Dancing To Your Tune

By shinyjaiswal

14.8K 722 272

In the vibrant world of webtoons, a shy and introverted producer named Akk navigates his passion for storytel... More

Withering Soul
Craving For Love
Ray Of Sunshine
A Wrong Message
An Online Dom
An Unwanted Proposal
Backed In The Corner
Stay With Me
Thinking About You
Tainted Skin
Pillow Fight
Fuzzy In Head
The Morning After
Stagnant Situationship
A Morning Surprise
Why Always Me?
Worthy of Anything?
Liking You
The Devil's View
Moody Love
Bookstore In an Alley
A Sizzling Interview
On My Knees
Man in Corset
A Little Family
A Bitter Reunion
Okay But Not Okay
Fading Away
Is Three a Crowd?

Meant To Be

403 18 13
By shinyjaiswal

Mew was making breakfast while the guy from last night was bundled up in blankets on the couch watching TV. It felt as absurd as it sounded. He didn't know how it ended up like that. He had only carried him home because he was too drunk to think straight and he felt bad about leaving the guy on the side of road. He hadn't thought about how he would deal with this in the morning. He sighed in exasperation, he didn't want to deal with a crybaby of all things when he was battling with a hangover.

Gulf had calmed down and now he was embarrassed beyond belief. How was he supposed to get out of this mess. Why had he started bawling like a baby? That had been so pathetic and he literally wanted smack his head on table. In his entire Casanova life, he had never been so unbelievably pathetic after a hook up. He never stayed over neither did he let the other guy walk all over him and here he had done both of them. He was bundled up in blankets while Tv droned on in front of him. He felt like a bratty child who had been distracted by the Tv to stop further tantrums. He felt his phone vibrate on the table and picked it up instantly. It was Akk calling him. Finally the guy had got time to return his calls. Maybe he should leave him hanging as revenge. He decided against that, he had been petty enough for the day, he didn't need to add more.

"Hello, Gulf?" Akk asked unsure.


"I.....We need to talk."

"About what?"

"About our marriage. What else?"

Gulf sighed, "You weren't keen on talking when I was calling you yesterday."

"I...I was busy."

"Yeah right. Mr.Comics was so busy." He taunted.

"What? I really had something important-"

"Our marriage isn't that important, right?"


Gulf immediately turned around. Mew was standing behind him with breakfast looking pissed off. He gulped nervously wondering why was the man glaring at him.


"Let's meet in evening. I'll text you time and place." Gulf quickly cut the call.

Mew slammed the plate on the table and fixed his glare on Gulf. "You're married?"



"I'm about to get married." Gulf explained.

Mew scoffed at the total indifference in Gulf's tone, "So you were going to cheat on your fiance?"

"No. Why would you think that? We aren't married yet." Gulf didn't like the accusing tone.

"Are you for real? What you were trying to do yesterday was cheating whether you guys are married yet or not doesn't matter."

"I have already explained it to him that I don't want to settle down."

Mew looked at him in disgust, "Oh god, I pity whoever is going to marry you."


"If you don't want to settle down then break off the wedding."

"I can't. It's more like a business deal between our parents and company."

Mew raised an eye brow at that, "Rich kid with rich problem. If you can't break off the wedding then honor it. Don't make a joke out of your partner."

Gulf felt the anger rising within him, "Why are you taking his side? You don't even know him. Why do you think I'm in wrong?"

"I don't need to know him to understand that you're a jerk. You were practically throwing yourself at men when you're about to get married. That's cheap behavior."

"We had an understanding. We both don't want this marriage." Gulf shouted.

"Did he agree to this arrangement? Did he agree for an open marriage?"

"N-No but-"

Mew straightened himself, "Get out."


"Get out of my house."


"I have no patience for your idiocy. Get out."

Gulf stared at the man in disbelief. He was being kicked out? Him? Why was Mew reacting so strongly to this? Why was he taking Akk's side when he didn't even know the guy? Who was Mew to judge him? He didn't know anything about his life. Gulf had never been treated like this in his entire life. He couldn't fathom the absurd reaction and more importantly why did it affect him so much. He picked up his phone and ran out of the place. He quickly hailed a taxi back to his place. God, he had to meet Akk in few hours. He was done with this entire wedding thing. He wished it would be over soon.

Akk was experiencing one of the worst day of his life and taking his life in account that was saying something. As if his day hadn't started bad enough with Ayan ignoring his existence and he even heard Ayan ask Mew for another producer. He had been absolutely broken when he heard Ayan not wanting to work with him anymore. He didn't have enough courage to confront the man. What was he even going to say? Reason was plain enough. He hated the way Akk was. Anyone would. Akk didn't blame Ayan for not wanting to associate with him. Maybe he would have done the same thing in Ayan's place. He somehow dragged himself back home, not remembering how he got on the subway or when did he even reach his apartment. His mind was too lost in the forest of self hate and misery.

He had just dumped his bag on the couch when Gulf started calling him. He rejected the call and put his phone on silent. He didn't want to deal with him of all people. Oh god, when would this nightmare end? He was so freaking tired of everything. It seemed like nothing went his way, he ended up messing everything up. He trudged to the bathroom to shower before bed. He wished he could wash away all the bad stuff so easily. As he was getting ready for bed, he got a notification from Damien.


He had completely forgotten about the guy. He should probably end this, whatever they had going. He was about to get married. It wouldn't be right to neither Gulf nor Damien. Thankfully they always had such clear understanding about their dynamic, he was sure Damien would get him. He picked up the call with a clear mind.

"Hi, Damien."

"Hey, Akk. How have you been?"

"I'm....okay. How are you doing?"

"Just as usual. We haven't talked in a while. I was missing you."

Akk smiled, "I know right. I have been too busy with work and personal stuff. Sorry for not contacting at all."

"It's fine. I get that. So I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh, I had something to discuss as well." Akk said.

"Akk, I thought long and hard about everything past these days and it made me realize that I like you. I really like you. What we have is beautiful and precious and I want to protect it at all cost."

Akk felt his blood run cold, "Damien-"

He continued, "We started this as something casual and I admit I never expected it to come to this but I'm sure you feel the same as well, right? You can feel this intense chemistry between us, right? We are perfect for each other. We understand the wants and desires of our different lifestyle. Others would never get it."

"Damien, I don't-"

"Akk, I'm the only one who can take care of you the way you need. No one would get you like I do. Neither Gulf nor Ayan. These men don't know how precious you are. Only I get to have you, Akk. We are meant to be together."



"Damien, I don't think this is right. I don't like you in that way." Akk tried to explain it as gently as possible.

Damien wasn't having it, "Akk, I think you're confused. I know you like me. I can feel it. You just got side tracked with-"

"Damien, I'm sorry. But I...... I never meant to lead you on. I thought you knew this was casual. We talked about everything in detail, how we didn't want anything real."

"Akk, be a good boy and listen to me. WE ARE MEANT TO BE."

Akk could feel a shiver run down his spine. This wasn't how he had hoped the conversation would go. He wasn't sure how to deal with this. Why was Damien being like this? He had never expressed any real interest in him before. So what was this out of blue?

"We should meet."

"What? No. We decided we would never meet." Akk said.

"But we are going to be in a relationship so we should meet soon."


"I'll text you the place and time. You better be there, Akk." And the line went dead.

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