Poison ≫ jack gilinsky

Galing kay Wastedtears

146K 4.7K 2.3K

❝Loving him was like poison, an odd poison. Not one that killed me instantly, but one that slowly drained me... Higit pa

Title your Story Part
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
not an update!!!
chapter seventeen

chapter eighteen

5K 299 224
Galing kay Wastedtears


"welcome to Donnas Diner, what would you like" I asked in a fake, sweet voice.

"hmmm, you" the creepy middle aged man said.

"um, sorry but I'm not on the menu" I awkwardly laughed, not wanting to be in this situation.

"well maybe you should be" he said checking me out.

I felt someone walk up behind me, and I already knew who it was without having to turn around.

"hey, who the fuck do you think you are?" Jack said, getting right up in that mans face.

"Jack, not now" I said, trying to pull him back.

Almost everyone in the diner was looking at us and this was bad for business.

"I suggest you shut the fuck up and stop talking to my girl like that, if you can't do that then you should leave before I knock your teeth out"

"Jack" I said again, trying to tug him away.

"o-okay" the creepy ass man said, as he got up and almost tripped while tryna jog out the door.

"Was that necessary" I whisper-yelled at him.

"Sorry but I couldn't just sit there and watch that creep talk to you like that" he scoffed.

"If you can't control yourself then maybe you should leave!" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Leave? I'm not fucking leaving until your shift is over" he said as he bumped shoulders with me and walked back to his seat.

I sighed as I looked around the diner and saw that everyone was still staring.

I turned around and walk into the kitchen, not wanting to deal with the stares.


shit, it was Donna.

"Look I'm sorry about that, I know it's bad for business but I promise you that Jack won't ever do that again" I immediately started apologizing to Donna.

Her response shocked me.

"Don't worry honey" she smiled at me.

"What?" I asked clearly confused.

"I'm glad that your boyfriend did that, no man should ever talk to you in that way"

I sighed in relief.

"I was terrified you were gonna be mad"

"Why would I be mad" she laughed.

"Um and by the way Jack isn't my boyfriend" I said turning red.

Well it was true, yes I liked Jack and I'm pretty sure he felt the same about me and we've kissed a few times and he does call me his girl but that didn't mean jack and I were dating

"Oh he isn't? I just thought he was since he's been sitting here for 3 hours while you've been working and I've seen the way he's been looking at you, every time you go and take an order, he watches you and it almost looks like he's ready to jump up at any minute and take a bullet for you" she laughed, and then walked out.

I stood there for a bit, taking that in.

Smiling, I made my way back out to go take more orders.

I looked at Jack from the corner of my eye and I understood what Donna meant.

I probably looked like an idiot, standing there and smiling so I wiped that stupid smile off my face and got back to work.

-2 hours later-

It was now 10:27pm and Jack was driving me home, Jack and I hadn't talked much since that incident in the diner.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened. I know it was uncalled for and I let my anger get the best of me but I coul-" Jack finally spoke, breaking the silence. But I cut him off.

"Jack, shut up" I said laughing as he looked at me as if I had 5 heads.

"It's okay" I said smiling.

"Good, I thought you were mad at me"

"I'm not mad at you" I said, leaning over and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Wow that's all I get? A kiss on the cheek?" He scoffed.

Rolling my eyes I leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

Before he got any ideas I pulled away.

I looked up and saw the light had turned green.

"Jack, drive" I said as a few cars behind us started honking.

"Fuck, stop distracting me" he said jokingly as he drove off.

We reached my house in a few minutes and I thanked Jack for driving me home and I gave him a kiss on the cheek but of course he got all upset so I gave in and kissed his lips.

I was now in the shower humming some random tune.

I heard my phone buzz from the counter, indicating I received a text.

I grabbed my phone from the bathroom counter while I was in the shower since it wasn't a far distance.
I unlocked my phone and saw that Brooke had texted me

Some people think it's weird how I'm on my phone in the shower but I honestly don't get what's so weird, plus I have a water proof case.

From Brooke:
Hey, you're coming over tomorrow right?

Shit, I had almost forgotten for the second time.

To Brooke:
Yeah! But I'll only be able to hang out for a bit since my mom is coming home tmrw.

Putting my phone back onto the counter, I washed my hair and body and then got out and dried myself off and put on a oversized shirt to sleep in.


I arrived back at the house to find the guys huddled around and they were looking at a map.

Planning for tomorrow night, just thinking about it got me excited.

"Looks whose finally home" Nate said sarcastically.

"I had shit to deal with" I said as I hit him in the back of the head.

"you were with her again" Johnson smirked.

"Why are you all so fucking annoying" I muttered.

"That's enough ladies" Cameron said, as he walked out from the kitchen with a beer in his hand.

"Take a seat" he said motioning for me to sit down.

"Okay, so here the plan" Cameron started, getting straight into business.

"This is where the shipments going to be coming in" he said pointing to an area on the map, "and the only entrance is here but there's going to be guards there so I think we should go in two at a time, Johnson and Sam go in first, take out the gaurds and then stay to keep an eye out. Then Nate and Nash go in and you two go straight to the shipment, take out anyone who gets in your way, there's going to be at least 5 guys there, taking the shipment, they're not from The Lions or anything, they're just people that do their dirty work, you have to take them out. Then me and Jack and Matt will place the bomb and we all have less then 30 seconds to get out of there once the bomb is placed, so you better run as fast as you can once I give the signal"

We all nodded our heads.

"Jack, are you gonna tell your girl about this?" Cam asked looking over at me.

"Nope" I said, I didn't wanna tell her about this yet I didn't want her to be scared or worried.

"I think you should"

"It's my decision not yours so shut the fuck up" i said getting pissed.

"I was just saying" he said rolling his eyes.

I just simply ignored him.

"Oh and Jack don't fuck around, stick to the plan" Cameron said giving me a stern look.

"Don't worry about me" I said smirking as I leaned back.

I had something up my sleeve and Cameron wasn't gonna stop me from doing whatever the fuck I wanted, I wasn't going to ruin our plan or anything but I think the lions deserved a bit more then us just blowing up their shipment.


I was running through a forest and everything was blurry.

I was out of breath and I kept turning around every two seconds to make sure nobody was following me.

"I'm gonna get you" I heard a scary voice, it echoed off the trees.

Who was I running from.

I looked back once more and saw no one was behind me.

As I was running I knocked into a tree, or what I thought was a tree.

I fell back, my head hitting the ground hard.

Looking up I screamed as I saw Leo, the guy who had almost killed me in the forest.

He pulled me up by my hair.

"Oh you thought you could escape me?" He said smiling menacingly.

"N-no you're dead" I screamed in his face.

"You got it all wrong sweetheart, I'm not the one whose dead" he smirked in my face.

He forced me to turn my face around, and I saw Jacks dead lifeless body hanging from a tree by his hands.

"JACK" I screamed out, choking on my own tears trying to break free from Leos grip.

"You're next" he whispered in my ear.

I screamed out in pain as his grip on me tightened.

I could feel him shaking me.

"Arabella" he called out.

"Arabella! Holy shit Arabella!" I shot up from bed.

It was just a nightmare.

"remind me again to never come into your room to wake you up, you're creepy as fuck" I looked over to see Cara standing there with her hands on her hips.

"S-sorry" I stuttered, my throat was dry and I could feel the sweat on my body and my heart was pounding to the point where I was afraid it would pop out of my chest.

"Whatever" she said rolling her eyes.

"Why did you wake me up?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Moms home" she said, then she walked out of my room.

Taking a few deep breaths, I had calmed down enough so I could get out of bed.

Walking into my bathroom I brushed my teeth.

I was about to walk out of my bathroom but I decided to take a shower, I felt gross and sweaty after that nightmare.

I stepped into the shower and made sure to make it fast since I really wanted to see my mom.

I wrapped a towel around myself and walked over to my closet, I took out a pair of leggings and an oversized black and white flannel.

Slipping them on, I quickly dried my hair and put it into a high ponytail.

After I looked presentable I jogged down the stairs ecstatic to see my mom.

"Mom" I smiled as I saw her sitting on the couch with her laptop in her hand, probably doing something related to work.

"Hi honey" she said getting off the couch and pulling me in for a hug.

"I missed you" I said smiling.

"I missed you too"

"When are you going back to work?" I asked right away.

"Well you get straight to the point" she laughed, "in about two days".

I frowned, that was so short.

I examined my moms face, she looked tired. It wasn't fair how she was always at the hospital, doesn't the hospital care about her mental health at all?

"Let's watch a movie" she said quickly changing the subject, knowing I was upset.

- 6 hours later -

I was currently driving to Brooke's house.

My mom and me and Cara had spent the day watching a movie and we baked cookies which turned out to taste like shit because I put in way to much salt.

I was only aloud to stay at Brooke's for an hour or two.

I arrived at her house and took a deep breath, knowing I would have to tell Brooke about me and Jack.

Getting out of my car I walked up and knocked on the door.

Brooke immediately opened the door.

"Hey bitch" she said greeting me quickly and then running up the stairs to her room.

Shaking my head laughing, I locked the door and followed her up the stairs.

I collapsed onto her bed as she ran off downstairs to get us some chips.

She came back shortly and threw a bag of Doritos at me.

"Thanks" I mumbled catching them in one hand.

"So what's new?" She asked.

"N-nothing's new, why would you assume something's new?" I asked getting nervous. What if she already knew about me and Jack!

"Okay? I was just asking" she said giving me a weird look.

"Oh" I laughed as my face turned red.

Brooke went back to scrolling through her phone.

I looked at her biting her nails, this was eating me up. I had to tell her now, I had to rip the bandage off fast.

"I need to tell you something"

"Hmm?" She said, not looking up from her phone.

Taking a deep breath I said, "me and Jack are kind of together"

"wow that's so funny" she sarcastically said with a fake laugh.

She thought I was joking.

"No I'm serious"

She finally looked up from her phone and just stared at me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She said getting up and narrowing her eyes at me.

"Look Brooke I'm so-" I said getting up and trying to explain myself.

"No, listen to me. I was there when he broke your heart, I warned you not to get close to him but you didn't listen and now you went behind my back when I told you to not go near him again!" She said yelling.

"Brooke you don't understand" I said trying my best to stay calm.

"Then explain"

I stood there quiet, I wanted to explain everything to Brooke, about Leo and all the gang stuff so she could understand better but I couldn't.

"I can't" I mumbled looking down.

"That's what I thought" she scoffed.

"I can't believe you, I gave you another chance but you blew it" she bitterly said, as I stood there, tears threatening to escape my eyes, "I guess everyone was right about you"

"You are a whore who can't keep her legs shut" she smirked evilly.

And that's when the tears began to stream down my cheeks.

"Get the fuck out of my house" she said getting in my face.

I turned around and ran down the stairs and into my car.

I was still crying, I had just lost my best friend.

I sat there for a while silently sobbing to myself.

I pulled out my phone and went straight to my contacts.

I clicked on the name of the person who I knew would be there for me in a time like this.


It was currently 12:52am.

Me, Cameron and Matt were sitting in the car waiting for the signal for us to go in.

6 gunshots was the signal, so far we only heard 5.

I was praying those idiots hadn't fucked up.

Just as I was about to speak up my phone rang.

Pulling it out and I checked the caller ID and realized it was Bella.

"Don't answer that, you can deal with her later" Cameron said looking down at my phone.

Bitting my lip, I contemplated if I should answer or not.

What if she really needed me.

Finally I decided to answer.

Before I even got to speak I heard sniffling from the other end like someone was crying.

"Bella?" I asked concerned.

"Jack, can I come over?" And I was right, she was crying. My heart immediately sank.

"What's wrong babygirl?"

"I-i just need you right now" she whispered.

Fuck, I wasn't home right now and I couldn't exactly tell her where I was or what I was about to do, not when she was crying.

"I'm not home right now, but there's a key under the door mat. Unlock the door and go upstairs, my room is the 3rd to the left okay? I'll be home in a hour"

"Okay" she said, I could tell she wasn't crying now but she was still upset.

"Now wipe those tears off your face, you're too beautiful to be crying" I said, not even caring that Cam and Matt were in the car with me.

"Bye Jack" I finally heard her laugh from the other end.

I hung up and right then I heard the 6th gunshot.

I got out of the car and smirked, feeling the rush.

Matt, cam and I jogged to the entrance with our guns pulled out.

Sam and Johnson were at the enterance, like they were supposed to be with their guns out as well. Beside each of them were dead bodies.

I simply looked at the bodies and laughed, this kind of shit wasn't new to me i was used to it, I've been in the business for a while.

"You're clear to go, Nate said they took care of the other guys"

I nodded my head and made my to behind the building where the shipment was.

I spotted Nate and Nash and 4 bodies on the ground, but where was the 5th?

"I thought there were 5 guys?" I said looking at Nash confused.

"Oh there is" he said smirking.

I hadn't noticed before but there was a guy on the ground behind Nash, there was blood coming out of his leg, and he was holding it like he was in pain.

One of the guys probably shot him.

"He's all yours" Nate said laughing.

I looked down at him and smirked.

Grabbing him by his shirt I pulled him up.

I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Today's your lucky day" I said, the dark side of me taking over.

"I need you to deliver a message for me, can you do that?" I asked even though I wasn't gonna take no for an answer.

He nodded his head probably too afraid to even speak.

"Tell your little friends that they don't know what they got themselves into, they can fuck with me all I want but once you get my girl involved that's where I draw the line. If they thought I was pissed before they should see me now. Tell them I'm giving them one last warning to get the fuck out of my town or they won't even see what hit them"

By now this dude was shaking and I'm surprised he hasn't pissed his pants by now.

"Now go before I change my mind and blow your brains out" I said pushing him away.

I chuckled as he ran, well I should say limped to the enterance.

"Jack what the fuck did I say about fucking around" Cameron groaned.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just having a little fun. Now we lets blow this shit up and get the hell out of here" I said rolling my eyes.

"The bombs ready" I heard Matt call out.

"Ready boys?" I said smirking at them.

They all nodded their heads laughing.

"Run on the count of 3" Matt called out once more.

"1, 2, 3"

And then we were out of there, we had 30 seconds to get the fuck out of this place or we would end up dead.

I ran to my car and opened the door and hopped into the drivers seat.

Cam and Matt hopped in as well.

I looked over to see the rest of the gang pulling out.

I followed behind them and a second later I heard a big explosion.

Looking back I smirked as I saw their shipment all blown up and on fire.

Matt and cam laughed and high fived each other.

"Nice job" cam said, patting my shoulder.

I laughed as well,

If the lions thought this was the worst damage I could do, they were dumb.

This was just the beginning.


I arrived at Jacks house, he had texted me the address.

It was pretty big, maybe even bigger than mine.

I hopped out of the car and checked for the key under the door mat

I unlocked the door and looked around, this place was beautiful.

I slowly walked up the stairs taking this all in.

I turned left once I made it up and spotted the 3rd door.

I opened the door and this wasn't really what I expected Jacks room to look like.

I thought it would be more messier but it was clean.

The walls were painted a grey colour and he had a huge bed in the middle as well as a flat screen tv.

I flopped onto his bed and cuddled up to a pillow, this is what I did a lot when I was upset.

I had stopped crying but there was still a lump in my throat.

A tear escaped my eye and I quickly wiped it away, I was such a cry baby.

I closed my eyes, deciding to take a little nap and maybe it would help me forget about tonight.

I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was out.

You all probably hate me rn but I had major writers block and I literally rewrote this chapter a million times and I didn't like it so I kept editing!!!! I didn't wanna put out something crappy for you all!!!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THESE COMMENTS AND VOTES AND READS ILY OMF
75+ votes, 25 comments for the next chapter?!!😊

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