When the Sun and Stars Unite...


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Just a few Jegulus oneshots I really liked on A03. ALL CREDITS GOES TO THE AUTHORS! (They will be labeled at... Higit pa

You Are My Fairytale
i'll be your quiet afternoon crush
the love of a brother
then you walked in and my heart went boom
hope is the thing with antlers
take my hand and drag me headfirst
Happy Birthday?
Dancing in a Snowglobe (Round and Round)
No Regrets
Hash Brown, Egg Yolk, I will Always Love You
Ice Cream
a story told in time
a boy named after a star (and it starts with the sun)
heart shake (bend and break)
He Knows (Because He's One Too)
The Ever Consuming Void
If You Die, So Do I
summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes
Love Me Tender
James Potter's Jealous Boyfriend
Jealousy, Jealousy
On The Edge
Through the Mirror
it's just a kiss (why you gotta be so talkative?)
Flirting With Danger
every little thing
i'd give anything to balance your conviction with certainty
Pull Me In (Like The Tide)
The Star, Reversed
If You Stayed
all this rot tastes just as sweet
Somethin' Stupid (like, "I love you")
Many Happy Halloweens
talk to me in French
a firework in a thunderstorm
voice memo: i love you.
Stealing The Seeker (Part 1)
Stealing the Seeker (Part 2)
Stealing the Seeker (Part 3)
Stealing the Seeker (Final Part)
Mr Loverman
re; zero o'clock.
House Colours
loving is easy
Everlasting Love Finds A Way
nobody warns you before the fall
The Real You
As If Through Water
Barn Burner
Lead Me Into the Light (Part 1/2)
Lead Me Into The Light (Part 2/2)
it's wednesday (and this is a lot) Part 1/2
it's wednesday (and this is a lot) Part 2/2
the thing about illicit affairs
you knew what it was (he is in love)
For Now You Love Me (Part 1/5)
For Now You Love Me (Part 2/5)

A lazy morning and an interesting interview

447 11 3

Regulus spends a nice lazy morning but he forgets something, his fiancé is giving an interview, what questions will they ask and what reaction will they evoke in James? It's interesting.

When Regulus wakes up from his sleep, it's noon, the clock on the wall shows 12.

Actually Reg, was never an early riser, he didn't like getting up at dawn together with the sun, he preferred a longer rest. In addition, he went to bed exceptionally late last night, working on a project that he promised to return by the end of this week and also...

He smirked to himself as he remembered last night.

So, according to Regulus, noon was a perfectly reasonable time to get up.
He was immensely glad that no one had disturbed his sleep, that no one had woken him up before he decided himself, that he was ready to leave the land of beautiful dreams.

He was grateful that no one had called, that no one had written, that no one had sent an owl, that no one had broken into his house, that none of his friends had decided to harass him in the early morning. He could get some sleep. Oh, how grateful he was to Salazar for that.

For a long time, he finally had a chance to sleep properly. He didn't want to complain, really, but lately, someone had disturbed his sleep schedule. He didn't complain because he loved their conversations under the night sky.

The bedroom is still dark, the curtains are drawn, creating a barrier between the room and the outside world. stopping the sun from harassing the stars (one star) before they are ready to reveal themselves. Which Regulus obviously does later on.

He looks around with a slight smile on his lips. It's time to start a new day.

He smiled but couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something.

He stretches like a cat after a nap. His friends, they loved to make fun of him for being grumpy and often acting like a cat. Regulus rolled his eyes because maybe he really was some ordinary cat, the passion for woolen yarns did not come out of nowhere. He snorted, laughing to himself how idiotic that was.

Eventually, though, he gets out of bed, dangling his feet onto the soft gray carpet that tickles his bare feet.
He remembers when he bought it and promised himself that he would wash it once a month, it had been lying untouched for half a year, Regulus didn't want to think about how many germs and bacteria managed to collect there in this long hairy pile of the carpet

He stares ahead for a moment, forcing himself to get up.

Sometimes, it is difficult. Sometimes, getting out of bed when he was alone proved too much for him. Sometimes, when he woke up on his own, it took more time to force himself to live. Sometimes, he had to wait for someone to show up, for someone to give him a reason to start his day.

But sometimes it was enough that he was hungry. The vision of breakfast was tempting. He recently got from Pandora a new pancake recipe to try out.

When he manages to stand up, he starts making the bed. He made the bed, adjusted the pillows and sheets, covered it with a blanket and all that.

It was a large king-sized bed.

Just right for a little prince,Sirius said and laughed when he first saw it.

Regulus decided to ignore the feeling of hunger in favor of a morning shower.

He was covered in sweat, which he didn't like very much, the radiators had obviously not been turned off at night. He just felt dirty, wasn't sure if he took a shower last night when... Besides, he was walking barefoot on that rug that was past its heyday, it wasn't even silver anymore like it was when Regulus had decided to buy it.

He started his quest for the bathroom, which was connected to the room, oh Merlin, how he loved his home.

It was a really beautiful house, not as big as the one he had lived in as a child, he had always hated those empty spaces and thin walls, these mazes of rooms. His house was simple, not small, not big, but sufficient. He was quite proud of it.

He took off his pajama pants, standing in front of the mirror for a moment and watching his body. His hair was tousled, his eyes dark as if sleep hadn't given him enough rest. His cheeks were slightly sunken, making him look sick. Maybe the cold was still holding him back?
He should drink some immunity medicine, but he'll do it later. He found a couple of bruises on his body and shook his head, holding back a smile as he saw hickeys on his chest.

He stepped into the shower, turned on the water tap, and stood there for a long time under the warm water that ran down his body, face, and hair. He reached for the washing-up liquid on the shelf next to the shampoo, but he didn't care about that yet. Not paying attention to what he grabs, he squeezed the liquid on his hand, eucalyptus, cool, it will do the job. A pleasantly warm scent enveloped him. He smiled to himself.

Sirius would have strangled him for not using hair conditioner, but Reg really wasn't up to it today. Sirius definitely will point out to him anyway how unfair it is that his hair is in better condition and softer than his, since Reg doesn't care at all, but Sirius tries and nothing comes out right. Sirius would have complained saying something about it that he inherited inferior genes.

And they will laugh.

Regulus liked to be alone, but now he quite missed the company (his brother, he meant). He missed Sirius, and he had only been gone for one week. They were still in touch, so it was ridiculous to miss him, but Regulus did it anyway.

Sirius had gone on a short vacation with Remus, a two-week trip to take a break from his worries and all. "Honeymoon" was what they called it, even though they had been married three years ago.

Oh fuck, Regulus was looking forward to his own honeymoon. He really was.

He got out of the shower, 10 minutes had passed, maybe an hour, he didn't care. He dried his hair, brushed his teeth and, smiling at his reflection. He put on himself shorts and a hoodie found on a chair, probably not clean, but it smelled wonderful, so he didn't really care. He was just drowning in pheromones.

Dressed so formally, exquisitely and thoughtfully, he slowly descended the stairs, holding on to the railing.

He found his way to the kitchen. There was clean, which he appreciated. He reached into specific cupboards and the fridge looking for ingredients that would help him prepare a delicious breakfast (or maybe dinner?).

He opened the cupboard to take out a bowl, opened another to take out the flour and sugar, reached into the one above for the mixer, and to the fridge for the milk and eggs.

Unfortunately, he didn't find everything he needed and he didn't feel like going to the store. He huffed as he stamped his feet in annoyance. Just like a kid.

He couldn't believe he was already 22.

It is time for a walk he decided annoyed.

Regulus opened the door to the patio and enjoyed the sun that gently caressed and kissed his skin.

He stopped.

He had forgotten something, something was escaping him.

He had forgotten something, but he couldn't figure out what he was missing in this slow, lazy morning. What should he remember?

An exhausting feeling filled his mind screaming that he should remember something.

He decided to ignore it for now.

So he smiled broadly with his bare foot placed on the soft lawn mowed yesterday. He walked ahead, observing the flowers.

He loved them with all his heart, he loved to watch them, especially when they were in bloom. He remembers the mess when he planted them. Their garden was beautiful, colorful and full of flowers. Full of love.

He passed a swing on his way and finally found a small garden.

He remembers how terribly he complained when he had to dig it, water it, weed it, plant seedlings or seeds. He actually complained about everything he had to do to make it bear fruit. But at the end of the day, the sweet smile on his lips made it worth it. He had his own garden with fruit and vegetables and other plants. How great it was.

He reached for the blueberry, picking calmly one by one, then turned towards the raspberries.

A smile on his lips.

He's back home, he's going to cook himself oatmeal with fruits.

He takes oatmeal from the cupboard and sets the pot on the stove.

When the dish is ready and the water for tea is brewing. Regulus pulls out his favorite mug, pours boiled water over his favorite tea, and smiling heads to the table to eat his exquisite meal.

He chose tea for a long time, because at home in the kitchen cupboard there were plenty of them, Remus presented him with many samples and different flavors, but Regulus remained faithful to his favorite tea, which he reached for most often. What a sentimental asshole.

He sat down at the table taking the first spoonful of his excellent dish.

He stopped again, catching himself with the unpleasant feeling that he had forgotten something.

For now, it doesn't matter, what matters now is his rumbling belly that needs food. Regulus reaches for the remote and turns on the TV, a little gift from Lilly for the housewarming party.

"Exactly as I thought," some reporter's laughter comes over the speakers "now, James, tell us please," Regulus's heart speeds up as the camera turned to James "everyone is curious, this is a question from the fans," Regulus did not switch the station, stubbornly staring at the screen. He already knew what he had forgotten. Fuck. "I'm going to read 'what do you think about sunseeker?', it turns out that many young fans call that way the relationship you have with–"

On the red strap, the inscription: James Potter and Regulus Black are engaged!?

"Oh I see," James chuckled, Regulus melted and now he was nothing but a soft mush, a stain, he was sure of it "personally, I prefers the starchaser" his smile so bright that Regulus feels thirteen again with the urge to look away to hide his blush "speaking of Regulus, I can see that blush," James was staring at the camera, but Regulus knew. that he speaks and looks only at him.

"Shit," Regulus was practically crying because he had forgotten something so important. James was very excited about today's interview. Yesterday, Regulus supported him and today? He didn't even watch. What a terrible partner he was. He wanted to cry, his eyes already glazed over, his hands trembling.

"Can I have a moment?" James asks, and the journalist agrees because who would say no to the charming James Potter?

"Fuck you James," Regulus mumbles as James interrupts the live show to give him a wink and the sweetest smile ever.

"Oh yeah I'm the worst, I know," James agrees with a bright grin. "Are you watching this, love? You probably didn't make it to the beginning, I might not have cover the curtains, but did you sleep well? Have you already eaten breakfast? Bon appetit," only James Potter was able to interrupt the interview to say 'bon appetit' to his beloved. The crowd was making it all 'aww', and other expressions of sympathy, they thought James was absolutely adorable and they were right. "You didn't want to miss it, I know, I made Sirius record so you can watch the whole thing, don't worry," James smiled.

Oh, how much James knew Regulus, how much he understood him.

Oh, how much Regulus loved him.

James managed to fix it for him before it broke. He managed to smile and say that everything was fine before Regulus fell apart because he failed him. He loved James and didn't want to let him down.

"Thank you," Regulus whispered.

Love, love, love, love he was so in love.

"So what's the next question?" James does not take his eyes off the camera, he looks at it and his eyes shine with pure love. Regulus knows what James is thinking about, as he could see exactly how Regulus have on him that damn (James's) red hoodie he left on top.

In the meantime, the interviewer changed. James got up to greet the new host of the program, with a slight smile he shook her hand. The woman introduced herself as Rita Skeeter. Regulus wrinkled his nose.

"We've already started this topic anyway, forgive this curiosity," she starts, James smiles, assuring with this smile that it's a trifle "but lately it has become loud about your relationship with Regulus Black, people suspected, I can't say they didn't see where this was going and yet your engagement was so unexpected, it resonated in the world of show business."

"Oh yes I know, I follow the news 'what a story! enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers'"he chuckled. "But no. It's not like that at all. We're on opposing teams that's a fact but... can I tell them, love?" And James stops as if he's really waiting for an answer. Regulus nods, he have no idea how or if this reaches James "it's more like friends to lovers, I met Regulus at Hogwarts when I was 12, he was 11. We were friends but in my senior year... we loved lying together under the stars in the astronomy tower, and try to guess who finally decided to say 'Fuck that, just kiss me already, Potter', I admit that seventeen-year-old James who had a crush on his friend for two years was very happy back then," and the crowd made sweet sounds of adoration again.

"Aww that's so cute. So what you're saying is that your relationship started five years ago?" She asked surprised, James nods. "Was it some kind of secret? No one knew anything until ... well, until the still echoing loud proposals," and people applauded.

How glad Regulus was that he wasn't there. He would have burned with shame on the spot and would not have been able to say anything.

"Oh yeah," James chuckles again "it wasn't a secret, it was just ours. If you understand what I mean. Our loved ones, family and friends knew from the beginning, it's just... why involve others in our beautiful little world since this one is perfect?"

"That's cute," the reporter concludes "could you expand it?" She asks politely.

"We are public figures. We let the paprazzi and the public and everything else get in our way, but having privacy is nice, don't you think?" She nods. "We really didn't need the publicity. It's not like we were hiding, people just didn't notice. But honestly. How many headlines have speculated that we're together? How many newspapers wrote about it and how the internet was buzzing about it. How many pictures of us holding hands or kissing have circulated the internet? People thought it was a montage but... Wasn't our lack of response a sufficient answer to these questions?"

"That's right, people have been shipping you since you first came on the field."

"Beautiful times," James shook his head "it was magical, I mean the first flight with such an important team."

"So going forward, it's certainly a problem for fans to cheer for one team when you play against each other."

"Oh," James chuckled "I understand, his team is really strong but I don't deny that mine has a spark and is good too," he smiled "it's problematic when we play against each other. Isn't it, love?" James grins at the camera again. "Oh, when Regulus loses, it's a real tragedy. I at least try to pretend I'm glad he won, but him? Oh merlin," he make everyone giggles "but don't worry, I have my ways to make it up for him," and James winked at camera, Regulus was burning in place "Oh shit," James presses his lips into a tight line "we can't cut it, can we?"

"It's live," the interviewer reminds.

"So that," an awkward laugh escapes his lips "please forgive me Sirius," he laughs.

"Sirius! Ideally, this is what the next question is related to. What does Sirius think about your relationship?"

"Um, right now he's probably planning how to kill me for demoralizing his baby brother, but other than that he's enjoying that he's going to be best man at our wedding," James grined "seriously Sirius please don't kill me," he shakes his head. "Sirius is my best friend since beginning, a platonic soulmate if you want to call it that, everyone always says that 'Never saw one without the other, did you? Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!', we are best friends and I don't think that will ever change. Regulus and I's relationship was hard for him to accept at first, we all know how dramatic he can be, but in the end, he loves us, doesn't he?"

"It's true, Sirius also loves to talk about you in his interviews," she notes.

"Oh yes he definitely does," he laughed a little "but unlike him I won't talk about the time he set his hair on fire trying to bake cookies," James assures seriously and the audience bursts out laughing.

"You talked about the wedding, are there any details yet? Specific date?"

"31 July," replies James.

"And why is that? Any reason?"

"This is the last day when you can see the star Regulus in the sky, it shines the brightest then. It disappears for the whole of August, we'll disappear too, for vacation, so it's quite a funny coincidence."

"How lovely."

"Actually, I made it up, Regulus would call me maudlin, it's just the only free term at the Ministry that suited us," he explained and the audience laughed.

James was a complete mess and made a complete fool of himself, but somehow, people loved the way he spoke.

People loved James Potter.

"Speaking of Regulus, why isn't he here? I thought the invitation was for the two of you," Rita looks at James.

James purses his lips, giving the bodyguards a quick glance because he doesn't feel comfortable anymore. He quickly returns to a smile, probably no one but Reglus has noticed his stress.

James's management has probably already talked to the president of the television studio to change the topics of the conversation.

"Oh I'm sure Regulus would love to be here with me and tell you our love story, make those poetic comparisons and use beautiful soft words... but I guess everyone knows that he doesn't like giving interviews."

"Yes, that's just common knowledge. however, we thought that such a cheerful event would change his attitude," James simply nods. "Do you think, James, that this lack of involvement in public life stems from the pressures of his childhood?" And here you can see how James' jaw clenches, how his hands clench into fists, how he resists the urge to get up and leave. Regulus' childhood was not easy and colorful, but it was in the spotlight and lacked privacy.

"Don't you find this question too private?" He raises an eyebrow questioning her. "Regulus doesn't like cameras and let's stay that way, what's the next question?"

James endured a lot and there were a lot of questions that humiliated him or put him in a bad light, but he didn't care, the line was crossed when someone hit on his loved ones.

"Right," she nodded "in the next question... it's a wierd one 'do you think Regulus is using you in terms of money and fame?"

"Using me?" James' eyes open in shock, disbelief "what a stupid question," he shakes his head trying to turn the situation into a joke "of course, I won't say that he doesn't force me to soil my own socks. Such a monster," and the audience laughs at his response. "Regulus is the most wonderful person I've ever met and I love him immensely, I would do anything, literally anything for him, but I also know that he wouldn't take it. Stubborn asshole," he rolled his eyes in amusement. "Regulus works alone for everything, he likes to be independent. And he would never, like never, used me in any way."

"This is good news because the next question asks what is the nicest thing Regulus has done for you? If that happened, of course," she smiles and James frowns.

Why are they always trying to make Regulus a bad person?

"Oh yeah, he does something nice for me every day, we plant flowers together, we talk about stars and stuff. Usually Reg cooks, I'm terrible at it. If he makes me breakfast for work, he leaves a 'Have a nice day' note on top. He writes poems for me. When I leave, he imperceptibly puts notes in my jacket... actually," he reaches into his pocket "on which he writes nice sentences for me," he explained "today I got 'any reason is good to smile, mine is you' and a little heart," the audience goes a loud 'aww' when the camera zooms in on that yellow sticky note.

"He has lovely handwriting," the interviewer notes.

"I can't think of the nicest thing right now because I appreciate all of them," James continues "but maybe that moment when he sings French songs to me, I love it," and Jamss was looking straight at Regulus again.

"Yes, his family is from France. You mean Regulus still uses that language? Doesn't it bring back unpleasant memories? Sirius, for example, no longer has a note of that accent."

"Poor Remus doesn't know how much he's missing," James shakes his head "you have no idea how hot Regulus is when he use love language? I love nothing more than when he wakes me up smiling and whispering 'mon rayon de soleil' Reg you'll curse me later on how badly I pronounced these words, but," James shrugs, and audience chuckled.

"Next question, I don't think you've ever answered it, but how did your parents react to this relationship? I mean, you're the heir, the only child of the Potters and–"

"In fact," he begins with feigned uncertainty "when they found out... what can I say, they hate me," he shrugs with very loud and very fake gasp "really anyone thinks they would be able to do that? My mum, as the most lovely woman in the whole world, she knew about my crush before I noticed it, and my dad? He started calling Regulus son before we even were in a relationship. They had no reason to react badly, they love me and want nothing more than my happiness, as any parent should for their child."

"That's great James, another question about your love life," Rita sends him a smile. James does the same, but he gave her very forced smile "this is interesting. Who is dominant in your relationship? As you know, Regulus can be cold and stubborn, but you James are–"

"What do you–" he paused "oh I see," he rolls his eyes "it's really annoying don't you think? Can we stop comparing heterosexual and homosexual relationships? It doesn't work that one is 'the man' in the relationship, that's rather obvious. It's a terrible and damaging stereotype. If it's important we share responsibilities, let's start with the fact that it is sexist to consider household chores feminine. As I mentioned, Regulus cooks, which doesn't mean that I don't help him with it, I, for example, like to clean and during the week we have 'duty hours' on Tuesdays I put in the laundry and Reg folds it, on Thursdays vice versa."

"Yeah that makes sense, sorry James I'm just reading viewer questions," she smiled sweetly.

"I know I understand," he sighed "the point is... didn't we go through this years ago? Oh, Sirius Black is getting married? With a man!? Terrible, shocking news, this shouldn't be happening. The amount of hate that fell on them was unfair to say the least. And I believe our society is moving forward, not regressing."

"Well said James," Rita looks at the schedule "we have a moment so why don't you tell us James what do you think about Sirius announcing online that he and Moony, as he loves to call his husband, are planning to adopt?"

"Oh, Sirius is fucking ridiculous," James laughed out loud.

"So you don't think they'll be good parents?" Rita raises an eyebrow.

"It's not about child, I am convinced that when they are ready they will create a beautiful family. Remus will do anything for this kid and Sirius will love them with all his heart but–" James stoped "wait a second," he shakes his head and reached for his phone "bloody drama queen," James taps something on his phone "it was about that kind of adoption," he shows the audience a picture of a dog that flashes on the big screen. Sirius is sitting on the floor cuddling a large and furry black dog, smiling broadly and under the photo is written 'taken by Moony'.

"Sirius Black loves to surprise us," Rita laughs softly. "And now that the subject has been brought up, James, do you plan to have children?"

"I mean," he wonders "I don't know. We didn't talk about that with Reg yet. Maybe sometime in the future, that would be nice I think. For now, we're focusing on our wedding, we're young," he shrugs.

"Young and beautiful," supports Rita, fans laughed in agreement "and here comes the another question, do you think that Regulus will be able to have children? To want them? Will his trauma allow him to?"

"What the hell?" James snaps outraged. "What kind of question is that?" He bites his tongue to keep from saying more. "I think that the desire to have a child depends on many factors, it is a huge responsibility. important decision that needs to be considered. To have someone's life in your hands, someone as small and innocent as a child, you must first arrange your own life and thoughts. And Regulus and I are doing it right together."

"That's good to hear," she smiled "did Regulus' last match hit him hard? You know, I hope, what event we're talking about. When his father, Orion Black decided to appear in the audience," she says and Regulus is out of air in his lungs. He ignore the phone that keeps ringing. His hands are shaking, his cheeks are covered with tears.

How dare she?

How dare she ask something so private? Regulus wasn't proud of that day, his attitude or his behavior, but why don't people finally let him go, after all, he hadn't watched TV or read newspapers all week to avoid returning to that moment and Rita just...

More important...

How dare he? Orion Black, who hated his children all his life. How dare he show up there, how dare he demand to talk to Regulus after what he had done to him?

Oh, Orion always hated Regulus more, always punished him more severely. According to Orion, Regulus was useless and weak, he had no qualities like Sirius, he was not open, loud and demanding, Regulus was yielding and submissive and this irritated their father.

Reg remembers when they were children and Sirius would come to him with colored plasters and disinfectant, he would sing softly and bandage Regulus' wounds, assuring him that it was not his fault. Assuring Reggie that their father is terrible and should never hurt him.

And after years...

Orion appeared in the stands, as if he had the right to cheer for his son during a match. Something he's never done in the past. Regulus felt his eyes on him and when he met his eyes by accident he fell off his broom flying at dizzying speed only thanks to a miracle he didn't break (thanks to James Potter more precisely).

"I'm not going to answer that," James almost hissed, it was a long night full of tears. "Let's move on. We were supposed to be talking about me if I'm not mistaken," he smiles with his beautiful smile and white teeth, but it's a fake smile.

"James Potter who had ego the size of a lake," laughs Rita.

"But with a heart to match it!" The audience shouts.

James smiled broadly at them.
He loves his fans so much.

"The next question uh, I guess they didn't throw out all the questions directed at Regulus," she frowns "this question asks how Regulus and Sirius managed to build a bond again after everything that happened and after Sirius abandoned his brother."

And they were surprised that Regulus didn't go to interviews. All he received were cruel and mean questions. Questions related to his family and childhood. Like they didn't understand how hard it was for him. They never asked about the future, plans, the team or good things, always just 'Black, Black's, Black, Black's, Black'

Regulus falls to the ground.

"Firstly. Sirius never abandoned him," James is angry and James Potter, the light beam, is very hard to get off balance. "Secondly. It was very simple because this bond was never broken," he informed firmly. "Thirdly. We're ending this interview right now."

"But the questions," interjects the reporter "we still have half an hour of airtime," she informs, but James already leaves the stage.

"James, if you don't go back there, you will break contact, and you will have to pay compensation," informs his manager quietly so that only James can hear it.

"Fuck that," he huffed "I don't care, tell them to send me their account number. I'm not going back there, she's mean."

"James, you can't lose thousands just because someone is rude."

"Can't I? Watch me," James snapped his fingers as he teleported away.

Good luck finding him.

"Fucking hell! Don't scare me like that anymore!" Barty bursts into the kitchen, Regulus is sitting over his oatmeal and chewing slowly, the TV is off. "I thought you saw it," Barty joins him. Regulus looks up at him. "So you were watching after all," he pulls his friend into a hug as he sees the sad look on his face and his eyes red from crying. "I'm so sorry, Reg."

"Go out barty I want to be alone," Regulus informs quietly Barty respects this, only asking him to call if he changes his mind or needs him.

Regulus's phone keeps ringing.

Annoyed by this fucking ringing, he finally picks up.

"I can't! Reg don't scare me like that, do you understand? I was worried about you, I was afraid something had happened! Fucking Rita, she's awful, I'm so sorry Reggie, how are you feeling?" Sirius spoke, his voice comforting.

"Not bad," he assured.

"I wish I could be there with you and hug you," Sirius informs.

"You have a cute dog," is Regulus' reply.

Regulus hangs up without a word as the doorbell rings.

"I have something for you mon amour - James whispers, enclosing Regulus in a gentle embrace. They stand face to face with silent declarations of love and small confessions. James is holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers in his hand, Regulus is melting.

"I love you," Reg whispered.

Some important things are easier to whisper in James's ear than shout out to the whole world.

"I'm so sorry love," James smiles sadly.

"Oh don't be sorry, I'm so sorry you had to go through this alone. I left you all alone, I'm sorry. It was terrible, those questions were terrible, the first part with that guy was better," informs Regulus even though he didn't know because he hadn't watched from the beginning. James smiled slightly.

"Is that my hoodie?" James raises an eyebrow teasingly. Reg huffs.

The only thing that matters right now is Regulus.

Regulus and his beautiful lips.
Regulus and his soft skin.
Regulus and his warm words.

The most important thing now was Regulus and James who kissed him.

James Potter everyone - that professional Quiditch player - who was going to marry Regulus Black - also the professional Quiditch player.

Isn't that cool?

They don't need interviews and people talking about them. They need each other and those sweet words, those sweet lips and that tender touch.

And that's okay.


By Itis_okay on A03

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

Magugustuhan mo rin

82.9K 2.2K 21
this was originally posted on AO3 (by me) but i thought maybe wattpad would like it as well!! "Hey! Watch where you're going, Black" James laughed...
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idk what to put here i get this ideas from a prompt generator cover art NOT mine! i do not own any characters they all belong to J.K Rowling <3
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In wich a one night stand turns out to be a lot more than that.