Brothers Love [ ON HOLD]

By Riya_Lo3

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What happens when you have two elder strict brothers? And you are the youngest ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿคญ Wanna know....then let's... More

Author's Note
Author's Note


278 18 6
By Riya_Lo3

As Raghav swings the door open,it was the person Veer had seen, the same individual involved in the tragic murder of Veer's parents and the terrifying ordeal where Veer was locked in a burning car.

Raghav crosses his arms, his gaze piercing as he confronts the man standing before him.

Raghav: (firmly) What are you doing in my house?

Man : (calmly) I came to see my daughters.

Raghav: (coldly) They are not your daughters. They are my sisters, and you have no right to claim any relationship with them.

Raghav: Just leave from here, Mohit.

Mohit: (with resentment) I am your father's age. You should show me some respect.

Raghav's expression remains stoic.

Raghav: (steadfastly) Respect is earned, not demanded. And you have done nothing to earn it from me neither from my sister. You ruined everything.

With a finality in his tone, Raghav issues a stern warning, his voice laced with resolve.

Raghav: (firmly) I never want to see you near my house again. Stay away from my family.

As Mohit's face contorts with anger. With a frustrated huff, he turns on his heel and storms away.

"Bhaiya, what happened?"

Raghav sighs heavily as he turns to face the voice calling him.

"It's nothing, Puja."

She furrows her brows, concern etched on her face.

"Bhaiya, it's Radha. You got confused again."

Raghav's eyes widen in realization, a faint smile playing on his lips as he chuckles softly.

"Gosh, it's not my fault that you two look alike."

"Because we are twins, bhaiya."She rolls her eyes playfully.

" Yah talk about her where is she ? It's night and she is still out ?"

" Yah that's why I come to you as she is not picking my call "

" Wait let me call her."

Raghav pulled his phone and he instantly got the upcoming call from Puja.

He hurriedly picked up the call.

Raghav : Hello ? Puja where are you? Why were not you not picking the call and ___

Puja: (anxiously) Bhaiya please... come to the hospital.

As Puja's words sink in, Raghav's eyes widen with apprehension, his instinct driving him into action.

Raghav: (urgently) I'll be there right away, Puja.

Turning to Radha, Raghav exchanges a meaningful glance with her.

In the dimly lit room, Mahir stands before the solemn row of covered bodies, his heart heavy with grief.

As the officer slowly shows the burned body, Mahir feels his breath stop. Tears fill his eyes as he tries to recognize the burned face.

Officer: (softly) I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Mahir. Take your time.

Mahir's hands tremble as he reaches out to touch the lifeless form, his heart wrenching with the painful realization of the irreversible tragedy.

Mahir: (voice quivering) It's... it's not him.

The officers exchange somber glances.

Officer: (gentle) Are you sure, Mr. Mahir?

Mahir: (firmly) Yes, I'm sure. This... this isn't my brother.


Shivanya's eyes flutter open, her vision blurry as she struggles to make sense of her surroundings. With a jolt of panic, she realizes she's bound to a chair, her heart racing with fear as she takes in the dimly lit room.

Shivanya: (frantically) Ritik? Ritik, wake up!

As Ritik stirs beside her, his eyelids fluttering open, Shivanya's heart skips a beat with relief.

Ritik: (groggily) Shivanya? What's happening?

Shivanya: (anxiously) I don't know, Ritik. We were in the jungle after the accident, and then... we woke up here, tied up in this place.

Ritik's eyes widen with realization as he pieces together the fragments of their memory.

Ritik: (grimly) Someone must have taken us here while we were unconscious. We need to find a way out of here before it's too late.

Suddenly the door opened as some masked men entered the room, Shivanya and Ritik's hearts pound with fear and anger.

Shivanya: (panicked) What do you want from us?

The masked men's sinister laughter echoes through the room.

Masked Man: (menacingly) We were instructed to kidnap you. But once our orders come through, we'll have some fun with her before we finish you both off.

Shivanya's eyes widen with horror as she realizes the gravity of their situation, her heart racing with terror as she looks to Ritik for help.

Ritik: (fiercely) You'll never lay a hand on her!

With a sudden rush of energy, Ritik jumps at the masked men still tied on the chair. With a loud bang, the chair breaks, setting Ritik free. He quickly stops the attackers.

In all the confusion, Ritik grabs Shivanya's hand and leads her to safety. They run away together, their hearts racing with fear.

They quickly crouch behind a rock, trying to catch their breath. Shivanya's hands shake as Ritik holds her hands securitly.

Shivanya: (whispering) They __they are not following us right ?

Ritik: (quietly) I don't know. But we need to stay hidden until we're sure it's safe to move.

Shivaya nodded.


Raghav and Radha's hearts sink as they rush into the hospital, their faces etched with concern as they find Puja in the waiting area, her tear-streaked face betraying her anguish.

Raghav: (urgently) Puja, what happened? Are you okay?

Puja told them everything that happened with her and how he pushed Sanket and after that called the ambulance.

Puja: (sobbing) I... I didn't try to kill him. I was just defending myself... I didn't mean to...

Radha hugged her sister trying to comfort her.

Radha: (softly) Puja, it's okay. You were just trying to protect yourself.

Raghav: (reassuringly) We're here for you, Puja. You're not alone in this.

Puja's trembling voice fills the air with her revelation.

Puja: (tearfully) Sanket... he confessed that he killed Veer.

Radha : Who is Veer ??

Puja : He was a boy from my college. The one you meet in cafetaria.

Raghav's heart skips a beat as he connects the dots, his expression reflecting a mix of disbelief and apprehension.

Raghav: (gently) Veer Sehgal?

Puja nodded her head.

Raghav: He__ he is my friend' s younger brother.

Raghav's heart pounds with anxiety, his mind swirling with thoughts of Ritik and Shivanya's disappearance and now the shocking news about Veer.

" Raghu ??"

Raghav's eyes widen in surprise as he turns around to find Manish standing before him.

Raghav: Uncle ??

Manish: What are you doing here?

Raghav : Uncle where is Veer ? Is he alright ?

Manish: ( sighed) Raghav, there's something you need to know about Veer... but first, I need to tell you about Ritik and Shivanya.

Raghav looked at his.

Manish: They're... they're gone, Raghav. Ritik and Shivanya... they are no more.

Raghav's breath catches in his throat, his mind reeling with shock and grief as he struggles to process the magnitude of the loss.

Raghav: No... no, it can't be...

Manish: And Veer... he's not doing well. He had a panic attack... he's in bad shape, Raghav.

Raghav: Oh God !

Manish : Not only that someone tried to kill Veer, too.

Raghav : What !??

Manish sighed and told him the whole incident.

Raghav's heart feels like it's been shattered into a million pieces as he grapples with the devastating news of Ritik and Shivanya's demise, and Veer's fragile state. Despite the overwhelming grief weighing heavily on him, he takes a deep breath and steals himself with newfound resolve.

Raghav: (voice trembling with emotion) I... I know who tried to kill Veer.

Manish's eyes widened in surprise.

" Who is it ?"

They turn around seeing Mahir stand there.

Mahir runs to Raghav and holds his shoulders !

"Who, Raghav Bhai ? Who would do something like that?"

Raghav: (firmly) It's Sanket one of Veer's classmates. He confessed to Puja. He said he killed Veer.

As he told the incident that happened with Puja.

Mahir's blood boils with anger and the desire for retribution, he storms towards Sanket's room with anger. However, Manish places a restraining hand on Mahir's shoulder to stop him.

Manish: (urgently) Mahir, you can't take matters into your own hands. We need to let the police handle this.

Mahir hesitates, his fists clenched in frustration as he grapples with his emotions.

Raghav: (calmly) Uncle is right, Mahir. We need to inform the police and let them handle Sanket.

Mahir reluctantly nods in agreement. As he takes out his phone and calls the police, relaying the information about Sanket's confession and Veer's condition.

He puts his phone as his voice carries a mix of curiosity and concern as he addresses Raghav, his brow furrowing with a hint of confusion.

Mahir: Raghav Bhai, why didn't you tell us about your sisters?

Raghav: (hesitantly) It's... it's complicated, Mahir. There are reasons why I kept that part of my life private.

As Raghav hesitates to discuss his family. Mahir respects his friend's boundaries and refrain from pressing further.

However, as the conversation shifts to the deaths of Ritik and Shivanya, Mahir's attention is immediately captured.

Raghav:  Mahir, I__ I  heard about Shivalay and Ritik they __ they are ___

Mahir : Bhai is not dead !

Everyone's eyes widen.

Manish : But you have gone to identify the body.

Mahir : And I got it. it's not Ritik Bhai's

" What ?" Bela said suddenly approach them.

Mahir:  Yes Bela ( looked at everyone) I confirmed that it wasn't Ritik Bhai's body, but I'm not sure about Shivalay. I think that might not be her body either.

Mahir's revelation reverberated through the room, stirring a mix of shock and hope among his companions.

Raghav:  Are __Aer you certain, Mahir?

Mahir: Absolutely. It wasn't him.

Bela : Veer will be so happy.  He is awake Mahir.

To be continued......

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