking out, leaving you alone with Ms Rosalyne who seemed to have something to say to you but decided not to.

"Uh, is everything okay, ma'am?" you asked Ms Rosalyne and she quickly nodded.

"Y-Yes, don't worry about it, Y/n. Come and have a seat, I hope you reached without any problems."

"Ah, yes, there were no problems. I was surprised when it started raining though, I didn't know Mondstadt has rains in January."

"It's not going to be an occurrence; it happens due to the western disturbances so it'll only be a few days and not too heavy either."

"I see, good thing I always keep an umbrella and a change of clothes in my car."

Ms Rosalyne nodded with a smile, "Certainly. Well, let's not waste more time. Nobody else is coming today so we can study here only, at 1 pm there is a seminar which I have to attend out of obligation so you can either go back by then or attend the seminar too."

"What's the seminar about?"

"Hmm, I'm not too sure but the speaker is a partner of the institute. I would assume it's business-related but they have called students from pre final year so it could be placement related too. I'll receive more details soon."

"I see, I don't mind attending then. We... uh, I-I can spend more time here...."

You looked down with a blush and Ms Rosalyne softly smiled, "Alright, I'll take you with me."

You nodded with a smile then began your studies with her, starting from discussing the thesis then moving on to study the syllabus. In the back of Ms Rosalyne's mind, there was something she wanted to talk to you about but decided it's unwise to waste your study time with that. Still, no matter how much she tried to see it as a petty issue, she couldn't forget about it.


A few minutes ago, before you came to Ms Rosalyne's cabin. 

Ms Lisa was gazing at the falling rain from the window of her library when she decided to make herself a cup of tea and sit on one of the window panes, taking in the cool breeze and feeling relaxed. Some moments later she looked down to see a car enter the gate could vaguely make out it was you in the driver's seat but she had no idea of the person in the passenger seat beside you. She squinted her eyes and continued looking until you stepped out and her eyes widened seeing the woman with you, she did not know who it was but the closeness between you two made her suspicious.

She wished she could hear what you were talking about but she was too far away. She looked at the way you smiled at each other before the woman eventually embraced you rather intimately, and a blush was evident on your face as well. Her mouth hung open with a low gasp at the scene and she wasted no time to make her way to her friend's cabin, eager to inform what she saw.

"Rosa! Rosa, you wouldn't believe what I just saw!" Lisa declared as soon as she entered Rosalyne's cabin, not bothering to knock or ask about coming in.

"Lisa, at least knock first—!" Rosalyne tried interjecting but Lisa didn't let her. "Ugh, forget about that! Listen to me, I saw Y/n just now!"

Rosalyne blinked in confusion, "....And? Is that supposed to be so surprising?"

"No, that isn't the point! I saw her with someone, a woman we have never seen before!"

Rosalyne tilted her head in confusion, "Lisa.... say it properly at once."

"Hah~ Fine fine." Lisa finally calmed down and walked beside Rosalyne.

"So, I saw Y/n step out of her car with a beautiful mature woman. I have never seen her and I doubt you would have either, now the important thing is..... they looked pretty close~"

Rosalyne's eye widened, "Close as in?"

"Wellll.... I saw them smiling as they talked then she hugged Y/n and Y/n looked rather flustered~"

Rosalyne's mind went in a confused daze for a moment before she furrowed her brows, "You are exaggerating, Lisa. Those are normal actions and knowing Y/n, I can understand her getting flustered from such physical actions."

"But aren't you curious what their relationship is?! Oh my god, what if they knew each other in the past and have unrequited feelings for each other?! Rosa, you have a rival!"

"L-Lisa, stop with those conclusions!"

"But what if I'm right?! See, I told you to start getting more assertive before it's too late!"

"A-Assertive?! What do you even expect me to do? Seduce her?!"

"Yes! Use your sexual charms! Make it so that she sees nobody else!"

Rosalyne blushed, "You are being outrageous, Lisa! Do you realize what you are saying?!"

Lisa was about to speak more when a knock was heard followed by you walking inside, catching both of them in the middle of their conversation.


Some time had passed since you started studying with Ms Rosalyne today, you couldn't help but feel she was not fully attentive and seemed to be thinking of something else the whole time. In her mind, she couldn't forget Lisa's words and kept pondering what the situation really was. Who was this woman she was talking about? Were you close with her? Also, should she really use her 'sexual charms' on you now? 

"I don't even know how that woman looks, why am I worrying this way?! No no! I can't get swayed by Lisa's words; this would be highly inappropriate!"

She pinched her naval bridge in frustration then looked at you once again, gazing at your focused stature and a sudden feeling of possessiveness came over her. She had no right to interfere with who you meet and choose to stay around of, after all. She gritted her teeth then picked up her phone to message Lisa- 

How did that woman look? 

Almost instantly, she received a reply.

Ooh?~ Is that jealousy I'm sensing?~

Rosalyne sighed before replying.

I'm only curious. She could also be Y/n's relative and we may be misunderstanding.

Hah~ Fine fine. She honestly didn't look like a local, she had a bit.... Liyuean vibe to her, long silver hair, expensive clothes and jewellery, slim and curvy figure in all the right ways~ Oh, and she was almost as tall as you judging by their hug. I really doubt she's Y/n's relative.

Rosalyne bit her lower lip, her brows furrowing.

Mhm, doesn't sound similar. Thanks

Wait wait. What are you going to do? Will you finally use your sexual appeal on Y/n?~

It's none of your business, gtg

She kept her phone away and pinched her forehead, thinking about all sorts of scenarios before making up her mind. "Maybe, I could try...."

"Mmm, it just rained yet the sun is already blazing on us...." Ms Rosalyne sighed and fanned her face before proceeding to undo the first 2 buttons of her shirt, you caught a glance at her and almost became flustered seeing her breasts peek out from the opening and immediately resumed your work.

"Do tell me if you feel too hot, Y/n. I'll switch on the AC."

"Y-Yes, I'm fine for now, ma'am." you replied while looking down.

Ms Rosalyne pondered more then shifted her chair back slightly before leaning back and putting one leg over the other, hiking up her skirt a little so as to make her skin visible to your eye level. She picked up a document from her table and read through it for some time, waiting for you to look up and see her. 

"Uh ma'am, about this part—" you spoke and looked up at her then were caught by surprise at her alluring state, your eyes wandered all over her and you weren't sure where to look. 

"Yes, what is it?" Ms Rosalyne smiled innocently and put the paper down then stood up and leaned forward on the table to look at where you were pointing in your book. She ensured to be close and bent down enough, letting you have an eyeful display of the opening in her shirt and the way she was arched on the table, so much so that you were able to make out what bra she was wearing. Your heart skipped a beat and Ms Rosalyne didn't miss your flustered reaction, but she wasn't sure if this was working as she intended.

"U-Um, it's this part..." you quickly regained composure and looked down to show where you were stuck and she proceeded to explain while leaning back slightly, resting on the table with her arms. You nodded in understanding after she finished explaining then she decided to change her tactic, she picked up the papers again and began walking around her office while reading them. Some more time passed and you were stuck in another part and were about to call her but didn't realize when she snuck behind you and was looking over your shoulder while her hands rested on your chair's armrests.

"Hm? Are you stuck at this part?" she asked in a low and soothing voice, her breath brushed past your ear and her angelic voice sent shivers down your body. You suddenly became conscious of your closeness with her; her cheek almost pressed against your own, her breasts were touching your back and the position of her arms made it seem you were enclosed in her embrace. Ms Rosalyne closely noted each and every reaction you gave, she could see a light blush appear on your cheeks and how you were fidgeting, almost as if trying to make distance from her.

She felt that showed you were uncomfortable with these ministrations and immediately retracted all her advances. "I'm so stupid for paying heed to Lisa's words! I knew I shouldn't have done this!" 

She internally cursed while buttoning up her shirt and grooming her overall look to appear formal like always. She came around and sat back at her chair to resume her own work, maintaining her perfectly professional demeanour. In truth, you were simply shy to have her so close since you actually liked it. You wanted her to do more but at the same time couldn't handle such actions and would become flustered. 

For the rest of the time you were together, she tried nothing else and decided to not think about what Lisa said. She was still curious of the woman Lisa talked about, but she felt she was worrying for nothing. It was now close to 1 pm and she received the text message from the Dean detailing the upcoming seminar and concluded it was a good opportunity and that you should definitely attend as well. Both of you soon made your way over to the seminar hall where a lively crowd was gathered, aside from the teachers and students there were a lot of media as if the speaker was some kind of celebrity.

Ms Rosalyne bid you farewell and went to where the rest of the teachers were while you found an empty seat in the third row from the corner and sat down, you knew rest of the students were all juniors and you didn't want to mingle in with them. You also spotted Ms Lisa come in after some minutes and watched her walk up to Ms Rosalyne and sit beside her, you weren't too far from them but kind of wished you sat in the centre now and be directly behind them. Soon enough, the host announced the guest's arrival and everyone stood up to greet them as they came inside.

Camera flashes and clapping resounded in the hall as the guest walked in along with the Vice President and one of the Deans. Your eyes immediately widened when you laid your eyes on the guest, "M-Ms Ningguang?! She is—?! Oh my god, why did I not realize this sooner!?" All of a sudden, everything made sense to you. Her coming to meet the director, a seminar from an esteemed guest related to business and placement.... of course, the timing matched perfectly. 

You watched as Ms Ningguang walked inside and received the formality gifts before walking up to the podium. She definitely had a celebrity aura and everyone's eyes were focused on her, the cameras continued clicking and she professionally smiled until everyone settled down and she could begin speaking. On the other hand, Ms Lisa too recognized her the moment she came inside and swiftly spoke to Ms Rosalyne.

"What! Rosa, that is her! That is the woman I saw with Y/n!" Lisa whispered as inconspicuously as possible, making Rosalyne extremely surprised at the revelation. 

"Oh my god! I didn't expect Y/n to know such a highly esteemed businesswoman! I'm so curious what their relation is now!" Lisa was practically giggling, enjoying the situation as it unfolded while Rosalyne was tense and unsure of where this was going.

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