
By aquassb

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What would you do if you read a book and the story seemed familiar? Kandi x Tamika More



522 31 23
By aquassb


The sounds of her heels clicked against the tile floors as she made her way through the house. The sounds of the man she was searching for became increasingly louder as she approached the closed door towards the back of her home.

She knocked on the door waiting for confirmation to enter before twisting the knob and walking in.

"Hey, baby.." Shamea smiled from ear to ear before perching herself on the lap of her man.

"Wassup baby.." Keith replied as their lip touched briefly. The two of them had very different versions of their reality.

Shamea melted into the kiss, believing there were no los quite like her man's. Keith grimaced knowing her lips could never compare to Kandi's.

Nonetheless, he made her feel special in the moment. He squeezed her in his arms and held her close, breathing in the scent she had trapped in her neck.

Shamea wanted this forever and she believed she would. Keith wanted her until she got him to Kandi and he believed she would.

"Did you find her?"

"I think so.." Shamea said before pulling out her phone. "She hadn't been posting but I went to her friend's page and found that they're are in Canada for her birthday... I'm guessing they'll be home soon."

"Hmm, then I guess we'll have to wait." He sighed as his eyes drifted away from her phone and back onto the screens in front of him.

He'd spent hours watching the cameras he had displayed showing the front of her and Tamika's respective homes. He was waiting to see at least one of them so he could carry out the next phase of the plan.

"Well... I was thinking we put the plan on hold and you and I could spend some time together.." She smirked as she walked her fingertips across the back of his neck.

His entire disposition changed at the mention of them spending quality time. He couldn't think of anything more repulsive than that. He was in this for one reason and one reason only. And that was to get Kandi back. He couldn't care less about Shamea.

He quickly moved her hand off of her neck and did the same with her body as he stood from the office chair.

"I'm pretty tired. Maybe tomorrow.." He said before leaving her standing alone in the home office.

Three days later...

Finally stepping foot into my house after Kandi's birthday vacation I already wanted to go back. I took off my shoes and wheeled my suitcase straight to my laundry room.

If I didn't do it now, it would just sit and stare at me for the next three weeks. I separated my clothes and then did my first load before going to take a shower.

By the time I got out, I could hear my phone ringing. I took the necessary steps while simultaneously drying my body off before answering the phone.

"Hey, baby.."

"I'm on my way to your house." She said and I laughed. "Okay? We just left each other but you know I don't mind seeing you.."

"Good because I was coming either way."

"Mmhm—well drive safely. I just got out of the shower so I need to get dressed." I said.

"Just stay naked.." She laughed.

"No...we going to bed when you get here so I'm putting on clothes."

"You're boring bye!" She replied before hanging up. I laughed to myself before tossing my phone on the bed and going back to putting on my pajamas.

I was glad I gave Kandi a key because that meant I could get cozy in bed while I waited for her. By the time I found a movie to watch she was walking through my bedroom door with three bags.

"I need to just make some space in my closet for you.." I laughed as she dropped her bags and tried to catch her breath.

"Or we need to just move in together.." She suggested before sitting on the floor in front of her bags.

"I would love that if we both didn't have homes we owned and were satisfied with.."

"So you're not willing to give up your house?" She asked before placing the clothes she brought into the empty drawer I left for her.

"Are you?" I asked which was followed by defining silence, "Exactly."

"It's not that I'm not willing to do it, it's just a lot to sell a house and then move, you know?" She said and I nodded. "Yeah. I think it'll come to the point where we know it makes more sense to just get a house together.."

She nodded in agreement before climbing into bed with me. She cuddled up to me and I wrapped my arm around her.

"How long are we pretending not to have sex?" She asked and I laughed before reaching over to turn my lamp off.

"Take ya' ass to bed.." I mumbled before closing my eyes.


"Baby?" I heard Tamika whisper, waking me from my sleep. My eyes fluttered open to see Tamika hovering over me fully dressed.

Her boobs were the first thing I saw because of how low-cut her top was. I yawned, softly and whined as she kissed my cheek.

"I'm about to leave.." She whispered and I furrowed my brows.

"Where you going? This isn't work attire.." I grabbed her arm pulling her closer to me as her lips landed on my nose.

"I forgot I scheduled a staff portrait today so as the CEO, I have to look my best.." She smiled as she pulled back so I could see her entire body.

"You look real good right now.." I sat up and finally got to see her full outfit.

"Thank you, Princess. I gotta go though.."

"Okay, I love you. I'll see you later." I smiled as she leaned down to peck my lips. "I love you too.."

She kissed me once again, this time it was longer, and not once did we acknowledge the fact that I hadn't brushed my teeth yet. I didn't want to let go of her but eventually, I pulled away from the kiss and watched as she left the room.

I grabbed my phone and went through all my notifications before getting ready for the day. I had meeting with my publisher and then I planned on popping up on Shamea.

I hesitated on telling Tamika because I knew she would talk me out of it but I couldn't hold my peace with her anymore. I needed to beat her face in and I've come to terms with that. So I'd rather ask for forgiveness than plead my case prematurely.

After I met with my publisher, I felt more motivated to write. I've been going through writer's block and I know my loyal readers are desperate for a new story but I knew it was going to take time.

Finding a plot was always the hardest but once I found that it usually flowed nicely. I couldn't wait to look back on this moment when I felt clueless and knew that it was worth all the long hours and hard work I was about to put in.

The entire drive I was so engrossed in thought of my new potential book I didn't even realize I was pulling up to Shamea's house. She didn't go into the office on Monday and I knew she was home because her car, plus another one was parked in her driveway.

I couldn't wait to drag this bitch. I just hoped she doesn't call the police and she doesn't press charges on me. It would be hell, trying to explain that to Tamika.

I tied my hair back before stepping out of my car and going to ring her doorbell. I took a step back so she would be able to clearly see me when I opened the door while I waited.

The door swung open and I felt my heart drop to my ass. My worst nightmare stood in front of me and all I could do was take cautious steps backward.

"You came to see me, baby girl.."

I didn't even give him the chance to say anything else as I sped off towards my car. Once I was safely in my car I caught a glimpse of him standing in the doorway with a very familiar smirk on his face.

I didn't give myself time to process any of what happened as I sped off, away from the house. My heart was beating out of my chest and I was running off of adrenaline at this point.

I couldn't help but think this was all my fault. I put myself in this situation by going over there. Not to mention I couldn't even run crying to Tamika because I didn't tell her.

I should've stayed my ass home.


I approached my bedroom door and softly pushed it open to find Kandi cuddled into my covers. Well, I might as well say ours because she's in my bed more than me at this point.


When she didn't respond, I sat my purse down and walked around the bed so I could see her face. I immediately moved closer to her at the sight of her red, irritated, and puffy as if she'd been crying.

"Who do I need to hurt? What's wrong?" I started asking multiple questions as I pulled her closer to me.

She stayed in my arms, silent for a while as I held her. I wiped her tears as she finally started to calm down and tell me what happened. After she told me what happened, I put my anger aside to make sure she was okay.

"I'm fine. I don't even know why I was crying. I'm not sad, I'm angry. I just wanted to fight her because I thought it would help but I ended up putting myself in danger."

"Why'd you go there Kandi?"

"Because I wanted to fight—" I cut her off.

"—No. If you wanted to fight her you would've told me so why did you go there?"

"What are you talking about?" She leaned away from me until she was out of my arms.

"Why did you go to her house and tell no one? You could have gotten hurt and no one would have known where you were.."

"I-I just didn't think of that I guess." She replied and I gave her a 'really' look. Her story wasn't adding up to me.

I knew her too well to know she paid attention to detail way too much to not consider she would be at Shamea's house. Especially with everything we know.

She looked away from me with a loud sigh as she played with her fingers. I moved my hand to place on top of hers before moving my other hand to turn her face towards me once again.

"You know you can tell me.."

"You're going to think I sound crazy."

"I already think that half of the time anyway.." I teased.

"I feel like he's watching me and I can feel it. I thought if I saw him, I could confront him but I didn't expect to still be as scared as the day I left." She admitted.

"I went there to fight Shamea but part of me hoped he was there... it's stupid. I shouldn't have did and I even lied to myself trying to convince myself that I had no ulterior motives. And I guess it's what I get now I'm shaken up and I can't get the look on his face out of my head.

"You can't blame yourself even if it was crazy to do. I just wish you would've told me. Anything could've happened to you but I'm glad you're okay and that should be our focus." I said before cradling her face in both of my hands.

She nodded and I helped her out of her clothes before running her bath. I had no problem taking care of Kandi and making her feel safe. It felt like the least I could do considering the love we have for each other.

I'd take care of Kandi with my last breath if I had to. She was just that special to me. As for Keith well, I hope he was ready for what was coming for him.

A/N: I went ghost on y'all; forgive me pls😭

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